#' A function to run a global test of the null hypothesis that there are no
#' SNP-disease associations
#' across a range of chromosome sizes
#' This function runs a global test of the null hypothesis that there are no
#' SNP-disease associations
#' across a range of chromosome sizes
#' @param results.list A list of length d, where d is the number of chromosome
#' sizes to be included in a global test. Each element of the list must itself
#' be a list whose first element \code{observed.data} is a vector of fitness
#' scores from \code{combine.islands} for the observed data for a given
#' chromosome size. The second element \code{permutation.list} is a list
#' containing vectors of all permutation results fitness scores, again using the
#' results output by \code{combine.islands} for each permutation.
#' @param n.top.scores The number of top scoring chromosomes, for each
#' chromosome size, to be used in calculating the global test. Defaults to 10.
#' @return A list containing the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{obs.test.stat}{The observed test statistic.}
#' \item{perm.test.stats}{A vector of test statistics from permuted data.}
#' \item{pval}{The p-value for the global test.}
#' \item{obs.marginal.test.stats}{A vector of observed test statistics for
#' each chromosome size.}
#' \item{perm.marginal.test.stats.mat}{A matrix of test statistics for the
#' permutation datasets, where rows correspond to
#' permutations and columns correspond to chromosome sizes.}
#' \item{marginal.pvals}{A vector containing marignal p-values for each
#' chromosome size.}
#' \item{max.obs.fitness}{A vector of the maximum fitness score for each
#' chromosome size in the observed data.}
#' \item{max.perm.fitness}{A list of vectors for each chromosome size of
#' maximum observed fitness scores for each permutation.}
#' \item{max.order.pvals}{A vector of p-values for the maximum observed order
#' statistics for each chromosome size. P-values are the proportion of
#' permutation based maximum order statistics that exceed the observed maximum
#' fitness score.}
#' \item{boxplot.grob}{A grob of a ggplot plot of the observed vs permuted
#' fitness score densities for each chromosome size.}
#' \item{chrom.size.k}{A vector indicating the number of top scores (k)
#' from each chromosome size that the test used.
#' This will be equal to \code{n.top.scores} unless GADGETS returns fewer than
#' \code{n.top.scores} unique chromosomes for
#' the observed data or any permute, in which case the chromosome size-specific
#' value will be equal to the smallest number of unique chromosomes returned.}
#' \item{max.perm.95th.pctl}{The 95th percentile of the permutation maximum
#' order statistics for each chromosome size.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(case)
#' data(dad)
#' data(mom)
#' case <- as.matrix(case)
#' dad <- as.matrix(dad)
#' mom <- as.matrix(mom)
#' data(snp.annotations)
#' set.seed(1400)
# #preprocess data
#' pp.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case[, 1:10],
#' father.genetic.data = dad[ , 1:10],
#' mother.genetic.data = mom[ , 1:10],
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' ## run GA for observed data
#' #observed data chromosome size 2
#' run.gadgets(pp.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 2,
#' results.dir = 'tmp_2',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' combined.res2 <- combine.islands('tmp_2', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' pp.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #observed data chromosome size 3
#' run.gadgets(pp.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'tmp_3',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' combined.res3 <- combine.islands('tmp_3', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' pp.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' # create three permuted datasets
#' set.seed(1400)
#' perm.data.list <- permute.dataset(pp.list, "perm_data",
#' n.permutations = 3)
#' #pre-process permuted data
#' case.p1 <- readRDS("perm_data/case.permute1.rds")
#' comp.p1 <- readRDS("perm_data/complement.permute1.rds")
#' p1.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case.p1,
