
Defines functions resampling_methods EXCEPTIONS_preds predict_gbm_workaround_probs length_grid optimal_grid func_weka_rerun function_grid acc mse

Documented in acc EXCEPTIONS_preds function_grid func_weka_rerun length_grid mse optimal_grid predict_gbm_workaround_probs resampling_methods

utils::globalVariables(c("predict"))                  # make 'predict' a global variable as the same naming appears in almost all utilized R packages

#' evaluation metric for regression
#' @param y_true a numeric vector specifying the response variable
#' @param y_pred a numeric vector specifying the predictions
#' @export

mse = function(y_true, y_pred) {

  out = mean((y_true - y_pred) ^ 2)


#' evaluation metric for binary and multiclass classification
#' @param y_true a numeric vector specifying the response variable
#' @param preds a numeric vector specifying the predictions
#' @export

acc = function(y_true, preds) {

  out = table(y_true, max.col(preds, ties.method = "random"))

  acc = sum(diag(out))/sum(out)


#' grid function  [ this function takes a grid of parameters, IF the grid includes a list and this list includes vectors then it takes a sample of 1 else if it includes a single value then it returns this value ]
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom RWeka Weka_control

function_grid = function(grid_params = NULL) {

  if ('control' %in% names(grid_params) && class(grid_params$control) == "Weka_control") {         # exception on sampling parameters for RWeka

    lst = list()

    for (i in 1:length(names(grid_params$control))) {

      lst[[i]] = paste(names(grid_params$control)[i], if (length(grid_params$control[[names(grid_params$control)[i]]]) > 1) sample(grid_params$control[[names(grid_params$control)[i]]], 1) else grid_params$control[[names(grid_params$control)[i]]], sep = ' = ')

    exp = paste(unlist(lst), collapse = ', ')

    Args = list(control = eval(parse(text = paste0('RWeka::Weka_control(', paste0(exp, ')')))))}

  else {

    Args = lapply(grid_params, function(x) if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, function(y) if (length(y) > 1) sample(y, size = 1) else y) else if (length(x) > 1) sample(x, size = 1) else x)


#' secondary function for weka-algos (if re-run = TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom RWeka Weka_control

func_weka_rerun = function(bst_lst) {

  nams = names(bst_lst)

  pas = list()

  for (i in 1:length(nams)) {

    pas[[nams[i]]] = paste(nams[i], bst_lst[[i]], sep = ' = ')

  tmp = do.call(cbind, pas)

  tmp1 = lapply(1:dim(tmp)[1], function(x) paste(as.vector(tmp[x, ]), collapse = ', '))

  out = lapply(tmp1, function(x) list(control = eval(parse(text = paste0('RWeka::Weka_control(', paste0(x, ')'))))))


#' function that will be used if re-run = TRUE
#' @keywords internal

optimal_grid = function(grid_params = NULL, iter = NULL) {

  Args = lapply(grid_params, function(x) if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, function(y) if (length(y) > 1) y[iter] else y) else if (length(x) > 1) x[iter] else x)


#' function to get the max. length of the parameter-grid
#' @keywords internal

length_grid = function(grid_params = NULL) {

  Args = lapply(grid_params, function(x) if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, function(y) length(y)) else length(x))


#' work around for bug in gbm 2.1.1 with minor modifications -- PREDICTION-PROBABILITIES when predict(fit, data, type = 'response')
#' @references 
#' http://www.samuelbosch.com/2015/09/workaround-ntrees-is-missing-in-r.html
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom gbm gbm.perf predict.gbm

predict.gbm <- function (object, newdata, n.trees, type = "link", single.tree = FALSE, ...) {

  if (missing(n.trees)) {

    if (object$train.fraction < 1) {

      n.trees <- gbm::gbm.perf(object, method = "test", plot.it = FALSE)

    else if (!is.null(object$cv.error)) {

      n.trees <- gbm::gbm.perf(object, method = "cv", plot.it = FALSE)

    else {

      n.trees <- length(object$train.error)

    #cat(paste("Using", n.trees, "trees...\n"))
    gbm::predict.gbm(object, newdata, n.trees, type, single.tree, ...)

