
Defines functions is.lavaancall is.partable standardize convergenceStatus is.matrixpls.model defaultWeightModelWithModel parseModelToNativeFormat lavaanParTableToNativeFormat scaleWeights alpha estimatesMatrixToVector

# =========== Utility functions ===========

estimatesMatrixToVector <- function(est, m, sep, reverse = FALSE){
  ind <- which(m != 0)
  ret <- est[ind]
    names(ret) <- paste(colnames(m)[col(m)[ind]],
                        rownames(m)[row(m)[ind]], sep=sep)
    names(ret) <- paste(rownames(m)[row(m)[ind]],
                        colnames(m)[col(m)[ind]], sep=sep)

# Alpha reliability coefficient based on correlation matrix

alpha <- function(S){
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronbach%27s_alpha
  K <- nrow(S)
  vbar <- mean(diag(S))
  cbar <- mean(S[lower.tri(S)])

# Scales the weight matrix so that the resulting composites have unit variance

scaleWeights <- function(S, W){
  # Calculate the variances of the unscaled composites
  var_C_unscaled <- diag(W %*% S %*% t(W))
  # Scaling the unscaled weights and return
  ret <- diag(x = 1/sqrt(var_C_unscaled)) %*% W
  colnames(ret) <- colnames(W)
  rownames(ret) <- rownames(W)

lavaanParTableToNativeFormat <- function(partable){
  factorLoadings <- partable[partable$op == "=~",]
  regressions <- partable[partable$op == "~",]
  formativeLoadings <- partable[partable$op == "<~",]
  # Parse the variables
  latentVariableNames <- unique(c(factorLoadings$lhs, formativeLoadings$lhs))
  observedVariableNames <- setdiff(unique(c(factorLoadings$rhs,formativeLoadings$rhs,
                                            regressions$lhs,regressions$rhs)), latentVariableNames)
  # Set up empty model tables
  inner <- matrix(0,length(latentVariableNames),length(latentVariableNames))
  formative <- matrix(0,length(latentVariableNames),length(observedVariableNames))
  colnames(formative) <- observedVariableNames
  rownames(formative) <- latentVariableNames
  reflective <- t(formative)
  # Set the relationships in the tables
  rows <- match(factorLoadings$rhs, observedVariableNames)
  cols <- match(factorLoadings$lhs,latentVariableNames)
  indices <- rows + (cols-1)*nrow(reflective) 
  reflective[indices] <- 1
  latentRegressions <- regressions[regressions$rhs %in% latentVariableNames & 
                                     regressions$lhs %in% latentVariableNames,]
  rows <- match(regressions$lhs, latentVariableNames)
  cols <- match(regressions$rhs,latentVariableNames)
  indices <- rows + (cols-1)*nrow(inner) 
  inner[indices] <- 1
  formativeRegressions <- rbind(regressions[regressions$rhs %in% observedVariableNames & 
                                              regressions$lhs %in% latentVariableNames,],
  rows <- match(formativeRegressions$lhs, latentVariableNames)
  cols <- match(formativeRegressions$rhs, observedVariableNames)
  indices <- rows + (cols-1)*nrow(formative) 
  formative[indices] <- 1
  return(list(inner=inner, reflective=reflective, formative=formative))

parseModelToNativeFormat <- function(model){
    #Already in native format
  else if(is.character(model)) {
    # Remove all multigroup specifications because we do not support multigroup analyses
    model <- gsub("c\\(.+?\\)","NA",model)
  } else if (is.partable(model)) {
  } else if (is.lavaancall(model)) {
  } else if (methods::is(model, "lavaan")) {
    #	} else if (methods::is(model, "MxModel")) {
    #		browser()
    #	} else if (methods::is(model, "SimSem")) {
    #		browser()
  } else {
    stop("Please specify an appropriate object for the 'model' argument: simsem model template, lavaan script, lavaan parameter table, list of options for the 'lavaan' function, or a list containing three matrices in the matrixpls native model format.")

