
Defines functions addSurfaceCoverObservations

Documented in addSurfaceCoverObservations

#' Add surface cover observation records
#' Adds surface cover observation records to a VegX object from a data frame where rows are cover observations.
#' @param target The initial object of class \code{\linkS4class{VegX}} to be modified
#' @param x A data frame where each row corresponds to one surface cover observation (e.g. bare rock percent cover). Columns can be varied.
#' @param mapping A named list whose elements are strings that correspond to column names in \code{x}. Names of the list should be:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{plotName} - A string identifying the vegetation plot within the data set (required).}
#'    \item{\code{subPlotName} - A string identifying a subplot of the plot given by \code{plotName} (optional).}
#'    \item{\code{obsStartDate} - Plot observation start date (required; see \code{date.format}).}
#'    \item{\code{surfaceName} - The string of the name of a surface type (see \code{surfaceTypeDefinition}; required).}
#'    \item{\code{coverMeasurement} - Surface cover values (required).}
#'  }
#' @param coverMethod A method definition for surface cover measurements (an object of class \code{\linkS4class{VegXMethodDefinition}}).
#' Alternatively, the method can be specified using a string if a predefined method exists (see \code{\link{predefinedMeasurementMethod}}).
#' @param surfaceTypeDefinition An object of class \code{\linkS4class{VegXSurfaceTypeDefinition}} indicating the definition of surface types.
#' @param date.format A character string specifying the input format of dates (see \code{\link{as.Date}}).
#' @param missing.values A character vector of values that should be considered as missing observations/measurements.
#' @param verbose A boolean flag to indicate console output of the data integration process.
#' @return The modified object of class \code{\linkS4class{VegX}}.
#' @details Named elements in \code{mapping} other than those used by this function will be ignored. Missing value policy:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{Missing \code{plotName}, \code{obsStartDate} or \code{surfaceName} values are interpreted as if the previous non-missing value has to be used to define plot observation.}
#'    \item{Missing \code{subPlotName} values are interpreted in that observation refers to the parent plotName.}
#'    \item{Missing values of \code{coverMeasurement} are simply not added to the Veg-X document.}
#' }
#' @references Wiser SK, Spencer N, De Caceres M, Kleikamp M, Boyle B & Peet RK (2011). Veg-X - an exchange standard for plot-based vegetation data
#' @family add functions
#' @examples
#' # Load source data
#' data(mtfyffe)
#' # Examine surface cover data
#' head(mtfyffe_groundcover)
#' # Define mapping
#' mapping = list(plotName = "Plot", obsStartDate = "PlotObsStartDate",
#'                surfaceName = "PlotGroundCover", coverMeasurement = "Value")
#' # Get cover measurement method from predefined list
#' coverMethod = predefinedMeasurementMethod("Surface cover/%")
#' # Define surface types from the data
#' unique(mtfyffe_groundcover$PlotGroundCover)
#' surfaceTypes = defineSurfaceTypes(name = "Default surface types",
#'                   description = "Five surface categories",
#'                   surfaceNames = c("Vegetation", "Moss", "Litter", "Exposed Soil", "Rock"))
#' # Create new Veg-X document with surface cover observations
#' x = addSurfaceCoverObservations(newVegX(), mtfyffe_groundcover, mapping,
#'                                 coverMethod, surfaceTypes)
#' # Examine results
#' head(showElementTable(x, "surfaceCoverObservation"))
#' # Another example with different surface types
#' data(takitimu)
#' head(taki_groundcover)
#' unique(taki_groundcover$PlotGroundCover)
#' surfaceTypes = defineSurfaceTypes(name = "Default surface types",
#'                   description = "Five surface categories",
#'                   surfaceNames = c("Vegetation", "Soil", "Erosion Pavement", "Litter","Rock"))
#' x = addSurfaceCoverObservations(newVegX(), taki_groundcover, mapping,
#'                                 coverMethod, surfaceTypes)
#' head(showElementTable(x, "surfaceCoverObservation"))
addSurfaceCoverObservations<-function(target, x, mapping,
                                      coverMethod, surfaceTypeDefinition,
                                      date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                                      missing.values = c(NA, ""),
                                      verbose = TRUE) {

  if(class(target)!="VegX") stop("Wrong class for 'target'. Should be an object of class 'VegX'")
  if(is.null(surfaceTypeDefinition)) stop("Surface type definition must be supplied to map cover observations.")
  if(is.null(coverMethod)) stop("Cover measurement method must be supplied to map cover observations.")

