
# data sets

# regression
data(Boston, package = 'MASS')
X = Boston[, -dim(Boston)[2]]
y1 = Boston[, dim(Boston)[2]]
form <- as.formula(paste('medv ~', paste(names(X), collapse = '+')))
ALL_DATA = Boston

# binary classification
data(ionosphere, package = 'kknn')
ionosphere = ionosphere[, -2]                                                                             # remove second column which has a single unique value
X_class = ionosphere[, -dim(ionosphere)[2]]
y1_class = ionosphere[, dim(ionosphere)[2]]
form_class <- as.formula(paste('class ~', paste(names(X_class), collapse = '+')))
y1_class = c(1:length(unique(y1_class)))[ match(ionosphere$class, sort(unique(ionosphere$class))) ]       # labels should begin from 1:Inf
ALL_DATA_class = ionosphere

all_data_gbm = ionosphere
all_data_gbm$class = y1_class -1           # gbm exception

ALL_DATA_class$class = as.factor(y1_class)

nnet_dat = ALL_DATA_class
nnet_dat$Y = nnet::class.ind(nnet_dat$class)    # nnet exception
nnet_dat$class = NULL
form_class_nnet <- as.formula(paste('Y ~', paste(names(X_class), collapse = '+')))

# multiclass classification
data(glass, package = 'kknn')
X_mlt = glass[, -c(1, dim(glass)[2])]
y1_mlt = glass[, dim(glass)[2]]
form_mlt <- as.formula(paste('Type ~', paste(names(X_mlt),collapse = '+')))
y1_mlt = c(1:length(unique(y1_mlt)))[ match(y1_mlt, sort(unique(y1_mlt))) ]                               # labels should begin from 1:Inf
ALL_DATA_mlt = glass
ALL_DATA_mlt$Type = as.factor(y1_mlt)

nnet_dat_mlt = ALL_DATA_mlt
nnet_dat_mlt$Y = nnet::class.ind(nnet_dat_mlt$Type)  # nnet exception
nnet_dat_mlt$Type = NULL
form_mlt_nnet <- as.formula(paste('Y ~', paste(names(X_mlt),collapse = '+')))


# sample some algorithms which will be used for testing the performance_measures function



grid = list(k = 3:20, distance = c(1:5), kernel = c("rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "triweight", "cos", "inv", "gaussian", "rank", "optimal"))

algs = random_search_resample(y1, tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                              resampling_method = list(method = 'cross_validation', repeats = NULL, sample_rate = NULL, folds = 3),

                              ALGORITHM = list(package = require(kknn), algorithm = kknn),

                              grid_params = grid,

                              DATA = list(formula = form, train = ALL_DATA),

                              Args = NULL,

                              regression = TRUE, re_run_params = FALSE)

grid1 = list(k = 3:20)

algs1 = random_search_resample(y1, tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'cross_validation', repeats = NULL, sample_rate = NULL, folds = 3),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = require(caret), algorithm = knnreg),

                               grid_params = grid1,

                               DATA = list(x = X, y = y1),

                               Args = NULL,

                               regression = TRUE, re_run_params = FALSE)

grid2 = list(control = RWeka::Weka_control(K = seq(3, 20, 1), I = c(TRUE, FALSE), X = c(TRUE, FALSE)))

algs2 = random_search_resample(y1, tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'cross_validation', repeats = NULL, sample_rate = NULL, folds = 3),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = require(RWeka), algorithm = IBk),

                               grid_params = grid2,

                               DATA = list(formula = form, data = ALL_DATA),

                               Args = NULL,

                               regression = TRUE, re_run_params = FALSE)


grid3 = list(control = RWeka::Weka_control(P = c(70, 80, 90), I = seq(5, 10, 1)))

algs3 = random_search_resample(as.factor(y1_class), tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'train_test_split', repeats = 5, sample_rate = 2/3, folds = NULL),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = require(RWeka), algorithm = AdaBoostM1),

                               grid_params = grid3,

                               DATA = list(formula = form_class, data = ALL_DATA_class),

                               Args = NULL,

                               regression = F, re_run_params = FALSE)

grid4 = list(n.trees = seq(5, 15, 1), shrinkage = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5))

algs4 = random_search_resample(as.factor(y1_class), tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'train_test_split', repeats = 5, sample_rate = 2/3, folds = NULL),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = require(gbm), algorithm = gbm),

                               grid_params = grid4,

                               DATA = list(formula = form_class, data = all_data_gbm),         # exception, as it requires the response to be in c(0,1)

                               Args = list(distribution = 'bernoulli'),

                               regression = F, re_run_params = FALSE)

grid5 = list(activation = c("Rectifier", "Tanh"), epochs = seq(5,10,1))

algs5 = random_search_resample(as.factor(y1_class), tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'train_test_split', repeats = 5, sample_rate = 2/3, folds = NULL),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = require(h2o), algorithm = h2o.deeplearning),

