
#' # Cleaning and Structuring Data {#cleaning}
## ---- include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Now that we learned how to get data into R and 
#' - Changing the format of a dataframe (long/wide
#' - Converting a `list` of `dataframes` into a si
#' - Identifying and treating extreme values (_out
#' - Price data deflation;
#' - Data aggregation based on a change of time-fr
#' ## The Format of a `dataframe`
#' A proper format of a `dataframe` is necessary f
#' **In the wide format**, the rows of the table a
## ---- echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

N <- 4

temp_df <- tibble(ref_date=Sys.Date()+1:N,
                  STOCK1 = 10+cumsum(rnorm(N, sd = 1.25)),
                  STOCK2 = 3+ cumsum(rnorm(N, sd = 0.5)),
                  STOCK3 = 6+ cumsum(rnorm(N, sd = 0.5)))

knitr::kable(temp_df, digits = 2)

#' The above table has three distinct pieces of in
#' **In the long format**, each row of the `datafr
## ---- echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
long_df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data = temp_df,
                               cols = !ref_date,
                               names_to = 'Ticker',
                               values_to = 'Price') 

knitr::kable(long_df, digits = 2)

#' In comparison, the wide format is more intuitiv
#' This argument may seem trivial since the inform
#' It is worth noting that, in finance, the wide f
#' ### Converting a `dataframe` Structure (long an
#' The conversion from one format to the other is 
## ---- tidy=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# set dates and stock vectors
ref_date <- as.Date('2015-01-01') + 0:3
STOCK1 <- c(10, 11, 10.5, 12)
STOCK2 <- c(3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5)
STOCK3 <- c(6, 7, 7.5, 6)

# create wide dataframe
my_df_wide <- tibble(ref_date, STOCK1, STOCK2, STOCK3)

# print it

# convert wide to long
my_df_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data = my_df_wide,
                                  cols = !ref_date,
                                  names_to = 'Ticker',
                                  values_to = 'Price') 

# print result

#' The way to read function `tidyr::pivot_longer` 
#' To perform the reverse conversion, _long_ to _w
## ---- tidy=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convert from long to wide
my_df_wide_converted <- my_df_long %>%
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = 'Ticker', values_from = 'Price')

# print result

#' With more complex conversions, where it is nece
#' ## Converting `lists` into `dataframes`
#' Another important case in data re-structuring i
#' For the first, let's use the `purrr` package as
## ---- include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# clean up files
                       full.names = TRUE) )

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
create_rnd_data <- function(n_obs = 100,
                            folder_out) {
  # function for creating random datasets
  # ARGS: n_obs - number of observations
  #       folder_out - folder where to save files
  # RETURN: TRUE, if sucessfull
  # check if folder exists
  if (!dir.exists(folder_out)) dir.create(folder_out)
  # create extensive random data
  rnd_df <- r_data_frame(n = n_obs,
                         sex) %>%
    r_na(prob = 0.1)
  # for 15% of the time, create a new column
  if (runif(1) < 0.15 ) {
    rnd_df$bad_column <- 'BAD COLUMN!'
  # set file name
  f_out <- tempfile(fileext = '.csv', 
                    pattern = 'file_',
                    tmpdir = folder_out)
  write_csv(x = rnd_df, 
            file = f_out)

#' Function `create_rnd_data` will create and writ
#' Going forward, let's use `purrr::pmap` to creat
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_files <- 50
n_obs <- 100
folder_out <- 'many_datafiles_2'

# create random datasets
l_out <- pmap(.l = list(n_obs = rep(n_obs, n_files),
                        folder_out = rep(folder_out, n_files)), 
              .f = create_rnd_data) 

# check if files are there

#' The files are available, as expected. Now, let'
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read_single_file <- function(f_in) {
  # Function for reading single csv file with random data
  # ARGS: f_in - path of file
  # RETURN: A dataframe with the data
  df <- read_csv(f_in, col_types = cols())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
files_to_read <- list.files('many_datafiles_2/', 
                            full.names = TRUE)

l_out <- map(files_to_read, read_single_file)

#' And now we bind them all together with a simple
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
compiled_df <- bind_rows(l_out)


#' It worked, as expected. We have `r nrow(compile
#' For the second example, let's take a case of da
## ---- cache=TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

my_id <- 3785:3791

# set dates
first_date = '2010-01-01'
last_date  = as.character(Sys.Date())

# get data
l_out <- BETSget(code = my_id, data.frame = TRUE,
                 from = first_date, to = last_date)

# check data in first dataframe

#' In this example we gather data for unemployment
#' Now, if we want to structure all imported table
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_countries <- c("Germany", "Canada", "United States", 
                  "France",  "Italy", "Japan", 
                  "United Kingdom")

#' The order of elements in vector `my_countries` 
#' Going further, we now create a function that wi
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
clean_bets <- function(df_in, country_in) {
  # function for cleaning data from BETS
  # ARGS: df_in - dataframe within a list
  #       country_in - name of country
  # VALUE: a new dataframe with new column type
  #set column
  df_in$country <- country_in
  # return df

#' The next step is to use the previous function t
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# set args
l_args <- list(df_in = l_out, 
               country_in = my_countries)
# format dfs
l_out_formatted <- pmap(.l = l_args, 
                        .f = clean_bets)

# check first element (all are the same structure)

#' From the output of `glimpse` we see that the co
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# bind all rows of dataframes in list
df_unemp <- bind_rows(l_out_formatted)

# check it

#' Done! The result is an organized `dataframe` in
#' ## Removing Outliers
#' A recurrent issue in data analysis is handling 
#' Now, to visualize the destructive effect of an 
#' The next example might be challenging if it is 
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set seed for reproducibility