  x = as.data.frame(x)
  nrecords = nrow(x)
  nmissing = 0

  mappingsSCO = c("plotName", "obsStartDate", "subPlotName", "surfaceName")
  mappingsAvailable = c(mappingsSCO, "coverMeasurement")
  #Warning for non-recognized mappings
  nonRecognizedMappings = names(mapping)[!(names(mapping) %in% mappingsAvailable)]
  if(length(nonRecognizedMappings)>0) warning(paste0("Mapping(s) for '",paste(nonRecognizedMappings, collapse = "', '"),"' is/are not recognized by the function and will be ignored."))

  #Check columns exist
  for(i in 1:length(mapping)) {
    if(!(mapping[i] %in% names(x))) {
      if(names(mapping)[i] %in% mappingsAvailable) stop(paste0("Variable '", mapping[i],"' not found in column names. Revise mapping or data."))
  plotNames = as.character(x[[mapping[["plotName"]]]])
  obsStartDates = as.Date(as.character(x[[mapping[["obsStartDate"]]]]), format = date.format)
  surfaceNameData = as.character(x[[mapping[["surfaceName"]]]])
  #Optional mappings
  subPlotFlag = ("subPlotName" %in% names(mapping))
  if(subPlotFlag) {
    subPlotNames = as.character(x[[mapping[["subPlotName"]]]])

  #Check duplicate records
  mapcols = as.character(mapping[mappingsSCO[c(T,T,subPlotFlag,T)]])
  xstrings = apply(x[, mapcols],1, paste, collapse=" ")
  us = length(unique(xstrings))
  if(us<nrow(x)) warning(paste0(nrow(x)-us," duplicate records found!"))

  coverValues = as.character(x[[mapping[["coverMeasurement"]]]])
  methods = list(coverMeasurement = coverMethod)

  #add methods
  methodIDs = character(0)
  methodCodes = list()
  methodAttIDs = list()
  for(m in names(methods)) {
    method = methods[[m]]
    if(class(method)=="character") {
      method = predefinedMeasurementMethod(method)
      methods[[m]] = method
    else if (class(method) != "VegXMethodDefinition") stop(paste("Wrong class for method: ",m ,"."))
    nmtid = .newMethodIDByName(target,method@name)
    methodID = nmtid$id
    methodIDs[[m]] = methodID
    methodCodes[[m]] = character(0)
    methodAttIDs[[m]] = character(0)
    if(nmtid$new) {
      target@methods[[methodID]] = list(name = method@name,
                                        description = method@description,
                                        subject = method@subject,
                                        attributeType = method@attributeType)
      if(verbose) cat(paste0(" Measurement method '", method@name,"' added for '",m,"'.\n"))
      # add literature citation if necessary
      if(method@citationString!="") {
        ncitid = .newLiteratureCitationIDByCitationString(target, method@citationString)
        if(ncitid$new) {
          target@literatureCitations[[ncitid$id]] = list(citationString =method@citationString)
          if(method@DOI!="")  target@literatureCitations[[ncitid$id]]$DOI = method@DOI
        target@methods[[methodID]]$citationID = ncitid$id
      # add attributes if necessary
      methodAttIDs[[m]] = character(length(method@attributes))
      methodCodes[[m]] = character(length(method@attributes))
      for(i in 1:length(method@attributes)) {
        attid = .nextAttributeID(target)
        target@attributes[[attid]] = method@attributes[[i]]
        target@attributes[[attid]]$methodID = methodID
        methodAttIDs[[m]][i] = attid
        if(method@attributes[[i]]$type != "quantitative") methodCodes[[m]][i] = method@attributes[[i]]$code
    } else {
      methodCodes[[m]] = .getAttributeCodesByMethodID(target,methodID)
      methodAttIDs[[m]] = .getAttributeIDsByMethodID(target,methodID)
      if(verbose) cat(paste0(" Measurement method '", method@name,"' for '",m,"' already included.\n"))

