
Defines functions glim.control gamlss.control gamlss gamlssNews .onAttach

Documented in gamlss gamlss.control gamlssNews glim.control

## offsets are saved for the vcov() to work 1-5-13
## revisised Friday, March 19, 2010 to correct a bug reported by Dr Willem Vervoort
## major revision MS Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 18:04
## to unify the output and tidy the input 
.onAttach <- function(...)
  packageStartupMessage(paste(paste(" **********   GAMLSS Version",  packageDescription("gamlss")$Version), " ********** \n")
,appendLF = FALSE)
  packageStartupMessage(paste("For more on GAMLSS look at",  packageDescription("gamlss")$URL))
  packageStartupMessage("Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.\n")
# packageStartupMessage(cat(paste(" **********   GAMLSS Version",  packageDescription("gamlss")$Version), "********** \n")
#                 ;cat(paste("For more on GAMLSS look at",  packageDescription("gamlss")$URL), "\n")
#                 ;cat("Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.\n")
#                 , appendLF = FALSE)  
# cat(paste(" **********   GAMLSS Version",  packageDescription("gamlss")$Version), "********** \n")
# cat(paste("For more on GAMLSS look at",  packageDescription("gamlss")$URL), "\n")
# cat("Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.\n")
#    }
gamlssNews <- function() file.show(system.file("doc", "NEWS.txt", package="gamlss"))# Monday, September 5, 2005 MS
#.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
#    gamlssver <- if (as.numeric(R.version$major) < 2 && 
#                 as.numeric(R.version$minor) < 9.0)
#      package.description("gamlss")["Version"] else
#    packageDescription("gamlss")$Version
#    cat(paste("gamlss", gamlssver), "\n")
#    cat("Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.\n")
.gamlss.bi.list<-c("BI", "Binomial", "BB", "Beta Binomial", "ZIBI", "ZIBB", 
                   "ZABI", "ZABB", "DBI", "BItr", "BBtr",  "ZIBItr", "ZIBBtr", 
                   "ZABItr", "ZABBtr", "DBItr") # binomial denominators
.gamlss.multin.list<-c("MULTIN", "MN3", "MN4", "MN5")
.gamlss.sm.list<-c("cs", "scs",                   # smoothing cubic splines  "s" vc"
                   "ps", "pb", "cy", "tp", "pvc", # penalised splines : ps, pb, cy tp pvc pbq
                   "pbm", "pbj", "pbo", "pbz",    # monotone jumps and going to zero
                   "pbc", "pbts", "pbp", "pbf",   # pb cycle pb predict
                   "pcat", "pba",                 # for categorical to reduce levels 
                   "pbq",                         # pb using Qfunction 
                   "gmrf",                        # Gaussian Markov random fields
                   "mrfa",  "mrf",                # Markov random fields
                   "so", "SOP",                   # seperation of Anisotropic penalties
                   "krig" ,                       # kriging
                   "lo",                          # loess                   
                   "random","re", "re4",          # random effect  "ra","rc","rash"
                   "fp","pp",                     # fractional poly         
                   "nl",                          # non-linear (.nl)         
