
Defines functions read_boxtxt SNBatWESTERHOLZ2_pipeline BUTEOatEUROPE.pipeline

# Retired functions which are not exported anymore

BUTEOatEUROPE.pipeline <- function() {

    cat( red$bold('\n ----> Get new emails and extract attachments ......\n') )

    cat( blue$bold('\n ----> Update gps table.....\n') )
    a = scidbupdate_mti_gps.BUTEOatEUROPE()
    push_msg(a, 'BUTEOatEUROPE.mti_gps')

    cat( green$bold('\n ----> Update sensors table....\n') )
    b = scidbupdate_mti_sensors.BUTEOatEUROPE()
    push_msg(b, 'BUTEOatEUROPE.mti_sensors')

SNBatWESTERHOLZ2_pipeline <- function() {

    a = scidb_snbUpdater.b000()
    b = scidb_snbUpdater.transponders()

    # feedback
    m = glue(a,b)
    push_msg(m, 'SNBatWESTERHOLZ2_pipeline')

read_boxtxt <- function(f) {
  cnf = config::get('dir')  
  d = data.table(V = readLines(con = f, skipNul = TRUE)) 
  file_path = str_remove(f, paste0(cnf$base, cnf$snb)   ) 

  d[, V := str_to_upper(V)]
  d = d[ str_detect(V, 'TRANSPONDER:|LBO:|LBI:')  ]

  d[, datetime_ := snbstring2date_v2(V) ]
  d[,   sensor_value := str_extract(V, 'TRANSPONDER:[ \\t]*([^\\n\\r]*)') ]
  d[is.na(sensor_value), sensor_value := str_extract(V, 'LB[IO]:[ \\t]*([OFF|ON]*)')  ]
  d[, sensor := str_extract(sensor_value, 'LB[IO]|TRANSPONDER') ]
  d[, sensor_value := str_remove(sensor_value, 'LB[IO]:|TRANSPONDER:')]
  d[, sensor_value := str_trim(sensor_value)]
  d[, sensor := str_sub(sensor, 1, 3) %>% str_to_lower]

  # flag garbage 
  d[ str_count(sensor_value) != 16 & sensor == 'tra', g := 1]
  d[ !sensor_value %in% c('ON', 'OFF') & sensor %in% c('lbi', 'lbo'), g := 1]
  #prop garbage (from the total of possibly good lines)
  pg = nrow(d[g == 1])/nrow(d)

  # final subset
  o = d[is.na(g), .(datetime_, sensor_value, sensor)]
  o[, path := file_path ]

  if(nrow(o) == 0) pg = 1

  # set attributes (set file_path too because of empty files)
  setattr(o, 'SNB2', data.frame(box= basename2int(f), path = file_path, garbage = pg) )


scidb_snbUpdater.b000 <- function(cnf = config::get()) {

    Start = Sys.time()
        u    = cnf$host$dbadmin
        h    = cnf$host$name
        p    = paste0(cnf$dir$base, cnf$dir$snb)
        y    = year(Sys.Date())
        db   = cnf$db$snb
        pwd  = cnf$host$dbpwd
        bb   = cnf$db$snb_boxes

        con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = u, password = pwd, host = h, dbname = db)

    cat('db set to', dQuote(db) , '...OK\n' )

    cat(' ------> Searching for proper directory formats ...' )
        x = data.table( dirs = list.files( paste0(p, y), full.name = TRUE) )
        x[, dirnam := basename(dirs) ]
        if(nrow(x) == 0) {
            stop(p, 'does not have any files')
            cat(p, 'does not have any files' )
        isNotDate = x[ ! grepl('^[0-9]{4}\\.[0-9]{1,2}\\.[0-9]{1,2}$', dirnam )   ]
        if( nrow(isNotDate) > 0) {
            cat('Invalid directories\n' )
            stop('Invalid directories')

    cat(' ------> Getting the file listing on ', p , '...' )
        rawf = data.table( path = list.files(p, full.name = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) )
        rawf[, box := basename2int(path)]
        rawf = rawf[ box %in%  bb ]
        cat('got', nrow(rawf), 'raw files.\n' )

    cat(' ------> Getting files already on ', db , '.b000 ... '  )
        dbf = data.table(box = paste0("b", str_pad(bb, 3, "left", pad = "0")) )
        dbf[, sql :=  paste0('select distinct path FROM ', db, '.', box ) ]
        dbf = dbf[, dbGetQuery(con, sql) , by = box]

        cat('got', nrow(dbf), ' files listed in DB.\n' )
    cat(' ------> Getting black listed files '  )
        blf = dbGetQuery(con, paste0('select distinct path from ',db, '.black_list')  )
        cat('got', nrow(blf), 'black list files.\n' )

        alldbf = rbind(dbf[, .(path)], blf)
        alldbf[, indb := TRUE]
        alldbf[, path := paste0(p, path)]
    cat(' ------> Identifying new files ...' )
        if(nrow(alldbf) == 0) newf = copy(rawf) else {

        newf = merge(rawf, alldbf, by = 'path', all.x = TRUE)
        newf = newf[is.na(indb)]

        if( nrow(newf) == 0 ) {
            cat('None found. Will stop now.\n' )
            stop ('-------- NO NEW FILES FOUND -------- ')


        cat('got', nrow(newf), 'new files. OK\n' )

    cat(' ------> Parsing new txt files ....'  )