  # surface type definition
  surfDefMethod = surfaceTypeDefinition@method
  snmtid = .newMethodIDByName(target,surfDefMethod@name)
  smethodID = snmtid$id
  if(snmtid$new) {
    target@methods[[smethodID]] = list(name = surfDefMethod@name,
                                       description = surfDefMethod@description,
                                       subject = surfDefMethod@subject,
                                       attributeType = surfDefMethod@attributeType)
    if(verbose) cat(paste0(" Surface type definition method '", surfDefMethod@name,"' added.\n"))
    # add attributes if necessary
    if(length(surfDefMethod@attributes)>0) {
      for(i in 1:length(surfDefMethod@attributes)) {
        attid = .nextAttributeID(target)
        target@attributes[[attid]] = surfDefMethod@attributes[[i]]
        target@attributes[[attid]]$methodID = smethodID
    # add surface types (beware of new surface types)
    orinst = length(target@surfaceTypes)
    nst = length(surfaceTypeDefinition@surfaceTypes)
    surfaceIDs = character(0)
    surfaceNames = character(0)
    for(i in 1:nst) {
      stid = .nextSurfaceTypeID(target)
      surfaceIDs[i] = stid
      surfaceNames[i] = surfaceTypeDefinition@surfaceTypes[[i]]$surfaceName
      target@surfaceTypes[[stid]] = surfaceTypeDefinition@surfaceTypes[[i]]
      target@surfaceTypes[[stid]]$methodID = smethodID
    finnst = length(target@surfaceTypes)
    if(verbose) {
      cat(paste0(" ", finnst-orinst, " new surface type definitions added.\n"))
  else { #Read surface type IDs from selected method
    if(verbose) cat(paste0(" Surface type definition '", surfaceTypeDefinition@name,"' already included.\n"))
    surfaceIDs = .getSurfaceTypeIDsByMethodID(target,smethodID)
    surfaceNames = .getSurfaceTypeNamesByMethodID(target,smethodID)

  orinplots = length(target@plots)
  orinplotobs = length(target@plotObservations)
  orinscobs = length(target@surfaceCoverObservations)
  parsedPlots = character(0)
  parsedPlotIDs = character(0)
  parsedPlotObs = character(0)
  parsedPlotObsIDs = character(0)
  parsedSCObs = character(0)
  parsedSCObsIDs = character(0)
  #Record parsing loop
  for(i in 1:nrecords) {
    if(!(plotNames[i] %in% missing.values)) {# If plotName is missing take the previous one
      plotName = plotNames[i]
    if(!(plotName %in% parsedPlots)) {
      npid = .newPlotIDByName(target, plotNames[i]) # Get the new plot ID (internal code)
      plotID = npid$id
      if(npid$new) target@plots[[plotID]] = list("plotName" = plotName)
      parsedPlots = c(parsedPlots, plotName)
      parsedPlotIDs = c(parsedPlotIDs, plotID)
    } else { #this access should be faster
      plotID = parsedPlotIDs[which(parsedPlots==plotName)]
    #subplot (if defined)
      if(!(subPlotNames[i] %in% missing.values)) {# If subPlotName is missing use parent plot ID
        subPlotCompleteName = paste0(plotNames[i],"_", subPlotNames[i])
        if(!(subPlotCompleteName %in% parsedPlots)) {
          parentPlotID = plotID
          npid = .newPlotIDByName(target, subPlotCompleteName) # Get the new subplot ID (internal code)
          plotID = npid$id
          if(npid$new) target@plots[[plotID]] = list("plotName" = subPlotCompleteName,
                                                     "parentPlotID" = parentPlotID)
          parsedPlots = c(parsedPlots, subPlotCompleteName)
          parsedPlotIDs = c(parsedPlotIDs, plotID)
        } else { #this access should be faster
          plotID = parsedPlotIDs[which(parsedPlots==subPlotCompleteName)]
    #plot observation
    if(!(obsStartDates[i] %in% missing.values)) {# If observation date is missing take the previous one
      obsStartDate = obsStartDates[i]
    pObsString = paste(plotID, obsStartDate) # plotID+Date
    if(!(pObsString %in% parsedPlotObs)) {
      npoid = .newPlotObsIDByDate(target, plotID, obsStartDate) # Get the new plot observation ID (internal code)
      plotObsID = npoid$id
      if(npoid$new) {
        target@plotObservations[[plotObsID]] = list("plotID" = plotID,
                                                    "obsStartDate" = obsStartDate)
      parsedPlotObs = c(parsedPlotObs, pObsString)
      parsedPlotObsIDs = c(parsedPlotObsIDs, plotObsID)
    } else {
      plotObsID = parsedPlotObsIDs[which(parsedPlotObs==pObsString)]

