
#' Model selection
#' Select the best number of breakpoints
#' This function is not intended to be called directly, but implicitly through
#' \code{\link{jointSeg}} or \code{\link{PSSeg}}.
#' @param rse RSE as output by \code{\link{pruneByDP}}
#' @param n Length of the profile
#' @param c Parameter for the model selection
#' @param lambdas A list of candidate values for the calibration of the penalty
#' @param method Method to calibrate the constant in the penalty for model
#' selection
#' @return A list with elements \describe{\item{kbest}{the best number of breakpoints} \item{lambda}{A numerical value, the result of an internal model selection function}}
#' @author Morgane Pierre-Jean and Pierre Neuvial
#' @seealso \code{\link{jointSeg}}
#' \code{\link{PSSeg}}
#' @references Lebarbier, E. (2005). Detecting multiple change-points in the
#' mean of Gaussian process by model selection. Signal processing, 85(4),
#' 717-736
#' Birg\'e, L. (2001). Gaussian model selection. J.Eur Math. Soc, 3(3):203-268
#' @examples
#' ## load known real copy number regions
#' affyDat <- acnr::loadCnRegionData(dataSet="GSE29172", tumorFraction=1)
#' sim <- getCopyNumberDataByResampling(1e4, 5, minLength=100, regData=affyDat)
#' Y <- as.matrix(sim$profile[, "c"])
#' ## Find candidate breakpoints
#' K <- 50
#' resRBS <- segmentByRBS(Y, K=K)
#' ## Prune candidate breakpoints
#' resDP <- pruneByDP(Y, candCP=resRBS$bkp)
#' selectedModel <- modelSelection(rse=resDP$rse, n=nrow(Y), method="Lebarbier")
#' str(selectedModel)
#' ## breakpoints of the best model
#' bestBkp <- resDP$bkp[[selectedModel$kbest]]
#' print(bestBkp)
#' ## truth
#' print(sim$bkp)
#' ## Note that all of the above can be done directly using 'PSSeg'
#' res <- PSSeg(sim$profile, method="RBS", stat="c", K=K)
#' ##  stopifnot(identical(res$bestBkp, bestBkp))

#' @export modelSelection
modelSelection <- function(rse, n, c=2.5, lambdas=NULL, method=c("Birge", "Lebarbier")) {
    D <- length(rse)  ## KMax+1 (rse[1] corresponds to 0 breakpoints)
    if ((D==1) || is.null(rse)){
        return(list(kbest=0, lambda=NA))
    if (is.null(lambdas)) {
        lambdas <- seq(from=0.01, to=3, length=100)
    if (method=="Birge") {
        bestLambda <- ERMadjustment(rse, n)
        if (is.na(bestLambda)){
            warning("Too small 'D'; Using Lebarbier's method")
            method <- "Lebarbier"
    if (method=="Lebarbier"){
        Dhat <- sapply(lambdas, chooseK, rse, n, c)
        maxBkpInDhat <- which.max(-diff(Dhat))
        bestLambda <- lambdas[maxBkpInDhat]*2
    bestD <- chooseK(bestLambda, rse, n, c)
    bestK <- bestD-1
    if (bestK > D-1) {  ## do not select a model larger than the largest candidate
        bestK <- D-1
        bestLambda <- bestLambda; ## TODO: something else for better consistency wrt K ?
    if (D <= 5){
        warning("Model selection may not be accurate with only ", D-1, " candidate change points")
    return(list(kbest=bestK, lambda=bestLambda))

## 2014-06-17
## o Replaced "Birge" by "Lebarbier" in example.
## 2014-05-20
## o Argument 'meth' renamed to 'method'.
## 2013-01-23
## o Updated doc and example.
## o Now using 'ERMajustment' for model selection.
## 2013-01-09
## o Replace all jumps by bkp
## o BUG FIX : return the number of breakpoints now and no the number of segments
## 2012-12-30
## o Some code and doc cleanups.
## o BUG FIX: could return a best model larger than the best candidates.
## 2012-11-27
## o Created.
mpierrejean/jointSeg documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:28 a.m.