.stop <- function(...) stop(..., call.=FALSE)
warn_cwres <- function(data) {
warning("CWRES column does not exist in this data frame",call.=FALSE)
warn_cwresi <- function(data) {
warning("CWRESI column does not exist in this data frame",call.=FALSE)
##' Add `CWRES` column from `CWRESI` if needed
##' The intention here is to make sure there is a `CWRES` column if applicable
##' so that the `cwres` variant functions can be used rather than the
##' `cwresi` variants.
##' @details
##' If `CWRESI` was tabled out, then a `CWRES` column is added. No change
##' is made in case there is already a `CWRES` column. This function is
##' called with every call to a `cwresi` variant, so, ideally, the user
##' can call this function once upon loading the data.
##' @param x a data frame
##' @md
##' @export
supplement_cwres <- function(x) {
if("CWRES" %in% names(x)) return(x)
if("CWRESI" %in% names(x)) {
message("Creating CWRES column from CWRESI")
x[["CWRES"]] <- x[["CWRESI"]]
.is_discrete <- function(x) {
inherits(x, c("character", "factor", "logical"))
.is_continuous <- function(x) {
inherits(x, c("integer", "numeric"))
require_discrete <- function(df,x) {
require_column(df, x)
if(!.is_discrete(df[[x]])) {
.stop("column ", x, " is required to be character, factor, or logical.")
require_numeric <- function(df,x) {
if(!.is_continuous(df[[x]])) {
.stop("column ", x, " is required to be numeric.")
require_column <- function(df,x) {
if(!exists(x,df)) {
.stop("column ", x, " is required in the data set")
require_columns <- function(df,...) {
x <- unlist(list(...), use.names=FALSE)
for(xx in x) {
if(!exists(xx,df)) {
.stop("column ", xx, " is required in the data set")
get_limits <- function(df,x,y) {
##' Create breaks on log scale
##' @param from smallest break on log10 scale (see default value)
##' @param to largest break on log10 scale (see default value)
##' @examples
##' logbr()
##' logbr(-5,8)
##' logbr3()
##' @export
logbr <- function(from=-10,to=10) {
##' @export
##' @rdname logbr
logbr3 <- function() {
x <- logbr()
##' Identity and log scale helpers
##' @param breaks passed to scale function
##' @param limits passed to scale function
##' @param transform passed to scale function
##' @param trans deprecated; use `transform` argument instead.
##' @param ... passed to scale function
##' @export
pm_log <- function(breaks = NULL, limits=NULL, transform = "log10", ..., trans = deprecated()) {
ans <- list(transform = transform, ...)
if (is_present(trans)) {
deprecate_warn("0.5.0", "pm_log(trans)", "pm_log(transform)")
ans[["transform"]] <- trans
ans[["breaks"]] <- breaks
ans[["limits"]] <- limits
##' @rdname pm_log
##' @export
pm_ident <- function(breaks, limits = range(breaks), ...) {
ans <- list(...)
ans[["breaks"]] <- breaks
ans[["limits"]] <- limits
##' Default setting for x-axis scale
##' A named list of the formal arguments for \code{scale_x_continuous}. This
##' function helps you to create a fully populated list. For any
##' function that uses this as a default, you can also
##' create your own named list for arguments you want to update, using
##' this default as a base.
##' @param ... arguments for \code{scale_x_continuous}
##' @param trans deprecated; use `transform` argument instead.
##' @details
##' In the named list, the name is the argument name and the value
##' is the argument value.
##' @examples
##' defx(transform="log")
##' @export
defx <- function(..., trans = deprecated()) {
x0 <- list(...)
if (is_present(trans)) {
deprecate_warn("0.5.0", "defx(trans)", "defx(transform)")
x0[["transform"]] <- trans
x <- as.list(formals(ggplot2::scale_x_continuous))
x[["trans"]] <- NULL
x <- merge_list(x,x0)
x$oob <- NULL
##' Default setting for continuous y-axis scale
##' A named list of the formal arguments for \code{scale_y_continuous}. This
##' function helps you to create a fully populated list. For any
##' function that uses this as a default, you can also
##' create your own named list for arguments you want to update, using
##' this default as a base.