                   "ri",                          # ridge regression      "ridge",
                   "boost",                       # boosting              
                   "fk",                          # free knot smoothing   
                   "own", "test", "test0","test1",# for testing new   
                   "arma",                        # time series  
                   "rw", "ar", "seas",            # time series             
                   "srw", "sar",                  # time series seasonal  
                   "la", "plag",                  # time series penalised lags, 
                   "tr",                          # decision trees  
                   "ga", "ba", "mm",              # gam - bam Simon Wood      
                   "nn",                          # neural netwoks           
                   "sv",                          # suppor vector machines   
                   "ma",                          # mars                     
                   "pcr",                         # principal component Reg  
				           "pc",                          # principal component regr 
				           "h2o",                         # h2o project 
				           "pa",                          # partial regression
				           "gnet", "lrs",                 # glmnet and lars
                   "rf1",                         # random forest ranger
				           "rf2",                         # generalised random forest 
				           "gbo",                         # generalised Tree boosting
				           "gsel")                        # gamsel 
# note that predict only read 2 characters Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:27
# .gamlss.sm.list<-c( "ar", "arma",
#                    "cs", "cy", 
#                    "fk","fp",
#                    "ga",
#                    "krig",
#                    "la","lo",  
#                   "mrf", "mrfa", 
#                   "nl","nn",
#                   "ri", "rw", 
#                    "pb",  "pbj", "pbm", "pbo", "pbq","pbz",
#                    "pp","ps", "pvc", 
#                    "random","re",# random effect
#                    "sap", "sap3",  "seas",                      
#                   "test", "test0","test1","tr",                     
#                   "own")
##  Generalised Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape 
##   R-functions created
##   originaly created 6  Feb  2002. 
##   Last maijor revision  Saturday, Thursday, January 9, 2003 at 09:48
##                y   the response variable 
##                X   [1,2,3,4]   design matrices
##                w   weights for weighed likelihood analysis (not as in GLM and GAM) 
##          *offset   offsets in linear predictor for mu, sigma,nu, tau
##           family   response family see for available GAMLSS families
##           *start   starting values for mu, sigma, nu or tau (optional)
##             *fix   whether the specific parameter should be remained 
##                    fixed in the fitting procedure
###  The gamlss function contains the sub-functions
###  RS() CG() and mixed()
gamlss <- function(formula = formula(data),
             sigma.formula = ~1,
                nu.formula = ~1,
               tau.formula = ~1,
                    family = NO(),
                   weights = NULL, # for weighted likelihood analysis 
                                   # (not the same as in GLM's) 
                 contrasts = NULL, # one type of contrasts for all  parameters 
                    method = RS(), # default algorithm
                start.from = NULL, # starting from previous gamlss object  
                  mu.start = NULL, # starting from given values
               sigma.start = NULL, 
                  nu.start = NULL,
                 tau.start = NULL,
                    mu.fix = FALSE,# whether the parameter is fixed 
                 sigma.fix = FALSE,
                    nu.fix = FALSE,
                   tau.fix = FALSE,
                   control = gamlss.control(...), 
                 i.control = glim.control(...),   # the inner circle control (GLIM)
## na.action = na.fail(), # both na.action and subset have been removed 
##                    because while there is only one data set there are usually  
##   subset = NULL,   four different model frames created therefore it is easier to apply 
##                    sub-setting and na.action to the whole data set not to the 
##                    frames 
## require(stats) Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 09:58 MS
#require(splines) # this will be removed with namespaces
#gamlss.rc.list<-c("EX.rc","Exponential.rc") # the right censoring distribution list 
#gamlss.bi.list<-c("BI", "Binomial", "BB", "Beta Binomial") # binomial denominators
