
Defines functions print.matrixplfitsummary fitSummary print.matrixplscei cei print.matrixplshtmt htmt print.matrixplsave ave.matrixpls ave print.matrixplscr cr.matrixpls cr loadings.matrixpls loadings print.matrixplsgof gof.matrixpls gof print.matrixplsr2 r2.matrixpls r2 fitted.matrixpls print.matrixplsresiduals residuals.matrixpls print.matrixplseffects effects.matrixpls

Documented in ave cei cr effects.matrixpls fitSummary fitted.matrixpls gof htmt loadings r2 residuals.matrixpls

# Various post-estimation functions

#'@title 	Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the standard generic function \code{effects} computes total, direct, 
#'and indirect effects for a matrixpls results according to the method described in Fox (1980).
#'Adapted from the \code{\link[sem]{effects}} function of the \code{sem} package
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list with \code{Total}, \code{Direct}, and \code{Indirect} elements.
#'Fox, J. (1980) Effect analysis in structural equation models: Extensions and simplified methods of computation. \emph{Sociological Methods and Research}
#'9, 3--28.
#'@importFrom stats effects
#'@method effects matrixpls

effects.matrixpls <- function(object,  ...) {
  A <- attr(object,"inner")
  endog <- rowSums(attr(object,"model")$inner)!=0 
  I <- diag(endog)
  AA <- - A
  diag(AA) <- 1
  Total <- solve(AA) - I
  Indirect <-  Total - A
  result <- list(Total=Total[endog, , drop = FALSE], Direct=A[endog, , drop = FALSE], Indirect=Indirect[endog, , drop = FALSE])
  class(result) <- "matrixplseffects"


print.matrixplseffects <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Total Effects (column on row)\n")
  Total <- x$Total
  Direct <- x$Direct
  Indirect <- x$Indirect
  select <- !(apply(Total, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)) & 
                apply(Direct, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)) & 
                apply(Indirect, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)))
  print(Total[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)
  cat("\n Direct Effects\n")
  print(Direct[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)
  cat("\n Indirect Effects\n")
  print(Indirect[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)

#'@title Residual diagnostics for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for generic function \code{residuals} computes the residual
#'covariance matrix and various fit indices. 
#'@details The residuals can be
#'either observed residuals from the regressions of indicators on composites and composites 
#'on composites
#'(i.e. the \code{reflective} and \code{inner} models) as presented by Lohmöller (1989, ch 2.4) or 
#'model implied residuals calculated by subtracting model implied covariance matrix from the 
#'sample covariance matrix as done by Henseler et al. (2014). 
#'The root mean squared residual indices (Lohmöller, 1989, eq 2.118) are calculated from the
#'off diagonal elements of the residual covariance matrix. The
#'standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) is calculated based on the standardized residuals
#'of the \code{reflective} model matrix. 
#'Following Hu and Bentler (1999, Table 1), the SRMR index is calculated by dividing with 
#'\eqn{p(p+1)/2}, where \eqn{p} is the number of indicator variables. In typical SEM applications,
#'the diagonal of residual covariance matrix consists of all zeros because error term variances
#'are freely estimated. To make the SRMR more comparable with the index produced by 
#'SEM software, the SRMR is calculated by summing only the squares of off-diagonal elements,
#'which is equivalent to including a diagonal of all zeros. 
#'Two versions of the 
#'SRMR index are rovided, the traditional SRMR that includes all residual covariances, and the 
#'version proposed by Henseler et al. (2014) where the within-block residual covariances are 
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@param observed If \code{TRUE} (default) the observed residuals from the outerEstim.model regressions
#'(indicators regressed on composites) are returned. If \code{FALSE}, the residuals are calculated
#'by combining  \code{inner}, \code{reflective}, and \code{formative} as a simultaneous equations
#'system and subtracting the covariances implied by this system from the observed covariances.
#'The error terms are constrained to be uncorrelated and covariances between exogenous observed
#'values are fixed at their sample values.
#'@return A list with three elements: \code{inner}, \code{outer}, and \code{indices} elements
#' containing the residual covariance matrix of regressions of composites on other composites,
#' the residual covariance matrix of indicators on composites, and various indices
#' calculated based on the residuals.
#'Henseler, J., Dijkstra, T. K., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Diamantopoulos, A., Straub, D. W., …
#'Calantone, R. J. (2014). Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann 
#'(2013). \emph{Organizational Research Methods}, 17(2), 182–209. \doi{10.1177/1094428114526928}
#'Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure 
#'analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. \emph{Structural Equation Modeling: 
#'A Multidisciplinary Journal}, 6(1), 1–55.
#'Lohmöller J.-B. (1989) \emph{Latent variable path modeling with partial
#'least squares.} Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.

