
Defines functions build_bbi_param_list format_cmd_args check_bbi_args

Documented in build_bbi_param_list check_bbi_args format_cmd_args

#' Checks that all passed NONMEM command line args are valid and formats
#' @param .args A named list of .args to check
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list
#' @importFrom rlang is_bare_character is_bare_numeric is_bare_logical is_empty
#' @importFrom purrr imap set_names
#' @return character string, output from format_cmd_args()
#' @keywords internal
check_bbi_args <- function(.args) {
  # if NULL, return NULL back
  if (length(.args) == 0) {

  # check that unique named list was passed
    checkmate::assert_list(.args, names="unique"),
    error = function(e) {
      err_msg <- paste("`.args` must be a unique, named list:", e)

  # check against BBI_ARGS
  err_vec <- imap(.args, function(.v, .n) {
    # check that arg is valid
    ref <- BBI_ARGS[[.n]]
    if (is.null(ref)) {
      err_msg <- paste(.n, "is not a valid argument for the `.args` list in submit_nonmem_model(). Run `print_bbi_args()` to see valid arguments.")

    # check type
    if (ref$type == "character") {
      type_pass_bool <- is_bare_character(.v)
    } else if (ref$type == "logical") {
      type_pass_bool <- is_bare_logical(.v)
    } else if (ref$type == "numeric") {
      type_pass_bool <- is_bare_numeric(.v)
    } else {
      # This feels weird to put an intentional bug catch in here, but I don't like having to rely on raw string matching
      # from our aaa.R file to trigger functionality, so this feels like the safest option.
      stop(paste0("BUG!!! BBI_ARGS[['", .n, "']][['type']] is `", ref$type, "` which is invalid. Must be either 'character', 'logical', or 'numeric'"))
    if (!type_pass_bool) {
      err_msg <- paste0("`", .v, "` passed for arg `", .n, "`. Expected '", ref$type, "' type.")
    # if no errors return NULL
  }) %>% unlist()

  # check for errors, if no errors format arguments
  if (length(err_vec) > 0) {
    err_msg <- paste0(
      "There are ", length(err_vec), " errors in check_bbi_args(): ", paste(err_vec, collapse = " :: ")

  # format to key value pairs with command line flags
  key_value_flags <- unlist(imap(.args, function(.v, .n) {BBI_ARGS[[.n]]$flag}))
  key_value_list <- imap(.args, function(.v, .n) {.v}) %>% set_names(key_value_flags)

  # format list to character vector
  cmd_args <- format_cmd_args(key_value_list)

  if (!is.null(.args$threads) && .args$threads > 1) {
    if (is.null(.args$parallel)) {
      cmd_args <- c(cmd_args, "--parallel")
    } else if (isFALSE(.args$parallel)) {
      warning("`threads > 1` but model will not run in parallel because `parallel = FALSE`")

#' Formats command line args from a named list to a string as it would be passed on the command line
#' @param .args A named list of .args to check
#' @param .collapse If `FALSE`, the default, returns a character vector. If `TRUE`, collapses return vector to a single string.
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list
#' @importFrom rlang is_bare_logical
#' @importFrom purrr imap set_names
#' @return character vector of command args
#' @export
format_cmd_args <- function(.args, .collapse = FALSE) {
  # check that unique named list was passed
    checkmate::assert_list(.args, names="unique"),
    error = function(e) {
      err_msg <- paste("`.args` must be a unique, named list:", e)

  # build string from list
  arg_vec <- imap(.args, function(.v, .n) {
    # if logical and TRUE add flag
    if (rlang::is_bare_logical(.v)) {
      if (.v) {
        return(sprintf("%s", .n))
      } else {
        # should we return a warning here that passing FALSE does nothing?
    # otherwise add flag with value
    return(sprintf("%s=%s", .n, .v))
  }) %>% unlist()

  # return parsed args
  if (.collapse) {
    return(paste0(arg_vec, collapse = " "))
  } else {
    res <- if (length(arg_vec) > 0) {
      arg_vec %>% set_names(NULL)
    } else {

#' Group models for bbi submission
#' Multiple models can be submitted in a single bbi call if those models share a
#' working directory and a set of CLI arguments.
#' @inheritParams submit_models
#' @return A list whose elements correspond to groups of models that can be
#'   submitted in a single bbi call. Each element is itself a list with elements
#'   * `bbi_args`: a set of CLI arguments
#'   * `models`: a list of the elements of `.mods` in the group
#' @keywords internal
build_bbi_param_list <- function(.mods, .bbi_args = NULL) {

