
proportionsInAdmixture <- function
 calculateConditionNumber = FALSE,
 coefToProportion = TRUE) {
  datE.Admixture <- data.frame(datE.Admixture)
  if (sum(is.na(names(datE.Admixture))) > 0) {
    warning("Some of the column names of datE.Admixture are missing. Recommendation: check or assign column names. But for your convenience, we remove the corresponding columns of datE.Admixture from the analysis.")
    datE.Admixture <- datE.Admixture[, !is.na(names(datE.Admixture))]
  if (sum(names(datE.Admixture) == "") > 0) {
    warning("Some of the column names of datE.Admixture are missing. Recommendation: check or assign column names.  But for your convenience, we remove the corresponding columns of datE.Admixture from the analysis.")
    datE.Admixture <- datE.Admixture[, names(datE.Admixture) !=
  MarkerID <- MarkerMeansPure[, 1]
  if (sum(is.na(MarkerID)) > 0) {
    warning("Some of the marker are missing (NA). Recommendation: check the first column of the input MarkerMeansPure. It should contain marker names. But for your convenience, we remove the corresponding markers from the analysis.")
    MarkerMeansPure <- MarkerMeansPure[!is.na(MarkerID), ]
    MarkerID <- MarkerMeansPure[, 1]
  if (sum(MarkerID == "", na.rm = T) > 0) {
    warning("Some of the marker names are empty strings. Recommendation: check the first column of the input MarkerMeansPure. It should contain marker names.  But for your convenience, we remove the corresponding markers from the analysis.")
    MarkerMeansPure <- MarkerMeansPure[MarkerID != "", ]
    MarkerID <- MarkerMeansPure[, 1]
  noMissingValuesMarker <- as.numeric(apply(is.na(MarkerMeansPure[
  ]), 1, sum))
  if (max(noMissingValuesMarker, na.rm = T) > 0) {
    warning("Some of the markers  (rows of MarkerMeansPure) contain missing values. This is problematic.\nFor your convenience, we remove the corresponding markers (rows) from the analysis.")
    MarkerMeansPure <- MarkerMeansPure[noMissingValuesMarker ==
      0, ]
    MarkerID <- MarkerMeansPure[, 1]
  match1 <- match(MarkerID, names(datE.Admixture))
  match1 <- match1[!is.na(match1)]
  if (length(match1) == 0) {
    stop("None of the marker names correspond to column names of the input datE.Admixture. Possible solutions: Transpose datE.Admixture or MarkerMeansPure. Or make sure to assign suitable names to the columns of datE.Admixture, e.g. as follows dimnames(datE.Admixture)[[2]]=GeneSymbols.")
  if (length(match1) < dim(MarkerMeansPure)[[1]]) {
      "Only", length(match1), "out of ", dim(MarkerMeansPure)[[1]],
      "rows of MarkerMeansPure correspond to columns of datE.Admixture. \nIf this suprises you, check the the first column of MarkerMeansPure or the column names of datE.Admixture. \nThe output contains a list of markers that could be identified."
  datE.MarkersAdmixtureTranspose <- t(datE.Admixture[, match1])
  match2 <- match(names(datE.Admixture)[match1], MarkerID)
  match2 <- match2[!is.na(match2)]
  MarkerMeansPure <- MarkerMeansPure[match2, ]
  if (sum(as.character(MarkerMeansPure[, 1]) != dimnames(datE.MarkersAdmixtureTranspose)[[1]],
    na.rm = T
  ) > 0) {
    stop("I am sorry but things do not line up. Maybe you need to look inside the R code. Specifically,\nas.character(MarkerMeansPure) != dimnames(datE.MarkersAdmixtureTranspose)[[1]]")
  conditionNumber <- NA
  if (dim(MarkerMeansPure)[[2]] == 2) {
    A <- as.matrix(MarkerMeansPure[, -1], ncol = 1)
  else {
    A <- as.matrix(MarkerMeansPure[, -1])
  if (dim(as.matrix(A))[[2]] > 1 & dim(as.matrix(A))[[1]] >
    1 & calculateConditionNumber) {
    conditionNumber <- kappa(A)
  datCoef <- t(lm(datE.MarkersAdmixtureTranspose ~ A)$coefficients[-1, ])
  coef2prop <- function(coef) {
    prop <- rep(NA, length(coef))
    coef[coef < 0] <- 0
    if (sum(coef, na.rm = T) > 0 & !is.na(sum(coef, na.rm = T))) {
      prop <- coef / sum(coef, na.rm = T)
  if (coefToProportion) {
    PredictedProportions <- data.frame(t(apply(
      datCoef, 1,
  else {
    PredictedProportions <- datCoef
  dimnames(PredictedProportions)[[1]] <- dimnames(datE.Admixture)[[1]]
  out <- list(
    PredictedProportions = PredictedProportions, datCoef = datCoef,
    conditionNumber = conditionNumber, markersUsed = as.character(MarkerMeansPure[
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.