
Defines functions human_equilibrium human_equilibrium_no_het load_parameter_set

Documented in human_equilibrium human_equilibrium_no_het load_parameter_set

#' @title Laod a Parameter Set from File
#' @description Parameter sets are stored within the package
#'   inst/extdata folder. Load one of these sets by name.
#' @param file_name the name of a parameter set within the
#'   inst/extdata folder.
#' @export

load_parameter_set <- function(file_name = "Jamie_parameters.rds") {
  # check inputs
  # load parameter set from inst/extdata/parameter_sets folder
  params <- malariaEq_file(file_name)

#' @title Equilibrium solution without biting heterogeneity
#' @description Returns the equilibrium states for the model of Griffin et al.
#'   (2014). A derivation of the equilibrium solutions can be found in Griffin
#'   (2016).
#'   This function does not account for biting heterogeneity - see
#'   \code{human_equilibrium()} for function that takes this into account.
#' @param EIR EIR for adults, in units of infectious bites per person per year
#' @param ft proportion of clinical cases effectively treated
#' @param p vector of model parameters
#' @param age vector of age groups, in units of years
#' @references Griffin et. al. (2014). Estimates of the changing age-burden of
#'   Plasmodium falciparum malaria disease in sub-Saharan Africa.
#'   doi:10.1038/ncomms4136
#'   Griffin (2016). Is a reproduction number of one a threshold for Plasmodium
#'   falciparum malaria elimination? doi:10.1186/s12936-016-1437-9 (see
#'   supplementary material)
#' @export

human_equilibrium_no_het <- function(EIR, ft, p, age) {
  # check inputs
  assert_single_pos(EIR, zero_allowed = FALSE)
  assert_custom_class(p, "model_params")
  # get basic properties
  n_age <- length(age)
  age_days <- age*365
  EIR <- EIR/365
  # produce population age distribution using eta, which is defined as 1/average
  # age. The population distribution can be envisioned as an exponential
  # distribution, with mass feeding in from the left due to birth at rate eta,
  # people ageing with rates defined based on the width of the age groups, and
  # mass leaking out of all categories with death rate eta. Total birth and
  # death rates are equal, making the distribution stable.
  prop <- r <- rep(0, n_age)
  for (i in 1:n_age) {
    # r[i] can be thought of as the rate of ageing in this age group, i.e.
    # 1/r[i] is the duration of this group
    if (i == n_age) {
      r[i] <- 0
    } else {
      age_width <- age_days[i+1] - age_days[i]
      r[i] <- 1/age_width
    # prop is calculated from the relative flows into vs. out of this age group.
    # For the first age group the flow in is equal to the birth rate (eta). For
    # all subsequent age groups the flow in represents ageing from the previous
    # group. The flow out is always equal to the rate of ageing or death.
    if (i == 1) {
      prop[i] <- p$eta/(r[i] + p$eta)
    } else {
      prop[i] <- prop[i-1]*r[i-1]/(r[i] + p$eta)
  # calculate midpoint of age range. There is no midpoint for the final age
  # group, so use beginning of range instead
  age_days_midpoint <- c((age_days[-n_age] + age_days[-1])/2, age_days[n_age])
  # get age category that represents a 20 year old woman
  age20 <- which.min(abs(age_days_midpoint - (20*365)))
  # calculate relative biting rate for each age group
  psi <- 1 - p$rho*exp(-age_days_midpoint/p$a0)
  # calculate immunity functions and onward infectiousness at equilibrium for
  # all age groups. See doi:10.1186/s12936-016-1437-9 for details of derivation.
  IB <- IC <- ID <- IV <- 0
  IDA <- IBA <- ICA <- IVA <- FOI <- q <- cA <- B <- EPS <- rep(0, n_age)
  for (i in 1:n_age) {
    # rate of ageing plus death
    re <- r[i] + p$eta
    # update pre-erythrocytic immunity IB
    eps <- EIR*psi[i]
    EPS[i] <- eps
    IB <- (eps/(eps*p$ub + 1) + re*IB)/(1/p$db + re)
    IBA[i] <- IB
    # calculate probability of infection from pre-erythrocytic immunity IB via
    # Hill function
    b <- p$b0*(p$b1 + (1-p$b1)/(1+(IB/p$IB0)^p$kb))
    B[i] <- b
    # calculate force of infection (lambda)
    FOI[i] <- b*eps
    # update clinical immunity IC
    IC <- (FOI[i]/(FOI[i]*p$uc + 1) + re*IC)/(1/p$dc + re)
    ICA[i] <- IC
    # update detection immunity ID
    ID <- (FOI[i]/(FOI[i]*p$ud + 1) + re*ID)/(1/p$dd + re)
    IDA[i] <- ID

