
#' Fit latent-class multinomial models
#' Does a lot of nice stuff
#' @param dataset Character.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} containing the data.
#' @param model A model definition, typically the path to an \code{.eqn} file.
#' @param id Character. Name of the column that contains the subject identifier.
#'   If not specified, it is assumed that each row represents observations from one participant.
#' @param condition Character. Name of the column specifying a between-subjects factor.
#'   If not specified, no between-subjects comparisons are performed.
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom stats pchisq qnorm
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @keywords internal

fit_lc <- function(
  , data
  , model
  , id = NULL
  , condition = NULL
  , core = NULL
  , verbose = TRUE
) {
  OPTIONS <- getOption("MPTmultiverse")
  CI_SIZE <- OPTIONS$ci_size
  MAX_CI_INDIV <- OPTIONS$max_ci_indiv

  prepared <- MPTmultiverse:::prep_data_fitting(
    data = data
    , model_file = model
    , id = id
    , condition = condition
  results_row <- MPTmultiverse:::make_results_row(
    model = model
    , dataset = dataset
    , pooling = "partial"
    , package = "HMMTreeR"
    , method = "latent_class"
    , data = prepared$data
    , id = id
    , condition = condition
    , core = core
  # Currently, no individual parameter estimates (and model fits) are calculated.
  # Therefore, these should be empty tibbles.
  results_row$est_indiv <- list(tibble::tibble())
  results_row$gof_indiv <- list(tibble::tibble())
  # Check if .eqn file is convertible
  test <- try(
    HMMTreeR:::simplify_eqn(model_filename = model, eqn_filename = NULL)
    , silent = TRUE
  if(class(test)=="try-error") {
    stop("The specified .eqn file seems to contain fixed parameter values:
          The current implementation of latent-class models does not support this type of .eqn file.
          Therefore, latant-class models are not estimated.")
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Aggregate analyses: Ignore between-subjects condition
  # write data of condition group to tab-separated file
  data_file <- paste0("HMMTreeR-tmpfile-", gsub(basename(dataset), pattern = ".csv|.txt|.dat", replacement = ""), ".dat")
  id_col <- data.frame(id = rep(basename(dataset), nrow(data)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  utils::write.table(file = data_file, x = cbind(id_col, data[, setdiff(colnames(data), c(id, condition))]), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

  t0 <- Sys.time()
  res <- HMMTreeR::lc(
    model = model
    , data = data_file
    , max_classes = 20
    , runs = max(30, OPTIONS$mptinr$n.optim, na.rm = TRUE)
    , fisher_information = "observed"
    , verbose = verbose
  t1 <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - t0)

  # extract failcodes of all models, so that only models with estimable CIs
  # are included in the output object
  failcodes <- lapply(X = res, FUN = function(x){x$description$failcode})
  res <- res[failcodes==0]
  # Extract global properties
  n_classes <- list()
  n_classes[["complete_data"]] <- res[[length(res)]]$description$n_classes

  fit_stats <- HMMTreeR::fit_statistics(res[[length(res)]]) # choose winning model

  required_stats <- c("M1", "M2", "S1", "S2")

  gof <- tibble::tibble(
    type = required_stats
    , focus = rep(c("mean", "cov"), each = 2)
    , stat_obs = as.numeric(fit_stats[, required_stats])
    , stat_pred = NA_real_
    , stat_df = as.numeric(fit_stats[, paste0("df_", required_stats)])
  gof$p <- ifelse(gof$stat_df <= 0, NA_real_, stats::pchisq(q = gof$stat_obs, df = gof$stat_df, lower.tail = FALSE))

  results_row$gof[[1]] <- gof
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Analyses by between-subjects condition
  est_group <- list()
  gof_group <- list()
  estimation_time <- list()
  for (j in prepared$conditions) {
    # write data of condition group to tab-separated file
    id_col <- data.frame(id = rep(dataset, nrow(prepared$freq_list[[j]])))
    utils::write.table(file = data_file, x = cbind(id_col, prepared$freq_list[[j]]), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

