
Defines functions include_decorations odin_dust_cpp_std odin_dust_linking_to read_include_dust odin_dust_transform_variables odin_dust_code odin_dust_wrapper odin_dust_options odin_dust_ odin_dust

Documented in odin_dust odin_dust_ odin_dust_options

##' Compile an odin model to work with dust.
##' Note that this does not (yet) support the full odin output object,
##' instead creating the more limited dust interface. However, for
##' many uses this should be considerably faster than the interface
##' that odin normally uses (built on dde).
##' @section Including custom code:
##' When including custom C++ code you may want to set additional
##'   options in order to enable compilation. You can do this by
##'   including pseudo-attributes
##' * `// [[odin.dust::cpp_std(C++17)]]` - use this to change the C++
##'   standard used in compilation; this is passed to [dust::dust()]
##'   as the `cpp_std` option. It is only necessary to pass in values
##'   greater than C++11 at present as that is dust's default.
##' * `// [[odin.dust::linking_to(pkg)]]` - use this to make include
##'   files present in an R package (e.g., BH) available. You can use
##'   as many of these attributes as you need.
##' @title Create a dust odin model
##' @param x Either the name of a file to read, a text string (if
##'   length is greater than 1 elements will be joined with newlines)
##'   or an expression.
##' @inheritParams odin_dust_options
##' @param ... Arguments passed to [odin.dust::odin_dust_options],
##'   including `real_type`, `gpu`, `verbose`, `workdir`,
##'   `no_check_unused_equations` and `rewrite_dims`.
##' @export
##' @importFrom odin odin
odin_dust <- function(x, ..., options = NULL) {
  xx <- substitute(x)
  if (is.symbol(xx)) {
    xx <- force(x)
  } else if (is_call(xx, quote(c)) && all(vlapply(xx[-1], is.character))) {
    xx <- force(x)
  odin_dust_(xx, ..., options = options)

##' @export
##' @rdname odin_dust
odin_dust_ <- function(x, ..., options = NULL) {
  options <- odin_dust_options(..., options = options)
  ir <- odin::odin_parse_(x, options)
  if (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L && file.exists(x)) {
    srcdir <- dirname(x)
  } else {
    srcdir <- "."

  odin_dust_wrapper(ir, srcdir, options)

##' Options for controlling [odin_dust]; this is a superset of
##' [odin::odin_options]
##' @title Options for odin_dust
##' @param ... Arguments passed to [odin::odin_options], including
##'   `verbose`, `workdir`, `no_check_unused_equations` and
##'   `rewrite_dims`.
##' @param real_type C++ type to use for real (floating point)
##'   numbers. Defaults to `double`.
##' @param rng_state_type C++ type to use for the random number
##'   generator. Defaults to `dust::random::generator<real_type>`
##'   which selects a generator based on your real type. The default
##'   prior to dust 0.10.0 was
##'   `dust::random::xoshiro256starstar_state`.
##' @param gpu **Experimental!** Generate support for running models
##'   on a GPU. This implies `gpu_generate` but *does* require a gpu
##'   and nvcc toolchain. Currently not supported within package code.
##'   This argument will be passed through to [dust::dust()] and so to
##'   enable compilation for a gpu, pass either `TRUE` or the results
##'   of [dust::dust_cuda_options])
##' @param gpu_generate **Experimental** Generate gpu support
##'   code. This does not require a gpu or nvcc toolchain, but creates
##'   code that could be compiled for a gpu. This is primarily
##'   intended for testing and development as the generated code will
##'   be slower than the normal cpu version, and the compilation time
##'   will be considerably slower. Currently not supported within
##'   package code.
##' @param compiler_options Additional options for the C++ compiler,
##'   passed to [dust::dust]
##' @param optimisation_level Shorthand control over optimisation
##'   level, passed to [dust::dust]. If provided should be one of
##'   `none` (slow running, fast building), `standard` or `max`
##'   (enables fast math)
##' @param options An [odin::odin_options] or [odin.dust::odin_dust_options]
##'   object. If given it overrides arguments; if it is already a
##'   `odin_dust_options` object it is returned unmodified. Otherwise
##'   it is passed through to [odin::odin_options] where it will
##'   override arguments in `...` but respond to the `odin_dust`
##'   specific options (`real_type`, etc)
##' @return A list of options (class `odin_options`) to
##'   pass to `odin.dust::odin_dust`
##' @export
##' @examples
##' odin.dust::odin_dust_options()
odin_dust_options <- function(..., real_type = NULL,
                              rng_state_type = NULL,
                              gpu = NULL, gpu_generate = NULL,
                              compiler_options = NULL,
                              optimisation_level = NULL,
                              options = NULL) {
  if (inherits(options, "odin_dust_options")) {

