Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples
This is a plotting function for results of genomewide association studies (GWAS). It creates, for a list of SNPs (usually peak SNPs), regional plots for a given window size around these SNPs. These regional plots contain one or more p-value graphs (can plot multiple GWAS result datasets at once, e.g. for phenotypic comparisons), gene information, LD between SNPs from the GWAS and information about rare variants when available (e.g. resequencing studies). Most of the function parameters can be left at its defaults.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | regionalplot(
window.size = 1000000,
biomart.config = biomartConfigs$hsapiens,
use.buffer = FALSE,
plot.genes = TRUE,
draw.snpname = "auto",
ld.options = list(
gts.source = 2,
max.snps.per.window = 200,
rsquare.min = 0.2,
show.rsquare.text = FALSE
var.options = NULL,
out.format = list(
file = "pdf", = "auto",
global.scale = "auto",
paper.height = 11.7,
paper.width = 8.3
max.logp = FALSE,
cores = 1,
ytracks = ytracks.regionalplot,
panel.add = function(...) return(NULL)
snps |
data frame. Has to contain a column named "SNP" containing rs ids. For each SNP, a plot panel showing a region centered around the SNP is drawn. |
gwas.datasets |
One or more GWAS datasets. Several formats are accepted. Reads GenABEL, GEMMA, FAsTLMM or PLINK formats, or a default format containing columns 'SNP' and 'P' and optionally 'CHR' and 'BP'. The dataset can be passed as a filename (character argument) or a data frame containing the appropriate columns. For GenABEL, can also be a scan-gwaa object. Then, the P1df slot is used to provide p-values. For a PLINK file, only a single analysis model should be contained (e.g. one of DOM, REC, GENO). The SNP identifers used and 'CHR' column values should match ENSEMBL biomart conventions. Can also be multiple datasets wrapped in a (preferrably named) list. When multiple datasets are supplied, they may have a different SNP content, but positions have to match (will be checked). |
window.size |
integer(1). the total window size that defines the region to plot (i.e. window.size / 2 to each side of the query SNP) |
biomart.config |
list. Contains values that are needed for biomaRt connection and data retrieval (i.e. dataset name, attribute and filter names for SNPs and genes). This is organism specific. Normally, a predefined list from |
use.buffer |
boolean. When TRUE, buffers downloaded annotation data in the four variables |
plot.genes |
boolean. Disables or enables gene/exon data track. When enabled (TRUE), genes are drawn and SNP and region positions will be mapped to match gene positions. Only genes with existing names are plotted. |
draw.snpname |
can be FALSE, "auto", or a custom data frame. When "auto", identifiers of all query SNP are drawn into the plots in a default manner. When FALSE, nothing is drawn. Can also be a data frame specifying a custom layout and text, see 'Details'. |
ld.options |
when NULL, LD track is omitted. Otherwise, takes a list with the following elements to draw an LD track in the plot:
var.options |
when NULL, does not plot rare variants. Otherwise, a track with allele frequencies of additional variants e.g. from a resequencing project is drawn. Takes an argument list with the following elements:
out.format |
a list. Specifies a file format and medium size for saving the plot. Can also be NULL to not write a file (print to default device). List elements are:
max.logp |
numeric or FALSE. Threshold for the smallest p-value exponent (in -log, e.g. '12') to be shown on the y axis. When FALSE, y axis size corresponds to the minimum p-value found in gwas.datasets. Default is FALSE. |
cores |
integer. When > 1, uses multiple threads to calculate LD information. Requires the package 'parallel' to be installed when > 1. Consumes a multiplicity of memory according to number parallel processes started. WORKS CURRENTLY ONLY ON LINUX SYSTEMS. Default is 1 (multithreading deactivated) |
ytracks |
a function. See 'examples' and |
panel.add |
a function. See 'details'. |
This plotting tool has been specifically designed with use of lattice graphics to be able to produce a large number of plots at the same time (e.g. set a false discovery rate threshold and plot the best dozens or hundred SNPs of a study). When plotting a larger number of regions, you might want to select only SNPs at a certain distance between each other. The accompanying function 'removeNeighborSNPs' automatically selects those with the highest P value (if existent) within a specified window (does also work without supplying P value or position data). Via custom panel functions, it offers the opportunity to insert custom graphics or tracks, though it requires some effort to reserve the required space (see examples). It is further possible to manipulate the returned trellis object. What has additionally been proven quite useful is the ability to create pdf documents and search them for certain genes or SNPs.
Contents and construction of the data tracks in the plot:
LD is calculated and visualized between SNPs contained in the region (i.e. occuring in any of the supplied gwas.datasets), given that genotype data exists. Genotypes are fetched by SNP rs ID, thus there is no need to consider position information or mapping (neither by HapMap nor ped/map retrieval). The LD is displayed using the commonly known red traingles, where the color intensity (using alpha transparency) scales linearily with the r^2 value of correlation between two SNPs. The actual LD calculation uses the (r2fast
function of GenABEL). The color scale starts at the rsquare.min parameter an ends at 1.
