test_that("pmcmc_check_initial_nested - silent null initial", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(NULL, dat$pars, 2),
array(dat$pars$initial(), c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[1:4], c("p1", "p2", "p3"))))
test_that("pmcmc_check_initial_nested - silent matrix initial", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(matrix(1, 4, 3), dat$pars, 2),
array(1, c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[1:4], c("p1", "p2", "p3"), NULL)))
test_that("pmcmc_check_initial_nested - silent array initial", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(array(1, c(4, 3, 2)), dat$pars, 2),
array(1, c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[1:4], c("p1", "p2", "p3"), NULL)))
test_that("pmcmc_check_initial_nested - error array initial", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(array(dim = c(4, 3, 1)), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected 'initial' to be an array with dimensions 4 x 3 x 2")
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(array(dim = c(5, 3, 2)), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected 'initial' to be an array with dimensions 4 x 3 x 2")
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(array(dim = c(4, 2, 2)), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected 'initial' to be an array with dimensions 4 x 3 x 2")
array(dim = c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[10:13], paste0("p", 1:3), NULL)),
dat$pars, 2),
"Expected names of dimension 1 of 'initial' to match parameters")
array(dim = c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[1:4], letters[1:3], NULL)), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected names of dimension 2 of 'initial' to match populations")
array(dim = c(4, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(letters[1:4], NULL, letters[1:2])), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected names of dimension 3 of 'initial' to be empty")
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(array(2, dim = c(4, 3, 2)), dat$pars, 2),
"Starting point does not have finite prior probability (chain 1, 2)",
fixed = TRUE)
test_that("pmcmc_check_initial_nested - error matrix initial", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(matrix(0, 5, 3), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected 'initial' to be a matrix with dimensions 4 x 3")
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(matrix(0, 4, 2), dat$pars, 2),
"Expected 'initial' to be a matrix with dimensions 4 x 3")
matrix(0, 4, 3, dimnames = list(letters[2:5], letters[1:3])),
dat$pars, 2),
"Expected names of dimension 1 of 'initial' to match parameters")
matrix(0, 4, 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:4], letters[1:3])),
dat$pars, 2),
"Expected names of dimension 2 of 'initial' to match populations")
pmcmc_check_initial_nested(matrix(2, 4, 3), dat$pars, 2),
"Starting point does not have finite prior probability (chain 1, 2)",
fixed = TRUE)
test_that("pmcmc nested Uniform on unit square - fixed only", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared(varied = FALSE)
control <- pmcmc_control(200, save_state = FALSE, save_trajectories = FALSE)
testthat::try_again(5, {
res <- pmcmc(dat$pars, dat$filter, control = control)
expect_s3_class(res, "mcstate_pmcmc")
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p1"]) == 1))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p2"]) == 1))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p3"]) == 1))
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "a", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "b", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
test_that("pmcmc nested Uniform on unit square - varied only", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared(fixed = FALSE)
control <- pmcmc_control(200, save_state = FALSE, save_trajectories = FALSE)
testthat::try_again(5, {
res <- pmcmc(dat$pars, dat$filter, control = control)
expect_s3_class(res, "mcstate_pmcmc")
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p1"]) == 1))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p2"]) == 1))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p3"]) == 1))
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "c", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "d", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
test_that("pmcmc nested Uniform on unit square", {
dat <- example_uniform_shared()
control <- pmcmc_control(201, save_state = FALSE, save_trajectories = FALSE)
testthat::try_again(5, {
res <- pmcmc(dat$pars, dat$filter, control = control)
expect_s3_class(res, "mcstate_pmcmc")
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p1"]) == 0.5))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p2"]) == 0.5))
expect_true(all(acceptance_rate(res$pars[, , "p3"]) == 0.5))
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "a", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "b", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "c", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
expect_true(abs(mean(res$pars[, "d", ]) - 0.5) < 0.05)
test_that("pmcmc nested multivariate gaussian", {
dat <- example_mvnorm_shared()
control <- pmcmc_control(500, save_state = FALSE, save_trajectories = FALSE)
testthat::try_again(10, {
res <- pmcmc(dat$pars, dat$filter, control = control)
i <- seq(1, 500, by = 20)
expect_s3_class(res, "mcstate_pmcmc")
ks_test <- function(x, y) suppressWarnings(ks.test(x, y))
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "a", 1], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "a", 2], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "a", 3], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "b", 1], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "b", 2], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "b", 3], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "c", 1], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "c", 2], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "c", 3], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "d", 1], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "d", 2], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_gt(ks_test(res$pars[i, "d", 3], "pnorm")$p.value, 0.05)
expect_lt(abs(cov(res$pars[, , 1])[1, 2]), 0.1)
expect_lt(abs(cov(res$pars[, , 2])[1, 2]), 0.1)
expect_lt(abs(cov(res$pars[, , 3])[1, 2]), 0.1)
test_that("nestedness must agree", {
dat <- example_sir()
p <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 100, dat$compare,
proposal_fixed <- matrix(0.00026)
proposal_varied <- matrix(0.00057)
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = proposal_fixed, proposal_varied = proposal_varied)
control <- pmcmc_control(5)
pmcmc(pars, p, control = control),
"'pars' and 'filter' disagree on nestedness")
