
Defines functions additive.fit

Documented in additive.fit

# The backfitting algorithm based on Trevor Hastie's S-plus gam
# Mikis Stasinopoulos 
additive.fit <-function(x, y, w, s, who, smooth.frame, maxit = 30, tol = 0.001, trace = FALSE, se = TRUE, 
#               x : The current linear matrix 
#               y : the current y-variable (working variable)
#               w : the current iterative weight
#               s : is the matrix which will hold the smoothing fitted values
#             who : is (I think) an indicator which show where the current smoother is hold in the smooth frame)
#    smooth.frame : the data frame to find the smooth terms 
# Note; the lev component of the smooths is the diagonal hat matrix elements
# for the NONLINEAR part of the fit.
#The smoother can return both the linear and nonlinear parts, although only
# the nonlinear part is strictly necessary. 
    if(inherits(smooth.frame, "data.frame")) 
                       data <- smooth.frame
        attr(data, "class") <- NULL
                names.calls <- who #names(who)
               smooth.calls <- lapply(data[names.calls], attr, "call")
        names(smooth.calls) <- names.calls
               smooth.frame <- list(data = data, smooth.calls = smooth.calls)
                       data <- smooth.frame$data
               smooth.calls <- smooth.frame$smooth.calls
                names.calls <- names(smooth.calls)
                          y <- as.vector(y)
                  residuals <- as.vector(y - s %*% rep(1, ncol(s)))
                          n <- length(y)
                        fit <- list(fitted.values = 0)
                    coefSmo <- list() #ms test
                        rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
                     rssold <- rss * 10
                        nit <- 0
                         df <- rep(NA, length(who))
                     lambda <- rep(NA, length(who))
                        var <- s
             cat("\nADDITIVE   iter   rss/n     term\n")
                       ndig <- -log10(tol) + 1
                      RATIO <- tol + 1
    while(RATIO > tol & nit < maxit) 
                     rssold <- rss
                        nit <- nit + 1
                          z <- residuals + fit$fitted.values
                        fit <- lm.wfit(x, z, w, method="qr", ...)
                  residuals <- fit$residuals
                        rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
           # print(rss)
              cat("\n         ", nit, "   ", format(round(rss, ndig)), 
                        "  Parametric -- lm.wfit\n", sep = "")
                     deltaf <- 0
        for(j in seq(names.calls)) 
                        old <- s[, j]
                          z <- residuals + s[, j]
                   fit.call <- eval(smooth.calls[[j]])
                  residuals <- as.double(fit.call$residuals)
             if(length(residuals) != n)
                       "returns a vector of the wrong length"))
                     s[, j] <- z - residuals
            if (length(fit.call$lambda)>1) # MS Monday, June 8, 2009 at 09:07
             {                             # for cases where there are multiple lambdas 
                  lambda[j] <- fit.call$lambda[1]             }
             else lambda[j] <- fit.call$lambda # ms Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 17:22
               coefSmo[[j]] <- if(is.null(fit.call$coefSmo)) 0 else fit.call$coefSmo
                                   # names.calls[j] should I keep this 
                     deltaf <- deltaf + weighted.mean((s[, j] - old)^2, w)
                        rss <- weighted.mean(residuals^2, w)
            if(trace) {
                cat("         ", nit, "   ", format(round(rss, ndig)), 
                  "  Nonparametric -- ", names.calls[j], "\n", sep = "")
                      df[j] <- fit.call$nl.df
                   var[, j] <- fit.call$var
                      RATIO <- sqrt(deltaf/sum(w * apply(s, 1, sum)^2))
            cat("Relative change in functions:", format(round(RATIO, ndig)), 
    if((nit == maxit) & maxit > 1)
        warning(paste("additive.fit convergence not obtained in ", maxit, 
            " iterations"))
    names(df) <- names.calls
          fit$fitted.values <- y - residuals
                         rl <- c(fit, list(smooth = s, nl.df = sum(df), lambda=lambda, coefSmo=coefSmo))
             rl$df.residual <- rl$df.residual - sum(df)
                         rl <- c(rl, list(var = var))
    c(list(smooth.frame = smooth.frame), rl)
mstasinopoulos/GAMLSS-original documentation built on July 3, 2024, 9:43 p.m.