        O = foreach(i = 1: nrow(newf)  )  %do% {
          } ; cat('OK\n' )

    cat(' ------> Find if there are black listed files ....' )
        B = lapply(O, function(x) attributes(x)$SNB2 )
        B = rbindlist(B)
        B = B[garbage > 0.5, .(path)]

        if(nrow(B) > 0) {
            cat('got', nrow(B), 'bad files. will write to black_list ... \n' )

        DBI::dbWriteTable(con, 'black_list' , B , row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        } else cat('All files are OK... \n' )
    cat(' ------> Updating b000 tables on', dQuote(db),'.... ' )
        pb = txtProgressBar(max = length(O), style = 3 )
        out = foreach(i = 1: length(O), .combine = c, .final=sum)  %do% {
            oi = O[[i]]
            atr = attributes(oi)$SNB2

            if(atr$garbage < 0.5) {
              res = DBI::dbWriteTable(con, int2b(atr$box) , oi , row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
              } else res = FALSE
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        cat('\n      Uploaded', out , 'new files.\n' )

    tt = difftime(Sys.time(), Start, units = 'mins') 
    tt = round(tt, 2) %>% as.numeric


    msg = paste(
        glue('🕘  {tt} mins'), 
        glue('📁  {db} got {out} new files'), 
        sep = '\n'


scidb_snbUpdater.transponders <- function (cnf = config::get()) {
    Start = Sys.time()
    cat(" ------> Getting settings ...\n")
    u = cnf$host$dbadmin
    h = cnf$host$name
    p = paste0(cnf$dir$base, cnf$dir$snb)
    y = year(Sys.Date())
    db = cnf$db$snb
    pwd = cnf$host$dbpwd
    bb = cnf$db$snb_boxes
    tdb = cnf$db$transponders
    con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = u, password = pwd, 
        host = h, dbname = db)
    cat("db set to", dQuote(db), "transponders db set to", dQuote(tdb), 
    cat(" ------> Getting the file list on ", db, ".b000 ... ")
    box000f = data.table(box = int2b(bb))
    box000f[, `:=`(sql, paste("select distinct path FROM", db, 
        ".", box))]
    box000f = box000f[, dbGetQuery(con, sql), by = box]
    cat("got", nrow(box000f), " files listed in DB.\n")
    cat(" ------> Getting the file list on ", tdb, ".transponders ... ", 
        sep = "")
    transpf = dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select distinct path from ", 
        tdb, ".transponders"))
    transpf[, `:=`(done, 1)]
    cat("got", nrow(transpf), " files listed in transponders and ")
    newf = merge(box000f, transpf, by = "path", all.x = TRUE)
    newf = newf[is.na(done)]
    cat(nrow(newf), " files to append to transponders ... \n")
    cat(" ------> Running INSERT INTO STATEMENTS for each b000 table ...")
    newf = newf[, .(path = paste(shQuote(path), collapse = ",")), 
        by = box]
    newf[, `:=`(path, paste("(", path, ")"))]
    newf[, `:=`(boxno, b2int(box))]
    newf[, `:=`(sql, paste(paste0("INSERT INTO ", tdb, ".transponders", 
        " (site_type, site, transponder,datetime_, path )"), 
        "select 1 site_type,", boxno, " site, sensor_value transponder, datetime_, path \n                from", 
        box, "where sensor = 'tra' and path in ", path))]
    if (nrow(newf) > 0) 
        newf[, `:=`(o, dbExecute(con, sql)), by = box]
    cat(sum(newf$o), "rows inserted into transponders ... \n")
    tt = difftime(Sys.time(), Start, units = "mins") %>% round %>% 
    msg = paste(glue("🕘  {tt} mins"), glue("📁  {tdb}.{db} got { nrow(newf) } new files and {sum(newf$o)} rows."), 
        sep = "\n")
BT_at_WESTERHOLZ_change_ID <- function(cnf = config::get()) {
    host <- cnf$host$name
    user <- cnf$host$dbadmin
    pwd <- cnf$host$dbpwd

    con <- dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = user, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = "BTatWESTERHOLZ")

    d <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from ID_changes") %>% data.table()

    d <- d[, .(sql = c(
        paste("UPDATE ADULTS    SET ID       =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE ID       =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE CHICKS    SET ID       =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE ID       =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE LAB_ID    SET ID       =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE ID       =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE MICROSATS SET ID       =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE ID       =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE SEX       SET ID       =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE ID       =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE PATERNITY SET father   =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE father   =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE PATERNITY SET mother   =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE mother   =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE BREEDING  SET IDmale   =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE IDmale   =", shQuote(old_ID)),
        paste("UPDATE BREEDING  SET IDfemale =", shQuote(new_ID), "WHERE IDfemale =", shQuote(old_ID))
    by = "pk"

    d[, run := dbExecute(con, sql), by = 1:nrow(d)]