#' complement.genetic.data = comp.p1,
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' case.p2 <- readRDS("perm_data/case.permute2.rds")
#' comp.p2 <- readRDS("perm_data/complement.permute2.rds")
#' p2.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case.p2,
#' complement.genetic.data = comp.p2,
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' case.p3 <- readRDS("perm_data/case.permute3.rds")
#' comp.p3 <- readRDS("perm_data/complement.permute3.rds")
#' p3.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case.p3,
#' complement.genetic.data = comp.p3,
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' #permutation 1, chromosome size 2
#' run.gadgets(p1.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 2,
#' results.dir = 'p1_tmp_2',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p1.combined.res2 <- combine.islands('p1_tmp_2', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p1.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #permutation 1, chromosome size 3
#' run.gadgets(p1.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'p1_tmp_3',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p1.combined.res3 <- combine.islands('p1_tmp_3', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p1.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #permutation 2, chromosome size 2
#' run.gadgets(p2.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 2,
#' results.dir = 'p2_tmp_2',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p2.combined.res2 <- combine.islands('p2_tmp_2', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p2.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #permutation 2, chromosome size 3
#' run.gadgets(p2.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'p2_tmp_3',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p2.combined.res3 <- combine.islands('p2_tmp_3', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p2.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #permutation 3, chromosome size 2
#' run.gadgets(p3.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 2,
#' results.dir = 'p3_tmp_2',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p3.combined.res2 <- combine.islands('p3_tmp_2', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p3.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' #permutation 3, chromosome size 3
#' run.gadgets(p3.list, n.chromosomes = 5, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'p3_tmp_3',
#' cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' p3.combined.res3 <- combine.islands('p3_tmp_3', snp.annotations[ 1:10, ],
#' p3.list, 2)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' ## create list of results
#' # chromosome size 2 results
#' chrom2.list <- list(
#' observed.data = combined.res2$fitness.score,
#' permutation.list = list(
#' p1.combined.res2$fitness.score,
#' p2.combined.res2$fitness.score,
#' p3.combined.res2$fitness.score
#' )
#' )
#' # chromosome size 3 results
#' chrom3.list <- list(
#' observed.data = combined.res3$fitness.score,
#' permutation.list = list(
#' p1.combined.res3$fitness.score,
#' p2.combined.res3$fitness.score,
#' p3.combined.res3$fitness.score
#' )
#' )
#' final.results <- list(chrom2.list, chrom3.list)
#' lapply(c('tmp_2', 'tmp_3', 'p1_tmp_2', 'p2_tmp_2', 'p3_tmp_2',
#' 'p1_tmp_3', 'p2_tmp_3', 'p3_tmp_3', 'perm_data'), unlink,
#' recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes facet_wrap geom_boxplot ggplotGrob
#' @importFrom grid grid.draw
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
global.test <- function(results.list, n.top.scores = 10) {
# decide on the n.top.scores per chromosome size
chrom.size.n.top.scores <- rep(n.top.scores, length(results.list))
for (i in seq_along(chrom.size.n.top.scores)){
chrom.size.res <- results.list[[i]]
# error checking
if (!"observed.data" %in% names(chrom.size.res)) {
w1 <- "Each element of results.list must be a list"
w2 <- "containing an element titled observed.data."
stop(paste(w1, w2))
if (!"permutation.list" %in% names(chrom.size.res)) {
w1 <- "Each element of results.list must be a list containing"
w2 <- "an element titled permutation.list."