Genes that have a HGNC symbol assigned (more precisely, when a value exists for the biomart.config$gene$attr$name field in biomart) are plotted as green arrows, where the direction corresponds to the strand (i.e. the arrow head corresponds to the 3' end'). When exon information is available, exons are drawn as black rectangles. This is determined by any($exon)))
, thus when a single biomart.config$exon parameter is set to NA, exon information will neither be retrieved nor drawn except for when the buffer variable exons.regionalplot
exists and use.buffer
is set to TRUE.
When a vcf file with additional variants is available, its contents can be visualized in a separate track. Basically, a dotted line marking the position and an allele frequency histogram is plotted, and optionally the identifier and position number as text above (decided by the 'details' parameter). When two files are specified, comparative allele frequencies are drawn between the two datasets using arrows starting at the allele frequency of the second file and pointing towards the frequency value of the first file in a histogram-like style. Make sure that both files use the same reference allele (otherwise frequencies are not comparable). Variants that are only represented in one dataset will be set to frequency zero in the second dataset.
For each SNP in the pvalue graph, a text annotation can be set. When draw.snpname = "auto", the identifier of the query SNP will be plotted. Custom layout specification can be done by supplying a data frame with columns 'snps' (determining a SNP ID as occuring in one of the pval files), 'text' (the text to be drawn), 'angle' (the connector line angle and label position in degree, where 0 degree is right to the SNPs p-value position, 90 is above and so on), 'length' (the length of the connector line, in multiples of the default), and 'cex' (the size of the text and line width. Currently, only a single value (the lowest) of the column is used for all labels.)
Definition of a custom track is shown in the examples section.
Configuring biomart:
SNP, gene and exon data is retrieved from biomart. A list that specifies the needed attribute and filter values in biomart has to be given as a parameter to the regionalplot function. For a large number of organisms, the configuration data is predefined (see also biomartConfigs
). The available species can be listed by stating names(postgwas::biomartConfigs). All necessary fields in that list can be seen by stating names(unlist(biomartConfigs$hsapiens))
. The values of these elements can be changed as long as they are valid in the corresponding biomart database. For example, setting postgwas::biomartConfigs$gene$attr$name <- "uniprot_swissprot_accession"
will plot accession numbers instead of gene symbols. The listAttributes
function from the biomart package can be used to display valid field names. For some organisms, exon information is not available by definition. When one of the 'exon' attribute elements is set to NA, exon information will be ignored.
Using buffer data (custom data):
Most functions in the whole package are able to store downloaded data in buffer variables. This process and how to access them is described in postgwasBuffer
. This is useful when the same plot (i.e. function call) is repeated several times with different graphical parameters, because the buffered data can be re-used then, which saves bandwith and computation time. In addition, it is possible to look up specific values in the buffer data or alter them, e.g. inserting a newly discovered or hypothetical gene (see examples). It is also possible to completely replace that data with custom or previously downloaded data when some online resources are not available. Remember to keep the buffer data current when plotting new/different regions and having use.buffer = TRUE.
When talking about (matching) base positions there is much to consider. These vary between genome assemblies, and the regionalplot function tries to handles them automatically whenever possible. In short, we have the following scenarios:
Genes are not plotted: Base positions are directly used from the GWAS result files. Positions are checked to be the same within all GWAS result files. If this is not the case, the accompanying function bm.remapSnps can be used to create new files with synchronized base positions.
Genes are plotted with automatic retrieval: Base positions are used from the GWAS result files to construct the regions, but are shifted afterwards to the base positions of the current ENSEMBL assembly (or the one given in the biomart.config argument). SNP positions that cannot be annotated this way are estimated by the offset of the closest annotated SNP. This allows the usage of SNPs in the GWAS that are not contained in dbSNP or biomart (except for the query SNPs itself).
Genes are plotted with employment of custom buffer data: The approach is the same as above, but the position concordance is within the responsibility of the user by supplying correct buffer data.
Drawing SNP names or custom text: The data frame that has to be supplied to draw.snpname requires five columns named 'snps', 'text', 'angle', 'length' and 'cex'. The contents of these columns are self-explaining, 'snps' has to identify the snp at which to draw the text (by rs-id as in the gwas.dataset), angle and length determine the connector line shape, and the 'text' argument is actually drawn. The character size factor 'cex' has to be identical for all SNPs (rows of the data frame). See the examples.
Finally, note that when a low SNP denistiy GWAS result file is used for plotting, the pvalue graph might be truncated at one or both sides of the graph. This is a natural effect because the graph line ends at the last SNP contained within the window border.
A trellis object. As a side effect, a file is generated in the working directory named regionalplot1.* (numbered consecutively). When an LD track is generated from HapMap data or LINKAGE files, the retrieved genotype data will further be stored in files regionalplot.phe, regionalplot.gwaa,, regionalplot.ped.
