
Defines functions SimilarityToReference RobinsonFoulds

Documented in RobinsonFoulds SimilarityToReference

#' Tree similarity measures
#' Measure tree similarity or difference.
#' \insertCite{Estabrook1985;textual}{Quartet} (table 2) define four similarity
#' metrics in terms  of the total number of quartets (_N_, their _Q_),
#' the number of quartets resolved in the same manner in two trees (_s_),
#' the number resolved differently in both trees (_d_),
#' the number resolved in tree 1 or 2 but unresolved in the other tree 
#' (_r1_, _r2_), and the number that are unresolved in both trees (_u_).
#' The similarity metrics are then given as below.  The dissimilarity metrics 
#' are their complement (i.e. 1 - _similarity_), and can be calculated 
#' algebraically using the identity _N_ = _s_ + _d_ + _r1_ + _r2_ + _u_.
#' Although defined using quartets, analogous values can be calculated using
#' partitions -- though for a number of reasons, quartets may offer a more
#' meaningful measure of the amount of information shared by two trees
#' \insertCite{Smith2020}{Quartet}.
#' * Do Not Conflict (DC): (_s_ + _r1_ + _r2_ + _u_) / _N_
#' * Explicitly Agree (EA): _s_ / _N_
#' * Strict Joint Assertions (SJA): _s_ / (_s_ + _d_)
#' * SemiStrict Joint Assertions (SSJA): _s_ / (_s_ + _d_ + _u_)
#' (The numerator of the SemiStrict Joint Assertions similarity metric is 
#' given in \insertCite{Estabrook1985;textual}{Quartet} table 2 as _s_ + _d_,
#' but this is understood, with reference to their text, to be a typographic
#' error.)
#' \insertCite{Steel1993;textual}{Quartet} propose a further metric,
#' which they denote d_Q_,
#' which this package calculates using the function `SteelPenny()`:
#' * Steel & Penny's quartet metric (dQ): (_s_ + _u_) / _N_
#' Another take on tree similarity is to consider the symmetric difference: 
#' that is, the number of partitions or quartets present in one tree that do
#' not appear in the other, originally used to measure tree similarity by
#' \insertCite{Robinson1981;textual}{Quartet}.
#' (Note that, given the familiarity of the Robinson–Foulds distance metric,
#' this quantity is be default expressed as a difference rather than a
#' similarity.)
#' * Raw symmetric difference (RF): _d1_ + _d2_ + _r1_ + _r2_
#' A pair of trees will have a high symmetric difference if they are
#' well-resolved but disagree on many relationships; or if they agree on 
#' most relationships but are poorly resolved.
#' As such, it is essential to contextualize the symmetric difference by
#' appropriate normalization \insertCite{Smith2019}{Quartet}.
#' Multiple approaches to normalization have been proposed:
#' The total number of resolved quartets or partitions present in both trees
#' \insertCite{Day1986}{Quartet}:
#' * Symmetric Difference (SD): (2 _d_ + _r1_ + _r2_) / (2 _d_ + 2 _s_ + _r1_ + _r2_)
#' The total distinctly resolved quartets or partitions 
#' \insertCite{Marczewski1958,Day1986}{Quartet}:
#' * Marczewski-Steinhaus (MS): (2 _d_ + _r1_ + _r2_) / (2 _d_ + _s_ + _r1_ + _r2_)
#' The maximum number of quartets or partitions that could have been resolved,
#' given the number of tips \insertCite{Smith2019}{Quartet}:
#' * Symmetric Divergence: (_d_ + _d_ + _r1_ + _r2_) / _N_
#' Finally, in cases where a reconstructed tree `r1` is being compared to a
#' reference tree `r2` taken to represent "true" relationships,
#' a symmetric difference is not desired.
#' In such settings, the desired score is the expectation that a given 
#' quartet's resolution in the reconstructed tree is "correct", given by
#' \insertCite{Asher2020;textual}{TreeTools}:
#' * Similarity to Reference (S2R): (_s_ + (_r1_ + _r2_ + _u_) / 3) / _Q_
#' This may optionally be normalized with reference to the maximum possible
#' similarity, (_s_ + _d_ + _r2_ + (_r1_ + _u_) / 3) / _Q_, subtracting 
#' 1/3 (the probability of matching at random) from both the S2R score and 
#' maximum possible score before dividing; then, a tree scores zero if it
#' is as different from the true tree as a random or fully unresolved tree,
#' and one if it is as "true" as can be known.
#' @template elementStatusParam
#' @param similarity Logical specifying whether to calculate the similarity
#' or dissimilarity.
#' @param normalize Logical; if `TRUE`, a random or star tree has expected
#' similarity 0 (or difference 1), and the maximum possible score is one. 
#' If `FALSE`, zero similarity corresponds to all quartets contradicted, 
#' whereas one corresponds to all quartets correctly resolved -- which will be 
#' unattainable if the reference tree contains polytomies.
#' @return
#' `SimilarityMetrics()` returns a named two-dimensional array in which each row
#' corresponds to an input tree, and each column corresponds to one of the
#' listed measures.
#' `DoNotConflict()` and others return a named vector describing the requested
#' similarity (or difference) between the trees.
#' @seealso 
#' * Calculate status of each quartet -- the raw material from which the 
#'   Estabrook _et al._ metrics are calculated -- with [`QuartetStatus()`]: 
#' * Equivalent metrics for bipartition splits: [`SplitStatus()`],
#'   [`CompareSplits()`]
#' @examples 
#' data("sq_trees")
#' sq_status <- QuartetStatus(sq_trees)
#' SimilarityMetrics(sq_status)
#' QuartetDivergence(sq_status, similarity = FALSE)
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @template MRS
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @name SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
SimilarityMetrics <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  elementStatus <- .StatusToMatrix(elementStatus)
  rows <- nrow(elementStatus)
  RS <- function (x) .rowSums(elementStatus[, x], rows, length(x))
  ddr1r2 <- RS(c("2d", "r1", "r2"))
  result <- cbind(
    DoNotConflict = elementStatus[, "2d"] / elementStatus[, "N"],
    ExplicitlyAgree = 1 - (2L * elementStatus[, "s"]) / elementStatus[, "N"],
    StrictJointAssertions = elementStatus[, "2d"] / RS(c("2d", "s", "s")),
    SemiStrictJointAssertions = SemiStrictJointAssertions(elementStatus, 
                                                          similarity = FALSE),
    SymmetricDifference = ddr1r2 / RS(c("2d", "s", "s", "r1", "r2")),
    MarczewskiSteinhaus = ddr1r2 / RS(c("2d", "s", "r1", "r2")),
    SteelPenny = SteelPenny(elementStatus, similarity = FALSE),
    QuartetDivergence = ddr1r2 / elementStatus[, "N"],
    SimilarityToReference = SimilarityToReference(elementStatus,
                                                  similarity = FALSE,
                                                  normalize = FALSE)
  rownames(result) <- rownames(elementStatus)
  if (similarity) 1 - result else result