  if (...length() > 0 && inherits(..1, "odin_options")) {
    stop("'odin_options' object passed as unnamed argument")

  options <- odin::odin_options(target = "dust", ...)
  options$gpu <- gpu_mode(gpu_generate %||% FALSE, gpu %||% FALSE)
  options$real_type <- real_type %||% "double"
  options$rng_state_type <- rng_state_type %||%
  options$read_include <- read_include_dust
  options$config_custom <- "compare"
  options$compiler_options <- compiler_options
  options$optimisation_level <- optimisation_level
  class(options) <- c("odin_dust_options", class(options))

odin_dust_wrapper <- function(ir, srcdir, options) {
  dat <- with_dir(
    generate_dust(ir, options))
  code <- odin_dust_code(dat)

  decorations <- include_decorations(dat$include)
  linking_to <- odin_dust_linking_to(decorations)
  cpp_std <- odin_dust_cpp_std(decorations)
  path <- tempfile(fileext = ".cpp")
  writeLines(code, path)

  generator <- dust::dust(path, quiet = !options$verbose,
                          workdir = options$workdir,
                          gpu = options$gpu$compile,
                          linking_to = linking_to,
                          cpp_std = cpp_std,
                          compiler_options = options$compiler_options,
                          optimisation_level = options$optimisation_level)

  if (!("transform_variables" %in% names(generator$public_methods))) {
    generator$set("public", "transform_variables",

odin_dust_code <- function(dat) {
  c(dust_flatten_eqs(lapply(dat$support, "[[", "declaration")),
    dust_flatten_eqs(lapply(dat$support, "[[", "definition")),
    cpp_namespace("dust", c(dat$create, dat$info, dat$data)))

self <- NULL # this will be resolved by R6
odin_dust_transform_variables <- function(y) {
  info <- self$info()

  set_dim <- function(x, dimx) {
    if (length(dimx) > 1L) {
      dim(x) <- dimx

  if (is.matrix(y)) {
    n <- ncol(y)
    Map(function(i, d) set_dim(y[i, , drop = FALSE], c(d, n)),
        info$index, info$dim)
  } else if (is.array(y)) {
    n <- dim(y)[2:3]
    Map(function(i, d) set_dim(y[i, , , drop = FALSE], c(d, n)),
        info$index, info$dim)
  } else {
    Map(function(i, d) set_dim(y[i], d), info$index, info$dim)

read_include_dust <- function(filename) {
  dat <- decor::cpp_decorations(files = filename)
  code <- dat$context[dat$decoration == "odin.dust::register"]
  names <- vcapply(code, function(x) decor::parse_cpp_function(x)$name)
  if (length(names) == 0) {
    stop("Did not find any functions decorated with '[[odin.dust::register]]'")
  list(names = names,
       data = list(source = paste(readLines(filename), collapse = "\n")))

odin_dust_linking_to <- function(decorations) {
  if (is.null(decorations)) {
  i <- decorations$decoration == "odin.dust::linking_to"
  if (!any(i)) {
  unlist(lapply(decorations$params[i], as.character), TRUE, FALSE)

odin_dust_cpp_std <- function(decorations) {
  if (is.null(decorations)) {
  i <- decorations$decoration == "odin.dust::cpp_std"
  if (!any(i)) {

  check <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) != 1L) {
      stop("Expected exactly one argument to odin.dust::cpp_std")
    x <- x[[1L]]
    if (is.language(x)) {
      x <- gsub(" ", "", deparse(x))

  cpp_std <- unique(unlist(lapply(decorations$params[i], check), TRUE, FALSE))
  if (length(cpp_std) > 1) {
    cpp_std_version <- sub("^c\\+\\+", "", cpp_std, ignore.case = TRUE)
    cpp_std <- cpp_std[[which.max(cpp_std_version)]]
    message(sprintf("More than one 'odin.dust::cpp11_std', using '%s'",

include_decorations <- function(code) {
  if (is.null(code)) {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  writeLines(code, tmp)
  dat <- decor::cpp_decorations(files = tmp)
  if (nrow(dat) == 0L) {
mrc-ide/odin.dust documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:33 p.m.