    t0 <- Sys.time()
    res <- HMMTreeR::lc(
      model = model
      , data = data_file
      , max_classes = 20
      , runs = max(30, OPTIONS$mptinr$n.optim, na.rm = TRUE)
      , fisher_information = "observed"
      , verbose = verbose

    estimation_time[[j]] <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - t0)
    # remove temporary files
    # remove models where Fisher Information Matrix was not estimable.
    failcodes <- lapply(X = res, FUN = function(x){x$description$failcode})
    res <- res[failcodes==0]
    # Extract global properties
    n_classes[[j]] <- res[[length(res)]]$description$n_classes
    # parameter estimates ----
    estimates <- HMMTreeR::weighted_means(res[[length(res)]])
    est_group[[j]] <- tibble::tibble(
      condition = j
      , parameter = as.character(estimates$parameter)
      , core = as.character(estimates$parameter) %in% prepared$parameters
      , est = estimates$estimate
      , se = (estimates$upper - estimates$estimate) / qnorm(p = .975)
    for (k in OPTIONS$ci_size) {
      est_group[[j]][[paste0("ci_", k)]] <- est_group[[j]]$est + est_group[[j]]$se * stats::qnorm(p = k)
    # Overwrite with exact values from HMMTree output, if possible:
    if(.025 %in% OPTIONS$ci_size) {
      est_group[[j]][["ci_0.025"]] <- estimates$lower
    if(.975 %in% OPTIONS$ci_size) {
      est_group[[j]][["ci_0.975"]] <- estimates$upper
    # goodness-of-fit ----
    fit_stats <- HMMTreeR::fit_statistics(res[[length(res)]]) # choose winning model
    required_stats <- c("M1", "M2", "S1", "S2")
    gof_group[[j]] <- tibble::tibble(
      condition = j
      , type = required_stats
      , focus = rep(c("mean", "cov"), each = 2)
      , stat_obs = as.numeric(fit_stats[, required_stats])
      , stat_pred = NA_real_
      , stat_df = as.numeric(fit_stats[, paste0("df_", required_stats)])
    gof_group[[j]]$p = ifelse(
      gof_group[[j]]$stat_df <= 0
      , NA_real_
      , pchisq(q = gof_group[[j]]$stat_obs, df = gof_group[[j]]$stat_df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  est_group <- dplyr::bind_rows(est_group)
  gof_group <- dplyr::bind_rows(gof_group)
  results_row$est_group[[1]] <- est_group
  results_row$gof_group[[1]] <- gof_group

  # test_between ----
  test_between <- results_row$test_between[[1]]
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(test_between))) {
    p <- test_between$parameter[i]
    c1 <- test_between$condition1[i]
    c2 <- test_between$condition2[i]
    test_between[i, "est_diff"] <- 
      est_group[est_group$condition == c1 & est_group$parameter == p, ]$est -
      est_group[est_group$condition == c2 & est_group$parameter == p, ]$est
    test_between[i, "se"] <- sqrt(
      (est_group[est_group$condition == c1 & est_group$parameter == p, ]$se)^2 +
      (est_group[est_group$condition == c2 & est_group$parameter == p, ]$se)^2
  for (k in OPTIONS$ci_size) {
    test_between[[paste0("ci_", k)]] <- test_between$est_diff + test_between$se * qnorm(p = k)

  results_row$test_between[[1]] <- test_between

  estimation_time <- unlist(estimation_time)
  results_row$estimation[[1]] <- tibble::tibble(
    condition = c("complete_data", names(estimation_time))
    , time_difference = as.difftime(c(t1, unname(estimation_time)), units = "secs")
    , n_classes = unname(unlist(n_classes))
  # return ----
mpt-network/hmpt documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:54 a.m.