
# This code enables reverse geocoding with Google Maps API, Bing API, and Photon API  
# revgeo() requires RCurl and RJSONIO to function properly
# You must provide a valid Google Maps API to reverse geocode with Google Maps.  Same with Bing. 
# You can specify whether you want the output to be a string, a hashed string, or a dataframe with option="string" | "hash" | "frame"
# If you specify an option that isn't included in the list, the function will return the results as a dataframe
# Specifying a hashed string or dataframe allows you to specify whether you want to return the entire results, or a single item with item=""
# Valid options for 'items=' include 'housenumber', 'street', 'city', 'county', 'state', and 'country'

# This package is licensed under GPL 3.0
# Please contact Mike Hudecheck at michael.hudecheck@gess.ethz.ch if you have any questions

#' Reverse Geocoding with the Photon Geocoder for OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing.
#' @description Enables the use of the Photon geocoder for OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing to reverse geocode coordinate pairs. Photon allows for unlimited geocode queries, while Google Maps and Bing provide a little more information for 'out of the way' locations. Google Maps and Bing require an API key, and Google Maps limits users to 2,500 free queries a day.  
#' @author Michael Hudecheck, \email{michael.hudecheck@gess.ethz.ch}
#' @param longitude Required. You must enter a valid longitude coordinate;  e.g., -77.0229529
#' @param latitude Required. You must enter a valid latitude coordinate; e.g., 38.89283435
#' @param provider Defaults to NULL, which automatically selects the Photon API. Enter 'google' to use the Google Maps API or 'bing' to use the Bing API.
#' @param API Defaults to NULL. Enter a valid Google Maps or Bing API key to use their service. 
#' @param output Defaults to NULL, which returns a reverse geocoded address as a string.  Other valid options include 'hash', which returns a hashed string, and 'frame', which returns a dataframe.
#' @param item Defaults to NULL. You can use 'item' in conjunction with 'hash' or 'frame' to return portion of the address; e.g., 'zip' for postal code. Options include 'housenumber', 'street', 'city', 'county', 'state', and 'country'.
#' @examples 
#' revgeo(longitude=-77.0229529, latitude=38.89283435)
#' revgeo(longitude=-77.0229529, latitude=38.89283435, output='frame')
#' revgeo(longitude=-77.0229529, latitude=38.89283435, output='hash', item='zip')
#' revgeo(longitude=-86.46222, latitude=33.94954, provider='google', API='your API key')
#' revgeo(longitude=-86.46222, latitude=33.94954, provider='bing', API='your API key')
#' @source https://github.com/mhudecheck/revgeo/
#' @keywords reverse 
#' @keywords geocode
#' @import curl 
#' @import jsonlite
#' @export

