Defines functions DS.trajectory DS.station.pca DS.mixedeof DS.list DS.eof DS.pca DS.field DS.comb DS.station DS.default DS test.ds.field

Documented in DS DS.comb DS.default DS.eof DS.field DS.list DS.pca DS.station DS.station.pca DS.trajectory test.ds.field

#' Test function for DS.field
#' @param x a \code{ds} \code{eof} object
#' @param verbose a boolean; if TRUE print information on progress
#' @return a \code{field} object with the difference between the original field and the field
#' reconstructed from the independent downscaled principle components from cross-validation
#' @export test.ds.field
test.ds.field <- function(x,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('fieldtest')
  stopifnot (inherits(x,'eof') & inherits(x,'ds'))
  if (verbose) print(colnames(attr(x,'evaluation')))
  isel <- is.element(colnames(attr(x,'evaluation')),paste('X.PCA',1:dim(x)[2],sep='.'))
  eof1 <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,isel]
  isel <- is.element(colnames(attr(x,'evaluation')),paste('Z.PCA',1:dim(x)[2],sep='.'))
  eof2 <- attr(x,'evaluation')[,isel]
  if (verbose) {str(eof1); print(names(attributes(x)))}
  attr(eof1,'variable') <- varid(x)
  attr(eof1,'unit') <- unit(x)
  attr(eof1,'longname') <- attr(x,'longname')
  attr(eof1,'pattern') <- attr(x,'pattern')
  attr(eof1,'eigenvalues') <- attr(x,'eigenvalues')
  attr(eof1,'dimensions') <- c(dim(attr(x,'evaluate'))[1],dim(attr(x,'pattern'))[3])
  attr(eof1,'mean') <- attr(x,'mean')
  attr(eof1,'longitude') <- lon(x)
  attr(eof1,'latitude') <- lat(x)
  attr(eof1,'max.autocor') <- attr(x,'max.autocor')
  attr(eof1,'eigenvalues') <- attr(x,'eigenvalues')
  attr(eof1,'sum.eigenv') <- attr(x,'sum.eigenv')
  attr(eof1,'tot.var') <- attr(x,'tot.var')
  attr(eof1,'aspect') <- 'anomaly'
  attr(eof1,'dimnames') <- NULL   # REB 2016-03-04
  class(eof1) <- c("eof",class(x))[3:6]
  eof2 <- attrcp(eof1,eof2)
  class(eof2) <- c("eof",class(x))[3:6]
  if (verbose) print(c(dim(eof1),dim(eof2)))
  if (verbose) print('estimated EOFs - now get the fields..')
  x1 <- as.field(eof1)
  x2 <- as.field(eof2)
  if (verbose) print(c(dim(x1),dim(x2)))
  coredata(x1) <- coredata(x1 - x2)
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp()
  attr(x,'info') <- 'original - downscaled'

#' Downscale
#' Identifies statistical relationships between large-scale spatial climate
#' patterns and local climate variations for monthly and daily data series.
#' The function calibrates a linear regression model using step-wise screening
#' and common EOFs (\code{\link{EOF}}) as basis functions. It then valuates the
#' statistical relationship and predicts the local climate parameter from
#' predictor fields.
#' The function is a S3 method that Works with ordinary EOFs, common EOFs
#' (\code{\link{combine}}) and mixed-common EOFs.  DS can downscale results for
#' a single station record as well as a set of stations. There are two ways to
#' apply the downscaling to several stations; either by looping through each
#' station and caryying out the DS individually or by using \code{\link{PCA}}
#' to describe the characteristics of the whole set. Using PCA will preserve
#' the spatial covariance seen in the past. It is also possible to compute the
#' PCA prior to carrying out the DS, and use the method \code{DS.pca}.
#' \code{DS.pca} differs from the more generic \code{DS} by (default) invoking
#' different regression modules (\code{link{MVR}} or \code{\link{CCA}}).
#' The rationale for using mixed-common EOFs is that the coupled structures
#' described by the mixed-field EOFs may have a more physical meaning than EOFs
#' of single fields [Benestad et al. (2002), "Empirically downscaled
#' temperature scenarios for Svalbard", \emph{Atm. Sci. Lett.},
#' doi.10.1006/asle.2002.0051].
#' The function \code{DS()} is a generic routine which in principle works for
#' when there is any real statistical relationship between the predictor and
#' predictand. The predictand is therefore not limited to a climate variable,
#' but may also be any quantity affected by the regional climate. \emph{It is
#' important to stress that the downscaling model must reflect a
#' well-understood (physical) relationship.}
#' The routine uses a step-wise regression (step) using the leading EOFs. The
#' calibration is by default carried out on de-trended data [ref: Benestad
#' (2001), "The cause of warming over Norway in the ECHAM4/OPYC3 GHG
#' integration", \emph{Int. J. Clim.}, 15 March, \bold{vol 21}, p.371-387.].
#' \code{DS.list} can take a list of predictors and perform a \code{DS} on each
#' of them, seperately, at once. First, \code{DS} is used on the first
#' predictor, then, it is repeated by applying \code{DS} on the residuals from
#' the first step. The DS is repeated for all predictors. The final DS output
#' is list containing as many \code{DS} object as the number of predictors. To
#' get the final DS object, a summation of the different values in the list
#' data object must be done.
#' \code{DS.seasonalcycle} is an experimental set-up where the calibration is
#' carried out based on the similarity of the seasonal variation to make most
#' use of available information on a 'worst-case' basis, taking the upper limit
#' view that at most, all the seasonal cycle is connected to the corresponding
#' seasonal cycle in the predictor. See Benestad (2009) 'On Tropical Cyclone
#' Frequency and the Warm Pool Area' Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 635-645,
#' 2009
#' \url{http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/9/635/2009/nhess-9-635-2009.html}.
#' The function \code{biasfix} provides a type of 'bias correction' based on
#' the method \code{\link{diagnose}} which estimates the difference in the mean
#' for the PCs of the calibration data and GCMs over a common period in
#' addition to the ratio of standard deviations and lag-one autocorrelation.
#' This 'bias correction' is described in Imbert and Benestad (2005),
#' \emph{Theor. Appl. Clim.} \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00704-005-0133-4}.
#' @aliases DS DS.default DS.station DS.station.pca DS.list DS.eof DS.comb
#' DS.field DS.t2m.month.field DS.t2m.season.field DS.precip.season.field
#' DS.freq DS.spell DS.pca DS.seasonalcycle DS.trajectory DS.mvcomb
#' @seealso biasfix sametimescale
#' @importFrom stats predict var
#' @importFrom utils str 
#' @param y The predictand - the station series representing local climate
#' parameter
#' @param X The predictor - an \code{\link{EOF}} object or a list of
#' \code{\link{EOF}} objects representing the large-scale situation.
#' @param method Model type, e.g. \code{\link{lm}} og \code{\link{glm}}
#' @param swsm Stepwise screening, e.g. \code{\link{step}}. NULL skips stepwise
#' screening
#' @param rmtrend TRUE for detrending the predicant and predictors (in the PCs)
#' before calibrating the model
#' @param it a time index e.g., a range of years (c(1979,2010)) or a month or season ("dec" or "djf")
#' @param ip Which EOF modes to include in the model training.