#' Normalize element statuses to generate metric
#' Handles vectors and matrices of two or three dimensions.
#' @inheritParams SimilarityMetrics 
#' @param numerator,denominator Character vector listing elements to sum in 
#' numerator / denominator.
#' @param takeFromOne Logical specifying whether to deduct value from one.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.NormalizeStatus <- function (elementStatus, numerator, denominator, takeFromOne) {
  dims <- dim(elementStatus)
  if (is.null(dims) || length(dims) == 2L) {
    elementStatus <- .StatusToMatrix(elementStatus)
    result <- rowSums(elementStatus[, numerator, drop = FALSE]) / 
      rowSums(elementStatus[, denominator, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    elementStatus <- .StatusToArray(elementStatus)
    result <- rowSums(elementStatus[, , numerator, drop = FALSE], dims = 2L) / 
      rowSums(elementStatus[, , denominator, drop = FALSE], dims = 2L)
  if (takeFromOne) 1 - result else result

#' Status vector to matrix
#' Converts a vector to a matrix that can be analysed by the [`DoNotConflict()`]
#' function family.
#' @param statusVector Either (i) a named vector of integers, with 
#' names `N`, `s`, `r1`, `r2`, either `d` or `d1` and `d2`, and optionally `u`;
#' or (ii) a matrix whose named rows correspond to the same quantities.
#' @return A matrix, containing the input columns plus `2d`, representing 
#' either `2 * d` or `d1 + d2`, and row names.  
#' The row name means that column names are dropped in
#' the output of `DoNotConflict` etc.
#' @examples 
#' data("sq_trees")
#' @template MRS
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.StatusToMatrix <- function (statusVector) {
  if (is.null(dim(statusVector))) {
    statusVector <- matrix(statusVector, 1L,
                           dimnames = list("tree", names(statusVector)))
  if ("2d" %in% colnames(statusVector)) {
    # Repeat visitor; return unadulterated
  } else if ("d" %in% colnames(statusVector)) {
    statusVector <- cbind(statusVector, "2d" = 2L * unname(statusVector[, "d"]))
  } else {
    twoD <- unname(statusVector[, "d1"] + statusVector[, "d2"])
    statusVector <- cbind(statusVector, "2d" = twoD, "d" = twoD / 2L)
    if (!"u" %in% colnames(statusVector)) {
      statusVector <- cbind(statusVector,
                          "u" = unname(statusVector[, "d1"] * 0))
  # Return:

