#' Plot results of HiDiSTATIS
#' @param res_HiDiSTATIS The output of EigenHiDiSTATIS
#' @param axes Axes to plot. By default, c(1,2)
#' @param main Title of factor map
#' @export

PlotHiDiSTATIS <- function(res_HiDiSTATIS, axes = c(1,2), main=NULL){

  DESIGN_rows   <- res_HiDiSTATIS$input$DESIGN$rows$Composers_mat
  DESIGN_tables <- res_HiDiSTATIS$input$DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat
  t             <- res_HiDiSTATIS$eig$t
  Ctrb          <- res_HiDiSTATIS$eig$Ctrb

  #Grand Compromise
  F <- res_HiDiSTATIS$eig$F *-1
  F_Berries <- Condense_Rows(F[,axes], DESIGN_rows)
  F_Berries_verbose <- Bary_Projector(DESIGN_rows) %*% F[,axes]
  ### remove "axes", to copy most recent version of MDS.

  #Group Compromises
  Fd  <- res_HiDiSTATIS$ProjGroup$F*-1   #Note, "ProjGroup"
  Fd_Berries <- array(NA, dim=c(B, length(axes), D))
  for(d in 1:D){
    Fd_Berr <- paste0("Fd_Berries[,axes,",d,"]         <- Condense_Rows(Fd[,axes,",d,"], DESIGN_rows)")
    eval(parse(text = Fd_Berr))
  dimnames(Fd_Berries) <- list(colnames(DESIGN_rows), colnames(F)[axes], colnames(DESIGN_tables))

  #Individual Data
  Fcd           <- res_HiDiSTATIS$ProjCP$F*-1

  colors_D      <- DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_D
  colors_CD     <- DESIGN$tables$MusExp_colors_CD

  colors_B      <- DESIGN$rows$Composer_colors_B
  colors_AB     <- DESIGN$rows$Composer_colors_AB

  ####### Should make this a function...    #######
  #commenting to copy HMFA's way of plotting on the constrainst of the compromise, below
  #constraints <- minmaxHelper(mat1 = rbind(F, Fd[,,1], Fd[,,2], Fd[,,3]),
  #                            axis1 = axes[1], axis2 = axes[2])
  Fd_rows <- matrix(NA, A*D, ncol(F))
  for(d in 1:D){
    from <- 1 + (A*(d-1))
    to <- A * d
    these_rows <- from:to
    Fd_rows[these_rows,] <- Fd[,,d]

  Fcd_rows <- matrix(NA, A*CD, ncol(F))
  for(cd in 1:CD){
    from <- 1 + (A*(cd-1))
    to <- A * cd
    these_rows <- from:to
    Fcd_rows[these_rows,] <- Fcd[,,cd]

  constraints_Cons <- minmaxHelper(mat1 = F, #mat1 = rbind(F, Fk[,,1], Fk[,,2], Fk[,,3]),
                                   axis1 = axes[1], axis2 = axes[2])

  constraints_Groups <- minmaxHelper(mat1 = rbind(F, Fd_rows),
                                     axis1 = axes[1], axis2 = axes[2])

  constraints_PFS <- minmaxHelper(mat1 = rbind(F, Fcd_rows), #mat1 = rbind(F, Fk[,,1], Fk[,,2], Fk[,,3]),
                                  axis1 = axes[1], axis2 = axes[2])

    main <- paste0(main, ": ")

  #Map 1: Grand Compromise
                           #dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=TRUE,
                           display_names = FALSE, cex=1.5,
                           constraints = constraints_Cons,
                           #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
                           xlab = paste0("Component ", axes[1]," variance = ", round(t[axes][1],3), "%"),
                           ylab = paste0("Component ", axes[2]," variance = ", round(t[axes][2],3), "%"),
                           col = colors_AB,
                           # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
                           main = paste0(main,'Grand Compromise'))

  text(F_Berries, col = colors_B, labels = colnames(DESIGN_rows))

  #Map 1: Group Compromises
  for(d in 1:D){

    PlotFd <- paste0("prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(Fd[,axes,",d,"],
                                              #dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=TRUE,
                                              display_names = FALSE, cex=1.5,
                                              constraints = constraints_Groups,
                                              #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
                                              # xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1],' variance = ', round(t[axes][1],3), '%'),
                                              # ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2],' variance = ', round(t[axes][2],3), '%'),
                                              xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1]),
                                              ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2]),
                                              col = colors_AB,
                                              # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
                                              main = paste0(main,'Group Compromise: ', '",colnames(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)[d],"'))")
    eval(parse(text = PlotFd))

