
Defines functions pmcmc_chains_path pmcmc_chains_cleanup pmcmc_chains_collect pmcmc_chains_run pmcmc_chains_prepare

Documented in pmcmc_chains_cleanup pmcmc_chains_collect pmcmc_chains_prepare pmcmc_chains_run

##' Run a pMCMC, with sensible random number behaviour, but schedule
##' execution of the chains yourself. Use this if you want to
##' distribute chains over (say) the nodes of an HPC system.
##' Basic usage will look like
##' ```
##' path <- mcstate::pmcmc_chains_prepare(tempfile(), pars, filter, control)
##' for (i in seq_len(control$n_chains)) {
##'   mcstate::pmcmc_chains_run(i, path)
##' }
##' samples <- mcstate::pmcmc_chains_collect(path)
##' mcstate::pmcmc_chains_cleanup(path)
##' ```
##' You can safely parallelise (or not) however you like at the point
##' where the loop is (even across other machines) and get the same
##' outputs regardless.
##' @title pMCMC with manual chain scheduling
##' @inheritParams pmcmc
##' @param path The path to use to exchange inputs and results.  You
##'   can use a temporary directory or a different path (relative or
##'   absolute).  Several rds files will be created.  It is strongly
##'   recommended not to use `.`
##' @rdname pmcmc_chains
##' @export
pmcmc_chains_prepare <- function(path, pars, filter, control,
                                 initial = NULL) {
  path <- pmcmc_chains_path(path)
  assert_is(pars, c("pmcmc_parameters", "pmcmc_parameters_nested"))
  assert_is(filter, c("particle_filter", "particle_deterministic"))
  assert_is(control, "pmcmc_control")

  if (control$n_workers != 1) {
    stop("'n_workers' must be 1")
  if (!control$use_parallel_seed) {
    stop("'use_parallel_seed' must be TRUE")

  initial <- pmcmc_check_initial(initial, pars, control$n_chains)
  inputs <- filter$inputs()

  seed <- make_seeds(control$n_chains, inputs$seed, filter$model)
  dat <- list(pars = pars, initial = initial, filter = inputs,
              control = control, seed = seed)
  class(dat) <- "pmcmc_inputs"

  dir.create(path$root, FALSE, TRUE)
  ## NOTE: The 'suppressWarnings' avoids warnings about mcstate not
  ## being available on load.
  suppressWarnings(saveRDS(dat, path$inputs))
  saveRDS(control, path$control)


##' @rdname pmcmc_chains
##' @export
##' @param chain_id The integer identifier of the chain to run
##' @param n_threads Optional thread count, overriding the number set
##'   in the `control`.  This will be useful where preparing the
##'   threads on a machine with one level of resource and running it
##'   on another.
pmcmc_chains_run <- function(chain_id, path, n_threads = NULL) {
  path <- pmcmc_chains_path(path, chain_id)

  inputs <- readRDS(path$inputs)
  assert_is(inputs, "pmcmc_inputs")


  control <- inputs$control
  if (chain_id < 1 || chain_id > control$n_chains) {
    stop(sprintf("'chain_id' must be an integer in 1..%d",

  seed <- inputs$seed[[chain_id]]
  set.seed(seed$r) # likely problematic on CRAN...
  filter <- particle_filter_from_inputs(inputs$filter, seed$dust)

  initial <- inputs$initial[[chain_id]]

  samples <- pmcmc_run_chain(inputs$pars, initial, filter, control, n_threads)

  saveRDS(samples, path$results)


##' @export
##' @rdname pmcmc_chains
pmcmc_chains_collect <- function(path) {
  control <- readRDS(pmcmc_chains_path(path)$control)
  path <- pmcmc_chains_path(path, seq_len(control$n_chains))

  msg <- !file.exists(path$results)
  if (any(msg)) {
    stop(sprintf("Results missing for chains %s",
                 paste(which(msg), collapse = ", ")))

  ## Simplest way first, highest memory use; later we will try and do
  ## something more clever here by building things up more nicely.
  samples <- lapply(path$results, readRDS)
  pmcmc_combine(samples = samples)

##' @export
##' @rdname pmcmc_chains
pmcmc_chains_cleanup <- function(path) {
  control <- readRDS(pmcmc_chains_path(path)$control)
  path <- pmcmc_chains_path(path, seq_len(control$n_chains))
  unlink(c(path$inputs, path$control, path$results))
  if (length(dir(path$root, all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)) == 0) {
    unlink(path$root, recursive = TRUE)

pmcmc_chains_path <- function(path, chain_id = NULL) {
  list(root = path,
       inputs = file.path(path, "inputs.rds"),
       control = file.path(path, "control.rds"),
       results = file.path(path, sprintf("results_%d.rds", chain_id)))
mrc-ide/mcstate documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:34 p.m.