##' @param ... arguments for \code{scale_y_continuous}
##' @param trans deprecated; use `transform` argument instead.
##' @examples
##' defy(transform="log")
##' @export
defy <- function(..., trans = deprecated()) {
x0 <- list(...)
if (is_present(trans)) {
deprecate_warn("0.5.0", "defy(trans)", "defy(transform)")
x0[["transform"]] <- trans
x <- as.list(formals(ggplot2::scale_y_continuous))
x[["trans"]] <- NULL
x <- merge_list(x,x0)
x$oob <- NULL
##' Default setting for discrete x-axis scale
##' A named list of the formal arguments for \code{scale_x_discrete}. This
##' function helps you to create a fully populated list. For any
##' function that uses this as a default, you can also
##' create your own named list for arguments you want to update using
##' this default as a base.
##' @param ... arguments for \code{scale_x_discrete}
##' @details
##' In the named list, the name is the argument name and the value
##' is the argument value.
##' @examples
##' defcx()
##' @export
defcx <- function(...) {
x0 <- list(...)
x <- as.list(formals(ggplot2::scale_x_discrete))
x <- merge_list(x,x0)
x[["..."]] <- NULL
##' Scale information for log transformation
##' @param breaks breaks
##' @param ... additional scale parameters
##' @examples
##' log_scale()
##' @export
log_scale <- function(breaks=NULL,...) {
ans <- list(transform="log10",...)
ans[["breaks"]] <- breaks
split_col_label <- function(x,split="//") {
y <- strsplit(x,split=split,fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
sapply(y,FUN=trimws, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
##' Column // axis-label specification
##' @param x string encoding data column and axis title
##' @examples
##' col_label("CL // Clearance (L)")
##' col_label("CL//Clearance (L)")
##' col_label("CL $$ Clearance (L)")
##' col_label("CL !! Clearance (L)")
##' col_label("CL @@@@ Clearance (L)")
##' try(col_label("CL / Clearance (L)"))
##' @export
col_label <- function(x) {
if(is.list(x)) x <- unlist(x)
for(sp in c("//","$$", "@@", "!!")) {
y <- split_col_label(x,sp)
if(length(y)==2) {
if(!grepl("[ ()/$!@]",x)) {
.stop("invalid 'column // label' specification:\n ", x)
col_labels <- function(x) {
x <- lapply(x, col_label)
values <- sapply(x, "[",1)
names <- sapply(x,"[",2)
names(values) <- names
col_label_col <- function(x) {
x <- lapply(x, col_label)
vapply(x, "[", 1, FUN.VALUE = "a")
#' Parse the label part of a col_label
#' @details
#' The label can include TeX math expressions (more common) or plotmath.
#' TeX math expressions are detected if more than two `$` are detected in the
#' string. Parsing is accomplished with the `TeX` function from the `latex2exp`
#' package; a warning if the`latex2exp` is not available.
#' Text to be parsed as plotmath is detected when the text begins with `!!`.
#' @param x A character string.
#' @examples
#' parse_label("foo $\\mu$")
#' parse_label("!!mu")
#' @md
#' @export
parse_label <- function(x) {
if(substr(x, 1, 2) == "!!") {
x <- parse(text = substr(x, 3, nchar(x)))
if(look_for_tex(x)) {
if(!requireNamespace("latex2exp")) {
warning("Please install the latex2exp package to parse TeX expressions.")
} else {
x <- latex2exp::TeX(x)
#' @rdname parse_label
#' @export
look_for_tex <- function(x) {
if(getOption("pmplots.TeX.labels", FALSE)) {
charcount(x,"$") >= 2
#' TeX labeller
#' This function can be passed to the `labeller` argument of
#' [ggplot2::facet_wrap()] or [ggplot2::facet_grid()]. Labels are processed
#' using [parse_label()].
#' @param x Data frame of labels.