  # check that everything in list is a model object

  # character vector whose elements correspond to `.mods` and are strings
  # representing the CLI args to bbi for the corresponding model
  all_mod_args <-
    .mods %>%
    # TODO: consider whether this should be abstracted
    purrr::map(YAML_BBI_ARGS) %>%
    # `parse_args_list()` will return an empty list if both are `NULL`
    purrr::map(~ parse_args_list(.bbi_args, .)) %>%
    purrr::map(check_bbi_args) %>%
    # replace `NULL` by the empty string to avoid indexing issues below
    purrr::map(~ . %||% character(1L)) %>%

  mod_working_dirs <- purrr::map_chr(.mods, get_model_working_directory)

  mod_keys <- purrr::map2(

    ~ {
      key_idx <- purrr::map_lgl(mod_keys, identical, .)
      key <- mod_keys[key_idx][[1L]]
      # `key` can be of variable length, but the directory is always last
      dir_idx <- length(key)
      args <- key[-dir_idx]
      keep_mod_idx <- purrr::map2_lgl(
        ~ identical(.x, args) && identical(.y, key[dir_idx])
      # but replace the empty string by `NULL` to maintain existing behavior
      if (identical(args, character(1L))) args <- NULL
        bbi_args = args,
        models = .mods[keep_mod_idx]

#' Combines NONMEM args that were passed into the function call with args that were parsed from a model yaml
#' @param .func_args A named list of arguments for bbi, passed into submit_model function call
#' @param .yaml_args A named list of arguments for bbi, parsed from user input yaml
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list
#' @return The combination of the two lists, with .func_args overwriting any keys that are shared
#' @keywords internal
parse_args_list <- function(.func_args, .yaml_args) {
  # start with .yaml_args
  if (is.null(.yaml_args)) {
    .yaml_args <- list()
  .args <- .yaml_args

  if (!is.null(.func_args)) {
    # check that unique named list was passed
      checkmate::assert_list(.func_args, names="unique"),
      error = function(e) { stop(glue("`.args` must be a unique, named list: {e}")) }
    # add .func_args and overwrite anything from .yaml_args list that's in .func_args
    for (.n in names(.func_args)) {
      .args[[.n]] <- .func_args[[.n]]

#' Combines two named lists. By default, shared keys are overwritten by that key in .new_list
#' Any S3 classes will be inherited with those from .new_list given precedence.
#' @param .new_list A named list
#' @param .old_list A named list
#' @param .append Shared keys will have their contents concatenated instead of overwriting from .new_list
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_list
#' @return The combined list
#' @keywords internal
combine_list_objects <- function(.new_list, .old_list, .append = FALSE) {
  # check that unique named lists were passed
    checkmate::assert_list(.new_list, names="unique"),
    error = function(e) { stop(glue("`.new_list` must be a unique, named list: {e}")) }
    checkmate::assert_list(.old_list, names="unique"),
    error = function(e) { stop(glue("`.old_list` must be a unique, named list: {e}")) }

  # add .new_list and overwrite anything from .old_list list that's in .new_list
  .out_list <- list()
  for (.n in names(.new_list)) {
    .out_list[[.n]] <- .new_list[[.n]]
  for (.n in names(.old_list)) {
    if (.n %in% names(.out_list)) {
      if (.append) {
        .out_list[[.n]] <- c(.out_list[[.n]], .old_list[[.n]])
    } else {
      .out_list[[.n]] <- .old_list[[.n]]

  # add classes and return
  class(.out_list) <- unique(c(class(.new_list), class(.old_list)), fromLast = T)

#' add run col to bbi_log_df
#' @param df tibble to modify
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select everything
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @keywords internal
add_run_id_col <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    mutate(!!RUN_ID_COL := basename(.data[[ABS_MOD_PATH]])) %>%
    select(all_of(c(ABS_MOD_PATH, RUN_ID_COL)), everything())

#' Convert an object containing entirely NA's to NULL
#' @param .obj Object to check for NA
#' @keywords internal
na_to_null <- function(.obj) {
  if (is.null(.obj)) {
  if (all(is.na(.obj))) {
    .obj <- NULL

#' Compare a file to an MD5 sum
#' @param path String giving the path to the file.
#' @param md5 String giving expected MD5 sum.
#' @return `TRUE` if `path` matches `md5`, otherwise `FALSE` (including if
#'   `path` doesn't exist).
#' @keywords internal
file_matches <- function(path, md5) {

  if (file.exists(path)) {
    res <- tools::md5sum(path) == md5
  } else {
    res <- FALSE