#'@method residuals matrixpls

residuals.matrixpls <- function(object, ..., observed = TRUE) {
  RMS <- function(num) sqrt(sum(num^2)/length(num))
  S <- attr(object,"S")
  # Lohmöller defines quite a few statistics based on correlations.
  # Because S is a covariance matrix, we need to calculate the 
  # corresponding correlation matrix as well.
  Scor <- stats::cov2cor(S)
  nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
  # Equation numbers in parenthesis refer to equation number in Lohmoller 1989
    W <- attr(object,"W")
    # Number of reflective indicators
    reflectiveIndicators<- rowSums(nativeModel$reflective)>0
    k <- sum(reflectiveIndicators)
    # Number of endog LVs
    endog <- rowSums(nativeModel$inner)>0
    h <- sum(endog)	
    # Factor loading matrix
    P <- nativeModel$reflective
    P[P==1] <- object[grepl("=~", names(object), fixed=TRUE)]
    # Standardized loadings
    Pstd <- sweep(P,MARGIN=1,sqrt(diag(S)),`/`)
    # This is always standardized, so no need to rescale 
    B <- attr(object,"inner")
    # Lohmoller is not clear whether R should be based on the estimated betas or calculated scores
    # The scores are used here because this results in less complex code
    R <- attr(object,"C")
    R_star <- (B %*% R %*% t(B))[endog,endog] # e. 2.99
    # Model implied indicator correlations
    H <- Pstd %*% R %*% t(Pstd) # eq 2.96
    I <- diag(ncol(Scor))
    H2 <- (I * H)  %*% solve(I * Scor) # eq 2.97
    F <- Pstd %*% B %*% R %*% t(B) %*% t(Pstd) # eq 2.104
    F2 <- (I * F) %*% solve(I * Scor) # eq 2.105
    r2 <- r2(object)
    # Lohmoller 1989 uses C for the residual covariance matrix of indicators
    # matrixpls uses C for the composite correlation matrix, but from here on
    # until the end of the function, C is used for the residual covariance matrix
    # Lohmoller does not define C in covariance form, so we need to do it ourselfs.
    # Start with the observed residuals:
    # e = X-XW'P'
    # because residuals have a mean of zero cov(e) can be defined as
    # cov(e) = (X-XW'P')’(X-XW'P')
    # cov(e) = (X’-(XW'P')')(X-XW'P')
    # cov(e) = (X’-PWX')(X-XW'P')
    # cov(e) = X’X-X’XW'P'-PWX'X+PWX'XW'P'
    # cov(e) = S-SW'P'-PWS+PWSXW'P'
    # cov(e) = S-SW'P'-(SW'P')’+PRP'

    C <- S - S%*%t(W)%*%t(P) - t(S-S%*%t(W)%*%t(P)) + P%*%R%*%t(P)
    Q <- (W %*% S %*% t(W))[endog,endog] - R_star
    indices <- c(Communality = psych::tr(H2)/k, # eq 2.109
                    Redundancy = psych::tr(F2)/k,  # eq 2.110
                    SMC = sum(r2)/h,         # eq 2.111
                    "RMS outer residual covariance" = RMS(C[lower.tri(C)]), # eq 2.118
                    "RMS inner residual covariance" = RMS(C[lower.tri(Q)]) # eq 2.118
    C <- S-stats::fitted(object)
    indices <- c()
  C_std <- diag(1/diag(S)) %*% C
  indices <- c(indices,c(
                  # SRMR as calculated in SEM. (Hu and Bentler, 1999, p. 3)
                  SRMR = sqrt(sum(C_std[lower.tri(C_std)]^2)/length(C[lower.tri(C_std, diag=TRUE)])),
                  # SRMR calculated ignoring within block residuals from Henserler et al 2014.
                  "SRMR (Henseler)" = RMS(C_std[nativeModel$reflective %*% t(nativeModel$reflective)==0]))
    result<- list(inner = Q, outer = C, indices = indices)
    result<- list(outer = C, indices = indices)
  class(result) <- "matrixplsresiduals"


print.matrixplsresiduals <- function(x, ...){

    if("inner" %in% names(x)){
    cat("\n Inner model (composite) residual covariance matrix\n")
    print(x$inner, ...)
    cat("\n Outer model (indicator) residual covariance matrix\n")
    print(x$outer, ...)
    cat("\n Model implied residual covariance matrix\n")
    print(x$outer, ...)

  cat("\n Residual-based fit indices\n")
  i <- as.matrix(x$indices)
  colnames(i) <- "Value"
  print(i, ...)