#.gamlss.multin.list<-c("MULTIN", "MN3", "MN4", "MN5")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this is to replicate rqres within gamlss enviroment DS Friday, March 31, 2006 at 10:30
rqres <- function (pfun = "pNO", 
                   type = c("Continuous", "Discrete", "Mixed"),
               censored = NULL,  
                   ymin = NULL, 
                 mass.p = NULL, 
                prob.mp = NULL,
                      y = y,
                         ... )
{ }
body(rqres) <-  eval(quote(body(rqres)), envir = getNamespace("gamlss"))
## first the definition of the three algorithms
## the mixing algorithm
    mixed <- function(n1=1,n2=20) 
        conv <- RS(n.cyc=n1, no.warn = FALSE)
        conv <- CG(n.cyc=n2) 
## the Rigby and Stasinopoulos algorithm
    RS <- function(n.cyc = control$n.cyc, no.warn = TRUE)
      ## this is to emulate the GLIM iterative algorithm
      ## created by Mikis Stasinopoulos Monday, February 18, 2002 at 09:23 
      ##                    last change  Wednesday, February 23, 2005 at 20:23
      ##   where the step has changed to apply to the fitted values         
     glim.fit <- function(f,X,y,w,fv,os, step = 1,control = glim.control(), 
                          auto, gd.tol)
              cc <- control$cc          # convergence criterion-tolerance
             cyc <- control$cyc         # max. no. of cycles
           trace <- control$glm.trace       # whether to print 
          bf.cyc <- control$bf.cyc 
          bf.tol <- control$bf.tol
        bf.trace <- control$bf.trace
             itn <- 0
              lp <- eta <- f$linkfun(fv)
              dr <- f$dr(eta)    # dmu/deta
              dr <- 1/dr         # deta/dmu = 1 / (dmu/deta)
              di <- f$G.di(fv)   # deviance increment
              dv <- sum(w*di)    # the global deviance
           olddv <- dv+1         # the old global deviance
            dldp <- f$dldp(fv)   # u score
          d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv) # second derivative of log-Likelihood
          d2ldp2 <- ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15) # added 26-10-07  
              wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr))#  -(d2l/dp2)/(1/(dmu/deta))^2=- (d2l/dp2)(dmu/eta)^2
            # we need to stop the weights to go to Infty
              wt <- ifelse(wt>1e+10,1e+10,wt) # Mikis 9-10-14 
              wt <- ifelse(wt<1e-10,1e-10,wt) 
            # wv <- (eta-os)+step*dldp/(dr*wt)
              wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt) # eta 
              if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv) ## TEST
           iterw <- FALSE
             who <- f$who
    smooth.frame <- f$smooth.frame
               s <- f$smooth
             ## starting the recycling    
           while ( abs(olddv-dv) > cc && itn < cyc ) # MS Wednesday, June 26, 2002 
               itn <- itn+1 # the glim inner iteration number
             lpold <- lp
              sold <- s
             if (any(is.na(wt))||any(is.na(wv)) ) stop("NA's in the working vector or weights for parameter ", names(formals(f$valid)), "\n") 
             if (any(!is.finite(wt))||any(!is.finite(wv)) ) stop("Inf values in the working vector or weights for parameter ", names(formals(f$valid)), "\n") 
             if(length(who) > 0) 
               fit <- additive.fit(x=X,y=wv,w=wt*w,s=s,who=who,smooth.frame, maxit = bf.cyc, 
                                 tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace)
              # lp <- fit$fitted.values 
                lp <- if (itn==1)  fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold
            #  s <- fit$smooth # test Wednesday, January 8, 2003 at 14:37 
                 s <- if (itn==1) fit$smooth else step*fit$smooth+(1-step)*sold  
              fit <- lm.wfit(X,wv,wt*w,method="qr") 
               lp <- if (itn==1)  fit$fitted.values else step*fit$fitted.values+(1-step)*lpold
              # lp <- fit$fitted.values
             ## method 1
              eta <- lp+os # fixed Wednesday, September 4, 2002 at 09:45 DS  
             ## own link
               fv <- f$linkinv(eta)
                         ## own dist
               di <- f$G.di(fv) 
            olddv <- dv
               dv <- sum(w*di)  
           ## new for automatic steps MS BR Friday, April 15, 2005 at 18:50
            if (dv > olddv && itn >= 2 && auto==TRUE) 
              for(i in 1:5) # MS Thursday, September 22, 2005 
                 lp <- (lp+lpold)/2
                eta <- lp+os 
                 fv <- f$linkinv(eta)
                 di <- f$G.di(fv) 
                 dv <- sum(w*di) 
               #  cat("try",i,"\n")
                 if(length(who) > 0) s <- (s+sold)/2  
                 if ((olddv-dv) > cc) break # MS Thursday, September 22, 2005 
            if ((dv > olddv+gd.tol ) && itn >= 2 && iterw==FALSE) 
           warning("The deviance has increased in an inner iteration for ",
