
Defines functions FeatureTableContainerUI FeatureTableContainer

Documented in FeatureTableContainer FeatureTableContainerUI

#' FeatureTableContainer
#' Module containing the MainTableModule
#' @inherit MseekContainers
#' @describeIn FeatureTableContainer server logic module, to be called with \link[shiny]{callModule}()
#' @export 
FeatureTableContainer <- function(input,output, session,
                            values = reactiveValues(featureTables = NULL,
                                                    MSData = NULL,
                                                    GlobalOpts = NULL,
                                                    projectData = NULL)
  callModule(MainTableModule, "maintable",
                          static = list(height = 300,
                                        readOnly = T,
                                        contextMenu = T,
                                        fixedColumnsLeft = 1,
                                        invertReadOnly = NULL,
                                        controls = T,
                                        format = list(col = NULL,
                                                      format = NULL)))
  ####TODO move these modules out of this container and make the feature table box more compact/ not a tabBox
  #TabGrouping <- 
      # callModule(ChangeFTGroupingModule, "tabgrouping",
      #                     values = reactiveValues(fileGrouping = NULL,
      #                                             featureTables = values$featureTables,
      #                                             MSData = values$MSData,
      #                                             projectData = values$projectData))

      # callModule(TableAnalysisModule, "tabanalysis", values,
      #                     reactives = reactive({list()}))

  # internalValues <- reactiveValues(MainTable = MainTable#,
  #                                 # TabGrouping = TabGrouping,
  #                                  #TabAnalysis = TabAnalysis
  #                                  )
  # return(internalValues)

#' @describeIn FeatureTableContainer returns the \code{shiny} UI elements for the Main Table - containing box
#' @export
FeatureTableContainerUI <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
  tabBox(title = "Feature Table",
         id = ns("TableBox"),
         #status = "primary",
         #collapsible = T,
         width = 12,
         side = "right",
         selected = "View Table",#selectedTabs$FeatureTable,
         # tabPanel("Regroup Table",
         #          ChangeFTGroupingModuleUI(ns("tabgrouping"))
         #          ),
         # tabPanel("Analyze Table",
         #          TableAnalysisModuleUI(ns("tabanalysis"))
         # ),
         tabPanel("View Table",
mjhelf/Mosaic documentation built on April 28, 2022, 11:32 a.m.