#' Format stories, tests, and other relevant information into usable objects
#' @inheritParams create_metworx_docs
#' @export
create_test_framework <- function(
auto_test_dir = NULL,
man_test_dir = NULL
if (is.null(auto_test_dir) && is.null(man_test_dir)) {
abort("Must specify `auto_test_dir` or `man_test_dir`",
# Merge automatic and manual tests into the same format so that downstream
# write_* don't need to worry about the distinction.
results <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
if (!is.null(auto_test_dir)) {
auto_res <- read_csv_test_results(auto_test_dir)
results[[1]] <- auto_res$results %>%
mutate(date = map_chr(.data$result_file, ~ auto_res$info[[.x]]$date)) %>%
mutate(test_type = "automatic", man_test_content = NA)
auto_info <- auto_res$info
} else {
# if no auto tests, set info to NULL.
# manual tests don't have an info object because info is contained in content
auto_info <- NULL
if (!is.null(man_test_dir)) {
results[[2]] <- read_manual_test_results(man_test_dir) %>%
mutate(test_type = "manual",
result_file = basename(man_test_dir),
# For manual test, being merged into the main line is the
# indication that it passed, and everything is taken as one
# "assertion".
passed = 1L,
failed = 0L) %>%
rename(man_test_content = "content")
tests <- check_test_input(bind_rows(results))
dd <- specs %>%
unnest("TestIds") %>%
rename(TestId = "TestIds") %>%
full_join(tests, by = "TestId")
# Kludge to support legacy tests/specs without IDs.
if (all(tests$TestId == tests$TestName)) {
# TODO: Consider using lifecycle here.
warning("Automatically generating IDs because test IDs match test names.
This is a temporary kludge to make mrgvalidate >= 1.0 work with old style
issues/tests. For new tests, please assign test IDs. ")
prefix <- substr(toupper(product_name), 1, min(4, nchar(product_name)))
ntests <- nrow(tests)
id_map <- paste0(
prefix, "-",
str_pad(1:ntests, nchar(toString(ntests)), pad = "0"))
names(id_map) <- tests$TestId
tests <- mutate(tests, TestId = recode(.data$TestId, !!!id_map))
dd <- mutate(dd, TestId = recode(.data$TestId, !!!id_map))
# End of kludge.
dd <- nest(dd,
tests = c("TestId", "TestName",
"passed", "failed", "man_test_content",
tests <- filter_unlinked_tests(dd, tests)
dd = dd,
tests = tests,
auto_info = auto_info
#' Check input for missing links between tests, requirements, and stories
#' @param dd Tibble containing stories, requirements, and tests. Created in
#' [create_test_framework()].
#' @export
check_input <- function(dd){
missing_data <- find_missing(dd) %>% suppressMessages()
missing <- purrr::map_lgl(missing_data, ~ nrow(.x) > 0)
warning("Required links between tests and/or requirements are missing. Returning missing information. Docs will not be generated")
missing_data = missing_data[missing],
missing = TRUE
missing_data = tibble(),
missing = FALSE
#' Remove unliked tests
#' @details
#' [make_testing_results()] takes the `tests` tibble directly. Drop the test
#' IDs that aren't linked to `specs` because those IDs won't make it into the
#' other docs.
#' @inheritParams check_input
#' @param tests Tibble containing all test results, FORMAT: CREATED ON LINE 59
#' OF `generate-docs.R` in [create_package_docs()] or [create_metworx_docs()].
#' @keywords internal
filter_unlinked_tests <- function(dd, tests){
testids_linked <- dd %>% unnest(tests) %>%
filter(!is.na(.data$StoryId), !is.na(.data$TestId)) %>%
pull(.data$TestId) %>%
tests_is_linked <- tests$TestId %in% testids_linked
n_unlinked <- sum(!tests_is_linked)
if (n_unlinked > 0) {
warning(glue("Dropping {n_unlinked} test(s) not mentioned in `specs`.
Call find_tests_without_reqs() with the returned data frame to see them."))
tests <- tests[tests_is_linked, ]
#' Format stories, tests, and requirements into dataframe
#' Wrapper for `create_test_framework()`
#' @inheritParams create_metworx_docs
#' @export
join_specs_to_tests <- function(
auto_test_dir = NULL,
man_test_dir = NULL
) {
res <- create_test_framework(
product_name = "nothing",
specs = specs,
auto_test_dir = auto_test_dir,
man_test_dir = man_test_dir
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