Man pages for michaelwitting/wormLipidPredictR
Lipid reaction prediction based on WormJam

add_attributesAdd attributes to igraph object
add_edge_attributesAdd edge attributes to 'igraph' object
add_edge_attributes_from_data.frameAdd edge attributes to 'igraph' object from 'data.frame'
add_vertex_attributesAdd vertex attributes to 'igraph' object
collapse_networkCollapse network by eliminating vertices with unmeasured...
create_reaction_adjacency_matrixCreate adjacency matrix from reactions
create_reactionsCreate reaction network for given reactions of lipid...
dot-add_productsProduce products by replacing strings of substrates
dot-check_colnames_substrates_combinationsCheck if correct colnames are in 'substrates_combinations'
dot-check_reactionCheck if reaction is implemented
dot-create_list_products_df_with_templateCreate the object to return in 'create_reaction'
dot-create_list_with_templateCreate list and substitute substrates/products
dot-create_reactionCreate reaction for a given reaction of lipid metabolism
dot-create_substrates_combinationsCreate substrates combinations
dot-create_templateCreate template with mininum information or return a given...
find_RHEA_ids_from_idsFind RHEA ids from ids
find_RHEA_ids_from_SMILESFind RHEA ids from SMILES
getRheaIDsFromProteinIDGet RHEA IDs from protein ID
get_valid_edgesGet valid edges
isolate_radylsGet all fatty acyls, alkyls and alkenyls
mappingTableCreate a mapping table to map between LipidNetworkPredictR...
obtain_ChEBI_of_featureObtain ChEBI ids of features
obtain_substrates_productsObtain substrates and products
plot_scoresPlot the deregulation scores of ChEBI identifiers
run_decoupleRun decouple
select_substrates_or_productsSelect substrates or products
translate_ChEBI_to_SMILESTranslate ChEBI to SMILES
translate_id_to_ChEBITranslate ID to ChEBI
michaelwitting/wormLipidPredictR documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 6:53 p.m.