
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
setGeneric(".mutateEach", signature=c("grl"),
           function(grl, ...) standardGeneric(".mutateEach"))

#' Efficient Metadata Columns Mutation
#' @param grl a CompressedGRangesList
#' @param ... named list of vectors to insert as metadata columns on each element
#' \code{GRanges}. Each vector length must match the length of the \code{GRangesList}.
#' @return a \code{CompressedGRangesList} with all element \code{GRanges} updated
#' with supplied metadata columns
#' @importFrom methods setMethod slot slot<-
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom S4Vectors elementNROWS
setMethod(".mutateEach", "CompressedGRangesList",
          function (grl, ...) {
              ## ensure data is a valid length
              inputLengths <- vapply(list(...), length, integer(1), USE.NAMES=TRUE)
              if (!all(inputLengths == length(grl))) {
                stop("Mismatched lengths detected:\n",
                     "\tExpected length ", length(grl),
                     ", but found length(s) ",

              ## expand list to full length
              expandedListData <- lapply(list(...), rep, times=elementNROWS(grl))
              mcols(slot(grl, "unlistData"))[names(list(...))] <- expandedListData

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
setMethod(".mutateEach", "SimpleGRangesList",
          function (grl, ...) .mutateEach(GRangesList(grl, compress=TRUE), ...)
mfansler/txcutr documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 4:59 p.m.