#' @param plot TRUE: plot the results
#' @param verbose TRUE: suppress output to the terminal.
#' @param m passed on to \code{\link{crossval}}. A NULL value suppresses the
#' cross-validation, e.g. for short data series.
#' @param weighted TRUE: use the attribute '\code{error.estimate}' as weight
#' for the regresion analysis.
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @return The downscaling analysis returns a time series representing the
#' local climate, patterns of large-scale anomalies associated with this,
#' ANOVA, and analysis of residuals. Care must be taken when using this routine
#' to infer local scenarios: check the R2 and p-values to check wether the
#' calibration yielded an appropriate model. It is also important to examine
#' the spatial structures of the large-scale anomalies assocaiated with the
#' variations in the local climate: do these patterns make physical sense?
#' It is a good idea to check whether there are any structure in the residuals:
#' if so, then a linear model for the relationship between the large and
#' small-scale structures may not be appropriate. It is furthermore important
#' to experiment with predictors covering different regions [ref: Benestad
#' (2001), "A comparison between two empirical downscaling strategies",
#' \emph{Int. J. Climatology}, \bold{vol 21}, Issue 13, pp.1645--1668. DOI
#' 10.1002/joc.703].
#' There is a cautionary tale for how the results can be misleading if the
#' predictor domain in not appropriate: domain for northern Europe used for
#' sites in Greenland [ref: Benestad (2002), "Empirically downscaled
#' temperature scenarios for northern Europe based on a multi-model ensemble",
#' \emph{Climate Research}, \bold{vol 21 (2)}, pp.105--125.
#' \url{http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/cr/v21/n2/index.html}]
#' @author R.E. Benestad
#' @keywords models multivariate ts spatial
#' @examples
#' # One exampe doing a simple ESD analysis:
#' X <- t2m.DNMI(lon=c(-40,50),lat=c(40,75))
#' data(Oslo)
#' #X <- OptimalDomain(X,Oslo)
#' eof <- EOF(X,it='jan')
#' Y <- DS(Oslo,eof)
#' plot(Y, new=FALSE)
#' str(Y)
#' # Look at the residual of the ESD analysis
#' y <- as.residual(Y)
#' plot.zoo(y,new=FALSE)
#' # Check the residual: dependency to the global mean temperature?
#' T2m <- t2m.DNMI()
#' yT2m <- merge.zoo(y,T2m)
#' plot(coredata(yT2m[,1]),coredata(yT2m[,2]))
#' # Example: downscale annual wet-day mean precipitation -calibrate over
#' # part of the record and use the other part for evaluation.
#' T2M <- as.annual(t2m.DNMI(lon=c(-10,30),lat=c(50,70)))
#' cal <- subset(T2M,it=c(1948,1980))
#' pre <- subset(T2M,it=c(1981,2013))
#' comb <- combine(cal,pre)
#' X <- EOF(comb)
#' data(bjornholt)
#' y <- as.annual(bjornholt,FUN="exceedance")
#' z <- DS(y,X)
#' plot(z, new=FALSE)
#' ## Example on using common EOFs as a framework for the downscaling:
#' lon <- c(-12,37)
#' lat <- c(52,72)
#' ylim <- c(-6,6)
#' t2m <- t2m.DNMI(lon=lon,lat=lat)
#' T2m <- t2m.NorESM.M(lon=lon,lat=lat)
#' data(Oslo)
#' X <- combine(t2m,T2m)
#' eof <- EOF(X,it='Jul')
#' ds <- DS(Oslo,eof)
#' plot(ds)
#' ## Example downscaling statistical parameters: mean and standard deviation
#' ## using different predictors
#' data(ferder)
#' t2m <- t2m.DNMI(lon=c(-30,50),lat=c(40,70))
#' slp <- slp.NCEP(lon=c(-30,50),lat=c(40,70))
#' T2m <- as.4seasons(t2m)
#' SLP <- as.4seasons(slp)
#' X <- EOF(T2m,it='Jan')
#' Z <- EOF(SLP,it='Jan')
#' y <- ferder
#' sametimescale(y,X) -> z
#' ym <- as.4seasons(y,FUN="mean")
#' ys <- as.4seasons(y,FUN="sd")
#' dsm <- DS(ym,X)
#' plot(dsm)
#' dss <- DS(ys,Z)
#' plot(dss)
#' ## Example for downscaling with missing data
#' data(Oslo)
#' dnmi <- t2m.DNMI(lon=c(-10,20),lat=c(55,65))
#' y <- subset(Oslo,it='jan')
#' X <- EOF(subset(dnmi,it='jan'))
#' ds <- DS(y,X)
#' plot(ds) # Looks OK
#' # Now we replace some values of y with missing data:
#' y2 <- y
#' set2na <- order(rnorm(length(y)))[1:50]
#' y2[set2na] <- NA
#' ds2 <- DS(y2,X)
#' plot(ds2) 
#' ## Use downscale results to fill in missing data:
#' y3 <- predict(ds2,newdata=X)
#' ## Plot a subset of y based on dates in predicted y3
#' plot(subset(y,it=range(index(y3))),col='grey80',lwd=4,map.show=FALSE)
#' points(as.station(predict(ds2)))
#' # The downscaled 
#' lines(y3,lty=2)
#' @export
DS <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,it=NULL,
               method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,weighted=TRUE,...) UseMethod("DS")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
DS.default <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,it=NULL,
                       method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,weighted=TRUE,...) {
  if (verbose) print('DS.default')
  if (verbose) {print('index(y)'); print(index(y))}
  if (verbose) {print(class(y)); print(class(X))}
  swapped <- FALSE
  if ( inherits(y,c("eof")) & inherits(X,c("station"))) {
    if (verbose) print('SWAP y & X')
    yy <- X
    X <- y
    y <- yy
    swapped <- TRUE
  stopifnot(!missing(y),!missing(X), is.matrix(X),
  if(!inherits(X,c("eof","pca"))) X <- EOF(X)
  if (class(index(y)) != (class(index(X)))) {
    warning(paste('DS.default: different indices:', class(index(y)),class(index(X))))
    if (is.numeric(index(y))) index(X) <- year(X)
    if (is.numeric(index(X))) index(y) <- year(y)
  y0 <- y
  X0 <- X
  ip <- ip[ip <= length(attr(X,'eigenvalues'))]
  if (verbose) {print(paste(sum(!is.finite(coredata(y))),'missing values in y'))}
  if (verbose)  {print('index and y before removing missing values:'); print(zoo(y))}
  y <- subset(y,it=is.finite(coredata(y)))
  W <- attr(X,'eigenvalues')
  cls <- c(class(y)[1],class(X))
  if (verbose) print('Ensure matching time scale')
  if (verbose) {print('index(y) before sametimescale:'); print(index(y))}
  y <- sametimescale(y,X,verbose=verbose)
  ## REB is needed to ensure that y is annual if X is annual
  #if (verbose) {print('index(y) after sametimescale:'); print(index(y))}
  #if (verbose) print('Match dates')
  y <- matchdate(y,X,verbose=verbose) ##
  #if (verbose) {print('index(y) after matchdate'); print(index(y))}
  X <- matchdate(X,y,verbose=verbose) # REB 2015-01-14
  if (verbose) {print("index(y) & index(X) after synch:");
    print(index(y)); print(index(X))}
  if (!is.null(it)) y <- subset(y,it=it)
  ## synchronise the series: use the 'zoo' merge function through combine:
  ##print(index(y)[1:24]); print(index(X)[1:24]);
  #yX <- combine.station.eof(y,X)
  #y <- yX$y; X <- yX$X
  X0 <- X; y0 <- y
  #year <- as.numeric( format(index(y), '%Y') ) 
  #month <- as.numeric( format(index(y), '%m') )
  year <- year(y)
  month <- month(y)
  ##print(length(y)); print(table(year)); print(table(month))
  ## De-trend the data used for model calibration:
  if (rmtrend) {
    if (verbose) print('detrend')
    offset <- mean(y,na.rm=TRUE)
    y <- trend(y,result="residual")
    offset <- offset - mean(y,na.rm=TRUE)
    X <- trend(X,result="residual")
  } else offset <- 0
  ##str(y); print(class(y))
  ## REB: 2014-10-03: add weights if available
  weights <- rep(1,length(y))
  if (!is.null(attr(y,'standard.error'))) {
    if (sum(is.finite(attr(y,'standard.error')))>0) weights <- 1/coredata(attr(y,'standard.error'))
    weights[!is.finite(weights)] <- 0
    if (is.null(attr(y,'standard.error'))) weighted <- FALSE
    if (verbose) {print(paste('weights',weighted)); print(weights)}
  ##if (length(index(X)) == length(index(y)))
  caldat <- data.frame(y=coredata(y),X=as.matrix(coredata(X)),
  predat <- data.frame(X=as.matrix(coredata(X0)))
  colnames(predat) <- paste("X",1:ncol(predat),sep=".")#length(colnames(predat)),sep=".")