stop(paste(w1, w2))
# re-set n.top.chroms if needed
n.obs.scores <- length(chrom.size.res$observed.data)
n.perm.scores <- vapply(chrom.size.res$permutation.list, length, 1)
min.n.scores <- min(c(n.obs.scores, n.perm.scores))
if (min.n.scores < n.top.scores) {
chrom.size.n.top.scores[i] <- min.n.scores
if (n.obs.scores == min.n.scores){
message(paste("only", min.n.scores, "observed.data fitness scores for element",
i, "of results list, re-setting n.top.chroms to",
} else if (any(n.perm.scores == min.n.scores)){
message(paste("only", min.n.scores, "permutation.list fitness scores for element",
i, "of results list, re-setting n.top.chroms to",
# loop over chromosome sizes
chrom.size.ranks <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(results.list),
function(x) {
# get the chromosome size specific data
chrom.size.res <- results.list[[x]]
n.top <- chrom.size.n.top.scores[x]
# grab the observed data
obs <- chrom.size.res$observed.data
obs.score <- sum(sort(obs, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n.top)])
# grab permuted data
perm.scores <- unlist(lapply(chrom.size.res$permutation.list,
sum(sort(perm.scores, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n.top)])
# get ranks of score sums
all.scores <- c(obs.score, perm.scores)
score.ranks <- rank(all.scores, ties.method = "max")
n.ranks <- length(all.scores)
unif.ranks <- (n.ranks - score.ranks + 0.5)/n.ranks
# return transformed scores
return(data.frame(score = -2*log(unif.ranks)))
colnames(chrom.size.ranks) <- NULL
rownames(chrom.size.ranks) <- NULL
# sum scores across chromosome sizes
global.scores <- rowSums(chrom.size.ranks)
# pval
obs.test.stat <- global.scores[1]
perm.test.stats <- global.scores[-1]
B <- sum(perm.test.stats >= obs.test.stat)
N <- length(perm.test.stats) + 1
global.pval <- (B + 1)/N
# also look at element-wise results
marginal.pvals <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(chrom.size.ranks)), function(x) {
chrom.size.res <- chrom.size.ranks[, x]
obs.test.stat <- chrom.size.res[1]
perm.test.stats <- chrom.size.res[-1]
B <- sum(perm.test.stats >= obs.test.stat)
N <- length(perm.test.stats) + 1
pval <- (B + 1)/N
}, 1.0)
# maximum permutation based fitness scores
max.perm.fitness <- vapply(results.list, function(chrom.size.res) {
perm.list <- chrom.size.res$permutation.list
vapply(perm.list, max, 1.0)
}, rep(1.0, length(results.list[[1]]$permutation.list)))
# maximum observed fitness scores
max.obs.fitness <- vapply(results.list, function(chrom.size.res) {
obs.fitness.scores <- chrom.size.res$observed.data
}, 1.0)
# also return 95th percentile of the null maxima
max.perm.95th.pctl <- apply(max.perm.fitness, 2, function(x) {
quantile(x, 0.95)
names(max.perm.95th.pctl) <- NULL
# pvals for max order statistics
max.order.pvals <- vapply(seq_along(max.obs.fitness), function(chrom.size) {
max.obs <- max.obs.fitness[chrom.size]
max.perms <- max.perm.fitness[ , chrom.size]
B <- sum(max.perms >= max.obs)
N <- length(max.perms) + 1
pval <- (B + 1)/N
}, 1.0)
# plots of the observed vs permute distributions
plot.data <- rbindlist(lapply(seq_along(results.list), function(x) {
# get the chromosome size specific data
chrom.size.res <- results.list[[x]]
# grab the observed data
obs <- chrom.size.res$observed.data
obs.dt <- data.table(chrom.res.element = x, data.type = "observed",
fitness.score = obs)
# grab permuted data
perm.dt <- rbindlist(lapply(chrom.size.res$permutation.list,
data.table(chrom.res.element = x, data.type = "permuted",
fitness.score = perm.scores)
# put together data.table for plotting
plot.dt <- rbind(obs.dt, perm.dt)
boxplot.plot <- ggplot(plot.data, aes(x = data.type, y = fitness.score)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(chrom.res.element ~ ., scales = "free")
# don't need copies of the global environment vars
boxplot.plot$plot_env <- new.env()
#store as grob
boxplot.grob <- ggplotGrob(boxplot.plot)
# return results list
res.list <- list(obs.test.stat = obs.test.stat,
perm.test.stats = perm.test.stats, pval = global.pval,
obs.marginal.test.stats = chrom.size.ranks[1, ],
perm.marginal.test.stats.mat = chrom.size.ranks[-1, ],
marginal.pvals = marginal.pvals,
max.obs.fitness = max.obs.fitness,
max.perm.fitness = max.perm.fitness,
max.order.pvals = max.order.pvals,
boxplot.grob = boxplot.grob,
chrom.size.k = chrom.size.n.top.scores,
max.perm.95th.pctl = max.perm.95th.pctl)
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