data <- pmplots_data_obs()
id <- pmplots_data_id()
p <- dv_time(data)
test_that("CWRESI gets subbed for CWRES [PMP-TEST-062]", {
data$CWRES <- NULL
expect_is(cwres_time(data), "gg")
expect_message(cwres_time(data),"Creating CWRES column from CWRESI")
test_that("log scale [PMP-TEST-063]", {
x <- log_scale()
expect_is(x, "list")
expect_equal(x$transform, "log10")
expect_equal(x$breaks, NULL)
x <- log_scale(logbr())
expect_equal(x$breaks, 10^seq(-10,10))
test_that("rot_x and rot_y [PMP-TEST-064]", {
x <- p + rot_x(angle = 33)
expect_is(x, "gg")
expect_equal(x$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 33)
y <- p + rot_y(angle = 11)
expect_equal(y$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 11)
x <- p + rot_x(vertical = TRUE)
expect_equal(x$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 90)
expect_equal(x$theme$axis.text.x$hjust, 1)
y <- p + rot_y(vertical = TRUE)
expect_equal(y$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 90)
expect_equal(y$theme$axis.text.y$vjust, 1)
x1 <- p + rot_x(vertical = TRUE, hjust = "bottom")
expect_equal(x1$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 90)
expect_equal(x1$theme$axis.text.x$hjust, 0)
x2 <- p + rot_x(vertical = TRUE, hjust = "top")
expect_equal(x2$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 90)
expect_equal(x2$theme$axis.text.x$hjust, 1)
y1 <- p + rot_y(vertical = TRUE, vjust = "left")
expect_equal(y1$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 90)
expect_equal(y1$theme$axis.text.y$vjust, 1)
y2 <- p + rot_y(vertical = TRUE, vjust = "right")
expect_equal(y2$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 90)
expect_equal(y2$theme$axis.text.y$vjust, 0)
test_that("rot_at - rotate list of plots", {
etas <- paste0("ETA", 1:3)
co <- c("STUDYc", "CPc", "RF")
x0 <- eta_cat(id, x = co, y = etas)
x <- rot_at(x0, at = "ETA2vSTUDYc", angle = 11)
expect_is(x, "list")
expect_is(x[[1]], "gg")
expect_equal(x$ETA2vSTUDYc$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 11)
x <- rot_at(x0, at = c("ETA2vSTUDYc", "ETA1vRF"), angle = 11)
expect_is(x, "list")
expect_equal(x$ETA2vSTUDYc$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 11)
expect_equal(x$ETA1vRF$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 11)
x <- rot_at(x0, re = "ETA2", angle = 33)
expect_is(x, "list")
expect_is(x[[1]], "gg")
expect_equal(x$ETA2vSTUDYc$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 33)
expect_equal(x$ETA2vCPc$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 33)
expect_equal(x$ETA2vRF$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 33)
expect_error(rot_at(x0, at = "kyle"), "requested names not found")
expect_warning(rot_at(x0, re = "banana"), "did not find any plots")
expect_error(rot_at(x0[[1]]), "must be a list of gg")
expect_error(rot_at(unname(x0)), "must be named")
test_that("rot_xy", {
g1 <- dv_pred(data)
g2 <- dv_ipred(data)
p1 <- g1 + g2
p2 <- g1/g2
l <- list(a = g1, b = g2)
lp <- list(a = p1, b = p2)
nuke_env <- function(xs) {
for (i in seq_along(xs)) {
if (identical(names(xs[i]), "plot_env")) {
xs[[i]] <- "CLOBBERED"
} else if (is.list(xs[[i]])) {
xs[[i]] <- nuke_env(xs[[i]])
# Check if these are the same, ignoring plot_env
# rotate gg
a <- rot_xy(g1)
b <- g1 + rot_x()
expect_equal(nuke_env(a), nuke_env(b))
# rotate patchwork
a <- rot_xy(p1)
b <- p1 & rot_x()
expect_equal(nuke_env(a), nuke_env(b))
# list of gg
a <- lapply(l, function(xx) xx + rot_x())
expect_is(a, "list")
b <- rot_xy(l)
expect_equal(nuke_env(a), nuke_env(b))
expect_error(rot_xy(unname(l)), "must be named")
# list of patchwork
a <- lapply(lp, function(xx) xx & rot_x())
expect_is(a, "list")
b <- rot_xy(lp)
expect_equal(nuke_env(a), nuke_env(b))
# Arguments are passed through
a <- rot_xy(g1, angle = 89)
expect_equal(a$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 89)
