
Defines functions check_mode_argument submit_nonmem_model submit_model.bbi_nonmem_model submit_model

Documented in check_mode_argument submit_model submit_model.bbi_nonmem_model submit_nonmem_model

# S3 dispatches for submitting a single model

#' Submit a model to be run
#' Submits a model to be run by calling out to `bbi`.
#' @return While `submit_model()` _does_ return something, it is primarily
#' called for its side effects, specifically that it runs the model and writes
#' all model outputs to disk under `get_output_dir(.mod)`.
#' **NONMEM**
#' For NONMEM models, a `bbi_process` object is returned. The typical NONMEM
#' output files are all written into `get_output_dir(.mod)`. A summary of the
#' contents of these files can be accessed with [model_summary()], and the path
#' to individual files can be easily constructed like
#' `build_path_from_model(.mod, ".lst")`.
#' A `bbi_config.json` file is also written, which stores information about the
#' configuration of the run. See [config_log()] for more details about this
#' file.
#' @template nonmem-mod-ext
#' @seealso [submit_models()]
#' @param .mod The model object to submit.
#' @param .bbi_args A named list specifying arguments to pass to bbi
#'   formatted like `list("nm_version" = "nm74gf_nmfe", "json" = T, "threads" =
#'   4)`. Run [print_bbi_args()] to see valid arguments. Note that bbr does
#'   not support changing the output directory (including through the model or
#'   global YAML files).
#' @param .mode Either `"sge"`, the default, to submit model(s) to the grid or
#'   `"local"` for local execution. This can be passed directly to this argument
#'   or set globally with `options("bbr.bbi_exe_mode")`.
#' @param ... args passed through to `bbi_exec()`
#' @param .overwrite Logical to specify whether or not to overwrite existing
#'   model output from a previous run. If `NULL`, the default, will defer to
#'   setting in `.bbi_args` or `bbi.yaml`. If _not_ `NULL` will override any
#'   settings in `.bbi_args` or `bbi.yaml`.
#' @param .config_path Path to a bbi configuration file. If `NULL`, the
#'   default, will attempt to use a `bbi.yaml` in the same directory as the
#'   model.
#' @param .wait If `TRUE`, the default, wait for the bbi process to return
#'   before this function call returns. If `FALSE` function will return while
#'   bbi process runs in the background.
#' @param .dry_run Returns an object detailing the command that would be run,
#'   insted of running it. This is primarily for testing but also a debugging
#'   tool.
#' @export
submit_model <- function(
  .bbi_args = NULL,
  .mode = getOption("bbr.bbi_exe_mode"),
  .overwrite = NULL,
  .config_path = NULL,
  .wait = TRUE,
) {

#' @describeIn submit_model Takes a `bbi_nonmem_model` object.
#' @export
submit_model.bbi_nonmem_model <- function(
  .bbi_args = NULL,
  .mode = getOption("bbr.bbi_exe_mode"),
  .overwrite = NULL,
  .config_path = NULL,
  .wait = TRUE,
) {

  res <- submit_nonmem_model(.mod,
                             .bbi_args = .bbi_args,
                             .mode = .mode,
                             .overwrite = .overwrite,
                             .config_path = .config_path,
                             .wait = .wait,
                             .dry_run = .dry_run)

# Private implementation function(s)

#' Submit a NONMEM model via bbi
#' Private implementation function called by `submit_model()` dispatches.
#' @param .mod An S3 object of class `bbi_nonmem_model`, for example from `new_model()`, `read_model()` or `copy_model_from()`
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_logical
#' @return An S3 object of class `bbi_process`
#' @keywords internal
submit_nonmem_model <- function(.mod,
                                .bbi_args = NULL,
                                .mode = getOption("bbr.bbi_exe_mode"),
                                .overwrite = NULL,
                                .config_path = NULL,
                                .wait = TRUE,
                                .dry_run=FALSE) {

  # check against YAML

  # check for valid .mode arg

  # build command line args
  .bbi_args <- parse_args_list(.bbi_args, .mod[[YAML_BBI_ARGS]])
  if (!is.null(.overwrite)) {
    .bbi_args[["overwrite"]] <- .overwrite
  args_vec <- check_bbi_args(.bbi_args)

  cmd_args <- c("nonmem", "run", .mode, get_model_path(.mod), args_vec)

  # define working directory
  model_dir <- get_model_working_directory(.mod)

  .path_exists <- file_exists(.config_path %||% file.path(model_dir, "bbi.yaml"))
    stop(paste("No bbi configuration was found in the execution directory.",
               "Please run `bbi_init()` with the appropriate directory to continue."))

  if (!is.null(.config_path)) {
    cmd_args <- c(
      sprintf("--config=%s", normalizePath(.config_path))

  if (.dry_run) {
    # construct fake res object
    return(bbi_dry_run(cmd_args, model_dir))

  # launch model
  res <- bbi_exec(cmd_args, .wait = .wait, .dir = model_dir, ...)


#' Private helper to check if `.mode` arg to `submit_model()` is valid
#' @param .mode argument to be checked
#' @keywords internal
check_mode_argument <- function(.mode) {
  if (is.null(.mode)) {
    stop(BBI_EXE_MODE_NULL_ERR_MSG, call. = FALSE)


  if (!(.mode %in% BBI_VALID_MODES)) {

metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on March 15, 2024, 9:53 p.m.