#' secondary function [ See also the previous one. I do NOT call gbm::predict.gbm() but rather the previous customized function ]
#' @keywords internal

predict_gbm_workaround_probs <- function(object, newdata, n.trees, type = "link", single.tree = FALSE, ...) {        # don't change anything, otherwise rstudio crashes

  if (object$distribution$name == 'multinomial' && type == 'response') {                                 # multinomial probs

    out = predict.gbm(object, newdata, n.trees, type = type, single.tree = single.tree, ...)
    out = matrix(out, ncol = length(out)/dim(newdata)[1], nrow = dim(newdata)[1], byrow = FALSE)

  else if (object$distribution$name != 'multinomial' && type == 'response') {                             # binomial probs

    tmp_out = predict.gbm(object, newdata, n.trees, type = type, single.tree = single.tree, ...)
    tmp = matrix(tmp_out, ncol = length(tmp_out)/dim(newdata)[1], nrow = dim(newdata)[1], byrow = FALSE)
    out = cbind(matrix(1.0 - tmp, ncol = 1), tmp)
  else {

    out = predict.gbm(object, newdata, n.trees, type = type, single.tree = single.tree, ...)


#' @keywords internal

EXCEPTIONS_preds = function(FIT, DATA, regression) {

  if (!regression) {

    potential_class = c("boosting", "lda", "naiveBayes", "extraTrees", "gbm", "cv.glmnet", "LiblineaR", "svm", "nnet", "ranger")}

  else {

    potential_class = c("svm", "nnet", "ranger", "LiblineaR")

  tmp_class = class(FIT)

  if (length(tmp_class) > 1) tmp_class = tmp_class[2]                                                   # exception for a single algorithm that returns more than one class

  if (tmp_class %in% potential_class) {

    idx_nams = which(potential_class == tmp_class)

    if (regression) {


             nnet = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA)[, 1]},

             ranger = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA)$predictions},

             svm = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA)},

             LiblineaR = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA)$predictions}

    else {


             lda = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, type = 'prob')$posterior},

             extraTrees = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, probability = TRUE)},

             naiveBayes = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, type = 'raw')},

             nnet = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, type = 'raw');

                     if (ncol(preds) == 1) { preds = cbind(matrix(1 - preds, ncol = 1), preds) }},

             boosting = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, type = 'prob')$prob},

             ranger = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA)$predictions},

             gbm = {preds = predict_gbm_workaround_probs(FIT, DATA, type = 'response')},

             cv.glmnet = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, s = FIT$lambda.min, type = 'response');

                          preds = matrix(preds, ncol = round(length(preds)/dim(DATA)[1]), nrow = dim(DATA)[1]);

                          if (ncol(preds) == 1) { preds = cbind(matrix(1 - preds, ncol = 1), preds) } },               # exception for binary classification

             LiblineaR = {preds = predict(FIT, DATA, proba = TRUE)$probabilities},                                    # Computing probabilities is only supported for Logistic Regressions (LiblineaR 'type' 0, 6 or 7)

             svm = {preds = attr(predict(FIT, DATA, probability = TRUE), "prob")}

  else {

    if (!regression) preds = predict(FIT, DATA, type = 'prob') else preds = predict(FIT, DATA)


#' Repeated resampling methods
#' @param y the response variable (continuous or factor)
#' @param method one of 'bootstrap', 'train_test_split', 'cross_validation'
#' @param REPEATS the number of times that the method should be repeated
#' @param sample_rate train-data-sample-rate for 'bootstrap' and 'train_test_split'
#' @param FOLDS the number of folds for the 'cross_validation' method
#' @param seed an integer specifying the RNG
#' @return a list of sublist(s)
#' @importFrom FeatureSelection class_folds regr_folds
#' @details
#' This function is meant for splitting the data using three resampling methods, with the option of multiple repeats.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Boston, package = 'MASS')
#' y = Boston$medv
#' res = repeated_resampling(y, 'bootstrap', REPEATS = 2, sample_rate = 0.75, FOLDS = NULL)
#' }

