
Defines functions plot_interpretable_feature print.local_surrogate_explainer plot.local_surrogate_explainer

Documented in plot_interpretable_feature plot.local_surrogate_explainer print.local_surrogate_explainer

#' Generic plot function for local surrogate explainers
#' @param x object of class local_surrogate_explainer
#' @param ... other objects of class local_surrogate_explainer.
#' If provided, models will be plotted in rows, response levels in columns.
#' @param geom If "point", lines with points at the end will be plotted,
#' if "bar", bars will be plotted and if "arrow", arrows.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @importFrom DALEX colors_breakdown_drwhy theme_drwhy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example based on apartments data from DALEX package.
#' library(DALEX)
#' library(randomForest)
#' library(localModel)
#' data('apartments')
#' mrf <- randomForest(m2.price ~., data = apartments, ntree = 50)
#' explainer <- explain(model = mrf,
#'                      data = apartments[, -1])
#' model_lok <- individual_surrogate_model(explainer, apartments[5, -1],
#'                                         size = 500, seed = 17)
#' model_lok
#' plot(model_lok)

plot.local_surrogate_explainer <- function(x, ..., geom = "bar") {
  variable <- estimated <- intercept <- NULL

  models <- do.call("rbind", c(list(x), list(...)))

  if (all(models$estimated[models$original_variable != ""] == 0)) {
    message("All estimated feature effects are equal to 0.")

  models$labeller <- paste(
    "prediction: ",
    round(models$predicted_value, 2)

  models <- do.call("rbind", by(
    function(y) {
      y$labeller <- paste(
              sep = "\n ", collapse = "\n "),
        sep = "\n ")

  models$sign <- as.factor(as.character(sign(models$estimated)))
  models <- models[models$variable != "(Intercept)", ]

  models <- do.call("rbind", by(
    list(models$model, models$response),
    function(y) {
      y$intercept <- y$estimated[y$variable == "(Model mean)"]

  models <- do.call("rbind", by(
    list(models$model, models$response),
    function(y) {
      y$estimated = ifelse(
        y$variable == "(Model mean)",
        y$estimated + y$intercept

  models <- do.call("rbind", by(
    function(y) {
      y$all_zero <- all(y$sign == 0)

  models <- models[!models$all_zero, ]
  models <- models[models$variable != "(Model mean)", ]

  if(geom == "point") {
    final_geom <- geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = intercept, ymax = estimated),
                                  size = 2)
  } else if(geom == "bar") {
    final_geom <- geom_segment(aes(xend = variable, yend = intercept, y = estimated),
                               size = 10, lineend = "butt")
  } else {
    final_geom <- geom_segment(aes(xend = variable, yend = intercept, y = estimated),
                               size = 2,
                               arrow = arrow(length=unit(0.20,"cm"),
                                             ends="first", type = "closed"))

  ggplot(models, aes(x = reorder(variable, -abs(estimated)),
                     y = estimated,
                     color = sign)) +
    theme_bw() +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = intercept),
               size = 1)  +
    facet_grid(model~labeller, scales = "free_y") +
    final_geom +
    coord_flip() +
    ylab("Feature influence") +
    xlab("") +
    scale_color_manual(values =  DALEX::colors_breakdown_drwhy()) +
    guides(color = "none") +

#' Generic print function for local surrogate explainers
#' @param x object of class local_surrogate_explainer
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @examples
#' # Example based on apartments data from DALEX package.
#' library(DALEX)
#' library(randomForest)
#' library(localModel)
#' data('apartments')
#' mrf <- randomForest(m2.price ~., data = apartments, ntree = 50)
#' explainer <- explain(model = mrf,
#'                      data = apartments[, -1])
#' model_lok <- individual_surrogate_model(explainer, apartments[5, -1],
#'                                         size = 500, seed = 17)
#' plot(model_lok)
#' model_lok

print.local_surrogate_explainer <- function(x, ...) {

#' Plot Ceteris Paribus Profile and discretization
#' @param x local_surrogate_explainer object
#' @param variable chr, name of the variable to be plotted
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @importFrom DALEX theme_drwhy
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_line aes geom_point
#' @export

plot_interpretable_feature <- function(x, variable) {
  value <- output <- output_disc <- NULL

  observation <- attr(x, "new_observation")
  prediction <- attr(x, "prediction")
  true_point <- data.frame(observation[[variable]], prediction)
  colnames(true_point) <- c("variable", "value")
  df <- attr(x, "interpretable_features")[[variable]]
  df_no_disc <- df[!grepl("discretization", df$output), ]
  df_disc <- df[grepl("discretization", df$output), ]
  df_disc$output_disc <- paste0(df_disc$output, df_disc$value)

  if (is.numeric(df$variable)) {
    pl <- ggplot(df_no_disc,
           aes(x = variable, y = value, color = output,
               group = output)) +
      geom_line(size = 1.5) +
      geom_line(data = df_disc,
                aes(x = variable, y = value,
                    color = output, group = output_disc),
                inherit.aes = FALSE,
                size = 1.5) +
      geom_point(data = true_point, aes(x = variable, y = value),
                 inherit.aes = FALSE, size = 2)
  } else {
    pl <- ggplot(df_no_disc,
           aes(x = variable, y = mean(value), color = output,
               group = output)) +
      geom_point(size = 1.5) +
      geom_line(data = df_disc,
                aes(x = variable, y = value,
                    color = output, group = output_disc),
                inherit.aes = FALSE,
                size = 1.5) +
      geom_point(data = true_point, aes(x = variable, y = value),
                 inherit.aes = FALSE, size = 2)

  pl + DALEX::theme_drwhy()
mstaniak/localExplanations documentation built on Sept. 24, 2021, 6:21 p.m.