, bm.remapSnps
, getGenotypes
, removeNeighborSnps
, ytracks.regionalplot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 | # base parameter:
# for each region, a centered SNP has to be be defined
# and a GWAS resultfile for pvalue graph(s)
snps <- data.frame(SNP = c("rs4438106", "rs279565"))
gwas.datasets = system.file(
c("example.gwas1", "example.gwas2"),
package = "postgwas"
## Not run:
# simple example showing genes and LD
# uses online database retrieval
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets
# this saves all downloaded data in buffer variables (given they do not yet exist)
# repeated execution (with use.buffer = TRUE) will then use the buffer data
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE
## End(Not run)
# now plot using buffer data
# further, set custom SNP annotation text
# LD is now calculated from ped / map files
# and stored in the buffer variable (postgwas.buffer.ld.regionalplot)
pedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.ped.xz", package = "postgwas")
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE,
draw.snpname = data.frame(
snps = c("rs279565", "rs15750"),
text = c("rs279565", "this is some custom \n annotation text for SNP rs15750"),
angle = c(20, 110),
length = c(1, 2),
cex = c(0.8)
ld.options = list(gts.source = pedfile),
out.format = NULL # do not write a pdf file - remove this line to do so
# we can extract data or manipulate (customize) the buffer
genes.buffer <- getPostgwasBuffer()$genes.regionalplot
# remove the ARPC4-TTLL3 gene (is then not plotted in the next example)
genes.regionalplot = genes.buffer[genes.buffer$hgnc_symbol != "ARPC4-TTLL3", ]
# it is possible to draw in the plot by defining a custom panel function
# e.g. draw a transcriptional cassette
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE,
panel.add = function(...) {
xright = 46550000,
xleft = 46800000,
ytop = -1,
ybottom = -4
ld.options = list(gts.source = pedfile),
out.format = NULL
# same plots plus rare variants, filtering for de novo variants ('.')
reseq.file <- system.file("extdata", "example.vcf.gz", package = "postgwas")
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE,
var.options = list(
vcf = list(
file = reseq.file,
remap.positions = FALSE
), = c(":"), = list(EFF = "HIGH", EFF = "MODERATE", EFF = "LOW")
# remove this argument or set file = "pdf" to plot to a file
out.format = list(file = NULL, = 2, global.scale = 1.2)
# comparative frequencies with two different resequencing datasets
# this is an experimental feature:
# currently does not work correctly when minor allele is different between the datasets!
# also, exclude variants with MAF < 0.4 (is applied to both datasets)
reseq.file2 <- system.file("extdata", "example2.vcf.gz", package = "postgwas")
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE,
var.options = list(
vcf = list(
file = reseq.file,
remap.positions = FALSE
file = reseq.file2,
remap.positions = FALSE, = data.frame(CHR = 1:23, CHR.VCF = paste("chr", 1:23, sep = ""))
), = c("rs622349", "rs1123078", "rs4965603", "rs878099", "rs7170610"), = list(AF = "."), = c(AF=40)
# do not write a pdf file - remove this line to do so
out.format = NULL
# this adds a complete custom data track
# function to reserve space in the panel
ytracks <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
tracks.original <- ytracks.regionalplot(...)
"cust" = list(
ysize = args$ylim.upper * 0.5,
yspace = args$ylim.upper * 0.1,
ystart = -(sum(tracks.original$ysize, tracks.original$yspace) + args$ylim.upper * 0.1),
ystop = -(sum(tracks.original$ysize, tracks.original$yspace) + args$ylim.upper * 0.6),
name = "custom track"
# panel function that print some random data points in that track area
panel.add <- function(...) {
# get the x and y bounds from the function arguments
ystart <- list(...)$y.tracks["cust", "ystart"]
ysize <- list(...)$y.tracks["cust", "ysize"]
xstart <- list(...)$region.startbp
xstop <- list(...)$region.endbp
xstart + (xstop - xstart) / 2,
ystart - ysize / 2,
"custom track with random data",
cex = list(...)$global.scale
x = runif(20, min = xstart, max = xstart + (xstop - xstart)),
y = jitter(rep(ystart - ysize / 2, 20), factor = ysize / 2)
# we additionally apply custom out.format parameters
# to scale the panels to a quadratic shape
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = gwas.datasets,
use.buffer = TRUE,
ytracks = ytracks,
panel.add = panel.add,
ld.options = list(
gts.source = pedfile,
max.snps.per.window = 10,
show.rsquare.text = TRUE
out.format = list(file = NULL, = 2, global.scale = 1.2)
## Not run:
# an example using a different organism and smaller window size
# we have no LD database, but LD plot could be supplied with custom ped/mapfiles
snps <- data.frame(SNP = c("s15-470734", "s04-1462081"))
pval.file = system.file("extdata", "example.gwas3.xz", package = "postgwas")
snps = snps,
gwas.datasets = pval.file,
window.size = 15000,
ld.options = NULL,
biomart.config = biomartConfigs$scerevisiae
## End(Not run)
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