#'@title Model implied covariance matrix based on matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for generic function \code{fitted} computes the model implied
#'covariance matrix by combining  \code{inner}, \code{reflective}, and \code{formative} as a 
#'simultaneous equations system. The error terms are constrained to be uncorrelated and 
#'covariances between exogenous variables are fixed at their sample values. Defining a
#'composite as dependent variable in both inner and formative creates an impossible model
#'and results in an error.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return a matrix containing the model implied covariances.
#'@method fitted matrixpls

fitted.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
  # Contains: $inner (J x J), $reflective (K x J), $formative (J x K)
  nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
  # Check that the matrices form a valid model
  if(any(rowSums(nativeModel$inner) > 0 & rowSums(nativeModel$formative) > 0))
    stop("Cannot calculate model implied covariance matrix. A composite is a dependent variable in both formative and inner matrices resulting in an impossible model. See http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-201605031907, p. 823 for an explanation and pp. 70-76 for further technical details.")
  ### Matrices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## S      := (K x K) Empirical indicator VCV matrix: Cov(x)
  ## IC     := (J x K) Empirical indicator-construct VCV matrix
  ## C      := (J x J) Empirical construct covariance/correlation matrix (V(eta) = WSW')
  ## B      := (J x J) Matrix of (estimated) path coefficients (zero if there is no path)
  ## F      := (J x K) Matrix containing the estimated parameters of the formative (composite) model
  ## P      := (K X J) Matrix of factor and/or composite loadings (usually: Lambda)
  ## ---- Bentler & Weeks notation
  ## y      := (p x 1) Vector of observed/measured dependent indicators (manifest variables)
  ## x      := (q x 1) Vector of observed independent indicators (usually 0 in a "normal" framework)
  ## p      := Number of observed dependent variables (usually all indicators)
  ## q      := Number of observed independent variables (0 in a complete latent-variable model)
  ## m      := Number of dependent variables ("endogenous" constructs + indicators)
  ## n      := Number of independent variables ("exogenous" constructs + zetas + deltas)
  ## r      := Number of observed variables, r = p + q
  ## s      := Total number of variables, s = m + n
  ## beta   := (m x m) Coefficient matrix of dep. variables on dep. variables.
  ## gamma  := (m x n) Coefficient matrix of indep. variables on dep. variables.
  ## Phi    := (n x n) VCV of independent variables .
  ## Gamma  := ()
  ## Beta   := ()
  ## G      := (r x s) 
  ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Get relevant matrices
  S <- attr(object,"S")
  IC <- attr(object,"IC")
  C <- attr(object,"C")
  B <- attr(object,"inner")
  F <- attr(object,"formative")
  L <- attr(object,"reflective")
  #### Define full matrices to select from ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Matrices containing all regressions and covariances
  # indicators first, then composites
  fullB <- rbind(cbind(matrix(0,nrow(S),nrow(S)),L),
  fullC <- rbind(cbind(S,t(IC)),
  ## Selector for all exogenous variables
  exog <- rowSums(fullB) == 0
  ## Compute outer and inner errors variance and put them in a vector (Var(delta) and Var(zeta)).
  e <- c(diag(S) - rowSums(L * t(IC)),
  fullC <- rbind(cbind(fullC,matrix(0, nrow(fullC), sum(!exog))),
                 cbind(matrix(0, sum(!exog), nrow(fullC)), diag(e)[!exog,!exog]))
  fullB <- cbind(fullB,diag(length(e))[,! exog])
  fullB <- rbind(fullB, matrix(0,sum(!exog), ncol(fullB)))
  # Update exog because fullB is now larger
  exog <- rowSums(fullB) == 0
  # Derive the implied covariance matrix using the Bentler-Weeks model
  # Bentler, P. M., & Weeks, D. G. (1980). Linear structural equations with 
  # latent variables. Psychometrika, 45(3), 289–308. doi:10.1007/BetaF02293905
  # beta (regression paths between dependent variables)
  beta <- fullB[!exog,!exog]
  # gamma (regression paths between dependent and independent  variables)
  gamma <- fullB[!exog,exog]
  # exogenous variable covariance matrix
  Phi <- fullC[exog,exog]
  # Calculate sigma
  # Matrix orders
  # number of observed dependent
  p = sum(!exog[1:nrow(S)])
  # number of observed independent
  q = nrow(S)-p
  # number of independent variables
  n = nrow(Phi)
  # number of dependent variables
  m = nrow(beta)
  # Number of observed variables
  r = p + q
  # Number of variables
  s = m + n
  # The matrices
  Beta <- matrix(0,s,s)
  Gamma <- matrix(0,s,n)
  G <- matrix(0,r,s)
  # Identity matrix
  # Populate the parameter matrices
  Gamma[1:m,] <- gamma
  Gamma[(m+1):s,] <- diag(n)
  # Populate the selection matrix (columns of all variables  selected to rows of observed variables)
  observed <- NULL
    observed <- 1:p
    observed <- c(observed,(1:q)+n)
  G <- diag(s)[observed,]
  # G has dependent variables followed by independent variables. Reorder to match the variables
  # in S
  G <- G[order(exog[1:nrow(S)]),]
  # Calculate the model implied covariance matrix and return
  Sigma = G %*% solve(I-Beta) %*% Gamma %*% Phi %*% t(Gamma) %*% t(solve(I-Beta))%*% t(G)
  rownames(Sigma) <- colnames(Sigma) <- rownames(S)