                               grid_params = grid5,

                               DATA = list(h2o.x = X_class, h2o.y = as.factor(y1_class)),          # response should be a factor

                               Args = list(distribution = 'bernoulli', hidden = c(10, 10)),

                               regression = F, re_run_params = FALSE)

grid6 = list(params = list("objective" = "binary:logistic", "bst:eta" = seq(0.05, 0.1, 0.005), "subsample" = seq(0.65, 0.85, 0.05),

                           "max_depth" = seq(3, 5, 1), "eval_metric" = "error", "colsample_bytree" = seq(0.65, 0.85, 0.05),

                           "lambda" = 1e-5, "alpha" = 1e-5, "nthread" = 4))

algs6 = random_search_resample(as.factor(y1_class), tune_iters = TUNE_ITERS,

                               resampling_method = list(method = 'train_test_split', repeats = 5, sample_rate = 2/3, folds = NULL),

                               ALGORITHM = list(package = library(xgboost), algorithm = xgb.train),

                               grid_params = grid6,

                               DATA = list(watchlist = list(label = y1_class, data = X_class)),

                               Args = list(nrounds = 5, verbose = 0, print.every.n = 10, early.stop.round = 5, maximize = FALSE),

                               regression = F, re_run_params = FALSE)


# performance measures objects for regression and classification

lst_obj_REGRESSION = list(algs = algs, algs1 = algs1, algs2 = algs2)

perf_REGRESSION = performance_measures(list_objects = lst_obj_REGRESSION, eval_metric = mse, sort = list(variable = 'Median', decreasing = TRUE))

lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION = list(algs3 = algs3, algs4 = algs4, algs5 = algs5, algs6 = algs6)

perf_CLASSIFICATION = performance_measures(list_objects = lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION, eval_metric = acc, sort = list(variable = 'Median', decreasing = TRUE))


context("Subset models")

testthat::test_that("if the bst_mods argument is greater than the number of tune_iters of each single algorithm it returns an error (here tune_iters is 3)", {

  testthat::expect_error(subset_mods(perf_meas_OBJ = perf_REGRESSION, bst_mods = 5, train_params = FALSE))

testthat::test_that("it returns the following objects : a list, the length of the list equals the number of algorithms used, the names of the list are correct,

                    each algorithm-sublist includes the correct parameter-names, each sublist length is equal to the bst_mods, WHEN train_params = T AND in REGRESSION", {

                      BST_MODS = 2

                      res = subset_mods(perf_meas_OBJ = perf_REGRESSION, bst_mods = BST_MODS, train_params = FALSE)

                      tmp_names_obj = lapply(lst_obj_REGRESSION, function(x) colnames(x$PARAMS))

                      tmp_names_res = lapply(res, names)

                      res_out = unlist(list(is.list(res), length(res) == length(lst_obj_REGRESSION), sum(names(res) %in% names(lst_obj_REGRESSION)) == length(lst_obj_REGRESSION),

                      sum(unlist(lapply(1:length(tmp_names_obj), function(x) sum(tmp_names_obj[[x]] %in% tmp_names_res[[x]]) == length(tmp_names_obj[[x]])))) == length(lst_obj_REGRESSION),

                      mean(unlist(lapply(res, function(x) mean(unlist(lapply(x, length)))))) == BST_MODS))

                      testthat::expect_true(sum(res_out) == 5)

testthat::test_that("it returns the following objects : a list, the length of the list equals the number of algorithms used, the names of the list are correct,

                    each algorithm-sublist includes the correct parameter-names, each sublist length is equal to the bst_mods, WHEN train_params = F AND in CLASSIFICATION", {

                      BST_MODS = 2

                      res = subset_mods(perf_meas_OBJ = perf_CLASSIFICATION, bst_mods = BST_MODS, train_params = TRUE)

                      tmp_names_obj = lapply(lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION, function(x) colnames(x$PARAMS))

                      tmp_names_res = lapply(res, names)

                      res_out = unlist(list(is.list(res), length(res) == length(lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION), sum(names(res) %in% names(lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION)) == length(lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION),

                                            sum(unlist(lapply(1:length(tmp_names_obj), function(x) sum(tmp_names_obj[[x]] %in% tmp_names_res[[x]]) == length(tmp_names_obj[[x]])))) == length(lst_obj_CLASSIFICATION),

                                            mean(unlist(lapply(res, function(x) mean(unlist(lapply(x, length)))))) == BST_MODS))

                      testthat::expect_true(sum(res_out) == 5)
mlampros/RandomSearchR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 9:48 a.m.