
Defines functions `%||%` odin_index collapse_age add_age format_internal format

Documented in add_age collapse_age format format_internal

#' Format vaccine model output
#' Take raw odin vaccine model output and formats in long format with the option to select
#' variables and summarise over age groups. Output variables are ordered as in argument ordering.
#' @param x squire_simulation object
#' @param compartments Vector of compartment names, e.g. \code{c("S", "R")}, or sub-compartment names, e.g. \code{c("S", "E1", "E2")}
#' @param summaries Vector of summary names, which may be:
#' \itemize{
#'       \item{"deaths"}{ Deaths per day }
#'       \item{"infections"}{ Infections per day. New infections (note this is currently a slightly different definitionto the main Squire mode)}
#'       \item{"hospitilisations"}{ Hospitalisations per day (Note this takes into account hospital capacity)}
#'       \item{"hospital_occupancy"}{ Occupied Hospital Beds }
#'       \item{"ICU_occupancy"}{ Occupied ICU Beds }
#'       \item{"hospital_demand}{ Required Hospital Beds }
#'       \item{"ICU_demand}{ Required ICU Beds }
#'       \item{"vaccinated"}{ Vaccines administered per day}
#'       }
#' @param reduce_age Collapse age-dimension, calculating the total in the
#'   compartment.
#' @param date_0 Date of time 0 (e.g. "2020-03-01"), if specified a date column will be added
#' @param replicate Which replicate is being formatted. Default = 1
#' @return Formatted long data.frame
#' @export
format <- function(x,
                   compartments = c("S", "E",
                                    "IMild", "ICase", "IICU", "IHospital",
                                    "IRec", "R", "D"),
                   summaries = c("N",
                                 "ICU_demand", "ICU_occupancy",
                                 "vaccines", "unvaccinated", "vaccinated", "priorvaccinated",
                                 "infections", "deaths"),
                   reduce_age = TRUE,
                   date_0 = NULL,
                   replicate = 1){

  # Arg checks
  assert_custom_class(x, "nimue_simulation")

  # Standardise output dimensions
  if(length(dim(x$output)) == 4){
    x$output <- abind::adrop(x$output, drop = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))

  # Get columns indices of variables
  index <- odin_index(x$model)
  if(!all(compartments %in% names(index))){
    stop("Some compartments specified not output by model")

  # Extract time
  time <- x$output[,index$time, replicate]

  output <- format_internal(x = x, compartments = compartments, summaries = summaries,
                            reduce_age = reduce_age, index = index,
                            time = time, replicate = replicate)

  # Set levels (order) of output variables
  output$compartment <- factor(output$compartment, levels = c(compartments, summaries))

  # Add date
    output$date <- as.Date(output$t + as.Date(date_0),
                           format = "%Y-%m-%d")

  # Add age-groups if present
  if("age_index" %in% names(output)){
    ag <- c(paste0(seq(0, 75, 5), "-", seq(5, 80, 5)), "80+")
    output$age_group = factor(ag[output$age_index], levels = ag)
    output <- output  %>%


#' Internals of Format vaccine model output as data.frame
#' @inheritParams format
#' @param index odin ouput index
#' @param time time vector
#' @param replicate outpu replicate number
format_internal <- function(x, compartments, summaries, reduce_age, index, time,

  # Convert cumulative outputs
  i_convert <- unlist(index[grepl("_cumu", names(index))])
  x$output[, i_convert, replicate] <- apply(x$output[,i_convert, replicate], 2, function(x){
    x - dplyr::lag(x)
  names(index)[grepl("_cumu", names(index))] <- sapply(strsplit(names(index)[grepl("_cumu", names(index))], "_"), `[`, 1)

  # Select variables and summary outputs
  get <- c(compartments, summaries)
  get <- get[get %in% names(index)]
  i_select <- index[get]
  # Select outputs, collapsing over vaccine dimension where required
  o <- lapply(i_select, function(x, y){
      apply(x, 1, function(a, b){
      }, b = y)
    } else {
  }, y = x$output)

  # Collapse age
    o <- lapply(o, collapse_age)
  } else {
    o <- lapply(o, add_age)

  # Add names of variables
  for(i in 1:length(o)){
    o[[i]] <- data.frame(o[[i]]) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(compartment = names(o)[i])

  # Add time and replicate columns
  o <- dplyr::bind_rows(o) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = rep(time, dplyr::n() / length(time)),
                  replicate = replicate)


#' Keep age groups
#' @param x age-disaggregated odin output matrix
#' @return age-disaggregated output matrix
add_age <- function(x){
  m <- matrix(c(rep(1:ncol(x), each = (nrow(x))), as.vector(x)), ncol = 2)
  colnames(m) <- c("age_index", "value")

#' Collapse age groups
#' @param x age-disaggregated odin output matrix
#' @return age-aggregated output matrix
collapse_age <- function(x){
  m <- matrix(rowSums(x), ncol = 1)
  colnames(m) <- "value"

## Index locations of outputs in odin model
#' @noRd
odin_index <- function(model) {
  len <- length(model$.__enclos_env__$private$ynames)

#' @noRd
`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
  if (is.null(a)) b else a
mrc-ide/nimue documentation built on March 25, 2022, 4:45 a.m.