a <- rot_xy(g2, angle = 98, axis = "y")
expect_equal(a$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 98)
test_that("def [PMP-TEST-065]", {
x <- defx(breaks = c(1,2,3))
expect_equal(x$breaks, c(1,2,3))
expect_equal(x$position, "bottom")
x <- defy(breaks = c(1,2,3))
expect_equal(x$breaks, c(1,2,3))
expect_equal(x$position, "left")
x <- defcx()
expect_equal(x$position, "bottom")
test_that("logbr [PMP-TEST-066]", {
x <- logbr()
expect_equal(x, 10^seq(-10,10))
y <- logbr3()
expect_equal(y, sort(c(x,3*x)))
test_that("char [PMP-TEST-067]", {
expect_true(pmplots:::charthere("kyle", "k"))
expect_equal(pmplots:::charcount("mississippi", "i"),4)
test_that("search col name [PMP-TEST-068]", {
data$CWRES <- NULL
a <- pmplots:::search_cwres_i("CWRES", data)
test_that("args are passed to rot_x and rot_y [PMP-TEST-069]", {
p <- dv_time(data) + rot_x(hjust = 0, vjust = 0)
expect_is(p, "gg")
p <- dv_time(data) + rot_y(hjust = 0, vjust = 0)
expect_is(p, "gg")
p <- dv_time(data) + rot_x(vert = TRUE)
expect_is(p, "gg")
test_that("pm_with arranges a list of plots", {
data <- pmplots_data_id()
x <- c("STUDYc", "CPc", "RF")
y <- paste0("ETA", 1:3)
p <- eta_cat(data, x, y[1])
a <- pm_with(p, STUDYc+CPc+RF)
expect_is(a, "patchwork")
expect_length(a, 3)
p <- eta_covariate_list(data, x, y)
a <- pm_with(p$ETA1, (STUDYc + CPc)/RF)
expect_is(a, "patchwork")
expect_length(a, 2)
test_that("trans argument is mapped to transform", {
fns <- list(
for (fn in fns) {
res <- fn(trans = "log2")
expect_identical(res[["transform"]], "log2")
expect_false("trans" %in% names(res))
identical(res, fn(transform = "log2"))
test_that("remap_trans_arg() converts trans to transform", {
# expect_deprecated() configures an option that should ensure the warning is
# always emitted, but for some reason only one warning is given if
# remap_trans_arg() is called with its default user_env value.
env <- rlang::current_env()
remap_trans_arg(list(trans = "log2"), user_env = env)
list(transform = "log2")
remap_trans_arg(list(trans = "log2", transform = "log10"), user_env = env)
list(transform = "log2")
# If both are specified, `trans` is in effect, following ggplot2 precedence.
remap_trans_arg(list(transform = "log2")),
list(transform = "log2")
test_that("data type detection", {
dd <- data.frame(
num = c(1,2,3),
int = c(1L, 2L, 3L),
char = letters[1:3],
log = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
dd$fac <- factor(dd$num)
tib <- dplyr::as_tibble(dd)
# tests with data.frame
expect_error(pmplots:::require_discrete(dd, "num"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_discrete(dd, "int"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(dd, "char"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(dd, "fac"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(dd, "log"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_numeric(dd, "num"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_numeric(dd, "int"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(dd, "char"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(dd, "fac"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(dd, "log"))
# tests with tibble
expect_error(pmplots:::require_discrete(tib, "num"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_discrete(tib, "int"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(tib, "char"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(tib, "fac"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_discrete(tib, "log"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_numeric(tib, "num"))
expect_null(pmplots:::require_numeric(tib, "int"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(tib, "char"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(tib, "fac"))
expect_error(pmplots:::require_numeric(tib, "log"))
# test discrete
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