

CheckPeriodApp <- function(x, cycle = 20, loess.span = 0.1, peak.window = 5, plot = TRUE, ...) {
  SEL <- x[, 2]
  POS <- x[, 1]
  ## make quadratic model
  nSample <- 1L:length(SEL)
  LM <- lm(SEL ~ I(nSample) + I(nSample^2))
  FITTED <- fitted(LM)
  RESID <- residuals(LM)
  COEFS <- as.numeric(summary(LM)$coefficients[2:3, 4])
  LOESS <- loess(RESID ~ nSample, span = loess.span)
  RUNS <- runs.test(RESID)
  BOX <- Box.test(RESID, lag = 1, type = "Ljung-Box")
  ACF <- acf(RESID, lag = length(RESID), plot = FALSE)
  FP <- findpeaks(as.numeric(ACF$acf), bw = peak.window)

  PERIOD <- diff(FP$xmax)
  ## return statistics as list and for "textplot"ing
  lmStat <- c(signif(COEFS[1], 3), signif(COEFS[2], 3))
  names(lmStat) <- c("lin", "quad")
  randStat <- c(signif(RUNS$p.value, 3), signif(BOX$p.value, 3))
  names(randStat) <- c("Runs test", "Ljung-Box test")
  periodStat <- c(round(mean(PERIOD, na.rm = TRUE), 1), round(sd(PERIOD, na.rm = TRUE), 1))
  names(periodStat) <- c("Period (Mean)", "Period (SD)") 
  list(SEL = SEL,
       POS = POS,
       COEFS = COEFS,
       RESID = RESID,
       LOESS = LOESS,
       RUNS = RUNS,
       BOX = BOX,
       FP = FP,
       ACF = ACF,
       #output for users
       user = list(lmStat = lmStat, randStat = randStat, periodStat = periodStat))

## plot data with fitted line from quadratic model 
## and show coefficients
plotFit <- function(PeriodApp) {
  COL <- rainbow(length(PeriodApp[["FITTED"]]))
  plot(PeriodApp[["SEL"]], col = COL, pch = 16, xlab = "Sample id", ylab = "Cq")
  lines(PeriodApp[["FITTED"]], col = 1, lwd = 2)
  #title(main = paste("lin:", signif(PeriodApp[["COEFS"]][1], 3), "      quad:", 
  #                   signif(PeriodApp[["COEFS"]][2], 3)), line = -1.5, cex.main = 1.5)

## plot residuals with Loess fit
## and do Runs test & Ljung-Box Q-test
plotRes <- function(PeriodApp) {
  COL <- rainbow(length(PeriodApp[["FITTED"]]))
  plot(PeriodApp[["RESID"]], col = COL, pch = 16, xlab = "Sample id", ylab = "Residual")
  lines(fitted(PeriodApp[["LOESS"]]), lwd = 2)
#   title(main = paste("Runs test:", signif(PeriodApp[["RUNS"]][["p.value"]], 3), 
#                      "      Ljung-Box test:", signif(PeriodApp[["BOX"]][["p.value"]], 3)),
#         line = -1.5, cex.main = 1.5)

## plot autocorrelation 
plotAc <- function(PeriodApp) {
  BP <- barplot(PeriodApp[["ACF"]][["acf"]][, , 1], col = "darkgrey", space = 2, ylab = "Autocorrelation of residuals",
                ylim = c(min(PeriodApp[["ACF"]][["acf"]][, , 1]) * 1.05, max(PeriodApp[["ACF"]][["acf"]][, , 1])*1.2))
  xPos <- BP[, 1]
  points(xPos[PeriodApp[["FP"]][["xmax"]]], 0.1 * mean(PeriodApp[["FP"]][["ymax"]]) + PeriodApp[["FP"]][["ymax"]], pch = 25, 
         col = "darkred")
#   title(main = paste("Estimated Periodicity:", round(mean(PeriodApp[["PERIOD"]], na.rm = TRUE), 1), "\u00B1", 
#                      round(sd(PeriodApp[["PERIOD"]], na.rm = TRUE), 1)), line = -1.5, cex.main = 1.5)

plotHm <- function(PeriodApp) { 
  COL <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "white", "darkred"))
  pos <- as.character(PeriodApp[["POS"]])
  pos_letter <- substr(pos, 0, 1)
  pos_number <- vapply(pos, function(i) 
    substr(i, 2, nchar(i)), "a", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  MAT <- matrix(PeriodApp[["RESID"]], nrow = length(unique(pos_letter)), ncol = length(unique(pos_number)),
                dimnames = list(unique(pos_letter), unique(pos_number)), byrow = TRUE)
  levelplot(t(MAT[nrow(MAT):1, ]), col.regions = COL(100))

## Taken from
findpeaks <- function(vec, bw = 1 , x.coo = c(1:length(vec)))
  pos.x.max <- NULL
  pos.y.max <- NULL
  pos.x.min <- NULL
  pos.y.min <- NULL   
  for(i in 1:(length(vec) - 1)) {
    if((i + 1 + bw) > length(vec)) sup.stop <- length(vec) else sup.stop <- i + 1 + bw
    if((i - bw) < 1) inf.stop <- 1 else inf.stop <- i - bw
    subset.sup <- vec[(i + 1):sup.stop]
    subset.inf <- vec[inf.stop:(i - 1)]
    is.max   <- sum(subset.inf > vec[i]) == 0
    is.nomin <- sum(subset.sup > vec[i]) == 0
    no.max   <- sum(subset.inf > vec[i]) == length(subset.inf)
    no.nomin <- sum(subset.sup > vec[i]) == length(subset.sup)
    if(is.max & is.nomin){
      pos.x.max <- c(pos.x.max,x.coo[i])
      pos.y.max <- c(pos.y.max,vec[i])
    if(no.max & no.nomin){
      pos.x.min <- c(pos.x.min,x.coo[i])
      pos.y.min <- c(pos.y.min,vec[i])
  return(list(xmax = pos.x.max, ymax = pos.y.max, xmin = pos.x.min, ymin = pos.y.min))
michbur/period documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:54 p.m.