revgeo <- function (longitude, latitude, language = "en", provider = NULL, API = NULL, output = NULL, item = NULL) 
  if (missing(provider)) {
    provider <- NULL
  if (missing(API)) {
    API <- NULL
  if (missing(output)) {
    output <- NULL
  if (missing(item)) {
    item <- NULL
  geocode_data <- list()
  geocode_frame <- data.frame()
  async_download <- function(url, provider) {
    if (is.null(provider)) {provider <- "photon"}
    provider_title <- paste0(toupper(substr(provider, 1, 1)), substr(provider, 2, nchar(provider)))
    responses <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(url))
    url_ids <- seq_along(url)
    callback <- function(id){
        content_char <- rawToChar(response$content)
        Encoding(content_char) <- "UTF-8"
        if (!jsonlite::validate(content_char)) {
          warning(paste0("Error encountered upon retrieving data from ", provider_title, ": ", response$url))
        } else if (provider == "google") {
          if (content_parsed$status == "ZERO_RESULTS") {
            message <- "Google Maps could not find an address for your coordinates.  Please double check that they are accurate and try again."
            response <- message
          } else if(content_parsed$status %in% "REQUEST_DENIED") {
            message <- "There was an error accessing Google Maps.  Check your API key and try again."
            response <- message
        } else {
          print(paste0("Getting geocode data from ", provider_title, ": ", response$url))
          content_parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content_char)
          response <- content_parsed
        responses[[id]] <<- response
    errorhandle <- function(response) {
      message <- paste0("The request returned the status code: ", response$status_code, ". Please check that the provided API key is correct.")
    cbfuns <- lapply(url_ids, callback)
    p <- curl::new_pool(total_con = 10, host_con = 5)
    for (i in seq_along(url)) {
      curl::curl_fetch_multi(url[i], done = cbfuns[[i]], fail = errorhandle, handle = curl::new_handle(failonerror = FALSE), pool = p)
    curl::multi_run(pool = p)
  if (is.null(provider) || (provider %in% "photon")) {
    url <- paste0("https://photon.komoot.io/reverse?lang=", language, "&lon=", 
                  longitude, "&lat=", latitude)
    responses <- async_download(url, provider)
    for (response in responses) {
      housenumber <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$housenumber, 
                              error = function(e) "House Number Not Found")
      street <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$street, 
                         error = function(e) "Street Not Found")
      city <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$city, 
                       error = function(e) "City Not Found")
      zip <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$postcode, 
                      error = function(e) "Postcode Not Found")
      state <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$state, 
                        error = function(e) "State Not Found")
      country <- tryCatch(response$features$properties$country, 
                          error = function(e) "Country Not Found")
      if (is.null(housenumber)) {
        housenumber <- "House Number Not Found"
      if (is.null(street)) {
        street <- "Street Not Found"
      if (is.null(city)) {
        city <- "City Not Found"
      if (is.null(zip)) {
        zip <- "Postcode Not Found"
      if (is.null(state)) {
        state <- "State Not Found"
      if (is.null(country)) {
        country <- "Country Not Found"
      if (is.null(output)) {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, paste(paste0(housenumber, 
                                                          " ", street), city, state, zip, country, sep = ", "))
      else if (output == "string") {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, paste(paste0(housenumber, 
                                                          " ", street), city, state, zip, country, sep = ", "))
      else if (output == "hash") {
        geocode_data[["housenumber"]] <- c(geocode_data[["housenumber"]], 
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
      else {
        geocode_data[["housenumber"]] <- c(geocode_data[["housenumber"]], 
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
        geocode_frame <- rbind(geocode_frame, as.data.frame(geocode_data))
  else if (is.null(API) && provider %in% "Bing") {
    print("Please enter your Bing api")
  else if (provider %in% "bing") {
    url <- paste0("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/", 
                  latitude, ",", longitude, "?o=json&key=", API)
    if (!(is.null(item))) {
      if (item %in% "housenumber") {
        print("Defaulting to street, since Bing returns house numbers and streets together.")
        item <- "street"
    responses <- async_download(url, provider)
    for (response in responses) {
      address_hash <- tryCatch(as.list(response$resourceSets$resources[[1]]$address), 
                               error = function(e) "House Number Not Found")
      street <- tryCatch(address_hash$addressLine[[1]], error = function(e) "House Number and Street Not Found")
      city <- tryCatch(address_hash$locality[[1]], error = function(e) "City Not Found")
      state <- tryCatch(address_hash$adminDistrict[[1]], error = function(e) "State Not Found")
      zip <- tryCatch(address_hash$postalCode[[1]], error = function(e) "Postcode Not Found")
      country <- tryCatch(address_hash$countryRegion[[1]], 
                          error = function(e) "Country Not Found")
      address_string <- tryCatch(address_hash$formattedAddress[[1]], 
                                 error = function(e) "Address Number Not Found")
      if (is.null(street)) {
        street <- "House Number and Street Not Found"
      if (is.null(city)) {
        city <- "City Not Found"
      if (is.null(zip)) {
        zip <- "Postcode Not Found"
      if (is.null(county)) {
        county <- "County Not Found"
      if (is.null(state)) {
        state <- "State Not Found"
      if (is.null(country)) {
        country <- "Country Not Found"
      if (is.null(output)) {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, address_string)
      else if (output == "string") {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, address_string)
      else if (output == "hash") {
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
      else {
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
        geocode_frame <- rbind(geocode_frame, as.data.frame(geocode_data))
  else if (is.null(API) && provider %in% "google") {
    print("Please enter your Google api")
  else if (provider %in% "google") {
    url <- paste0("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=", 
                  latitude, ",", longitude, "&key=", API)
    postcode <- list()
    responses <- async_download(url, provider)
    for (response in responses) {
      if ("results" %in% colnames(response) == TRUE) {
        address <- response$results$formatted_address
        l <- length(response$results$address_components)
        k <- 1
        while (k <= l) {
          j <- response$results$address_components[[k]]
          if (j$types[1] == "street_number") {
            housenumber <- tryCatch(j$short_name, error = function(e) "House Number Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "route") {
            street <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "Street Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "locality") {
            city <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "City Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "administrative_area_level_2") {
            county <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "County Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "postal_code") {
            zip <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "Postcode Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "administrative_area_level_1") {
            state <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "State Not Found")
          else if (j$types[1] == "country") {
            country <- tryCatch(j$long_name, error = function(e) "State Not Found")
          k <- k + 1
      } else {
        address <- response
      if (!(exists("housenumber"))) {
        housenumber <- "House Number Not Found"
      if (!(exists("street"))) {
        street <- "Street Not Found"
      if (!(exists("city"))) {
        city <- "City Not Found"
      if (!(exists("zip"))) {
        zip <- "Postcode Not Found"
      if (!(exists("state"))) {
        state <- "State Not Found"
      if (!(exists("country"))) {
        country <- "Country Not Found"
      if (is.null(output)) {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, address)
      else if (output == "string") {
        geocode_data <- append(geocode_data, address)
      else if (output == "hash") {
        geocode_data[["housenumber"]] <- c(geocode_data[["housenumber"]], 
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["county"]] <- c(geocode_data[["county"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
      else {
        geocode_data[["housenumber"]] <- c(geocode_data[["housenumber"]], 
        geocode_data[["street"]] <- c(geocode_data[["street"]], 
        geocode_data[["city"]] <- c(geocode_data[["city"]], 
        geocode_data[["county"]] <- c(geocode_data[["county"]], 
        geocode_data[["state"]] <- c(geocode_data[["state"]], 
        geocode_data[["zip"]] <- c(geocode_data[["zip"]], 
        geocode_data[["country"]] <- c(geocode_data[["country"]], 
        geocode_frame <- rbind(geocode_frame, as.data.frame(geocode_data))
  else {
    print("Please enter a provider (photon, google, or bing)")
  if (!nrow(geocode_frame)) {
    if (!(is.null(output %in% "hash"))) {
      if (is.null(item)) {
      else {
    else {
  else {
mhudecheck/revgeo documentation built on April 17, 2024, 5:31 p.m.