#' Function to extract the metadata from local NetCDF files
#' The function \code{metaextract} extracts metadata from local NetCDF files containing climate model data
#' from the CORDEX and CMIP projects. The function \code{metaextract} redirects to \code{metaextract.cordex}
#' or \code{metaextract.cmip} depending on the project id.
#' @aliases metaextract metaextract.cordex metaextract.cmip
#' @seealso getncid
#' @param files.in Filenames of netcdf files
#' @param file.out Filename of .rda file where the metadata will be saved
#' @param path.in Path to files.in
#' @param path.out Path to file out
#' @param add If TRUE, add metadata to the existing metadata file. If FALSE create a new metadata file.
#' @param force If TRUE, replace metadata of files that that are already in the existing metadata.
#' If FALSE only add metadata for new files.
#' @param verbose if TRUE print information about progress
#' @export
metaextract <- function(files.in,file.out="meta.rda",path.in=NULL,path.out=NULL,
add=TRUE,force=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
if(verbose) print("metaextract")
if(!is.null(path.out)) file.out <- file.path(path.out,file.out)
if(add & file.exists(file.out)) {
if(verbose) print(paste("Merge new metadata with exisiting metadata from",file.out))
Y <- as.matrix(meta)
} else {
if(verbose) print(paste("Creating new metadata file",file.out))
if(!is.null(Y) & !force) files.in <- files.in[!basename(files.in) %in% Y[,colnames(Y)=="filename"]]
for(f in files.in) {
if(verbose) print(paste("Extracting metadata from file",f))
if(inherits(f,"character") & grep(".nc",f)) {
if(!is.null(path.in)) f <- file.path(path.in,f)
if(!file.exists(f)) {
warning(paste("Warning! File",f,"does not exist."))
} else {
x <- getncid(filename=f, verbose=verbose)
if(is.null(x$project_id)) {
warning(paste("Warning! project_id is not specified in",x$filename))
yi <- NULL
} else if(grepl("cmip",tolower(x$project_id))) {
yi <- metaextract.cmip(x,verbose=verbose)
} else {
warning(paste("Warning! This is not CMIP data. I don't know what to do with",x$filename))
yi <- NULL
} #else if(grepl("cordex",tolower(x$project_id))) {
#yi <- metaextract.cordex(x,verbose=verbose)
if(is.null(Y)) {
Y <- yi
} else if(force & (yi[colnames(yi)=="filename"] %in% Y[,colnames(Y)=="filename"])) {
i <- which(Y[,colnames(Y)=="filename"]==yi[colnames(yi)=="filename"])
if(any(!colnames(yi) %in% colnames(Y))) {
cn.all <- unique(c(colnames(Y),colnames(yi)))
Y.new <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(cn.all),nrow=nrow(Y))
colnames(Y.new) <- cn.all
j <- sapply(colnames(Y), function(x) which(cn.all==x))
Y.new[,j] <- Y[,]
} else {
Y.new <- Y
for(cn in colnames(yi)) {
Y.new[i,colnames(Y.new)==cn] <- yi[colnames(yi)==cn]
Y <- Y.new
} else {
n <- nrow(Y)
Y.new <- Y
cn.all <- unique(c(colnames(Y),colnames(yi)))
Y.new <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(cn.all),nrow=n+1)
colnames(Y.new) <- cn.all
j <- sapply(colnames(Y),function(x) which(cn.all==x))
Y.new[1:n,j] <- Y[1:n,]
for(cn in colnames(yi)) {
Y.new[n+1,colnames(Y.new)==cn] <- yi[colnames(yi)==cn]
Y <- Y.new
meta <- as.data.frame(Y)
gcm.i <- paste(meta$project_id,gsub("-","_",meta$gcm),meta$gcm_rip,sep=".")
meta$gcm.i <- gcm.i
id <- paste(meta$project_id,gsub("[.]","",tolower(meta$experiment)),
meta <- meta[order(id),]
meta <- meta[!duplicated(meta),]
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