       names(formals(f$valid)), "\n","Increase gd.tol and if persist, try different steps",  "\n", "or model maybe inappropriate") #
             iterw <-TRUE
            if (is.na(!f$valid(fv)) ) # MS Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 18:06 
               stop( "fitted values in the inner iteration out of range")
              dr <- f$dr(eta) 
              dr <- 1/dr
             ## method 2
            dldp <- f$dldp(fv)   
          d2ldp2 <- f$d2ldp2(fv)
          d2ldp2 <-  ifelse(d2ldp2 < -1e-15, d2ldp2,-1e-15) # added 26-10-07   
              wt <- -(d2ldp2/(dr*dr)) 
              wt <- ifelse(wt>1e+10,1e+10,wt) # Mikis 9-10-14    
              wt <- ifelse(wt<1e-10,1e-10,wt) 
             # wv <- (eta-os)+step*dldp/(dr*wt)
             wv <- (eta-os)+dldp/(dr*wt)
                if (family$type=="Mixed") wv <-ifelse(is.nan(wv),0,wv) ## TEST  
        #   olddv <- dv
        #      dv <- sum(w*di)
                     cat("GLIM iteration ", itn, " for ",  names(formals(f$valid)), ": Global Deviance = ",
                       format(round(dv, 4)), " \n", sep = "")
           } #end of while
           pen <- 0 # DS Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 23:04
           if(length(who) > 0) {pen<- sum(eta*wt*(wv-eta)) }
           c(fit, list(fv = fv, wv = wv, wt = wt, eta = eta, os = os, pen=pen)) #ms Saturday, December 4, 2004 
           ##-end of GLIM.fit------------------------------------------------------------
           ##---start RS-----------------------------------------------------------------
           ## getting the contol papameters
                       c.crit <- control$c.crit
                      # n.cyc <- control$n.cyc
                        trace <- control$trace
                     autostep <- control$autostep
                      mu.step <- control$mu.step
                   sigma.step <- control$sigma.step
                      nu.step <- control$nu.step
                     tau.step <- control$tau.step
                       gd.tol <- control$gd.tol
                         iter <- control$iter
                         conv <- FALSE
           ## initial Gloval deviance
                  G.dev.incr  <- eval(G.dev.expr)
                        G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
                    G.dev.old <- G.dev+1
          ## the outer iteration starts here
            while ( abs(G.dev.old-G.dev) > c.crit && iter < n.cyc )
                # the mean submodel
               if ("mu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                 if  (family$parameter$mu==TRUE & mu.fix==FALSE)
                    #mu.old <- mu
                    mu.fit <<- glim.fit(f = mu.object, X = mu.X, y = y, w = w,
                                        fv = mu, os = mu.offset, step = mu.step,
                                        control = i.control, gd.tol = gd.tol,
                                        auto = autostep)
                      mu <<- mu.fit$fv
                      mu.object$smooth <- mu.fit$smooth  
                 # the scale-dispersion submodel
                 if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters))
                   if  ( family$parameter$sigma==TRUE & sigma.fix==FALSE) 
                   #sigma.old <- sigma
                      sigma.fit  <<- glim.fit(f = sigma.object, X = sigma.X, y = y, 
                                              w = w, fv = sigma, os = sigma.offset, 
                                              step = sigma.step, control = i.control,
                                              gd.tol = gd.tol, auto = autostep)
                      sigma <<- sigma.fit$fv 
                      sigma.object$smooth <- sigma.fit$smooth  
                 # the nu submodel
                  if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                   if ( family$parameter$nu==TRUE & nu.fix==FALSE)
                     # nu.old <- nu
                       nu.fit <<- glim.fit(f = nu.object, X = nu.X, y = y,
                                           w = w, fv = nu, os = nu.offset, 
                                           step = nu.step, control = i.control, 
                                           gd.tol = gd.tol, auto = autostep)
                         nu <<- nu.fit$fv
                        nu.object$smooth <- nu.fit$smooth  
                  # the tau submodel
                  if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters))
                   if (family$parameter$tau ==TRUE & tau.fix==FALSE)
                     # tau.old <- tau
                        tau.fit <<- glim.fit(f = tau.object, X = tau.X, y = y,
                                             w = w, fv = tau, os = tau.offset,
                                             step = tau.step, control = i.control, 