    # update severe immunity IV
    IV <- (FOI[i]/(FOI[i]*p$uv + 1) + re*IV)/(1/p$dv + re)
    IVA[i] <- IV
    # calculate probability that an asymptomatic infection (state A) will be
    # detected by microscopy
    fd <- 1 - (1-p$fd0)/(1 + (age_days_midpoint[i]/p$ad0)^p$gd)
    q[i] <- p$d1 + (1-p$d1)/(1 + (ID/p$ID0)^p$kd*fd)
    # calculate onward infectiousness to mosquitoes
    cA[i] <- p$cU + (p$cD-p$cU)*q[i]^p$g_inf
  # calculate maternal clinical and severe immunity, assumed at birth to be a
  # proportion of the acquired immunity of a 20 year old
  IM0 <- ICA[age20]*p$PM
  IV0 <- IVA[age20]*p$PVM
  ICM <- rep(0, n_age)
  IVM <- rep(0, n_age)
  for (i in 1:n_age) {
    # maternal clinical and severe immunity decays from birth
    if (i == n_age) {
      ICM[i] <- 0
      IVM[i] <- 0
    } else {
      ICM[i] <- IM0 * p$dm / (age_days[i + 1] - age_days[i]) * (exp(-age_days[i] / p$dm) - exp(-age_days[i + 1] / p$dm))
      IVM[i] <- IV0 * p$dvm / (age_days[i + 1] - age_days[i]) * (exp(-age_days[i] / p$dvm) - exp(-age_days[i + 1] / p$dvm))
  # calculate probability of acquiring clinical disease as a function of
  # different immunity types
  phi <- p$phi0*(p$phi1 + (1-p$phi1)/(1 + ((ICA+ICM)/p$IC0)^p$kc))

  # calculate probability of acquiring severe disease. See expression in
  # https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002448 supplementary material, page 5.
  fv <- 1 - (1 - p$fv0)/(1 + (age_days_midpoint/p$av)^p$gammav)
  theta <- p$theta0*(p$theta1 + (1-p$theta1)/(1 + fv*((IVA+IVM)/p$IV0)^p$kv))