# Returns a matrix with composites on rows and observed on columns

defaultWeightModelWithModel <- function(model){
  nativeModel <- parseModelToNativeFormat(model)
  W.model <- matrix(0,nrow(nativeModel$formative), ncol(nativeModel$formative))
  colnames(W.model) <- colnames(nativeModel$formative)
  rownames(W.model) <- rownames(nativeModel$formative)
  W.model[nativeModel$formative!=0] <- 1 
  W.model[t(nativeModel$reflective)!=0] <- 1 

is.matrixpls.model <- function(model) {
  return (is.list(model) &&
            setequal(names(model),c("inner","reflective","formative")) &&

convergenceStatus <- function(matrixpls.res){
  # Check for inadmissible solutions. 
  # 0: Converged normally 
  # 1: Non-convergent result
  # 2: Non-converged imputation (not used)
  # 3: At least one SE is negative or NA (not used)
  # 4: At least one variance estimate is negative
  # 5: At least one correlation estimate is greater than 1 or less than -1
  # Non-iterative weight functions do not return convergence status so both NULL
  # and TRUE are considered as converged
  if(is.null(attr(matrixpls.res,"converged")) ||
    converged <- 0
    C <- attr(matrixpls.res,"C")
    if(max(abs(C[lower.tri(C)]))>1 | !is.positive.semi.definite(C)){
      converged <- 5 
    IC <- attr(matrixpls.res,"IC")
    # The indicators are not necessary standardized, so we need to rescale the IC matrix
    v <- diag(attr(matrixpls.res,"S"))[colnames(IC)]
    if(max(abs(IC %*% diag(1/sqrt(v))))>1){
      converged <- 5 
    # If the model is estimated with 2SLS, then checking C is not enough to check for admissible
    # solution. We need to calculate the explained variances of the endogenous composites
      inner <- attr(matrixpls.res,"inner")
      if(any(diag(inner%*%C%*%t(inner)) > 1)){
        converged <- 4
  else converged <- 1

# Standardizes the object attributes so that diag of S is all 1s and the other
# parts of the result object are adjusted accordingly.

standardize <- function(object){
  S <- attr(object,"S")
  d <- diag(S)
  # Only standardized if not already standardized
  if(any(d != 1)){
    scaleRows <- 1/sqrt(d)
    scaleCols <- rep(scaleRows, each = length(scaleRows))
    attr(object,"W")  <- attr(object,"W") / scaleRows
    attr(object,"IC") <- attr(object,"IC") * scaleRows
    attr(object,"reflective") <- attr(object,"reflective") * scaleCols
    attr(object,"formative") <- attr(object,"formative") / scaleRows
    attr(object,"S") <- attr(object,"S") * scaleRows * scaleCols
  return (object)
# Functions adapted from simsem

is.partable <- function(object) {
  is.list(object) && all(names(object) %in% c("id", "lhs", "op", "rhs", "user", "group", "free", "ustart", "exo", "label", "eq.id", "unco"))

is.lavaancall <- function(object) {
  is.list(object) && ("model" %in% names(object))

# Functions adapted from matrixcalc

is.positive.semi.definite <- function (x, tol = 1e-08) 
  if (!is.square.matrix(x)) 
    stop("argument x is not a square matrix")
  if (!is.symmetric.matrix(x)) 
    stop("argument x is not a symmetric matrix")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) 
    stop("argument x is not a numeric matrix")
  eigenvalues <- eigen(x, only.values = TRUE)$values
  n <- nrow(x)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (abs(eigenvalues[i]) < tol) {
      eigenvalues[i] <- 0
  if (any(eigenvalues < 0)) {

is.square.matrix <- function (x) 
  if (!is.matrix(x)) 
    stop("argument x is not a matrix")
  return(nrow(x) == ncol(x))

is.symmetric.matrix <- function (x) 
  if (!is.matrix(x)) {
    stop("argument x is not a matrix")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("argument x is not a numeric matrix")
  if (!is.square.matrix(x)) 
    stop("argument x is not a square numeric matrix")
  return(sum(x == t(x)) == (nrow(x)^2))
mronkko/matrixpls documentation built on April 19, 2024, 4:23 p.m.