## We've ended up ~8% slower here for some of the abstraction. It
## will be worth chasing these up later, but once the model moves more
## into the main code we'll be faster. Using the compiled particle
## filter would also be much faster I think (though we currently lose
## the early exit).
test_that("pmcmc nested sir - 1 chain", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
p <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 100, dat$compare,
control <- pmcmc_control(30, save_state = TRUE, save_trajectories = TRUE,
save_restart = TRUE, rerun_every = 10,
n_threads_total = 2, use_parallel_seed = TRUE,
n_chains = 1L)
proposal_fixed <- matrix(0.00026)
proposal_varied <- matrix(0.00057)
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = proposal_fixed, proposal_varied = proposal_varied)
res1 <- pmcmc(pars, p, control = control)
res2 <- pmcmc(pars, p, control = control)
expect_equal(res1, res2)
expect_equal(res1$pars[1, , ], pars$initial())
test_that("pmcmc nested sir - 2 chains", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
p1 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 100, dat$compare,
dat$index, seed = 1L)
p2 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 100, dat$compare,
dat$index, seed = 1L)
proposal_fixed <- matrix(0.00026)
proposal_varied <- matrix(0.00057)
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = proposal_fixed, proposal_varied = proposal_varied)
control1 <- pmcmc_control(50, save_state = TRUE, n_chains = 1,
save_restart = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
restart_match = TRUE,
save_trajectories = TRUE)
control2 <- pmcmc_control(50, n_chains = 3, save_state = TRUE,
save_restart = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
restart_match = TRUE,
save_trajectories = TRUE)
res1 <- pmcmc(pars, p1, control = control1)
expect_s3_class(res1, "mcstate_pmcmc")
res3 <- pmcmc(pars, p2, control = control2)
expect_s3_class(res3, "mcstate_pmcmc")
expect_equal(res3$chain, rep(1:3, each = 50))
expect_equal(res3$iteration, rep(1:50, 3))
expect_equal(dim(res3$trajectories$state), c(3, 2, 150, 101))
expect_equal(res1$pars, res3$pars[1:50, , ])
expect_equal(res1$state, res3$state[, , 1:50])
expect_equal(res1$restart$state, res3$restart$state[, , 1:50, ])
expect_equal(res1$trajectories$state, res3$trajectories$state[, , 1:50, ])
test_that("return names on nested pmcmc output", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = matrix(0.00026),
proposal_varied = matrix(0.00057))
n_particles <- 10
index2 <- function(info) list(run = 5L, state = c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3))
p1 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
index = dat$index, seed = 1)
p2 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
index = index2, seed = 1)
control <- pmcmc_control(5, save_state = TRUE, save_trajectories = TRUE)
results1 <- pmcmc(pars, p1, control = control)
results2 <- pmcmc(pars, p2, control = control)
expect_equal(rownames(results2$trajectories$state), c("a", "b", "c"))
test_that("run nested pmcmc with the particle filter and retain history", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = matrix(0.00026),
proposal_varied = matrix(0.00057))
n_particles <- 100
p1 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
index = dat$index, seed = 1L)
p2 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
index = dat$index, seed = 1L)
control1 <- pmcmc_control(30, save_trajectories = TRUE, save_state = TRUE)
control2 <- pmcmc_control(30, save_trajectories = FALSE, save_state = FALSE)
results1 <- pmcmc(pars, p1, control = control1)
results2 <- pmcmc(pars, p2, control = control2)
c("nested", "chain", "iteration", "pars_index",
"pars", "probabilities", "state", "trajectories", "restart", "predict",