# SHARED: file_matches_string() is used by bbr.bayes, so any changes here should
# be compatible with its use there.

#' Compare a file to a string
#' Check whether the md5 digest of a string matches
#' the digest of a file. In other words, are the
#' contents of the string and the file the same.
#' @details
#' Similar to [file_matches] but takes a string that
#' will be hashed to MD5 before comparing. By default
#' it also appends a new line to the end of the string
#' before hashing (because most file writer functions
#' do this automatically).
#' @param path String giving the path to the file.
#' @param string Character scalar to hash and compare to hash of file
#' @param append Character scalar to append to the end of string. Defaults
#'   to `"\n"` because helpers like `writeLines()` and `readr::write_lines()`
#'   automatically append a `"\n"` to a string when writing to a file.
#' @return `TRUE` if `path` matches `string`, otherwise `FALSE` (including if
#'   `path` doesn't exist).
#' @keywords internal
file_matches_string <- function(path, string, append = "\n") {

  test_string <- paste0(string, append)

  file_matches(path, digest::digest(test_string, serialize = FALSE))

#' Print valid .bbi_args
#' Prints all valid arguments to pass in to `.bbi_args=list()` argument of `submit_model()` or `model_summary()`
#' Note that this function is simply rendering information that is available in
#' the list `BBI_ARGS`, which is exported. Rather than calling this function,
#' RStudio users may prefer to inspect the result of `View(bbr::BBI_ARGS)`.
#' @importFrom purrr iwalk
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_replace str_squish
#' @export
print_bbi_args <- function() {
  iwalk(BBI_ARGS, function(v, name) {
    bname <- cli::style_bold(cli::col_blue(name))
    desc <- str_squish(v$description) %>%
      str_replace("RAW NMFE OPTION", cli::col_cyan("RAW NMFE OPTION")) %>%
    note <- if (is.null(v$compatibility_note)) {
    } else {
      paste0(". ", cli::col_red("Compatibility note"), ": ",
             v$compatibility_note,  ".")

    out <- glue("{bname} ({v$type}): {desc}. Command-line option: {v$flag}{note}")
    out <- cli::ansi_strwrap(out, exdent = 2)

#' Check what operating system R is running on
#' @return String, either "linux", "darwin", "windows"
#' @importFrom xfun is_macos is_windows is_linux
#' @keywords internal
check_os <- function() {
  if (is_linux()) {
  } else if (is_macos()) {
  } else if (is_windows()) {
  } else {
    dev_error("`xfun` failed to determine operating system.")

#' Prints message(s) if `isTRUE(getOption("bbr.verbose"))`
#' @keywords internal
verbose_msg <- function(.msg) {
  if(isTRUE(getOption("bbr.verbose"))) {
    for (.m in .msg) {


check_required_keys <- function(.list, .req) {
  all(.req %in% names(.list))

#' Private helper to check if an object inherits a model class and error if not
#' @param .mod The object to check
#' @param .mod_types Character vector of acceptable classes, defaulting to `BBI_BASE_MODEL_CLASS`
#' @keywords internal
check_model_object <- function(.mod, .mod_types = BBI_BASE_MODEL_CLASS) {
  if (!inherits(.mod, .mod_types)) {
      glue("Must pass a model object with one of the following classes: `{paste(.mod_types, collapse = ', ')}`"),
      glue("Got object of class: `{paste(class(.mod), collapse = ', ')}`"),
      sep = "\n"

#' Private helper to check if a list of objects all inherit a model class and error if not
#' @param .mods The list of objects to check
#' @param .mod_types Character vector of acceptable classes, defaulting to `BBI_BASE_MODEL_CLASS`
#' @keywords internal
check_model_object_list <- function(.mods, .mod_types = BBI_BASE_MODEL_CLASS) {
  all_models_bool <- map_lgl(.mods, function(.x) { inherits(.x, .mod_types) })
  if (isFALSE(all(all_models_bool))) {
    losers <- which(!all_models_bool)
      glue("Passed list must contain only model objects, but found {length(losers)} invalid objects at indices:"),
      paste(losers, collapse = ", ")

#' Private helper to check if an object inherits a run log class and error if not
#' @param .df The object to check
#' @keywords internal
check_bbi_run_log_df_object <- function(.df) {
  if (!inherits(.df, RUN_LOG_CLASS)) {
    stop(glue("Must pass a tibble of class `{RUN_LOG_CLASS}`, but got object of class: `{paste(class(.df), collapse = ', ')}`"))