  if (is.null(names(X))) names(X) <- 1:dim(X)[2]
  Xnames <- paste("X.",1:length(names(X)),sep="")
  colnames(caldat) <- c("y",Xnames,'weights')
  Xnames <- Xnames[ip]
  ## REB 2014-10-03:
  if (weighted) {
    calstr <- paste(method,"(y ~ ",paste(Xnames,collapse=" + "),
                    ", weights=weights, data=caldat, ...)",sep="") 
  } else {
    calstr <- paste(method,"(y ~ ",paste(Xnames,collapse=" + "),
                    ", data=caldat, ...)",sep="")
  MODEL <- eval(parse(text=calstr))
  FSUM <- summary(MODEL)
  if (verbose) print(FSUM)
  ## Stepwise regression
  if (!is.null(swsm)) {
    cline <- paste("model <- ",swsm,"(MODEL,trace=0)",sep="")
  } else {
    model <- MODEL
  terms1 <- attr(model$terms,'term.labels')
  if (verbose) print(summary(model))
  fsum <- summary(model)
  COEFS <- FSUM$coefficients
  COEFS[,1] <- 0; 
  COEFS[,2:4] <- NA; 
  TERMS <- attr(FSUM$terms,'term.labels')
  terms <- attr(fsum$terms,'term.labels')
  ii <- is.element(attr(COEFS,"dimnames")[[1]],attr(coefs,"dimnames")[[1]])
  COEFS[ii,1] <- coefs[,1]
  COEFS[ii,2] <- coefs[,2]
  COEFS[ii,3] <- coefs[,3]
  COEFS[ii,4] <- coefs[,4]
  if (verbose) print('predict')
  ds <- zoo(predict(model,newdata=predat),order.by=index(X)) + offset
  dc <- dim(COEFS)
  U <- attr(X,'pattern'); du <- dim(U)
  ### REB 2015-01-19: Also allow for patterns consisting of vectors - weights of mixed predictors
  ### See DS.list.
  if (verbose) {print('pattern dimension'); print(du); str(U)}
  if (length(du)==3) dim(U) <- c(du[1]*du[2],du[3]) else
    if (length(du)==2) du <- c(1,du)
  if (!is.null(du)) {
    pattern <- t(COEFS[2:dc[1],1]) %*%
      diag(attr(X,'eigenvalues')[ip]) %*% t(U[,ip])
    dim(pattern) <- c(du[1],du[2]) 
  } else pattern <- c(COEFS[2:dc[1],1]) * attr(X,'eigenvalues')[ip]
  if (verbose) {
    print('set attibutes')
  ## Make sure that predictions have the same index class (time units) as the original data 
  if (class(index(ds)) != class(index(y0))) {
    ## For annual data:
    if ( (class(index(ds))=='Date') & (class(index(y0))=='numeric') & inherits(y0,'annual') ) 
      index(ds) <- year(index(ds))
    if ( (class(index(ds))=='numeric') & (class(index(y0))=='Date') & inherits(y0,'annual') ) 
      index(ds) <- as.Date(paste(index(ds),'01-01',sep='-'))
  ds <- attrcp(y0,ds,ignore='names')
  pattern <- attrcp(X0,pattern,ignore=c('longitude','latitude','names','dimnames'))
  caldat <- zoo(as.matrix(caldat),order.by=index(X))
  if (verbose) print('Set attributes')
  attr(caldat,'calibration_expression') <- calstr
  attr(caldat,'stepwise_screening') <- swsm
  attr(ds,'calibration_data') <- caldat
  attr(ds,'fitted_values') <- zoo(fitted(model) + offset,order.by=index(X))
  attr(ds,'original_data') <- y0
  r2 <- var(coredata(fitted(model)))/var(y,na.rm=TRUE)
  attr(r2,'description') <- 'var(fitted.values))/var(y)'
  attr(ds,'quality') <- r2
  attr(ds,'variable') <- attr(y0,'variable')
  attr(ds,'model') <- model ## REB 2024-03-08: Save the model summary rather than the model itself
  #attr(ds,'model') <- summary(model)
  attr(ds,'mean') <- offset
  attr(ds,'method') <- method
  attr(ds,'eof') <- X0
  attr(pattern,'longitude') <- attr(X0,'longitude')
  attr(pattern,'latitude') <- attr(X0,'latitude')
  attr(pattern,'variable') <- attr(X0,'variable')
  attr(pattern,'unit') <- attr(X0,'unit')
  attr(ds,'pattern') <- pattern
  attr(ds,'dimensions') <- c(du[1],du[2])
  attr(ds,'longitude') <- attr(y0,'longitude')
  attr(ds,'latitude') <- attr(y0,'latitude')
  ##attr(ds,'source') <- paste(attr(y0,'source'),attr(X0,'source'),sep="-")
  attr(ds,'aspect') <- 'downscaled'
  attr(ds,'source') <- attr(X0,'source')
  attr(ds,'type') <- "downscaled results"
  attr(ds,'history.predictand') <- attr(y0,'history')
  attr(ds,'history') <- history.stamp(X0)
  #print("HERE"); print(cls)				
  class(ds) <- c("ds",cls[-2])
  ## KMP 2019-04-29: Added crossval in DS.default. Any reason why it shouldn't be here?
  if (!is.null(m))  {
    if (verbose) print("Cross-validation")
    xval <- crossval(ds,m=m,...)