expect_equal(results1$iteration, 1:30)
## Including or not the history does not change the mcmc trajectory:
expect_identical(names(results1), names(results2))
expect_equal(results1$pars, results2$pars)
expect_equal(results1$probabilities, results2$probabilities)
## Parameters and probabilities have the expected shape
expect_equal(dim(results1$pars), c(30, 2, 2))
list(NULL, c("beta", "gamma"), c("a", "b")))
expect_equal(dim(results1$probabilities), c(30, 3, 2))
list(NULL, c("log_prior", "log_likelihood", "log_posterior"), c("a", "b")))
## History, if returned, has the correct shape
expect_equal(dim(results1$state), c(5, 2, 30)) # state, pop, mcmc
## Trajectories, if returned, have the same shape
expect_s3_class(results1$trajectories, "mcstate_trajectories")
expect_equal(dim(results1$trajectories$state), c(3, 2, 30, 101))
expect_equal(results1$trajectories$time, seq(0, 400, by = 4))
expect_equal(results1$trajectories$rate, 4)
## Additional information required to predict
c("is_continuous", "transform", "index", "rate", "time", "model_time",
test_that("nested_step_ratio works", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
p <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 10, dat$compare,
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = matrix(0.00026),
proposal_varied = matrix(0.00057))
## Here, we never update beta, which is varied
control <- pmcmc_control(30, nested_step_ratio = 30)
res1 <- pmcmc(pars, p, control = control)
expect_equal(as.numeric(res1$pars[, "beta", ]), rep(c(0.2, 0.3), each = 30))
expect_equal(res1$pars[, "gamma", "a"], res1$pars[, "gamma", "b"])
expect_false(all(res1$pars[, "gamma", "a"] == 0.1))
## Here, we never update gamma, which is fixed
control <- pmcmc_control(30, nested_step_ratio = 1 / 30)
res2 <- pmcmc(pars, p, control = control)
expect_equal(res2$pars[, "gamma", ],
matrix(0.1, 30, 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b"))))
expect_false(all(res2$pars[, "beta", ] == rep(c(0.2, 0.3), each = 30)))
test_that("Can do early exit with nested model", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
n_particles <- 5
p1 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
dat$index, seed = 1L)
p2 <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, n_particles, dat$compare,
dat$index, seed = 1L)
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = matrix(0.00026),
proposal_varied = matrix(0.00057))
control1 <- pmcmc_control(30, filter_early_exit = FALSE)
control2 <- pmcmc_control(30, filter_early_exit = TRUE)
res1 <- pmcmc(pars, p1, control = control1)
res2 <- pmcmc(pars, p2, control = control2)
## See similar test in test-pmcmc.R; we need to come up with a
## better test of this really.
expect_false(identical(p2$inputs()$seed, p1$inputs()$seed))
test_that("Can run both fixed and varied at once", {
dat <- example_sir_shared()
p <- particle_filter$new(dat$data, dat$model, 10, dat$compare,
proposal_fixed <- matrix(0.00026)
proposal_varied <- matrix(0.00057)
pars <- pmcmc_parameters_nested$new(
list(pmcmc_varied_parameter("beta", letters[1:2], c(0.2, 0.3),
min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10)),
pmcmc_parameter("gamma", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
prior = function(p) log(1e-10))),
proposal_fixed = proposal_fixed, proposal_varied = proposal_varied)
control <- pmcmc_control(30, nested_step_ratio = 30,
nested_update_both = TRUE)
res <- pmcmc(pars, p, control = control)
## Test that either all parameters change for everything or no
## parameters change everywhere:
i <- which(res$pars[1:29, 1, 1] != res$pars[2:30, 1, 1])
expect_true(all(res$pars[i, , ] != res$pars[i + 1, , ]))
j <- setdiff(1:29, i)
expect_true(all(res$pars[j, , ] == res$pars[j + 1, , ]))
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