#' Add model status to a run log
#' @param .log_df a `bbi_run_log_df` tibble (the output of [run_log()])
#' @keywords internal
add_model_status <- function(.log_df){
  # check input df
  checkmate::assert_true(ABS_MOD_PATH %in% names(.log_df))

  # Read in models to get model status
  mod_list <- purrr::map(.log_df[[ABS_MOD_PATH]], read_model) %>%
    suppressSpecificWarning("incomplete final line")

  .log_df %>% dplyr::mutate(
    status = purrr::map_chr(mod_list, bbi_nonmem_model_status)

# Error handlers

#' Raise error in strict mode
#' Raises an error if `options("bbr.strict" = TRUE)` (recommended). Otherwise raises a warning.
#' These errors are used for things like type-checking which guarantees safe, predictable behavior of functions,
#' but theoretically advanced users or developers could want to turn them off.
#' @keywords internal
strict_mode_error <- function(err_msg) {
  if (isTRUE(getOption("bbr.strict"))) {
    stop(err_msg, call. = FALSE)
  } else {
      "The following error is being ignored because `options('bbr.strict')` is not set to TRUE.",
      "Consider setting `options('bbr.strict' = TRUE)` if you experience issues.",
    ), call. = FALSE)

#' Build error message and throw error for passing character vector to get_... functions
#' @param .len The length of the vector that was passed.
#' @keywords internal
stop_get_scalar_msg <- function(.len) {
    glue("When passing character input to `bbr::get_...` functions, only scalar values are permitted. A vector of length {.len} was passed."),
    "Consider instead passing the tibble output from `run_log()`, or iterating with something like `purrr::map(your_vector, ~ get_...(.x)`"

#' Build error message and throw error for generic failure fo get_... functions
#' @param .bbi_object The object that something is attempting to be extracted from
#' @param .key The name of the field that is attempting to be extracted
#' @param .msg Character scalar or vector of more specific error messages to include at the end
#' @keywords internal
stop_get_fail_msg <- function(.bbi_object, .key, .msg = "") {
  stop(glue("Cannot extract `{.key}` from object of class `{paste(class(.bbi_object), collapse = ', ')}` :\n{paste(.msg, collapse = ', ')}"), call. = FALSE)

#' Construct error message that users shouldn't see
#' Contains a note to file an issue if ever encountered by a user.
#' @keywords internal
dev_error <- function(.msg) {
    "USER SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS ERROR. If encountered, please file an issue at https://github.com/metrumresearchgroup/bbr/issues",
    sep = "\n"

#' Suppress a warning that matches `.regexpr`
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @param .expr Expression to run
#' @param .regexpr Regex to match against any generated warning. Warning will be suppressed if this matches the warning message.
#' @export
suppressSpecificWarning <- function(.expr, .regexpr) {
  }, warning=function(w) {
    if (stringr::str_detect(w$message, .regexpr))

#' Call `utils::download.file()`, retrying once on failure.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to `utils::download.file()`
#' @keywords internal
download_with_retry <- function(...) {
  rc <- 1
  tryCatch(rc <- utils::download.file(...))
  if (rc != 0) {
    rc <- utils::download.file(...)

#' Replace BBI_NULL_NUM and BBI_NULL_STR with NA_real_
#' @param .vals a numeric or character vector
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @keywords internal
set_bbi_null <- function(.vals){
  map(.vals, function(.val){
    if(inherits(.val, c("integer", "numeric", "character")) &&
       !is.na(.val) && (.val == BBI_NULL_NUM)){
  }) %>% unlist()

#' Recursively apply a function to each list element
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_function
#' @param .list a list. Can be recursive
#' @param .func a function to apply to a list element
#' @param .overwrite whether or not to overwrite the list element with the specified function (otherwise just print)
#' @keywords internal
map_list_recursive <- function(.list, .func, .overwrite = TRUE) {
  for (i in seq_along(.list)) {
    value <- .list[[i]]
    if (is.list(value)) {
      .list[[i]] <- map_list_recursive(value, .func, .overwrite)
    } else {
        .list[[i]] <- .func(.list[[i]])

#' Removes duplicate col names
#' @param data dataframe
#' @keywords internal
remove_dup_cols <- function(data){
    dup_cols <- names(data)[duplicated(names(data))]
    dup_cols_str <- paste(dup_cols, collapse = ", ")
    dup_id <- c(which(duplicated(names(data))) -1, which(duplicated(names(data)))) %>% sort()
    warning(glue("Following duplicated columns: {dup_cols_str}\n  Duplicate names will be repaired with `make.unique()`")) # Warns if column names are equal.
    colnames(data) <- make.unique(colnames(data))
metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 4:23 p.m.