#' @rdname parse_label
#' @md
#' @export
label_tex <- function(x) {
x <- lapply(x, as.character)
lapply(x, function(values) {
lapply(values, parse_label)
#' @rdname parse_label
#' @export
label_parse_label <- label_tex
pm_labs <- function(...) {
x <- lapply(list(...), parse_label)
noline <- ggplot2::element_blank()
merge_list <- function(x,y,...,open=FALSE,
warn=FALSE,context="object") {
y <- as.list(y)
## Merge two lists
common <- intersect(names(x), names(y))
x[common] <- y[common]
if(open) {
nw <- !is.element(names(y),names(x))
x <- c(x,y[nw])
} else {
if(length(common)==0 & warn) {
warning(paste0("Found nothing to update: ", context), call.=FALSE)
combine_list <- function(left, right) {
if(!all(is.list(left),is.list(right))) {
stop("input are not lists")
left[names(right)] <- right
update_list <- function(left, right) {
if(!all(is.list(left),is.list(right))) {
stop("input are not lists")
common <- intersect(names(left), names(right))
left[common] <- right[common]
remap_trans_arg <- function(args, user_env = rlang::caller_env(2)) {
# ggplot2 3.5.0 deprecated `trans` in favor of `transform`.
if ("trans" %in% names(args)) {
"0.5.0", I("`trans` argument"), I("`transform` argument"),
user_env = user_env
args[["transform"]] <- args[["trans"]]
args[["trans"]] <- NULL
##' Rotate axis text
##' @param angle passed to [ggplot2::element_text()].
##' @param hjust passed to [ggplot2::element_text()].
##' @param vjust passed to [ggplot2::element_text()].
##' @param vertical if `TRUE`, then x-axis tick labels are rotated 90 degrees
##' with `vjust` set to 0.5 and `hjust` set to 1; when using `rot_y()`,
##' y-axis tick labels are rotated 90 degrees with `hjust` set to 0.5
##' with `vjust` set to 1; see details.
##' @param ... passed to [ggplot2::element_text()].
##' @details
##' If x-axis tick labels do not have enough space, consider using
##' `vertical = TRUE`. By default, the tick labels will be justified up to the
##' x-axis line. Use `hjust = "bottom"` (with `vertical = TRUE`)
##' to justify the axis labels toward the bottom margin of the plot. Similar
##' behavior can be made for y-axis tick labels, but use `vertical = TRUE` and
##' set `vjust` to either "left" or "right" to control proximity to the y-axis.
##' @examples
##' data <- pmplots_data_obs()
##' dv_pred(data) + rot_x()
##' \dontrun{
##' cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_x(vertical = TRUE)
##' cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_x(vertical = TRUE, hjust = "bottom")
##' cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_y(vertical = TRUE)
##' cwres_cat(data, x = "CPc") + rot_y(vertical = TRUE, vjust = "left")
##' }
##' @md
##' @export
rot_x <- function(angle=30, hjust = 1, vjust = NULL, vertical = FALSE, ...) {
if(isTRUE(vertical)) {
if(is.character(hjust)) {
hjust <- arg_match(hjust, c("top", "bottom"))
if(hjust=="top") hjust <- 1
if(hjust=="bottom") hjust <- 0
} else {
if(missing(hjust)) hjust <- 1
angle <- 90
vjust <- 0.5
} else {
if(is.character(hjust)) {
abort("hjust must be numeric or NULL in this case.")
x <- element_text(angle = angle, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, ...)
##' @rdname rot_x
##' @export
rot_y <- function(angle=30, hjust = 1, vjust = NULL, vertical = FALSE, ...) {
if(isTRUE(vertical)) {
if(is.character(vjust)) {
vjust <- arg_match(vjust, c("left", "right"))
if(vjust=="left") vjust <- 1
if(vjust=="right") vjust <- 0
} else {
if(missing(vjust)) vjust <- 1
angle <- 90
hjust <- 0.5
} else {
if(is.character(vjust)) {
abort("`vjust` must be numeric or NULL in this case.")
y <- element_text(angle = angle, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, ...)
.rotxy <- function(x, ...) UseMethod(".rotxy")
#' @export
.rotxy.gg <- function(x, axis = "x", ...) {
if(axis=="x") {
x <- x + rot_x(...)
} else {
x <- x + rot_y(...)
#' @export
.rotxy.patchwork <- function(x, axis = "x", ...) {
if(axis=="x") {
x <- x & rot_x(...)
} else {
x <- x & rot_y(...)
#' Rotate axis tick marks in a list of plots
#' Pass in a list of gg or patchwork objects and rotate tick marks on x or y
#' axes.
