Man pages for ms609/TreeSearch
Phylogenetic Analysis with Discrete Character Data

AdditionTreeAddition tree
AllSPRAll SPR trees
Carter1Number of trees with _m_ steps
CharacterLengthCharacter length
ClusterStringsCluster similar strings
ConcordantInformationEvaluate the concordance of information between a tree and a...
congreveLamsdellMatrices100 simulated data matrices
ConsistencyConsistency / retention "indices"
cSPR'cSPR()' expects a tree rooted on a single tip.
dot-CombineResultsCombine two edge matrices
dot-GapHandlerTranslate a gap treatment into a string in the format...
dot-NonDuplicateRootNon-duplicate root
dot-UniqueExceptHitsUnique trees (ignoring "hits" attribute)
DoubleNNIDouble NNI
GapHandlerRead how a Morphy Object handles the inapplicable token
inapplicable.datasetsThirty datasets with inapplicable data
is.morphyPtrIs an object a valid Morphy object?
JackknifeJackknife resampling
JackLabelsLabel nodes with jackknife support values
LengthAddedContribution of character to leaf instability
MaximizeParsimonyFind most parsimonious trees
MinimumLengthMinimum and Maximum lengths possible for a character
MorphyErrorCheckCheck for error whilst modifying Morphy object
MorphyTreeLengthCalculate parsimony score from Morphy object
MorphyWeightsSet and get the character weightings associated with a Morphy...
mpl_apply_tipdataCommits parameters prior to nodal set calculations.
mpl_attach_rawdataAttach raw character state data (i.e. tip data).
mpl_attach_symbolsAttach a caller-specified list of symbols.
mpl_delete_MorphyDestroys an instance of a Morphy object.
mpl_delete_rawdataDeletes the caller-input data.
mpl_first_down_reconReconstructs the first (downpass) nodal reconstructions
mpl_first_up_reconReconstructs the second (uppass) nodal reconstructions.
mpl_get_charac_weightRetrieve the weight of a character in the dataset
mpl_get_gaphandlGet / set gap handler from a Morphy object.
mpl_get_num_characRetrieve the number of character (columns) in the dataset.
mpl_get_num_internal_nodesGets the number of internal nodal reconstruction sets being...
mpl_get_numtaxaRetrieve the number of taxa (rows) in the dataset.
mpl_get_symbolsRetrieves the current list of symbols.
mpl_init_MorphySets up the dimensions of the dataset.
mpl_new_MorphyCreates a new instance of a Morphy object
mpl_second_down_reconPerforms the second nodal reconstructions for characters with...
mpl_second_up_reconFinalises the ancestral state reconstructions for characters...
mpl_set_charac_weightSet the weight of a character in the dataset
mpl_set_num_internal_nodesSets the number of internal nodes in the dataset
mpl_set_parsim_tSets a character's parsimony function type
mpl_translate_errorConverts a numeric error code to human-readable format
mpl_update_lower_rootUpdates the nodal sets for a lower ("dummy") root node
mpl_update_tipInitial update of tip values following uppass reconstruction.
NNINearest neighbour interchange (NNI)
PhyDat2MorphyInitialize a Morphy object from a 'phyDat' object
PlotCharacterPlot the distribution of a character on a tree
PrepareDataProfilePrepare data for Profile Parsimony
profilesEmpirically counted profiles for small trees
QuartetResolutionRelationship between four taxa
RandomMorphyTreeRandom postorder tree
RandomTreeScoreParsimony score of random postorder tree
RatchetParsimony Ratchet
RearrangeEdgesRearrange edges of a phylogenetic tree
referenceTreeTree topology for matrix simulation
SingleCharMorphyMorphy object from single character
SiteConcordanceCalculate site concordance factor
SPRSubtree pruning and rearrangement (SPR)
StepInformationInformation content of a character known to contain _e_ steps
StopUnlessBifurcatingCheck that all nodes in a tree are bifurcating.
SuboptimalityTree suboptimality
SuccessiveApproximationsTree search using successive approximations
summary.morphyPtrDetails the attributes of a morphy object
TaxonInfluenceRank taxa by their influence on phylogenetic results
TBRTree bisection and reconnection (TBR)
TBRWarningTBR Warning Print a warning and return given tree
TreeLengthCalculate the parsimony score of a tree given a dataset
TreeSearchSearch for most parsimonious trees
UnloadMorphyDestroy a Morphy object
WhenFirstHitWhen was a tree topology first hit?
WithOneExtraStepNumber of trees with one extra step
ms609/TreeSearch documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 3:26 a.m.