    attr(ds,'evaluation') <- zoo(xval)
  } else attr(ds,'evaluation') <- NULL
  if (verbose) print('--- exit DS.default ---')
  if (plot) plot(ds)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
DS.station <- function(y, X, verbose=FALSE, plot=FALSE, it=NULL,
                       ..., pca=FALSE, npca=20, biascorrect=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('DS.station')
  #print('err(y)'); print(err(y))
  #print('index(y)'); print(index(y))
  if (verbose) print('y <- matchdate(y,X,verbose=verbose)')
  y <- matchdate(y,X,verbose=verbose)
  if (verbose) print('X <- matchdate(X,y,verbose=verbose)')
  X <- matchdate(X,y,verbose=verbose)
  ## Used for extracting a subset of calendar months
  if (!is.null(it)) {
    if (verbose) print(paste('it=',it))
    if (inherits(y,'station')) y <- subset(y,it=it)
  if ( (!inherits(y,'seasonalcycle')) & (inherits(X,'seasonalcycle')) ) {
    ds <- DS.seasonalcycle(y=y,X=X,ip=ip,verbose=verbose,...) 
  if ( ((!inherits(X,'eof')) & (inherits(X,'field'))) |
       ((!inherits(X,'pca')) & (inherits(X,'station'))) ) {
    ds <- DS.field(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
  } else if (is.list(X)) {
    if (verbose) print("The predictor is a list")
    ds <- DS.list(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
  ## REB inserted lines to accomodate for multiple stations
  d <- dim(y)
  if (!is.null(d)) ns <- d[2] else ns <- 1
  if (!is.null(d)) {
    if (verbose) print(paste('predictand contains',ns,'stations'))
    ## More than one station
    Y <- y
    if (pca) {
      if (verbose) print("PCA")
      ## PCA is used when y represents a group of variables and when
      ## their covariance is a concern: it preserves the covariance
      ## as seen in the past, as the PCs and eigenvectors are orthogonal.
      ## Useful for spatial response, wind vectors, temperature/precipitation
      Y <- PCA(y,npca)
    ns <- dim(Y)[2]
  } else {
    Y <- y
  ## Loop over the different PCs or stations
  for (i in 1:ns) {
    if (verbose) print(paste("i=",i))
    z <- subset(Y,is=i)
    if (verbose) {print(class(z)); print(names(attributes(z)))}
    if (inherits(X,'eof')) {
      if (verbose) print("The predictor is some kind of EOF-object")
      ## Call different functions, depending on the class of X:
      #print("the predictor is an EOF-object")
      if (inherits(X,'comb')) {
        if (verbose) print("*** Comb ***")
        ## X is combined EOFs
        ds <- DS.comb(y=z,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
        if (verbose) print("---")
      } else {
        if (verbose) print("*** EOF ***")
        ## X is ordinary EOF
        ds <- DS.default(y=z,X=X,
        if (verbose) print("+++")
    } else if (inherits(X,'field')) {
      if (verbose) print("the predictor is a field-object")
      ## X is a field
      ds <- DS.field(y=z,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
    } else if (inherits(X,c('station','radiosonde'))) {
      if (verbose) print("the predictor is a station or radiosonde-object")
      ds <- DS.default(y=z,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
    ## May need an option for coombined field: x is 'field' + 'comb'
    #if (is.null(ds)) browser()
    ## Unless told not to - carry out a cross-validation
    if (!is.null(m))  {
      if (verbose) print("Cross-validation")
      xval <- crossval(ds,m=m)
      attr(ds,'evaluation') <- zoo(xval)
    } else attr(ds,'evaluation') <- NULL
    if (verbose) print(names(attributes(ds)))
    if (ns==1) {
      dsall <- ds 
    } else {
      if (i==1) {
        dsall <- list(ds.1=ds) 
      } else {
        eval(parse(text=paste('dsall$ds.',i,' <- ds',sep='')))
  ## If PCA was used to transform the predictands to preserve the
  ## spatial covariance, then do the inverse to recover the results
  ## in a structure comparable to the original stations.
  if ( (ns>1) & pca ) {
    attr(dsall,'pattern') <- attr(Y,'pattern')
    attr(dsall,'eigenvalues') <- attr(Y,'eigenvalues')    
    attr(dsall,'mean') <- attr(Y,'mean')    
    ds.results <- pca2station(dsall)
  } else {
    ds.results <- dsall
  if (verbose) print("--- exit DS.station ---")
  if (plot) plot(ds.results, verbose=verbose)

## DS for combined fields - to make predictions not based on the
## calibration data
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
DS.comb <- function(y, X, verbose=FALSE, plot=FALSE, it=NULL, method="lm",
                    swsm="step", m=5, rmtrend=TRUE, ip=1:7,
                    weighted=TRUE, ..., pca=FALSE, npca=20,
                    biascorrect=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.comb ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  ##print('index(y)'); print(index(y))
  ##print('err(y)'); print(err(y))
  if ( inherits(y,c("eof")) & inherits(X,c("station"))) {
    yy <- X
    X <- y
    y <- yy
    swapped <- TRUE
  X0 <- X
  ## For combined fields/common EOFs, do the DS-fitting once, and then
  ## use the model n times to predict the values associated with the
  ## appended fields:
  if (class(index(y)) != (class(index(X)))) {
    warning(paste('DS.comb: different indices:', class(index(y)),class(index(X))))
    if (is.numeric(index(y))) index(X) <- year(X)
    if (is.numeric(index(X))) index(y) <- year(y)
  if (!inherits(X,"eof")) X <- EOF(X,it=it)
  if (biascorrect) {
    if (verbose) print("Bias correction - bias-fix common EOF")
    X <- biasfix(X)
  ds <- DS.default(y,X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
  ## For combined fields, make sure to add the appended PCs to
  ## the results.
  model <- attr(ds,'model')
  n.app <- attr(X,'n.apps')
  attr(ds,'n.apps') <- n.app
  if (verbose) {print(paste('For combined fields, n.apps=',n.app));
    print(names(attributes(X))[grep('app',names(attributes(X)))]) }
  for (i in 1:n.app) {
    Z <- eval(parse(text=paste("attr(X0,'appendix.",i,"')",sep="")))
    newdata <- data.frame(X=Z)
    colnames(newdata) <- paste("X",1:ncol(X),sep=".") 