# set options
nT <- 50
sim_x <- rnorm(nT)
my_beta <- 1

# simulate x and y
sim_y <- sim_x*my_beta + rnorm(nT)
sim_y_with_outlier <- sim_y

# simulate y with outlier
sim_y_with_outlier[10] <- 100

#' Objects `sim_y` and `sim_y_with_outlier` are ex
## ---- message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# estimate models
model_no_outlier <- lm(formula = sim_y ~ sim_x)
model_with_outlier <- lm(formula = sim_y_with_outlier ~ sim_x)

# report them
          custom.model.names = c('No Outlier', 'With Outlier'))

#' Notice from the estimation table that the slope
#' One way to accomplish this is to identify poten
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# find the value of vector that sets the 95% quantile
quantile95 <- quantile(x = abs(sim_y_with_outlier),
                       probs = 0.95)


#' Here, the value of `r quantile95` is higher tha
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# find cases higher than 95% quantile
idx <- which(sim_y_with_outlier > quantile95)

#' We find the "artificial" outlier we've set in p
#' Finally, we need to treat outliers. We can eith
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# copy content
sim_y_without_outlier <- sim_y_with_outlier

# set NA in outlier
sim_y_without_outlier[idx] <- NA

# or remove it
sim_y_without_outlier <- sim_y_without_outlier[-idx]

#' An alternative for identifying extreme values i
## ---- eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library(outliers)
## # find outlier
## my_outlier <- outlier(sim_y_with_outlier)
## # print it
## print(my_outlier)


#' As expected, it correctly identified the outlie
#' ### Treating Outliers in `dataframes` {#outlier
#' Let's go a bit deeper. In a real data analysis 
#' The first step is to define a function that acc
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
replace_outliers <- function(col_in, my_prob = 0.05) {
  # Replaces outliers from a vector and returns a new
  # vector
  # INPUTS: col_in The vector
  #         my_prob Probability of quantiles 
  #                 (will remove quantiles at p and 1-p)
  # OUTPUT: A vector without the outliers
  # return if class is other than numeric
  if (!(class(col_in) %in% 
        c('numeric', 'integer'))) return(col_in)
  my_outliers <- stats::quantile(x = col_in,
                                 probs = c(my_prob, 1-my_prob),
                                 na.rm = TRUE)
  idx <- (col_in <= my_outliers[1])|(col_in >= my_outliers[2])
  col_in[idx] <- NA

#' Let's test it:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set test vector
my_x <- runif(15)

# artificially set outliers
my_x[5] <- max(my_x)*5

# find and replace outliers
print(replace_outliers(my_x, my_prob = 0.05))

#' As we can see, it performed correctly, replacin
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# options
n_obs <- 100

# create extensive random data
my_df <- r_data_frame(n = n_obs,

# check it

#' Now, let's use `purrr::map` to iterate all elem
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# remove outlivers from vectors
l_out <- map(my_df, replace_outliers)

#' Next, we regroup all vectors into a single data
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rebuild dataframe
my_df_no_outlier <- bind_rows(l_out)

# check it

# summary of my_df_no_outlier

#' Note that, as expected, we find `NA` values for
#' For last, we remove all rows with outliers usin
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# remove outliers
my_df_no_outlier <- na.omit(my_df_no_outlier)


#' Notice, however, that some rows were lost. The 
#' ## Inflation and Price Data
#' A common effect in economic and financial data 
#' To offset the effect of inflation on price data
## ---- message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# set api (you need your OWN from
my_api_key <- readLines(

# set symbol and dates
first_date <- as.Date('2000-01-01')
last_date <- Sys.Date()

# get data!
df_inflation <- get_Quandl_series(id_in = my_symbol,
                                  api_key = my_api_key, 
                                  first_date = first_date, 
                                  last_date = last_date)

# sort by date
df_inflation <- df_inflation %>%

# check content

#' Now, let's create a random dataframe with rando
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_T <- nrow(df_inflation)

# create df with prices
my_df <- tibble(Date = df_inflation$ref_date,
                x = 100 + cumsum(rnorm(n_T)),
                y = 100 + cumsum(rnorm(n_T)))

# check it

#' The first step is to create a deflator index ba
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# accumulate: R_a = cumprod(r_t + 1)
my_df$infl_idx <- cumprod(df_inflation$value/100 +1)

# set inflation index
my_df$infl_idx <- my_df$infl_idx/my_df$infl_idx[nrow(my_df)]

#' And now we create the new variables:
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my_df$x_desinflated <- my_df$x*my_df$infl_idx
my_df$y_desinflated <- my_df$y*my_df$infl_idx


#' Done. We now have two new columns with desinfla
#' ## Modifying Time Frequency and Aggregating Dat
#' Sometimes we receive data with a mismatch of ti
#' Let's start with an example with the SP500 inde
## ---- message=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

df_SP500 <- BatchGetSymbols(tickers = '^GSPC',
                   = '2010-01-01',
                   = 'daily',
                   = '2021-01-01')[[2]]

#' Every time-frequency operation from higher to l
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# from daily to annual
df_SP500_annual <- df_SP500 %>%
  mutate(ref_year = lubridate::year( %>%
  group_by(ref_year) %>%
  summarise(last_value = last(price.adjusted)) 

# glimpse it

#' For the previous chunk of code, we created a ne
#' ## Exercises
## ---- echo=FALSE, results='asis'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f_in <- list.files('../02-EOCE-Rmd/Chapter09-Cleaning-and-Structuring/', 
                   full.names = TRUE)

compile_eoc_exercises(f_in, type_doc = my_engine)
msperlin/afedR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2022, 9:49 a.m.