    # surface cover observations
    if(!(surfaceNameData[i] %in% missing.values)) {# If surface name is missing take the previous one
      surfaceName = surfaceNameData[i]
    if(!(surfaceName %in% surfaceNames)) stop(paste0(surfaceName," not found within surface type names. Revise surface type definition or data."))
    stID = surfaceIDs[which(surfaceNames==surfaceName)]
    scObsString = paste(plotObsID, stID) # plotObsID+stID
    if(!(scObsString %in% parsedSCObs)) {
      nstoid = .newSurfaceCoverObsIDByIDs(target, plotObsID, stID) # Get the new surface type observation ID (internal code)
      scObsID = nstoid$id
      if(nstoid$new) target@surfaceCoverObservations[[scObsID]] = list("plotObservationID" = plotObsID,
                                                                   "surfaceTypeID" = stID)
      parsedSCObs = c(parsedSCObs, scObsString)
      parsedSCObsIDs = c(parsedSCObsIDs, scObsID)
    } else {
      scObsID = parsedSCObsIDs[which(parsedSCObs==scObsString)]
    scObs = target@surfaceCoverObservations[[scObsID]]

    # cover measurements
    if("coverMeasurement" %in% names(mapping)) {
      method = methods[[m]]
      attIDs = methodAttIDs[[m]]
      codes = methodCodes[[m]]
      value = as.character(coverValues[i])
      if(!(value %in% as.character(missing.values))) {
        if(method@attributeType== "quantitative") {
          value = as.numeric(value)
          if(value> method@attributes[[1]]$upperLimit) {
            stop(paste0("Cover '", value,"' larger than upper limit of measurement definition. Please revise scale or data."))
          else if(value < method@attributes[[1]]$lowerLimit) {
            stop(paste0("Cover '", value,"' smaller than lower limit of measurement definition. Please revise scale or data."))
          scObs[[m]] = list("attributeID" = attIDs[1], "value" = value)
        } else {
          ind = which(codes==value)
          if(length(ind)==1) {
            scObs[[m]] = list("attributeID" = attIDs[ind], "value" = value)
          else stop(paste0("Value '", value,"' not found in cover measurement definition. Please revise cover classes or data."))
      } else {
        nmissing = nmissing + 1
    #Store value in target
    target@surfaceCoverObservations[[scObsID]] = scObs
  finnplots = length(target@plots)
  finnplotobs = length(target@plotObservations)
  finnscobs = length(target@surfaceCoverObservations)
  if(verbose) {
    cat(paste0(" " , length(parsedPlots)," plot(s) parsed, ", finnplots-orinplots, " new added.\n"))
    cat(paste0(" " , length(parsedPlotObs)," plot observation(s) parsed, ", finnplotobs-orinplotobs, " new added.\n"))
    cat(paste0(" ", nrecords," record(s) parsed, ", finnscobs-orinscobs, " new surface cover observation(s) added.\n"))
    if(nmissing>0) cat(paste0(" ", nmissing, " measurement(s) with missing value(s) not added.\n"))

miquelcaceres/VegX documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 7:04 p.m.