  # calculate equilibrium solution of all model states. Again, see
  # doi:10.1186/s12936-016-1437-9 for details
  pos_M <- pos_PCR <- inc <- sev_inc <- rep(0, n_age)
  S <- T <- P <- D <- A <- U <- rep(0, n_age)
  for (i in 1:n_age) {
    # rate of ageing plus death
    re <- r[i] + p$eta
    # calculate beta values
    betaT <- p$rT + re
    betaD <- p$rD + re
    betaA <- FOI[i]*phi[i] + p$rA + re
    betaU <- FOI[i] + p$rU + re
    betaP <- p$rP + re
    # calculate a and b values
    aT <- ft*phi[i]*FOI[i]/betaT
    aP <- p$rT*aT/betaP
    aD <- (1-ft)*phi[i]*FOI[i]/betaD
    if (i == 1) {
      bT <- bD <- bP <- 0
    } else {
      bT <- r[i-1]*T[i-1]/betaT
      bD <- r[i-1]*D[i-1]/betaD
      bP <- p$rT*bT + r[i-1]*P[i-1]/betaP
    # calculate Y, which is the sum of all non-diseased states
    Y <- (prop[i] - (bT + bD + bP))/(1 + aT + aD + aP)
    # calculate final {T,D,P} solution
    T[i] <- aT*Y + bT
    D[i] <- aD*Y + bD
    P[i] <- aP*Y + bP
    # calculate final {A, U, S} solution
    if (i == 1) {
      rA <- rU <- 0
    } else {
      rA <- r[i-1]*A[i-1]
      rU <- r[i-1]*U[i-1]
    A[i] <- (rA + (1-phi[i])*Y*FOI[i] + p$rD*D[i])/(betaA + (1-phi[i])*FOI[i])
    U[i] <- (rU + p$rA*A[i])/betaU
    S[i] <- Y - A[i] - U[i]
    # calculate proportion detectable by mocroscopy and PCR
    pos_M[i] <- D[i] + T[i] + A[i]*q[i]
    pos_PCR[i] <- D[i] + T[i] + A[i]*(q[i]^p$aA) + U[i]*(q[i]^p$aU)
    # calculate clinical incidence
    inc[i] <- Y*FOI[i]*phi[i]
    sev_inc[i] <- Y*FOI[i]*theta[i]
  # calculate mean infectivity
  inf <- p$cD*D + p$cT*T + cA*A + p$cU*U
  # return matrix
  ret <- cbind(
     age = age,
     S = S,
     T = T,
     D = D,
     A = A,
     U = U,
     P = P,
     inf = inf,
     prop = prop,
     psi = psi,
     pos_M = pos_M,
     pos_PCR = pos_PCR,
     inc = inc,
     sev_inc = sev_inc,
     ICA = ICA,
     ICM = ICM,
     IVA = IVA,
     IVM = IVM,
     ID = IDA,
     IB = IBA,
     B = B,
     FOI = FOI,
     phi = phi,
     EPS = EPS,
     cA = cA,
     r = r

#' @title Equilibrium solution
#' @description Returns the equilibrium states for the model of Griffin et al.
#'   (2014). A derivation of the equilibrium solutions can be found in Griffin
#'   (2016). Integrates over the distribution of biting heterogeneity using
#'   Gaussian quadrature.
#' @inheritParams human_equilibrium_no_het
#' @param h a list of Gauss-Hermite nodes and associated weights, used for
#'   integrating over heterogeneity in biting. See \code{?gq_normal} for an
#'   example.
#' @references Griffin et. al. (2014). Estimates of the changing age-burden of
#'   Plasmodium falciparum malaria disease in sub-Saharan Africa.
#'   doi:10.1038/ncomms4136
#'   Griffin (2016). Is a reproduction number of one a threshold for Plasmodium
#'   falciparum malaria elimination? doi:10.1186/s12936-016-1437-9 (see
#'   supplementary material)
#' @export

human_equilibrium <- function(EIR, ft, p, age, h = gq_normal(10)) {
  # check inputs
  assert_single_pos(EIR, zero_allowed = FALSE)
  assert_custom_class(p, "model_params")
  assert_in(c("nodes", "weights"), names(h))
  assert_same_length(h$nodes, h$weights)
  assert_numeric(h$nodes, h$weights)
  # get basic properties and initialise
  nh <- length(h$nodes)
  FOIM <- 0 		# overall force of infection on mosquitoes, weighted by onward biting rates
  # loop through all Gaussian quadrature nodes
  for (j in 1:nh) {
    zeta <- exp(-p$s2*0.5 + sqrt(p$s2)*h$nodes[j])
    Ej <- human_equilibrium_no_het(EIR = EIR*zeta, ft = ft, p = p, age = age)
    if (j == 1) {
      E <- Ej*h$weights[j]
    } else {
      E <- E + Ej*h$weights[j]
    FOIM <- FOIM + sum(Ej[,"inf"]*Ej[,"psi"])*h$weights[j]*zeta
  # calculate overall force of infection on mosquitoes
  omega <- 1 - p$rho*p$eta/(p$eta + 1/p$a0)
  alpha <- p$f*p$Q0
  FOIM <- FOIM*alpha/omega
  # return as list
    states = E,
mrc-ide/malariaEquilibrium documentation built on Jan. 13, 2022, 12:25 a.m.