#'@title R2	for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{r2} computes the squared multiple correlation (R2)
#'for composites predicted by other composites in the model.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A named numeric vector containing the R2 values.

r2 <- function(object, ...){


r2.matrixpls <- function(object, ...){
  r2 <- rowSums(attr(object,"inner") * attr(object,"C"))
  names(r2) <- colnames(attr(object,"model")$inner)
  class(r2) <- "matrixplsr2"


print.matrixplsr2 <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Inner model squared multiple correlations (R2)\n")
  print.table(x, ...)

#'@title Goodness of Fit indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{gof} computes the Goodness of Fit index for matrixpls results.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return The Goodness of Fit index.
#'Henseler, J., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Goodness-of-fit indices for partial least
#'squares path modeling. \emph{Computational Statistics}, 28(2), 565–580. 

gof <- function(object, ...){


gof.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
  nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
  IC <- attr(object,"IC")
  S <- attr(object,"S")
  exogenousLVs <- rowSums(nativeModel$inner) == 0
  IC_std <- IC %*% (diag(1/sqrt(diag(S))))
  result <- sqrt(mean(IC_std[t(nativeModel$reflective)==1]^2) * 
  # TODO: Relative gof
  # http://www.stat.wmich.edu/wang/561/codes/R/CanCor.R
  class(result) <- "matrixplsgof"


print.matrixplsgof <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
  cat("\n Absolute goodness of fit:", round(x, digits = digits))

#'@title Factor loadings matrix from matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{loadings} computes standardized factor loading matrix
#'from the model results.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A matrix of estimated factor loadings.
#'@importFrom stats loadings
loadings <- function(object, ...){


loadings.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {



#'@title Composite Reliability indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{cr} computes Composite Reliability 
#'indices for the model using the formula presented by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A named numeric vector containing the Composite Reliability indices.
#'Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. \emph{Journal of marketing research}, 18(1), 39–50.
#'Aguirre-Urreta, M. I., Marakas, G. M., & Ellis, M. E. (2013). Measurement of 
#'composite reliability in research using partial least squares: Some issues and
#'an alternative approach. 
#' \emph{The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems}, 44(4), 11–43. 
#' \doi{10.1145/2544415.2544417}{DOI:10.1145/2544415.2544417}

cr <- function(object, ...){


cr.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- standardize(object)
  loadings <- loadings(object)
  reflectiveModel <- attr(object, "model")$reflective
  result <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(loadings), function(col){
    useLoadings <- abs(loadings[,col][reflectiveModel[,col]==1])
    crvalue <- sum(useLoadings)^2/
      (sum(useLoadings)^2 + sum(1-useLoadings^2))
  class(result) <- "matrixplscr"
  names(result) <- colnames(loadings)


print.matrixplscr <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Composite Reliability indices\n")
  print.table(x, ...)