    z <- predict(model,newdata=newdata) + attr(ds,'mean')
    ## REB 2024-03-08: 'model' has been replaced by summary(model)
    #z <-  newdata[,ip] * model$coefficients[ip+1,1] + attr(ds,'mean')
    Y <- zoo(z,order.by=index(Z))
    Y <- attrcp(Z,Y)
    # Store in a similar structure as in the common EOF:
    eval(parse(text=paste("attr(ds,'appendix.",i,"') <- Y",sep="")))
  rm("X0"); gc(reset=TRUE)
  if (plot) plot(ds)

## This function takes care of downscaling based on a field-object X.
## X can be a combined field. This function calls more primitive DS methods,
## depending on the time scale represented in X (monthly or seasonal).
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
DS.field <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,it=NULL,
                     method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,weighted=TRUE,...,biascorrect=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.field ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  ## Keep track of which is an eof object and which is a station record:
  swapped <- FALSE
  if ( inherits(y,c("field")) & inherits(X,c("station"))) {
    yy <- X
    X <- y
    y <- yy
    swapped <- TRUE
  if (class(index(y)) != (class(index(X)))) {
    warning(paste('DS.field: different indices:', class(index(y)),class(index(X))))
    if (is.numeric(index(y))) index(X) <- year(X)
    if (is.numeric(index(X))) index(y) <- year(y)
  #print(class(X)); print(attr(y,'variable'))
  if (verbose) {print(class(X)); print(varid(y))}
  if (sum(is.element(tolower(attr(y,'variable')),c('t2m','tmax','tmin'))) >0) {
    if (inherits(X,'month')) {
      ds <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
      #ds <- DS.t2m.month.field(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
      #                         method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
      #                         rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
      #                         verbose=verbose)
    } else if (inherits(X,'season')) {
      # the DS.t2m.season.field is not in working order
      #ds <- DS.t2m.season.field(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
      #                          method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
      #                          rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
      #                          verbose=verbose)
      ds <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
    } else if (inherits(X,'annual')) {
      ds <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
      #ds <- DS.t2m.annual.field(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
      #                          method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
      #                          rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
      #                          verbose=verbose)
  } else if (tolower(attr(y,'variable'))=='precip') {
    ds <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
    #ds <- DS.precip.season.field(y=y,X=X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
    #                             method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
    #                             rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
    #                             verbose=verbose)
  } else {
    ds <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
  if (verbose) print('return downscaled results')
  if (plot) plot(ds)

