
Defines functions summary.saveJAGSfileList

Documented in summary.saveJAGSfileList

# Provides a summary of fileList object

# nNodes*nRows uses integer multiplication as both are integers, which results in integer
#  overflow for big numbers. Need to convert one to float with as.numeric.

summary.saveJAGSfileList <- function(object, ...) {
  # Check that files exist:
  bad <- !file.exists(unlist(object))
    stop("Cannot find the files listed.", call. = FALSE)
  # Check for consistency of files
  fileCount <- sapply(object, length)
  if(any(diff(fileCount) != 0))
    stop("Chains do not have equal numbers of files.", call. = FALSE)
  fileSize <- sapply(object, file.size)
  diverg <- max(1 - min(fileSize)/median(fileSize),
                  max(fileSize)/median(fileSize)-1) *100
  if(diverg > 1)
    cat(paste0("File sizes diverge from the median by ", round(diverg, 1), "%\n"))

  # Open first file and check stuff
  loadEnv <- new.env(FALSE)  # Need to ring-fence the stuff loaded
  chk <- load(object[[1]][1], envir=loadEnv)
  if( !("out" %in% chk) || class(loadEnv$out) != "mcmc.list")
    stop("object is not a valid saveJAGS file list", call. = FALSE)
  stopifnot(length(loadEnv$out) == 1)

  nchains <- length(object)
  filesPerChain <- length(object[[1]])
  cat("File list with", nchains, "chains, each with",
      filesPerChain, "files.\n")
  timing <- try(getRunTime(object), silent=TRUE)
  if(!inherits(timing, "try-error")) {
    medTime <- round(median(timing, na.rm=TRUE), 2)
    if(as.numeric(medTime, units="secs") < 60) {
      cat("Median run time per file less than 1 min.\n")
    } else {
      cat("Median run time per file", medTime, units(medTime), "\n")
  if(!is.null(loadEnv$adaptIsAdequate)) {
    if(loadEnv$adaptIsAdequate) {
      cat("Adaptation was adequate.\n")
    } else {
      cat("Adaptation was NOT adequate; increase the 'burnin'.\n")
  nthin <- thin(loadEnv$out)
  cat("Chains already thinned by:", nthin, "\n")
  niter <- nrow(loadEnv$out[[1]])
  nRows <- niter*filesPerChain*nchains # rows in final matrix/mcmc.list/sims.list
  if(niter < 1e4) {
    cat(sprintf("Draws saved: %i per file, %i per chain, %i total.\n",
      niter, niter*filesPerChain, nRows))
  } else {
    cat(sprintf("Draws saved: %1.1e per file, %1.1e per chain, %1.1e total.\n",
      niter, niter*filesPerChain, nRows))
  nodes <- colnames(loadEnv$out[[1]])
  base <- sapply(strsplit(nodes, "\\["), "[", 1)
  nNodes <- as.numeric(length(base))  # convert to floating point
  tb <- data.frame(nodes=c(table(base)))
  cat("Total values saved:", humNum(nNodes*nRows))
  cat("; expected object size:", humBytes(nNodes*nRows*.Machine$sizeof.longdouble), "\n")
  cat(nrow(tb), "parameters with",  nNodes, "nodes monitored.", "\n")
mikemeredith/saveJAGS documentation built on March 16, 2021, 3:40 p.m.