#' @rdname dot-StatusToMatrix
#' @param status A named three-dimensional array of integers, with slices
#' named `s`, `r1`, `r2`, either `d` or `d1` and `d2`, and either `N` or `u`.
#' @return A three-dimensional array containing a slice labelled `2d`, 
#' equivalent to either `d + d` or `d1 + d2` as appropriate.
#' @examples 
#' .StatusToArray(ManyToManyQuartetAgreement(sq_trees[5:7]))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.StatusToArray <- function (status) {
  sliceNames <- dimnames(status)[[3]]
  if (!("2d" %in% sliceNames)) {
    if ("d" %in% sliceNames) {
      status <- .AddSlice(status, status[, , "d"] + status[, , "d"], "2d")
    } else {
      status <- .AddSlice(status, status[, , "d1"] + status[, , "d2"], "2d")
    if (!("Q" %in% sliceNames) && 
        "u" %in% sliceNames # No "u" in Splits, which have no Q
        ) {
      status <- .AddSlice(status, 
                          rowSums(status[, , c("s", "d", "r1", "r2", "u")], 
                                  dims = 2L), "Q")
    if (!("N" %in% sliceNames)) {
      if ("Q" %in% dimnames(status)[[3]]) {
        status <- .AddSlice(status, status[, , "Q"] + status[, , "Q"], "N")
      } else {
        status <- .AddSlice(status, status[, , "P1"] + status[, , "P2"], "N")
  } # else already passed through .StatusToArray

#' Add slice to 3D array
#' @param arr Three-dimensional array.
#' @param slice Two-dimensional matrix to add to array.
#' @param sliceName Character vector specifying name for new slice. 
#' @return A three-dimensional array formed by adding `slice` to the end of
#' `arr`.
#' @template MRS
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.AddSlice <- function (arr, slice, sliceName = NULL) {
  array(c(arr, slice),
        dim = dim(arr) + c(0L, 0L, 1L),
        dimnames = c(dimnames(arr)[1:2], 
                     list(c(dimnames(arr)[[3]], sliceName))))

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
DoNotConflict <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, "2d", "N", similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
ExplicitlyAgree <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, c("s", "s"), "N", !similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
StrictJointAssertions <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, "2d", c("2d", "s", "s"), similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
SemiStrictJointAssertions <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  if (all(c("s", "d", "u") %in% c(names(elementStatus), 
                                  unlist(dimnames(elementStatus))))) {
    .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, if (similarity) "s" else "d",
                     c("s", "d", "u"), FALSE)
  } else {

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
SymmetricDifference <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, c("2d", "r1", "r2"), 
                     c("2d", "s", "s", "r1", "r2"), similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
RawSymmetricDifference <- function (elementStatus, similarity = FALSE) {
  elementStatus <- .StatusToMatrix(elementStatus)
  rFDist <- rowSums(elementStatus[, c("2d", "r1", "r2"), drop = FALSE])
  if (similarity) elementStatus[, "N"] - rFDist else rFDist

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
RobinsonFoulds <- function(elementStatus, similarity = FALSE) {
  RawSymmetricDifference(elementStatus, similarity = similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
MarczewskiSteinhaus <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, c("2d", "r1", "r2"), c("2d", "s", "r1", "r2"),

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
SteelPenny <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  # Defined in Steel & Penny, p. 133; "dq would be written as "D + R".
  # dq = D + R in Day's (1986) terminology, where D = d/Q, R = (r1 + r2)/Q
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, c("2d", "r1", "r1", "r2", "r2"), "N", 

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @export
QuartetDivergence <- function (elementStatus, similarity = TRUE) {
  .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus, c("2d", "r1", "r2"), "N", similarity)

#' @rdname SimilarityMetrics
#' @examples 
#' library("TreeTools", quietly = TRUE, warn.conflict = FALSE)
#' set.seed(0)
#' reference <- CollapseNode(as.phylo(101, 10), 16:18)
#' trees <- c(
#'   reference = reference,
#'   binaryRef = MakeTreeBinary(reference),
#'   balanced = BalancedTree(reference),
#'   pectinate = PectinateTree(reference),
#'   star = StarTree(reference),
#'   random = RandomTree(reference),
#'   random2 = RandomTree(reference)
#' )
#' elementStatus <- QuartetStatus(trees, reference)
#' SimilarityToReference(elementStatus)
#' SimilarityToReference(elementStatus, normalize = TRUE)
#' @export
SimilarityToReference <- function(elementStatus, similarity = TRUE,
                                  normalize = FALSE) {
  rawSimilarity <- .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus,
                                    c(rep("s", 3L), "r1", "r2", "u"), 
                                    rep("N", 1), FALSE) * 2L / 3L
  if (normalize) {
    refBestScore <- .NormalizeStatus(elementStatus,
                                     c(rep(c("s", "d", "r2"), 3L), "r1", "u"),
                                     rep("N", 3L), FALSE) * 2L # N = 2Q, but is defined for splits
    ret <- (rawSimilarity - (1/3)) / (refBestScore - (1/3))
  } else {
    ret <- rawSimilarity
  # Return:
  if (similarity) ret else 1 - ret
ms609/SlowQuartet documentation built on June 1, 2024, 5:51 a.m.