#' @param x a named list of gg or patchwork objects.
#' @param at a character vector of list names to rotate.
#' @param re a regular expression for selecting names to be used for `at`.
#' @param axis which axis to rotate.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [rot_x()] or [rot_y()].
#' @details
#' Note that all plots in the list need to be named.
#' @seealso [rot_xy()], [rot_x()], [rot_y()].
#' @examples
#' data <- pmplots_data_id()
#' co <- c("STUDYc", "CPc", "RF")
#' etas <- paste0("ETA", 1:3)
#' x <- eta_cat(data, x = co, y = etas)
#' names(x)
#' x <- rot_at(x, at = "ETA1vRF", angle = 35)
#' x$ETA1vRF
#' x <- rot_at(x, re = "RF", vertical = TRUE)
#' x$ETA2vRF
#' x$ETA3vRF
#' @md
#' @export
rot_at <- function(x, at = names(x), re = NULL, axis = c("x", "y"), ...) {
if(!is.list(x) || is.ggplot(x) || inherits(x, "patchwork")) {
abort("`x` must be a list of gg or patchwork objects.")
if(!is_named(x)) abort("`x` must be named.")
axis <- match.arg(axis)
if(is.character(re)) {
where <- grep(re, names(x), perl = TRUE)
} else {
if(!is.character(at)) abort("`at` must be character.")
bad <- setdiff(at, names(x))
if(length(bad)) {
names(bad) <- rep("x", length(bad))
abort("requested names not found in `x`.", body = bad)
where <- which(names(x) %in% at)
if(!length(where)) {
warn("did not find any plots for axis rotation.")
for(w in where) {
x[[w]] <- .rotxy(x[[w]], axis = axis, ...)
#' Rotate the x or y axes for gg or patchwork objects
#' This is a wrapper function around [rot_at()], [rot_x()], and [rot_y()] that
#' accepts gg objects, patchwork objects, or lists of gg or patchwork objects.
#' Arguments to those wrapped functions can be passed through. See arguments
#' to [rot_at()] as well as [rot_x()] and [rot_y()].
#' @param x a gg object, patchwork object, or list of those objects.
#' @param axis which axis to rotate (`x` or `y`).
#' @param ... arguments passed to [rot_at()] (`at`, `re`) or [rot_x()] / [rot_y()]
#' (`angle`, `vertical` `hjust`, `vjust`).
#' @seealso [rot_at()], [rot_x()], [rot_y()].
#' @examples
#' library(patchwork)
#' data <- pmplots_data_obs()
#' p <- dv_pred(data)
#' p1 <- rot_xy(p)
#' p2 <- rot_xy(p, vertical = TRUE)
#' p3 <- rot_xy(p, axis = "y", angle = 15)
#' p1 + p2 + p3
#' rot_xy(p + dv_ipred(data))
#' co <- c("STUDYc", "CPc")
#' etas <- paste0("ETA", 1:2)
#' x <- eta_covariate(data, x = co, y = etas, transpose = TRUE)
#' pp <- rot_xy(x, at = "CPc")
#' pm_with(pp, STUDYc/CPc)
#' @export
rot_xy <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("rot_xy")
#' @rdname rot_xy
#' @export
rot_xy.gg <- function(x, axis = c("x", "y"), ...) {
axis <- match.arg(axis)
.rotxy(x, axis = axis, ...)
#' @rdname rot_xy
#' @export
rot_xy.patchwork <- function(x, axis = c("x", "y"), ...) {
axis <- match.arg(axis)
.rotxy(x, axis = axis, ...)
#' @rdname rot_xy
#' @export
rot_xy.list <- function(x, axis = c("x", "y"), ...) {
axis <- match.arg(axis)
rot_at(x, axis = axis, ...)
