#' @title Find and replace metadata in an existing translation table
#' @description Use "find" arguments to identify a string of text to be
#' overwritten with "replace" arguments in a variable name, label, output
#' codes, output labels, universe statements, or manual recode fields. If
#' "replace" arguments are provided without corresponding "find" arguments,
#' the full text of each value will be replaced (except for output codes and
#' output labels, which cannot be disambiguated automatically).
#' @param path_or_variable Character: Either a full path to a translation
#' table or the variable name associated with a translation table currently
#' in the PMA variables folder
#' @param name_find Optional character: a string in the existing variable name
#' @param name_replace Optional character: a string to replace name_find. If
#' name_find is not provided, name_replace will replace the entire variable
#' name. The new file will be renamed accordingly.
#' @param label_find Optional character: a string in the existing variable label
#' @param label_replace Optional character: a string to replace label_find.
#' If label_find is not provided, label_replace will replace the entire variable
#' label.
#' @param output_find Optional character: a string in the existing output codes
#' or output labels
#' @param output_replace Optional character: a string to replace output_find.
#' If no output_find is provided, no replacement will be made. If an
#' output code is changed, the all rows in the tt block will be re-sorted
#' in ascending order with the new output code included.
#' @param univ_find Optional character: a string in the existing block of
#' universe statements
#' @param univ_replace Optional character: a string to replace univ_find. If
#' no univ_find to provided, all samples in the universe block will be
#' assigned the same universe statement in univ_replace.
#' @param manual_recode Optional character: a string to replace the
#' manual recode value for all samples (usually "2", "1", or empty "")
#' @param write Logical: Defaults TRUE. If FALSE, the translation table will
#' be returned as a tibble and not written.
#' @author Matt Gunther
#' @export tt_fix
tt_fix <- function(
write = T
# load tt ----
tt <- py$TranslationTable(path_or_variable, "pma")$ws %>% tibble
names(tt) <- tolower(names(tt))
# name change ----
tt$label[1] <- gsub(
pattern = name_find,
replacement = toupper(name_replace),
x = tt$label[1],
ignore.case = T
} else {
tt$label[1] <- toupper(name_replace)
# label change ----
tt$label[2] <- gsub(
pattern = label_find,
replacement = label_replace,
x = tt$label[2]
} else {
tt$label[2] <- label_replace
# output change ----
tt_block <- 12:{which(tt$code == "</tt>")-1}
tt$code[tt_block] <- gsub(
pattern = output_find,
replacement = output_replace,
x = tt$code[tt_block]
tt$label[tt_block] <- gsub(
pattern = output_find,
replacement = output_replace,
x = tt$label[tt_block]
tt[tt_block,] <- tt %>%
slice(tt_block) %>%
mutate(code = as.numeric(code)) %>%
arrange(code) %>%
mutate(code = as.character(code))
# univ change ----
univ_block <- {which(tt$code == "<univ>") + 1}:{nrow(tt)-1}
tt$syntax[univ_block] <- gsub(
pattern = univ_find,
replacement = univ_replace,
x = tt$syntax[univ_block]
# manual recode change ----
tt[, 7:ncol(tt)] <- map_df(tt %>% select(!1:6), ~{
.x[3] <- manual_recode
# write xls ----
if(write == F){
} else {
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