
Defines functions pterm

Documented in pterm

#' Extracting parametric effects from a GAM model
#' @description This function can be used to extract a parametric effect from an object of 
#'              class \code{gamViz}.
#' @param o an object of class \code{gamViz}, the output of a \code{getViz()} call.
#' @param select index of the selected parametric effect.
#' @return An object of class "pTermSomething" where "Something" is substituted with
#'         the class of the variable of interest. For instance if this "numeric", the \code{pterm}
#'         will return an object of class "ptermNumeric". 
#' @name pterm
#' @examples 
#' ####### 1. Gaussian GAM 
#' library(mgcViz)
#' set.seed(3)
#' dat <- gamSim(1,n=1500,dist="normal",scale=20)
#' dat$fac <- as.factor( sample(c("A1", "A2", "A3"), nrow(dat), replace = TRUE) ) 
#' dat$logi <- as.logical( sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(dat), replace = TRUE) ) 
#' bs <- "cr"; k <- 12
#' b <- gam(y ~ x0 + x1 + I(x1^2) + s(x2,bs=bs,k=k) + fac + x3:fac + I(x1*x2) + logi,data=dat)
#' o <- getViz(b)
#' # Plot effect of 'x0'
#' pt <- pterm(o, 1)
#' plot(pt, n = 60) + l_ciPoly() + l_fitLine() + l_ciLine() + l_points()
#' # Plot effect of 'x3'
#' pt <- pterm(o, 1)
#' plot(pt, n = 60) + l_fitLine() + l_ciLine(colour = 2)
#' # Plot effect of 'fac'
#' pt <- pterm(o, 4)
#' plot(pt) + l_ciBar(colour = "blue") + l_fitPoints(colour = "red") + 
#'            l_rug(alpha = 0.3)
#' # Plot effect of 'logi'
#' pt <- pterm(o, 6)
#' plot(pt) + l_fitBar(a.aes = list(fill = I("light blue"))) + l_ciBar(colour = "blue")
#' # Plot effect of 'x3:fac': no method available yet available for second order terms
#' pt <- pterm(o, 7)
#' plot(pt)
#' ####### 1. Continued: Quantile GAMs
#' b <- mqgamV(y ~ x0 + x1 + I(x1^2) + s(x2,bs=bs,k=k) + x3:fac + 
#'               I(x1*x2) + logi, data=dat, qu = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8))
#' plot(pterm(b, 3)) + l_ciBar(colour = 2) + l_fitPoints()
#' plot(pterm(b, 4)) + l_fitBar(colour = "blue", fill = 3) + l_ciBar(colour = 2) 
#' # Don't know how to plot this interaction
#' plot(pterm(b, 6))
#' ####### 2. Gaussian GAMLSS model
#' library(MASS)
#' mcycle$fac <- as.factor( sample(c("z", "k", "a", "f"), nrow(mcycle), replace = TRUE) ) 
#' b <- gam(list(accel~times + I(times^2) + s(times,k=10), ~ times + fac + s(times)),
#'           data=mcycle,family=gaulss(), optimizer = "efs")
#' o <- getViz(b)
#' # Plot effect of 'I(times^2)' on mean: notice that partial residuals
#' # are unavailable for GAMLSS models, hence l_point does not do anything here.
#' pt <- pterm(o, 2)
#' plot(pt) + l_ciPoly() + l_fitLine() + l_ciLine() + l_points()
#' # Plot effect of 'times' in second linear predictor.
#' # Notice that partial residuals are unavailable.
#' pt <- pterm(o, 3)
#' plot(pt) + l_ciPoly() + l_fitLine() + l_ciLine(linetype = 3) + l_rug()
#' # Plot effect of 'fac' in second linear predictor.
#' pt <- pterm(o, 4)
#' plot(pt) + l_ciBar(colour = "blue") + l_fitPoints(colour = "red") + 
#'            l_rug() 
#' @rdname pterm
#' @export pterm
pterm <- function(o, select){
  if( inherits(o, "list") ){
    if( all(sapply(o, function(.x){inherits(.x, "gamViz")})) == FALSE ){
      stop("Object \"o\" should be of class \"mgamViz\" or (a list of) \"gamViz\" objects")
    if( is.null(names(o)) ){ names(o) <- 1:length(o) }
    class(o) <- "mgamViz"
  if( inherits(o, "mgamViz") ){
    out <- lapply(o, pterm, select = select)
    class(out) <- paste0("multi.", class(out[[1]]))
    attr(out, "isMQGAM") <- inherits(o, "mqgamViz") # Signal that 'o' is output of mqgamV
    return( out )
  if( !inherits(o, "gamViz") ){ stop("Argument 'o' should be of class 'gamViz'. See ?getViz") }

  terms <- o$pterms
  if( !is.list(terms) ) { terms <- list(terms) }

  order <- lapply(terms, attr, "order")
  np <- sapply(order, length)
  tot <- sum( np )
  if(length(select)>1){ stop("select should be a scalar") }
  if(select > tot){ stop(paste("select should be smaller than", tot, "the number of parametric terms in gamObject")) }
  vNam <- unlist(sapply(terms, function(.inp) attr(.inp, "term.labels")))[select]
  nam <- if(length(terms)>1){ attr(terms, "term.labels")[select] } else { attr(terms[[1]], "term.labels")[select] }
  ord <- unlist(order)[[select]]
  if(ord > 1){ # Dealing with interactions OR ...
    cls <- "interaction"
  } else {     # ... simple effect
    cls <- unlist(sapply(terms, function(.inp) unname(attr(.inp, "dataClasses"))[-1]))[select]
  if(cls == "ordered"){ cls <- "factor" } # We treat ordered factors as simple factors
  # Here we deal with with smooth effect built "by hand" (e.g. using bs(x0, degree=1))
  if( grepl("nmatrix", cls, fixed = TRUE) ){
    carrier.name <- function(term) {
      if (length(term) > 1L) 
      else as.character(term)
    cls <- "matrixNumeric"
    vNam <- carrier.name( str2expression(nam)[[1]] ) # Extract name of covariate x

  out <- list("ism" = select, 
              "name" = nam,
              "varName" = vNam,
              "class" = cls,  
              "order" = ord,
              "gObj" = o)

  cl <- paste0("pterm", .simpleCap(.mapVarClass(cls)))
  class(out) <- cl
  return( out )
mfasiolo/mgcViz documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 3:29 p.m.