## Downscales all 12-calendar months for a field by stepping through the months
## and compute the EOFs before applying the default DS method.
# DS.t2m.month.field <- function(y,X,biascorrect=FALSE,it=NULL,
#                                method="lm",swsm="step",m=m,
#                                rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,
#                                verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,station=TRUE) {
#   if (verbose) { 
#     print('--- DS.t2m.month.field ---')
#     print(summary(coredata(y)))
#   }
#   if (inherits(X,'comb')) {
#     type <- 'eof.comb' 
#   } else {
#     type <- "eof.field"
#   }
#   cls <- class(y)
#   ds <- list()
#   if (is.null(it)) X <- subset(X,it=it)
#   mon <-  (1:12)[is.element(month.abb,rownames(table(month(X))))]
#   for (i in mon) {
#     eof <- EOF(X,it=month.abb[i])
#     if (biascorrect) eof <- biasfix(eof)
#     cline <- paste("ds$",month.abb[i],
#                    "<- DS.station(y,eof,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,",
#                    "rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,verbose=verbose)",
#                    sep="")
#     if (verbose) print(cline)
#     eval(parse(text=cline))
#   }
#   if (station) {
#     ds <- combine.ds(ds) 
#   } else {
#     cls <- c("list","dsfield",cls)
#   }
#   attr(ds,'predictand.class') <- cls
#   invisible(ds)
# }
# DS.t2m.season.field <- function(y,X,biascorrect=FALSE,
#                                 method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,
#                                 rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,
#                                 verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,station=TRUE) {
#   ## Downscale seasonal mean and standard deviation
#     if (verbose) { print('--- DS.t2m.season.field ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
#     Z1 <- EOF(subset(X,it='djf'))
#     if (verbose) print("downscale DJF")
#     ds1 <- DS(y,Z1,biascorrect=biascorrect,ip=ip)
#     Z2 <- EOF(subset(X,it='mam'))
#     if (verbose) print("downscale MAM")
#     ds2 <- DS(y,Z2,biascorrect=biascorrect,ip=ip)
#     Z3 <- EOF(subset(X,it='jja'))
#     if (verbose) print("downscale JJA")
#     ds3 <- DS(y,Z3,biascorrect=biascorrect,ip=ip)
#     Z4 <- EOF(subset(X,it='son'))
#     if (verbose) print("downscale SON")
#     ds4 <- DS(y,Z4,biascorrect=biascorrect,ip=ip)
#     if (verbose) print("Combine the 4 seasons")
#     ds <- combine(list(ds1,ds2,ds3,ds4))
#     z <- c(crossval(ds1,m=m),crossval(ds2,m=m),
#            crossval(ds3,m=m),crossval(ds4,m=m))
#     attr(ds,'evaluation') <- z
#     save(file='inside.ds.seas.f.1.rda',y,Z1,ds1,Z2,ds2,Z3,ds3,Z4,ds4,X)
#                                         #
#     invisible(ds)
# }
# DS.t2m.annual.field <- function(y,X,biascorrect=FALSE,
#                                 method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,
#                                 rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,
#                                 verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,station=TRUE) {
#   ## Downscale seasonal mean and standard deviation
#     if (verbose) { print('--- DS.t2m.annual.field ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
#     Z <- EOF(annual(X))
#     ds <- DS(annual(y),Z,biascorrect=biascorrect)
#     invisible(ds)
# }
# DS.precip.season.field <- function(y,X,biascorrect=FALSE,threshold=1,
#                                    method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,
#                                    rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,
#                                    verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,...) {
#   ## Computes the annual mean values for wet-day mean mu, wet-day frequency, and spell.
#   ## Also computes seasonal variations from PCA X[year,calendar months].
#   ## One PC for each year.
#     if (verbose) { print('--- DS.precip.season.field ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
#     mu <- as.4seasons(y,FUN="exceedance",threshold=threshold)
#     fw <- as.4seasons(y,FUN="exceedance",fun="freq")
#     wL <- as.4seasons(spell(y))
#     if (!inherits(X,'season')) X <- as.4seasons(X)
#     for (i in 1:4) {
#         x <- EOF(X,it=c('djf','mam','jja','son')[i])
#         if (biascorrect) x <- biasfix(x)
#         ds.mu <- DS.default(mu,x,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
#                             rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
#                             verbose=verbose,...)
#         ds.fw <- DS.freq(fw,x,rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,m=m,
#                          verbose=verbose,...)
#         ds.wL <- DS.spell(wL,x,rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,m=m,
#                           verbose=verbose,...)
#     }
#     ## DS mu, fw, spell, total
#     ds <- NULL
#     invisible(ds)
# }
# ## Use family='gaussian' for sample sizes gt 30 - > central limit theorem
# DS.freq <- function(y,X,threshold=1,biascorrect=FALSE,method="glm",
#                     family="gaussian",swsm="step",m=5,
#                     rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,...) {
#     if (verbose) { print('--- DS.freq ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
#     if (inherits(X,'month'))
#         Z <- aggregate(y,as.yearmon,FUN="wetfreq",threshold=threshold) else
#     if (inherits(X,'season'))
#         Z <- as.4seasons(y,FUN=wetfreq,threshold=threshold) else
#     if (inherits(X,'annual'))
#         Z <- annual(y,FUN=wetfreq,threshold=threshold)
#     ds <- DS.default(Z,X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,verbose=verbose,...)
#     return(ds)
# }
# DS.spell <- function(y,X,threshold=1,biascorrect=FALSE,
#                      method="glm",family="gaussian",swsm="step",m=5,
#                      rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,verbose=FALSE,weighted=TRUE,...) {
#   ## Downscale the spell length using a GLM with poisson family.
#   ##  the mean spell length over a given interval:
#     if (verbose) { print('--- DS.spell ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
#     if (inherits(y,'spell')) z <- as.station(y) else
#     if (inherits(y,'sstation')) {
#         z <- as.station(spell(y))
#     }
#     if (inherits(X,'month')) Z <- aggregate(z,as.yearmon,FUN=mean) else
#     if (inherits(X,'season')) Z <- as.4seasons(z,FUN=mean) else
#     if (inherits(X,'annual')) Z <- annual(z,FUN=mean)
#     ds <- DS(Z,X,biascorrect=biascorrect,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
#              rmtrend=rmtrend,ip=ip,
#              verbose=verbose,...)
#     invisible(ds)
# }

## DS.pca
## This function applies to PCA results for a group of stations.
## Typically some annual statistics (e.g. mu), stored in compressed form
## as a PCA-object (similar to EOF, but not gridded and without the area
## weighting.
## The data may be pre-filtered using CCA.
## Rasmus Benestad, 19.08.2013
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
DS.pca <- function(y, X, verbose=FALSE, plot=FALSE, it=NULL, method="lm",
                   swsm=NULL, m=5, rmtrend=TRUE, ip=1:10,
                   weighted=TRUE,..., pca=TRUE, npca=20, biascorrect=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) {
    print('--- DS.pca ---')
  if (class(index(y)) != (class(index(X)))) {
    if (verbose) {print('different class'); summary(coredata(y))}
    warning(paste('DS.pca: different indices:', class(index(y)),class(index(X))))
    if (is.numeric(index(y)) | is.numeric(index(X))) {index(y) <- year(y); index(X) <- year(X)}
    if (verbose) {print('Summary of predictand - intermediate inspection1'); print(zoo(y))}
  ## If the predictor is a list, then use DS.list
  if (is.list(X)) {
    if (verbose) print('Predictors represented by a list object')
    z <- DS.list(y,X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
  ## Check the predictor
  if (!inherits(X,"eof") & inherits(X,"field")) {
    X <- EOF(X)
  } else if (!inherits(X,"eof") & !inherits(X,"field") & inherits(X,"zoo")) {
    ## If the predictor is an index, then use the same code to
    ## estimate teleconnection patterns
    if (verbose) print('Predictor is a zoo object')
    attr(X,'history') <- history.stamp()
    attr(X,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')
    attr(X,'eigenvalues') <- attr(y,'eigenvalues')
    attr(X,'longitude') <- lon(y)
    attr(X,'latitude') <- lat(y)
    attr(X,'variable') <- varid(y)
    attr(X,'unit') <- unit(y)
    class(X) <- c('eof',class(X))
    z <- DS.pca(y,X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
  } else if (verbose) print('Predictor is OK - an EOF object')
  ## Check the predictand
  if (inherits(y,"eof") & inherits(y,"field")) {
    if (verbose) print('Make the predictand EOF look like PCAs before downscaling')
    cls0 <- class(y)
    class(y)[1:2] <- c('pca','station')
    z <- DS.pca(y,X,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
    class(z)[2:3] <- c('eof','field')
    attr(z,'pattern') <- attr(y,'pattern')
    attr(z,'eigenvalues') <- attr(y,'eigenvalues')
    attr(z,'longitude') <- lon(y)
    attr(z,'latitude') <- lat(y)
    attr(z,'variable') <- varid(y)
    attr(z,'unit') <- unit(y)      
  } else if (verbose) print('prdictand involves station(s)')
  if(inherits(y,"pca") & !is.null(npca) & (npca <= dim(y)[2])) y <- subset(y, ip=1:npca)
  cls <- class(y)
  y0 <- y; X0 <- X
  #nattr <- softattr(y)
  # synchronise the two zoo objects through 'merge' (zoo)
  if (verbose) { print('Summary of predictand before matchdate'); print(summary(coredata(y)))
    print(index(y)); print(index(X))
  if (verbose) print('predictand y: match date with predictor X')
  y <- matchdate(y,it=X,verbose=verbose) # REB: 2014-12-16
  if (verbose) {print('summary of predictand y after matchdate'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  if (verbose) print('predictor: match date with predictand')
  X <- matchdate(X,it=y,verbose=verbose) # REB: 2014-12-16
  dy <- dim(y); if (is.null(dy)) dy <- c(length(y),1)
  dx <- dim(X); if (is.null(dx)) dx <- c(length(X),1)
  # Use method for downscaling
  #str(y); str(X)
  if (verbose) print(method)
  if (toupper(method)=='MVR') {
    if (verbose) print('MVR')
    if (is.null(dy)) dy <- c(length(y),1)
    if (dy[2]>1) colnames(y) <- paste("y",1:dy[2],sep=".")
    if (is.null(dx)) dx <- c(length(X),1)
    if (dx[2]>1) colnames(X) <- paste("X",1:dx[2],sep=".") 
    #colnames(y) <- paste("y",1:dim(y)[2],sep=".")
    #colnames(X) <- paste("X",1:dim(y)[2],sep=".")
    #    yX <- merge(y,X,all=FALSE)
    #    vars <- names(yX)
    #    ys <- vars[grep('y',vars)]
    #    Xs <- vars[grep('X',vars)]
    #    ix <- is.element(vars,Xs)
    #    iy <- is.element(vars,ys)
    #    x <- zoo(coredata(yX[,ix]),order.by=index(yX))
    #    y <- zoo(coredata(yX[,iy]),order.by=index(yX))
    #    class(y) <- cls
    print('WARNING: does not operate on combined objects')
    model <- eval(parse(text=paste(method,"(y,x)",sep="")))
    # Reconstruct the entire data, and then apply the PCA to this
    V <- predict(model); W <- attr(y0,'eigenvalues')
    U <- attr(y0,'pattern')
    dU <- dim(U)
    if (length(dU)==3) {
      if (verbose) print('3D -> 2D')
      dim(U) <- c(dU[1]*dU[2],dU[3])
    UWV <- U %*% diag(W) %*% t(V)
    pca <- svd(UWV)
    ds <- zoo(pca$v,order.by=index(X))
    model$fitted.values <- zoo(model$fitted.values,order.by=index(X)) # +
    ##    attr(y0,'mean') + offset  # REB 04.12.13: included attr(y0,'mean') in
    ##                              # addition to offset
    model$calibration.data <- X
    class(model$fitted.values) <- class(y0)
    attr(ds,'model') <- model ## REB 2024-03-08: Save the model summary rather than the model itself
    #attr(ds,'model') <- summary(model)
    attr(ds,'quality') <- var(coredata(model$fitted.values))/var(y,na.rm=TRUE)
    attr(ds,'eigenvalues') <- pca$d
    attr(ds,'sum.eigenv') <- sum(pca$d)
    attr(ds,'pattern') <- pca$u
  } else {
    if (verbose) print('Default')
    if (!verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
    ## treat each PC as a station
    if (verbose) print('Prepare output data')
    ## If common EOFs, then accomodate for the additional predictions
    if (!is.null(attr(X0,'n.apps'))) {
      if (verbose) print(attr(X0,'n.apps'))
      Xp <- attr(X0,'appendix.1')
    } else Xp <- X
    y.out <- matrix(rep(NA,dx[1]*dy[2]),dx[1],dy[2])
    fit.val <- y.out
    dxp <- dim(Xp); if (is.null(dxp)) dxp <- c(length(Xp),1)
    yp.out <- matrix(rep(NA,dxp[1]*dy[2]),dxp[1],dy[2])
    if (verbose) print(paste('PC',ip,collapse=' '))