    # when changes were applied then update ID_changes
    pk_timestamp_update <- d[run == 1, ]$pk %>%
        unique() %>%
        paste(., collapse = ",")

    if (nchar(pk_timestamp_update) > 1) {
        dbExecute(con, paste("UPDATE ID_changes set datetime_db = NOW() where pk in (", pk_timestamp_update, ")"))

    o <- d[run == 1]

    glue("{nrow(o)} ID-s updated.")
export_to_mapping.pipeline <- function(db_tabs = c("2019_LBDO", "2020_BADO", "2022_WRSA"), ...) {
        db = "ARGOS",
        tables = db_tabs,
        exclude_columns = c(
            "satellite", "messageDate", "locationClass",
            "compressionIndex", "filenam",
            "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8"
        indices = c("tagID", "locationDate"),
        fun = dup::speed_along,
scidbupdate_mti_gps.BUTEOatEUROPE <- function(cnf = config::get()) {

    host = cnf$host$name
    db   = cnf$db$gps
    user = cnf$host$dbadmin
    pwd  = cnf$host$dbpwd

    con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = user, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = db)

    # already uploaded
    flist = dbGetQuery(con, 'SELECT DISTINCT filenam from mti_gps')$filenam
    # last uploaded date
    lud  = anytime(str_split(flist, "_", simplify = TRUE)[, 2]) %>% max

    # new data
    x = read_email_attachements(maildir='GSM_MTI', pattern = "g_", exclude = flist, lastdate = lud , sepDate = "-")

    if(nrow(x) > 0) { # then prepare data & write to DB

        x[Altitude_m == 'Low Voltage', low_voltagge := 1]
        x[Altitude_m == 'Low Voltage', Altitude_m   := NA]
        x[, tagID := str_split(filenam, '_', simplify = TRUE)[,1] %>% str_replace(., 'g', '') %>% as.numeric ]

         x = x[, .(tagID, DateTime, Latitude_N, Longitude_E, Altitude_m, HDOP ,VDOP, SatelliteCount, low_voltagge, filenam)]
        setnames(x, c('tagID','DateTime','latitude','longitude','altitude','HDOP','VDOP','SatelliteCount','low_voltagge', 'filenam') )

        x[, altitude := as.numeric(altitude)]

       n_rows = dbWriteTable(con, 'mti_gps', x, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        } else n_rows = 0

    tt = difftime(Sys.time(), Start, units = 'mins') %>% round %>% as.character
    msg = paste(
    glue('🕘  {tt} mins'), 
    glue('🔄  mti_gps got {n_rows} rows '), 
    sep = '\n'

scidbupdate_mti_sensors.BUTEOatEUROPE <- function(cnf = config::get()) {

    host = cnf$host$name
    db   = cnf$db$gps
    user = cnf$host$dbadmin
    pwd  = cnf$host$dbpwd

    con = dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user = user, password = pwd, host = host, dbname = db)

    # already uploaded
    flist = sdb::dbq(con, 'SELECT DISTINCT filenam from mti_sensors')[[1]]
    # last uploaded date
    lud  = anytime(str_split(flist, "_", simplify = TRUE)[, 2]) %>% max

    # new data
    x = read_email_attachements(maildir='GSM_MTI', pattern = "e_", exclude = flist, lastdate = lud,sepDate = "-")

    if(nrow(x) > 0) { # then prepare data & write to DB
        x[, tagID := str_split(filenam, '_', simplify = TRUE)[,1] %>% str_replace(., 'e', '') %>% as.numeric ]
        setcolorder(x, c(6, 1:5))
        setnames(x, c('tagID' ,'DateTime' ,'temperature', 'BatteryVoltage', 'ActivityCount', 'filenam'))

        n_rows = dbWriteTable(con, 'mti_sensors', x, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        } else n_rows = 0

    tt = difftime(Sys.time(), Start, units = 'mins') %>% round %>% as.character
    msg = paste(
    glue('🕘  {tt} mins'), 
    glue('🔄  mti_sensors got {n_rows} rows '), 
    sep = '\n'

int2b <- function(x) {
    paste0("b", str_pad(x, 3, "left", pad = "0"))
b2int <- function(x) {
    str_remove(x, "b") %>%
snbstring2date_v2 <- function(x) {
    o <- str_extract(x, "(^20\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})-(\\d{6})\\.(\\d{3})")
    if (any(is.na(o))) {
        o <- str_extract(x, "(^20\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})-(\\d{6})")
    strptime(o, "%Y%m%d-%H%M%OS") %>% as.POSIXct()
mpio-be/dup documentation built on April 15, 2024, 8:10 p.m.