.has <- function(name,object) {
name %in% names(object)
no_cwres <- function(object) {
!("CWRES" %in% names(object))
.miss <- function(name,object) {
!(name %in% names(object))
glue_unit <- function(x, xunit) {
if(is.null(xunit)) return(x)
if(nchar(xunit) > 0) xunit <- paste0("(",xunit,")")
glue_xname <- function(x, xname) {
if(is.null(xname)) return(x)
glue_yname <- function(x, yname) {
if(is.null(yname)) return(x)
charcount <- function(x,w,fx=TRUE) {
nchar(x) - nchar(gsub(w,"",x,fixed=fx))
charthere <- function(x,w,fx=TRUE) {
search_cwres_i <- function(col_name, data) {
if(col_name %in% names(data)) {
if(col_name=="CWRES") {
if("CWRESI" %in% names(data)) {
if(col_name=="CWRESI") {
if("CWRES" %in% names(data)) {
parse_eval <- function(x) {
eval(parse(text = x),envir=parent.frame(2))
#' Arrange a list of plots in a grid
#' This is a light wrapper around [patchwork::wrap_plots()] to
#' arrange the plots and [patchwork::plot_annotation()] to
#' optionally tag levels in the grid of plots.
#' @param x a list of plots.
#' @param ncol passed to [patchwork::wrap_plots()].
#' @param tag_levels passed to [patchwork::plot_annotation()].
#' @param ... passed to [patchwork::wrap_plots()].
#' @details
#' The patchwork package must be installed to use this function.
#' @examples
#' data <- pmplots_data_obs()
#' plot <- wres_cont(data, x = c("WT", "ALB"))
#' pm_grid(plot)
#' pm_grid(plot, tag_levels = "a")
#' @md
#' @export
pm_grid <- function(x, ncol = 2, tag_levels = NULL, ...) {
x <- patchwork::wrap_plots(x, ncol = ncol, ...)
if(!is.null(tag_levels)) {
x <- x + patchwork::plot_annotation(tag_levels = tag_levels)
#' Arrange a named list of plots
#' @param x a named list of gg objects to arrange.
#' @param expr a `patchwork` formula for arranging plots in `x`.
#' @param tag_levels passed to [patchwork::plot_annotation()].
#' @examples
#' data <- pmplots_data_id()
#' etas <- paste0("ETA", 1:3)
#' covs <- c("WT", "AGE", "ALB")
#' x <- eta_covariate_list(data, x = covs, y = etas, transpose = TRUE)
#' pm_with(x$WT, (ETA1 + ETA2) / ETA3)
#' @export
pm_with <- function(x, expr, tag_levels = NULL) {
# See also with method in displays.R
if(!is_named(x)) {
abort("`x` must be named.")
if(!is.list(x) || is.ggplot(x) || inherits(x, "patchwork")) {
abort("`x` must be a list.")
expr <- enexpr(expr)
p <- eval(expr, envir = x)
p <- p + patchwork::plot_annotation(tag_levels = tag_levels)
#' Chunk a data frame
#' @param data a data frame.
#' @param id_per_chunk number of units per chunk.
#' @param cols a character vector of one or more columns to use for deriving
#' `ID` to use for chunking.
#' @return
#' A list of data frames.
#' @examples
#' x <- expand.grid(ID = 1:10, B = rev(1:10))
#' chunk_by_cols(x, 3, "ID")
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
chunk_by_cols <- function(data, id_per_chunk, cols) {
if(!is.character(cols)) {
stop("`cols` argument must be character.")
if(!is.data.frame(data)) {
stop("`data` argument must be a data.frame.")
for(col in cols) {
if(!exists(col, data)) {
stop(sprintf("chunking column %s does not exist in data.", col))
if(!is.numeric(id_per_chunk)) {
stop("`id_per_chunk` must be numeric.")
if(!(id_per_chunk > 0)) {
stop("`id_per_chunk` must be greater than zero.")
if(length(cols) ==1) {
id <- data[[cols]]
} else {
id <- do.call(paste, c(data[, cols, drop = FALSE], sep = "-@-@-"))
uids <- unique(id)
ntot <- length(uids)
if(!(id_per_chunk <= ntot)) {
stop("id_per_chunk must be <= number of unique values in `cols`.")
chunkn <- seq(ceiling(ntot %/% id_per_chunk) + 1)
a <- sort(rep(chunkn, each = id_per_chunk, length.out = ntot))
sp <- a[match(id, uids)]
split.data.frame(data, sp)
force_digits <- function(x,digits) formatC(x,digits=digits,format = 'f')
require_patchwork <- function() {
if(!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop('The "patchwork" package is required.')
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