
#' Calculate the number of true positives and false positives
#' Calculate the number of true positives and false positives among candidate
#' breakpoints
#' @param candidates Breakpoints found by the methods
#' @param trueBkp True breakpoints
#' @param tol Tolerance on the position of candidate breakpoints called true
#' @param relax Controls the way multiple breapoints within tolerance area are
#' recorded.  \describe{ \item{1}{count one true positive if there is at least
#' one breakpoint within tolerance area} \item{0}{count one true positive only
#' if there is exactly one breakpoint within tolerance area} \item{-1}{count
#' only one true positive if there is exactly one breakpoint within tolerance
#' area; other breakpoints are counted as false positives }}
#' @return A list with elements: \describe{\item{TP}{The number of true positives}
#' \item{FP}{The number of false positives}}
#' @author Morgane Pierre-Jean and Pierre Neuvial
#' @examples
#' ## load known real copy number regions
#' affyDat <- acnr::loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE29172", tumorFraction=0.7)
#' ## generate a synthetic CN profile
#' K <- 10
#' len <- 2e4
#' sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(len, K, minLength=100, regData=affyDat)
#' datS <- sim$profile
#' ## (group-)fused Lasso segmentation
#' res <- PSSeg(data=datS, K=2*K, method="GFLars", stat="c", profile=TRUE)
#' ## results of the initial (group-)fused lasso segmentation
#' getTpFp(res$initBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=-1)
#' getTpFp(res$initBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=0)
#' getTpFp(res$initBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=1)
#' plotSeg(datS, breakpoints=list(sim$bkp, res$initBkp))
#' ## results after pruning (group-)fused Lasso candidates by dynamic programming)
#' getTpFp(res$bestBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=-1)
#' getTpFp(res$bestBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=0)
#' getTpFp(res$bestBkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax=1)
#' plotSeg(datS, breakpoints=list(sim$bkp, res$bestBkp))
#' @export getTpFp
getTpFp <- function(candidates, trueBkp, tol, relax=-1){
    trueBkp <- sort(trueBkp)
    ## TODO: discard regions that should not be taken into account in the
    ## evaluation because they are too small
    minRegionSize <- 2*tol+1
    diffs <- diff(c(-tol, trueBkp, Inf))
    wH1 <- which(abs(diffs)>=minRegionSize)
    if (length(wH1)<length(trueBkp)+1) {
        warning("Some breakpoints are too close for the chosen tolerance")
    goodHits <- numeric(length(trueBkp))
    badHits <- numeric(length(trueBkp)+1)

    for (cc in candidates) {
        distC <- abs(trueBkp-cc)
        minC <- min(distC)
        idx <- which(distC==minC)
        if (minC<=tol) {  ## True positive
            goodHits[idx] <- goodHits[idx]+1
        } else {          ## False positive
            idx <- idx+(trueBkp[idx]<cc)
            badHits[idx] <- badHits[idx]+1
    addedFP <- 0
    if (relax==1){
        TP <- sum(goodHits>0)
    } else if(relax==0){
        TP <- sum(goodHits==1)
    } else if(relax==-1){
        TP <- sum(goodHits>0)
        addedFP <- sum(goodHits)-TP
    FP <- sum(badHits)+addedFP

## 2014-05-06
## o Added an example.
## 2013-08-04
## o Created from "getTprTnr.R".
mpierrejean/jointSeg-1 documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:29 a.m.