    AndTheNames <- paste0("text(Fd_Berries[,,",d,"], col = colors_B, labels = colnames(DESIGN_rows))")
    eval(parse(text = AndTheNames))

    PlotFd <- paste0("prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(Fd[,axes,",d,"],
                     dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=FALSE,
                     display_names = FALSE, cex=1.5,
                     #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
                     # xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1],' variance = ', round(t[axes][1],3), '%'),
                     # ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2],' variance = ', round(t[axes][2],3), '%'),
                     xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1]),
                     ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2]),
                     col = colors_D[d], #colors_AB,
                     # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
                     main = paste0(main,'Group Consensus: ', '",colnames(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)[d],"'))")
    eval(parse(text = PlotFd))


  #Map 3: Group Consensus with Consensus

  #depending on what I want, print all groups on this 1, or recopy this background once for each group... put it in the loop
   # PlotF <- paste0("prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(F[,axes],
   #                  #dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=TRUE,
   #                  display_names = FALSE, cex=1,
   #                  constraints=constraints_Groups,
   #                  #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
   #                  # xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1],' variance = ', round(t[axes][1],3), '%'),
   #                  # ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2],' variance = ', round(t[axes][2],3), '%'),
   #                  xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1]),
   #                  ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2]),
   #                  col = 'black', #gray
   #                  pch=21,
   #                  # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
   #                  main = paste0(main,'Group Consensus: ', '",colnames(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)[d],"'))")
   #  eval(parse(text = PlotF))

    for(d in 1:D){

    PlotF <- paste0("prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(F[,axes],
                    #dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=TRUE,
                    display_names = FALSE, cex=1,
                    #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
                    # xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1],' variance = ', round(t[axes][1],3), '%'),
                    # ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2],' variance = ', round(t[axes][2],3), '%'),
                    xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1]),
                    ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2]),
                    col = 'black', #gray
                    # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
                    main = paste0(main,'Group Consensus: ', '",colnames(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)[d],"'))")
    eval(parse(text = PlotF))

    #AndTheNames <- paste0("text(Fd_Berries[,,",d,"], col = colors_B, labels = colnames(DESIGN_rows))")
    #eval(parse(text = AndTheNames))

    #color by colors_AB
    #ConnectTheDots <- paste0("segments(Fd[,axes[1],",d,"], Fd[,axes[2],",d,"], F[,axes[1]], F[,axes[2]], colors_AB)")
    #eval(parse(text = ConnectTheDots))

    #color by colors_D
    ConnectTheDots <- paste0("segments(Fd[,axes[1],",d,"], Fd[,axes[2],",d,"], F[,axes[1]], F[,axes[2]], colors_D[d])")
    eval(parse(text = ConnectTheDots))

    PlotFd <- paste0("prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(Fd[,axes,",d,"],
                     dev.new=FALSE, new.plot=FALSE,
                     display_names = FALSE, cex=1.5,
                     #contributionCircles = TRUE, contributions = Ctrb,
                     # xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1],' variance = ', round(t[axes][1],3), '%'),
                     # ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2],' variance = ', round(t[axes][2],3), '%'),
                     xlab = paste0('Component ', axes[1]),
                     ylab = paste0('Component ', axes[2]),
                     col = colors_D[d], #colors_AB,
                     # In future, change this to compute the within-group average, and use colors_B
                     main = paste0(main,'Group Consensus: ', '",colnames(DESIGN$tables$MusExp_mat)[d],"'))")
    eval(parse(text = PlotFd))


  #To explore these results,
  #1) Show that a single point in the grand comp is the (weighted) barycenter of the 3 group compromises
    #and set the Ctrb (the size of the points) as the weight of the group comp
    #though, this won't change much, because the group weights are all nearly 0.33

  #1.5) For completeness sake, show that for an individual stimulus,
    #the grand is the weighted barycenter of the group,
    #and the group is the wieghted barycenter of the individuals in that group

  #2) To actually interpret these data... Average rows of F (and rows of Fd) within composers.
    #Later, average rows within composer*pianist (12 data points)
    #Until I do inference, just include the tolerance intervals so that a composer (or composer*pianist) visually occupies it's spread.

  #Another question we'd like to ask... For each group of participants, are the composers or are the pianists for descriptive?

michaelkriegsman/PlotDiDiSTATIS documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:19 p.m.