repeated_resampling = function (y, method, REPEATS = 1, sample_rate = NULL, FOLDS = NULL, seed = 1) {
  if (!method %in% c("bootstrap", "train_test_split", "cross_validation")) {
    stop("invalid method. Choose one of bootstrap, train_test_split, cross_validation")
  if (method %in% c("bootstrap", "train_test_split") && is.null(sample_rate)) {
    stop("if method is 'bootstrap' or 'train_test_split' then the sample_rate parameter shouldn't be NULL and the opposite")
  if (method == "cross_validation" && (is.null(FOLDS) || FOLDS < 2)) {
    stop("if method is 'cross_validation' then the FOLDS parameter should be non-NULL and greater than 1")
  if (REPEATS < 1) {
    stop("the number of REPEATS should be greater than 0")
  method = match.arg(method, c("bootstrap", "train_test_split", "cross_validation"))
         bootstrap = {
           idx_train_lst = idx_test_lst = list()
           for (Repeat in 1:REPEATS) {
             set.seed(Repeat * seed)
             tmp_train_idx = sample(1:length(y), size = round(length(y) * sample_rate), replace = TRUE)
             idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_train_idx
             idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = setdiff(1:length(y), tmp_train_idx)
         train_test_split = {
           idx_train_lst = idx_test_lst = list()
           for (Repeat in 1:REPEATS) {
             set.seed(Repeat * seed)
             tmp_train_idx = sample(1:length(y), size = round(length(y) * sample_rate), replace = FALSE)
             idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_train_idx
             idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = setdiff(1:length(y), tmp_train_idx)
         cross_validation = {
           idx_train_lst = idx_test_lst = list()
           for (Repeat in 1:REPEATS) {
             if (is.factor(y)) {
               set.seed(Repeat * seed)
               tmp_folds_test = FeatureSelection::class_folds(FOLDS, y)
               idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = lapply(1:length(tmp_folds_test), function(x) as.vector(unlist(tmp_folds_test[-x])))
               idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_folds_test} 
             else {
               set.seed(Repeat * seed)
               tmp_folds_test = FeatureSelection::regr_folds(FOLDS, y)
               idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = lapply(1:length(tmp_folds_test), function(x) as.vector(unlist(tmp_folds_test[-x])))
               idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_folds_test
  return(list(idx_train = idx_train_lst, idx_test = idx_test_lst))

#' Resampling methods used in the RandomSearch file
#' @importFrom FeatureSelection class_folds regr_folds
#' @keywords internal

resampling_methods = function(y, method, iter = 1, REPEATS = 1, sample_rate = NULL, FOLDS = NULL) {

  if (is.null(iter)) stop('iter should be any positive or negative value except for NULL')
  if (!method %in% c('bootstrap', 'train_test_split', 'cross_validation')) stop('invalid method. Choose one of bootstrap, train_test_split, cross_validation')

  method = match.arg(method, c('bootstrap', 'train_test_split', 'cross_validation'))


         bootstrap = {

           idx_train_lst = idx_test_lst = list()

           for (Repeat in 1:REPEATS) {

             set.seed(iter * Repeat)
             tmp_train_idx = sample(1:length(y), size = round(length(y) * sample_rate), replace = TRUE)      # in case of bootstrap the test splits do not have the same number of observations as the sampling is with replacement
             idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_train_idx
             idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = setdiff(1:length(y), tmp_train_idx) }

         train_test_split = {

           idx_train_lst = idx_test_lst = list()

           for (Repeat in 1:REPEATS) {

             set.seed(iter * Repeat)
             tmp_train_idx = sample(1:length(y), size = round(length(y) * sample_rate), replace = FALSE)
             idx_train_lst[[Repeat]] = tmp_train_idx
             idx_test_lst[[Repeat]] = setdiff(1:length(y), tmp_train_idx) }

         cross_validation = {

           if (is.factor(y)) {

             idx_test_lst = FeatureSelection::class_folds(FOLDS, y)
             idx_train_lst = lapply(1:length(idx_test_lst), function(x) unlist(idx_test_lst[-x]))}

           else {

             idx_test_lst = FeatureSelection::regr_folds(FOLDS, y)
             idx_train_lst = lapply(1:length(idx_test_lst), function(x) unlist(idx_test_lst[-x]))}

  return(list(idx_train = idx_train_lst, idx_test = idx_test_lst))
mlampros/RandomSearchR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 9:48 a.m.