    # Loop over the PCs...
    ## REB 2015-03-23
    ## The predictor pattern associated with PCA-predictands: one
    ## pattern for each PC. Combine into one matrix. The predictor pattern
    ## for each station can be recovered by multiplying with the PCA pattern
    if (verbose) print('Predictor pattern')
    x0p <- attr(X0,'pattern')
    dp <- dim(x0p)
    if (is.null(dp)) dp <- c(length(x0p),1,1)  # list combining EOFs
    if (length(dp)==2) dp <- c(dp,1)[c(1,3,2)] # if PCA rather than EOF
    if (verbose) {str(x0p); print(dp); print(dy)}
    predpatt <- rep(NA,dp[1]*dp[2]*dy[2])
    dim(predpatt) <- c(dp[1]*dp[2],dy[2])
    dim(x0p) <- c(dp[1]*dp[2],dp[3])
    ## This works for single predictors, but is more complicated for
    ## multiple predictors.
    if (dp[3] == length(attr(X0,'eigenvalues'))) x0p <- x0p %*% diag(attr(X0,'eigenvalues'))
    model <- list(); eof <- list()
    if (verbose) {print('Summary of predictand'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
    for (i in 1:dy[2]) {
      if (!verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb,i/dy[2]) 
      ys <- as.station(zoo(y[,i]),loc=loc(y)[i],param=varid(y)[i],
      class(ys) <- c('station',class(y)[-c(1:2)])
      if (verbose) {print(class(ys)); print(class(X))}
      z <- DS(ys,X,biascorrect=biascorrect,m=m,swsm=swsm,
      if (verbose) print('--- return to DS.pca ---')
      model[[i]] <- attr(z,'model')
      eof[[i]] <- X
      attr(z,'mean') <- 0 # can't remember why... REB
      ## Check:
      if (verbose) print(paste(i,'y.out[,i]:',
      ## Collect the projections in a matrix:
      y.out[is.finite(ys),i] <- coredata(z)
      fit.val[is.finite(ys),i] <- attr(z,'fitted_values')
      if (!is.null(attr(X0,'n.apps')))
        yp.out[,i] <- attr(z,'appendix.1')
      ## Also keep the cross-validation
      if (!is.null(attr(z,'evaluation'))) { ## REB 2015-03-27
        if (verbose) print('extract cross-validation')
        if (i==1) cval <- attr(z,'evaluation') else
          cval <- merge(cval,attr(z,'evaluation'))
      } else cval <- NULL
      ## REB 2015-03-23
      if (verbose) print('Calculate predictor pattern:')
      ## Only if one type of predictor - case with mixed predictors a
      ## bit more complicated -> return NAs.
      ## KMP 2016-01-13 else if only two coefficients
      if ( (dp[3] >= length(attr(z,'model')$coefficients)-1) &
           (length(attr(z,'model')$coefficients) > 2) ) {
        predpatt[,i] <- x0p[,1:length(attr(z,'model')$coefficients)-1] %*% attr(z,'model')$coefficients[-1]
      } else if (length(attr(z,'model')$coefficients)==2) {
        predpatt[,i] <- x0p[,1:length(attr(z,'model')$coefficients)-1] * attr(z,'model')$coefficients[-1]
      } else {
        ## REB 2024-03-08: if none of these work because model was replaced by summary(model)
        if (verbose) print('(<[predictor pattern from summary(model)>])')
        smod <- attr(z,'model')
        dcoeffs <- dim(smod$coefficients)
        predpatt[,i] <- x0p[,(1:dcoeffs[1])-1] %*% smod$coefficients[-1,1]
    if (verbose) print(paste('Transform back into a PCA-object of dim',
                             dim(y.out),collapse=' '))
    ds <- zoo(y.out,order.by=index(X))
    ds <- attrcp(y,ds)
    attr(ds,'eigenvalues') <- attr(y0,'eigenvalues')
    attr(ds,'sum.eigenv') <- attr(y0,'sum.eigenv')
    ## REB 2015-03-23
    dim(predpatt) <- c(dp[1],dp[2],dy[2])
    attr(predpatt,'longitude') <- lon(X0)
    attr(predpatt,'latitude') <- lat(X0)
    attr(predpatt,'variable') <- varid(X0)
    attr(predpatt,'unit') <- unit(X0)
    attr(ds,'predictor.pattern') <- predpatt
    ## REB 2015-03-23
    attr(ds,'pattern') <- attr(y0,'pattern')
    if (!is.null(cval))
      names(cval) <- paste(c('X','Z'),'PCA',sort(rep(1:dy[2],2)),sep='.')