#'@title Average Variance Extracted indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{ave} computes Average Variance Extracted 
#'indices for the model using the formula presented by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list containing the Average Variance Extracted indices in the first position and the differences
#'between aves and largest squared correlations with other composites in the second position.
#'Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. \emph{Journal of marketing research}, 18(1), 39–50.

ave <- function(object, ...){


ave.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- standardize(object)

  loadings <- loadings(object)
  reflectiveModel <- attr(object, "model")$reflective
  aves <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(loadings), function(col){
    useLoadings <- loadings[,col][reflectiveModel[,col]==1]
      (sum(useLoadings^2) + sum(1-useLoadings^2))
  names(aves) <- colnames(loadings)
  C <- attr(object,"C")
  C2 <- C^2
  diag(C2) <- 0
  maxC <- apply(C2,1,max)
  aves_correlation <- aves - maxC
  names(aves_correlation) <- colnames(loadings)
  result = list(ave = aves,
                ave_correlation = aves_correlation)
  class(result) <- "matrixplsave"


print.matrixplsave <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Average Variance Extracted indices\n")
  print.table(x$ave, ...)
  cat("\n AVE - largest squared correlation\n")
  print.table(x$ave_correlation, ...)

#'@title Heterotrait-monotrait ratio 
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{htmt} computes Heterotrait-monotrait ratio 
#'for the model using the formula presented by Henseler et al (2014).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return Heterotrait-monotrait ratio as a scalar
#'Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2015). A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling. \emph{Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science}, 43(1), 115–135.

htmt <- function(object, ...){
  #HTMT is calculated from correlation matrix
  S <- stats::cov2cor(attr(object,"S"))
  reflective <- attr(object,"reflective")!=0
  # Mean within- and between-block correlations. Calculated as a sum of 
  # all correlations within block divided by the number of elements 
  excludeDiag <- 1-diag(nrow(S))
  meanBlockCor <- (t(reflective) %*% (S*excludeDiag) %*% reflective) /
    (t(reflective) %*% excludeDiag %*% reflective) 
  # Choose the blocks that have at least two reflective indicators
  i <- which(colSums(reflective) > 1)
  meanBlockCor <- meanBlockCor[i,i]

    warning("HTMT can only be calculated if there are at least two composites with reflective parameters to at least two indicators.")
  # Calculate the indices
  htmt <- meanBlockCor*lower.tri(meanBlockCor) /
    sqrt(diag(meanBlockCor) %o% diag(meanBlockCor))
  class(htmt) <- "matrixplshtmt"


print.matrixplshtmt <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Heterotrait-monotrait matrix\n")
  print.table(x, ...)

#'@title Composite Equivalence Indices 
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{cei} computes 
#'composite equivalence indices (CEI) for the \code{matrixpls} object. By
#'default, the composites are compared against unit-weighted composites.
#'Composite equivalence indices quantify if two sets of composites calculated
#'from the same data using different weight algorithms differ. Composites are 
#'matched by name and correlations for each pair are reported.
#'@param object2 Another \code{matrixpls} object that \code{matrixpls} is
#'compared against.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return Composite equivalence indices as a vector
#'@example example/matrixpls.cei-example.R

cei <- function(object, object2 = NULL, ...){
  S <- attr(object,"S")
  W <- attr(object,"W")
  model <- attr(object,"model")
    object2 <- matrixpls(S, model, weightFun = weightFun.fixed)  
  # Validate a user-provided object
    if(! identical(S, attr(object2,"S"))) stop("Both objects must use the same data covariance matrix S")
  W2 <- attr(object2,"W")[rownames(W), colnames(W)]
  cei <- diag(W %*% S %*% t(W2))
  class(cei) <- "matrixplscei"


print.matrixplscei <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
  cat("\n Composite equilevance indices\n\n CEI individual\n")
  print.table(x, digits = digits, ...)
  cat("\n CEI total:", round(min(x), digits = digits))

#'@title Summary of model fit of PLS model
#'\code{fitSummary} computes a list of statistics
#'that are commonly used to access the overall fit of the PLS model.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list containing a selection of fit indices.

fitSummary <- function(object, ...){
  # Returns the minumum or NA if all are NA
  m <- function(x){
    x <- stats::na.exclude(x)
    if(length(x) == 0 ) NA
    else min(x)
  ret <- c("Min CR" = m(cr(object)),
              "Min AVE" = m(ave(object)$ave),
              "Min AVE - sq. cor" = m(ave(object)$ave_correlation),
              "Goodness of Fit" = gof(object),
              "CEI total" = cei(object)
  class(ret) <- "matrixplfitsummary"


print.matrixplfitsummary <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\n Summary indices of model fit\n")
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  colnames(x) <- "Value"
  print(x, ...)

mronkko/matrixpls documentation built on April 19, 2024, 4:23 p.m.