
Defines functions country_to_continent deaths_threshold round_and_format nice_country_name cap_predictions ts_to_incid overlaps assign_epidemic_phase2 assign_epidemic_phase daily_to_weekly extract_predictions_qntls pool_predictions_weighted

Documented in assign_epidemic_phase2 cap_predictions overlaps ts_to_incid

##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
##' @export
pool_predictions_weighted <- function(outputs, weights, nsim = 10000) {
  models <- names(weights)
  ## Sample model with weights
  n_1 <- sample(
    x = names(weights), nsim, replace = TRUE, prob = weights
  n_1 <- table(n_1)
  if (! all(models %in% names(n_1))) {
    idx <- which(! models %in% names(n_1))
    n_1[[models[idx]]] <- 0
  message("Number of times models picked ")
  message(paste(n_1, collapse = "\n"))

  out <- purrr::imap(
    function(output, model) {
      apply(output, 2, function(y) sample(y, size = n_1[[model]]))
  out <- Reduce("rbind", out)

## Extract model quantiles
## Each model output is a list with several elements,
## the key one is Predictions.
## This is a list of data.frames with one data.frame for each country
## For each country, we have a list of 2 components, corresponding
## to the 2 serial intervals being considered.
## it is this last list (country, 2 components) that is passed to
## this function.
##' @export
extract_predictions_qntls <- function(y, prob = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)) {
  names(y) <- paste0("si_", seq_along(y))
  out <- purrr::map_dfr(
    function(y_si) {
      out2 <- t(
        apply(y_si, 2, stats::quantile, prob = prob, na.rm = TRUE)
      out2 <- as.data.frame(out2)
      out2 <- tibble::rownames_to_column(out2, var = "date")
    .id = "si"

##' @export
daily_to_weekly <- function(y, prob = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)) {
  names(y) <- paste0("si_", seq_along(y))
  out <- purrr::map_dfr(
    function(y_si) {
      weekly <- rowSums(y_si)
      weekly <- stats::quantile(
        prob = prob,
        na.rm = TRUE
      weekly_df <- as.data.frame(weekly)
      ## This is not the last date for which predictions are
      ## available, but the last date for which observations are
      ## available.
      weekly_df$week_ending <- as.Date(colnames(y_si)[1]) - 1

      weekly_df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(
        var = "quantile"

      weekly_df <- tidyr::spread(
        weekly_df, key = quantile, value = weekly
    .id = "si"

##' @export
assign_epidemic_phase <- function(rt) {
  rt$phase <- dplyr::case_when(
    rt$`97.5%` < 1 ~ "decline",
    (rt$`97.5%` - rt$`2.5%` > 1)  ~ "unclear",
    (rt$`2.5%` > 1 &
     ((rt$`97.5%` - rt$`2.5%`) < 1))  ~ "growing",
    (rt$`2.5%` < 1 &
     ((rt$`97.5%` - rt$`2.5%`) < 1))  ~ "stable/growing slowly"
##' Assign epidemic phase
##' Use Epinow definitions
##' @param rt a vector of samples from the
##' posterior distribution
##' @return phase
##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
##' @export
assign_epidemic_phase2 <- function(rt) {
  less_than_1 <- 100 * (length(which(rt < 1)) / length(rt))
  phase <- NA
  width <- quantile(rt, 0.975) - quantile(rt, 0.025)
  threshold <- 0.5
  if (less_than_1 < 5) phase <- "definitely growing"
  if (5 <= less_than_1 & less_than_1 < 25) phase <- "likely growing"
  if (25 <= less_than_1 & less_than_1 < 75 & width < threshold) phase <- "likely stable"
  if (25 <= less_than_1 & less_than_1 < 75 & width > threshold) phase <- "indeterminate"
  if (75 <= less_than_1 & less_than_1 < 95) phase <- "likely decreasing"
  if (95 <= less_than_1) phase <- "definitely decreasing"
  list(phase = phase, less_than_1 = less_than_1, cv = width)

##' Check if two intervals overlap
##' @param x1 a numeric vector of length 2
##' @param x2 a numeric vector of length 2
##' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places
##' to be used
##' @return TRUE if x1 and x2 overlap
##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
##' @export
overlaps <- function(x1, x2, digits) {

  low1 <- round(min(x1), digits = digits)
  high1 <- round(max(x1), digits = digits)
  interval1 <- seq(low1, high1, by = 10^(-digits))

  low2 <- round(min(x2), digits = digits)
  high2 <- round(max(x2), digits = digits)
  interval2 <- seq(low2, high2, by = 10^(-digits))

  common <- intersect(interval1, interval2)
  ## if the two intervals only overlap on the edge, we want to say
  ## they don't overlap.
  overlap <- length(common) > 1


##' Convert time-series to incidence object
##' incidence package accepts a linelist like object (list of dates)
##' and converts them into an incid object, which is needed by
##' projections package. To use projections package with a time-series
##' we convert time-series object into incid object.
##' @param ts
##' @param date_col
##' @param case_col
##' @return
##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
##' @export
ts_to_incid <- function(ts, date_col, case_col) {

  first_date <- min(ts[[date_col]])
  last_date <- max(ts[[date_col]])
  x <- tidyr::uncount(ts, weights = ts[[case_col]])
  out <- incidence::incidence(
    first_date = first_date,
    last_date = last_date

##' Cap predictions to twice the observed for visualisation
##' @param pred
##' @return data.frame with capped predictions
##' @author Sangeeta Bhatia
##' @export
cap_predictions <- function(pred) {

  x <- split(pred, pred$country)
  purrr::map_dfr(x, function(y) {
    ymax <- 2 * ceiling(max(y$deaths, na.rm = TRUE) / 10) * 10
    y$`50%`[y$`50%` > ymax] <- NA
    dplyr::mutate_if(y, is.numeric, ~ ifelse(.x > ymax, ymax, .x))

##' @export
##' @importFrom snakecase to_title_case
nice_country_name <- function(x) {
  out <- snakecase::to_title_case(as.character(x))
  out[out == "Bosnia and Herzegovina"] <- "Bosnia-Herz'"
  out[out == "Dominican Republic"] <- "D Republic"
  out[out == "North Macedonia"] <- "N Macedonia"
  out[out == "South Africa"] <- "S Africa"
  out[out == "South Korea"] <- "S Korea"
  out[out == "United States of America"] <- "USA"
  out[out == "United Kingdom"] <- "UK"

##' @export
round_and_format <- function(x, digits = 2) {
  format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits)

##' @export
deaths_threshold <- function(ts,
                             Threshold_criterion_7days = 10,
                             Threshold_criterion_prev7days = 10) {
  th1 <- sum(
    ts$Deaths[ts$DateRep >= max(ts$DateRep) - 7],
    na.rm = TRUE
  ) >= Threshold_criterion_7days

  th2 <- sum(
    ts$Deaths[ts$DateRep >= max(ts$DateRep) - 14 &
      ts$DateRep < max(ts$DateRep) - 7]
  ) >= Threshold_criterion_prev7days

  th3 <- sum(ts$Deaths) >= 100

  th1 & th2 & th3

##' @export
##' @param data data.frame that has a column listing countries
##' @param country_col name of the column that has country names
country_to_continent <- function(data, country_col) {

    data, country_continent_mapping, by.x = country_col,
    by.y = "Countries and territories"
mrc-ide/rincewind documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 3:20 a.m.