    attr(ds,'evaluation') <- cval
    if (!is.null(attr(X0,'n.apps'))) {
      attr(ds,'n.apps') <- 1
      yp.out <- zoo(yp.out,order.by=index(Xp))
      yp.out -> attr(ds,'appendix.1')
  ## Check the 'eof' attribute
  if ( (!is.list(X0)) & is.list(eof) ) {
    eof <- eof[[1]]
    if (verbose) print('Check suggests that eof is stored as list -> eof')
  ## Make sure that predictions have the same index class (time units) as the original data 
  if (class(index(ds)) != class(index(y))) {
    ## For annual data:
    if ( (class(index(ds))=='Date') & (class(index(y0))=='numeric') & inherits(y0,'annual') ) 
      index(ds) <- year(index(ds))
    if ( (class(index(ds))=='numeric') & (class(index(y0))=='Date') & inherits(y0,'annual') ) 
      index(ds) <- as.Date(paste(index(ds),'01-01',sep='-'))
  ##print(class(model)); str(model)
  attr(ds,'calibration_data') <- attr(z,'calibration_data')
  attr(ds,'fitted_values') <- zoo(fit.val,order.by=index(attr(z,'fitted_values')))
  class(attr(ds,'fitted_values')) <- class(y0)
  attr(ds,'model') <- model ## REB 2024-03-08: Save the model summary rather than the model itself
  #attr(ds,'model') <- summary(model)
  attr(ds,'eof') <- eof
  attr(ds,'original_data') <- y0
  attr(ds,'variable') <- varid(y0)
  attr(ds,'mean') <- attr(y0,'mean') # + offset
  attr(ds,'max.autocor') <- attr(y0,'max.autocor')
  attr(ds,'tot.var') <- attr(y0,'tot.var')
  #attr(ds,'dimensions') <- c(du[1],du[2])
  attr(ds,'longitude') <- lon(y0)
  attr(ds,'latitude') <- lat(y0)
  #  attr(ds,'source') <- paste(attr(y0,'source'),attr(X,'source'),sep="-")
  attr(ds,'source') <- attr(X,'source')
  attr(ds,'history') <- history.stamp(y)
  #attr(ds,'call') <- match.call()
  class(ds) <- c("ds",cls)
  if (verbose) print('--- return ---')
  if (plot) plot(ds)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export
DS.eof <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,...,biascorrect=FALSE,
                   pca=TRUE,npca=20) {
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.eof ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  ds <- DS.pca(y,X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
  if(verbose) print("---return to DS.eof---")
  ## Make sure that predictions have the same index class (time units) as the original data 
  if (class(index(ds)) != class(index(y))) {
    ## For annual data:
    if ( (class(index(ds))=="Date") & class(index(y)=="numeric") & inherits(y,"annual") )
      index(ds) <- year(index(ds))
    if ( (class(index(ds))=="numeric") & (class(index(y))=="Date") & inherits(y,"annual") ) 
      index(ds) <- as.Date(paste(index(ds),"01-01",sep="-"))
  attr(ds,"original_data") <- y
  class(attr(ds,"original_data")) <- class(y)
  class(attr(ds,"fitted_values")) <- class(y)
  if(verbose) print("return")
  if (plot) plot(ds)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
DS.list <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,...,biascorrect=TRUE,
                    method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,weighted=TRUE,pca=FALSE,npca=20) {
  ### This method combines different EOFs into one predictor by making a new
  ### data matrix consisting of the PCs, then weight (w) these according to their
  ### eigenvalues (normalised so that each predictor/EOF type carry similar
  ### weight). Then a SVD is applied to this new set of combined PCs to make
  ### an object that looks like on EOF.
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.list ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  z <- list()
  for (ieof in 1:length(X)) {
    if (verbose) print(names(X)[ieof])
    z[[ieof]] <- DS(y,X[[ieof]],biascorrect=biascorrect,
    y <- as.residual(z[[ieof]])
  names(z) <-names(X)
  if (plot) plot(z[[1]])

DS.mixedeof <- function(y,X,plot=FALSE,...,it=NULL,biascorrect=TRUE,
                        weighted=TRUE,pca=FALSE,npca=20,verbose=FALSE) {
  ### This method combines different EOFs into one predictor by making a new
  ### data matrix consisting of the PCs, then weight (w) these according to their
  ### eigenvalues (normalised so that each predictor/EOF type carry similar
  ### weight). Then a SVD is applied to this new set of combined PCs to make
  ### an object that looks like on EOF.
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.mixedeof ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  preds <- names(X)
  if (verbose) print(preds)
  np <- length(preds)
  ## Test: if there is only one predictor, use the method for one predictor
  if (np==1) {
    if (verbose) print('Single predictor')
    predictands <- names(y)
    ds <- list(description='ESD')
    for ( i in 1:length(predictands)) {
      ds1 <- DS(y[[i]],X,biascorrect=biascorrect,
      eval(parse(text=paste('ds$',predictands[i],' <- ds1',sep='')))
  } else if (verbose) print('Several predictors')
  ## REB 2015-04-09: replace the lines below with
  eof <- as.eof.list(X,verbose=verbose)
  if (verbose) print('DS(y,eof,...)')
  ds <- DS(y,eof,biascorrect=biascorrect,
  ## Now, we need to reconstruct the spatial maps/patterns. There will be
  ## one pattern for each EOF
  if (verbose) print('synthesise patterns and store in a list')
  zpattern <- list()
  if (class(y)[1] != 'pca') {
    ## When y is a pca-object, then pattern is defined for the predictands
    ## and not the predictor.
    if (verbose) str(attr(ds,'pattern'))
    dp <- length(attr(ds,'pattern'))
    ## udv holds the SVD results applied to the EOFs in the list.
    udv <- attr(eof,'udv')
    id <- attr(eof,'id')
    for (i in 1:np) {
      xp <- attr(ds,'pattern')
      if (is.null(dim(xp))) {
        ## PCA-based predictands: the pattern stores the weights of
        ## the regression coefficients
        if (verbose) print('DS pattern: 1D')
        ##diag(c(xp)) %*% udv$v[1:dp,is.element(id,i)] -> eofweights
        ## Y = beta U^T
        xp %*% t(udv$v[is.element(id,i),1:dp]) -> eofweights
      } else {
        ## EOF-based predictand:
        if (verbose) print('DS pattern: 3D')
        xd <- dim(xp)
        dim(xp) <- c(xd[1]*xd[2],xd[3])
        xd %*% t(udv$v[is.element(id,i),1:dp]) -> eofweights
      U <- attr(X[[i]],'pattern'); du <- dim(U)
      dim(U) <- c(du[1]*du[2],du[3])
      if (is.null(dim(eofweights))) z <- U %*% diag(eofweights) else
        z <- U %*% t(eofweights)
      dim(z) <- c(du[1],du[2])
      attr(z,'longitude') <- lon(X[[i]])
      attr(z,'latitude') <- lat(X[[i]])
      #attr(z,'dimensions') <-  attr(X[[i]],'dimensions')[1,2]
      eval(parse(text=paste('zpattern$',preds[i],' <- z',sep='')))
    if (verbose)print(summary(zpattern))
    attr(ds,'pattern') <- zpattern
  if (plot) plot(ds)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export DS.station.pca
DS.station.pca <- function(y,X,verbose=FALSE,plot=FALSE,it=NULL,method="lm",swsm="step",m=5,
                           rmtrend=TRUE,ip=1:7,weighted=TRUE,...) {
  ## This function does the same as DS.eof
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.station.pca ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  z <- DS.default(y=y,X=X,it=it,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
  attr(z,'history') <- history.stamp()
  if (plot) plot(z)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export 
DS.trajectory <- function(y, X, verbose=FALSE, plot=FALSE, it=NULL, method="lm",
                          swsm="step", m=5, rmtrend=TRUE, ip=1:7, weighted=TRUE, ...,
                          pca=FALSE, npca=20, is=NULL, FUN='count', param=NULL, biascorrect=FALSE,
                          unit=NULL,longname=NULL,loc=NULL) {
  if (verbose) { print('--- DS.trajectory ---'); print(summary(coredata(y)))}
  y <- subset(y,it=it,is=is)
  ys <- trajectory2station(y,...)
  cls <- class(X)
  if(is.list(X)) cls <- class(X[[1]])
  if(any("season" %in% cls)) {
    ys <- as.4seasons(ys)
  } else if (any("month" %in% cls)) {
    ys <- as.monthly(ys)
  ds <- DS(ys,X,biascorrect=biascorrect,method=method,swsm=swsm,m=m,
  if (plot) plot(ds)
metno/esd documentation built on April 24, 2024, 9:19 p.m.