#' @title PCA visualization of your \code{\link{MSnSet}} data
#' @description
#' \code{datavisupca} allows you to visualize the PCA plot of your data, clustered and not clustered on the same figure.
#' You can also choose to not see the plot and only get back your clustered data.
#' The clustering method available are from the pRoloc package (Laurent Gatto and al.).
#' @param object A \code{\link{MSnSet}} object
#' @param mfcol The name of the column which contains the markers from your data
#' @param method The clustering method, available : svm, ksvm, knn, perTurbo, nnet (neural network),
#' rf (random forest), naiveBayes, xgboost, CPA (constrained proportionate assignment),
#' CNN or SpatialTransformer.
#' @param ax A numeric vector of length 2, the axes on which you want to see the PCA plot (depend of the number of fraction of the data)
#' @param sh.gr A logical argument, to show or not the plot.
#' if FALSE, return only a \code{\link{MSnSet}} object : your data + the clustering information
#' @param tm An integer corresponding to the times parameter of clustering optimization functions from pRoloc package
#' @param cv An integer corresponding to the cross validation parameter of clustering optimization functions from pRoloc package
#' @return A list containing the two PCA plots on the same figure (clustered and not clustered) and the clustered MSnSet object if sh.gr = TRUE
#' else, it return only the clustered \code{\link{MSnSet}} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{svmOptimisation}} from Roloc package and \code{\link{fviz_pca_ind}} from factoextra package
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pRolocExtra)
#' datavisupca(tan2009r1)
datavisupca <- function(object, mfcol = "markers", method = "knn",
ax = c(1,2), sh.gr = TRUE, tm = 5, cv = 5){
object1 <- nainunknown(object, fcol = mfcol) #take off the NA values from the markers column and replace it by "unknown"
object2 <- nafilterdata(object1) #take off proteins with NA or infinite values from the data
if (sh.gr){
rep.pca <- FactoMineR::PCA(MSnbase::exprs(object2), graph = FALSE)
myalpha <- rep(0,length(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]])) #creation of a low alpha for the markers that are unknown (better visualization on the plot)
id <- which(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]] == "unknown")
myalpha[id] <- 0.2
myalpha[-id] <- 0.8
rep.fgr <- factoextra::fviz_pca_ind(rep.pca, geom.ind = "point", #build the first PCA graph
pointshape = 21,
pointsize = MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]], #we define the size in order to change it manually
fill.ind = MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]], #we color the protein according their organelle
alpha.ind = myalpha, mean.point = FALSE, axes = ax) +
ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 6)), size = "none") #change the size component from the fill legend and not showing the size legend
graph1 <- rep.fgr +
ggplot2::labs(title = "PCA", subtitle = paste("data :", deparse(substitute(object))),
fill = "Organelles") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = PaletteWithoutGrey(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]])) + #change the color manually with PaletteWithoutGrey function and set the color of protein which are assign to unknown in grey
ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = unlist(lapply(unique(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[mfcol]]), function(x){
if(x == "unknown"){y <- 2}
else{y <- 5}
names(y) <- x;
) #change the size manually : the protein which are assign to unknown are smaller than the others
#clustering method from the pRoloc package; some have specifics argument --> pRoloc documentation
#first, optimizes the hyperparameters of the clustering algorithm according to the data
#then cluster the data, on the starting space not the one from the PCA
if (method == "knn") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::knnOptimisation(object2, k = seq(2, 20, 2),
times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::knnClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "svm") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::svmOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::svmClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "ksvm") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::ksvmOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::ksvmClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "rf") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::rfOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::rfClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol, mtry = c(2,5,10))
else if (method == "naiveBayes") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::nbOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::nbClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "nnet") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::nnetOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- pRoloc::nnetClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "perTurbo") {
paramsrep <- pRoloc::perTurboOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv,
pRegul = 10^seq(-1,0,0.2), sigma = 10^seq(-1,1,0.5),
inv = "Inversion Cholesky",
reg = "tikhonov")
object2 <- pRoloc::perTurboClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "xgboost") {
paramsrep <- xgboostOptimisation(object2, times = tm, fcol=mfcol, xval = cv)
object2 <- xgboostClassification(object2, paramsrep, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "CPA") {
object2 <- CPAClassification(object2, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "CNN") {
object2 <- CNNimgClassification(object2, fcol=mfcol)
else if (method == "SpatialTransformer") {
object2 <- CNNimgClassification(object2, fcol=mfcol, model_type = "SpatialTransformer")
method_name <- method
if(method_name == "SpatialTransformer"){
method_name <- "CNN"
if (sh.gr){
#a score is calculated for each protein clustered when the clustering algorithm is called
ptszerep <- exp(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[paste0(method_name, ".scores")]]) - 1 #get back this score and modify it in order to change size of each point on the plot according to their clustering score
rep.loss <- round(mean(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[paste0(method_name, ".scores")]]),3) #get the mean of the clustering score to have it on the plot
#exact same step as before but with the new assignment, the clustering score, etc.
rep.clus <- factoextra::fviz_pca_ind(rep.pca, geom.ind = "point",
pointshape = 21,
pointsize = ptszerep,
fill.ind = MSnbase::fData(object2)[[method_name]],
alpha.ind = 0.6, mean.point = FALSE, axes = ax) +
ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5)), size = "none")
graph2 <- rep.clus +
labs(title = method, subtitle = paste("data :", deparse(substitute(object))),
fill = "Organelles", caption = paste("Scores =", rep.loss)) +
theme_bw() +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = PaletteWithoutGrey(MSnbase::fData(object2)[[method_name]]))
#return the plot and the clustered object under a list
return(list("graph" = ggpubr::ggarrange(graph1, graph2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2, common.legend = TRUE), "MSn" = object2))
#return the clustered object only
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