                                             gd.tol = gd.tol, auto = autostep)
                         tau <<- tau.fit$fv
                        tau.object$smooth <- tau.fit$smooth   
                   #   the overall Global Deviance
                            G.dev.old <- G.dev
                          G.dev.incr  <- eval(G.dev.expr)
                                G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
                                 iter <- iter+1
                               fiter <<- iter
                       cat("GAMLSS-RS iteration ", iter, ": Global Deviance = ",
                                     format(round(G.dev, 4)), " \n", sep = "")
                     if (G.dev > (G.dev.old+gd.tol) && iter >1 )
                          stop(paste("The global deviance is increasing", "\n", 
               "Try different steps for the parameters or the model maybe inappropriate"))
        if ( abs(G.dev.old-G.dev) < c.crit ) # MS Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 11:58 
        #taken out (abs((G.dev-G.dev.old)/(0.1+abs(G.dev.old)))<c.crit&&iter<=n.cyc) 
                conv <- TRUE else FALSE
        if (!conv && no.warn )   warning("Algorithm RS has not yet converged")
## End of GAMLSS RS fitting algorithm
## the gamlss CG (Cole and Green) fitting algorithm
#  getting the contol papameters
         c.crit <- control$c.crit
          #n.cyc <- control$n.cyc
          trace <- control$trace
        mu.step <- control$mu.step
     sigma.step <- control$sigma.step
        nu.step <- control$nu.step
       tau.step <- control$tau.step
         gd.tol <- control$gd.tol
       autostep <- control$autostep
           iter <- control$iter
           conv <- FALSE
       i.c.crit <- i.control$cc
        i.n.cyc <- i.control$cyc 
        i.trace <- i.control$glm.trace 
       #  bf.cyc <- i.control$bf.cyc 
         bf.tol <- i.control$bf.tol
       bf.trace <- i.control$bf.trace
    first.iter  <- TRUE #ms Thursday, November 6, 2003 at 09:04
     G.dev.incr <- eval(G.dev.expr)                  
          G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
      G.dev.old <- G.dev+1  
# initial values for the variates used in the inner iteration 
   eta.old.tau<-eta.tau<-rep(0,N) #???
# here starts the outer iteration 
      while ( abs(G.dev.old-G.dev) > c.crit && iter < n.cyc )    
       i.iter <- 0
       ## for mu  
       if ("mu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                  eta.mu <- eta.old.mu <- family$mu.linkfun(mu)    
                    u.mu <- mu.object$dldp(mu=mu)
                   u2.mu <- mu.object$d2ldp2(mu=mu)
                   dr.mu <- family$mu.dr(eta.mu)
                   dr.mu <- 1/dr.mu
                  who.mu <- mu.object$who
         smooth.frame.mu <- mu.object$smooth.frame
                    s.mu <- if(first.iter) mu.object$smooth else s.mu       
                    w.mu <- -u2.mu/(dr.mu*dr.mu)
                    z.mu <- (eta.old.mu-mu.offset)+mu.step*u.mu/(dr.mu*w.mu)
        ## for sigma
       if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters)) 
                  eta.sigma <- eta.old.sigma <- family$sigma.linkfun(sigma)    
                    u.sigma <- sigma.object$dldp(sigma=sigma)
                   u2.sigma <- sigma.object$d2ldp2(sigma=sigma)
                u2.mu.sigma <- family$d2ldmdd(sigma=sigma)  
                   dr.sigma <- family$sigma.dr(eta.sigma)
                   dr.sigma <- 1/dr.sigma
                  who.sigma <- sigma.object$who
         smooth.frame.sigma <- sigma.object$smooth.frame
                    s.sigma <- if(first.iter) sigma.object$smooth else s.sigma        
                    w.sigma <- -u2.sigma/(dr.sigma*dr.sigma)
                 w.mu.sigma <- -u2.mu.sigma/(dr.mu*dr.sigma)                     
                    z.sigma <- (eta.old.sigma-sigma.offset)+sigma.step*u.sigma/
        ## for nu
        if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters)) 
                  eta.nu <- eta.old.nu <- family$nu.linkfun(nu)    
                    u.nu <- nu.object$dldp(nu=nu)
                   u2.nu <- nu.object$d2ldp2(nu=nu)
                u2.mu.nu <- family$d2ldmdv(nu=nu)  
             u2.sigma.nu <- family$d2ldddv(nu=nu)  
                   dr.nu <- family$nu.dr(eta.nu)
                   dr.nu <- 1/dr.nu
                  who.nu <- nu.object$who
         smooth.frame.nu <- nu.object$smooth.frame
                    s.nu <- if(first.iter) nu.object$smooth else s.nu          
                    w.nu <- -u2.nu/(dr.nu*dr.nu)
                 w.mu.nu <- -u2.mu.nu/(dr.mu*dr.nu)
              w.sigma.nu <- -u2.sigma.nu/(dr.sigma*dr.nu)
                    z.nu <- (eta.old.nu-nu.offset)+nu.step*u.nu/
        ## for tau        
        if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters)) 
                  eta.tau <- eta.old.tau <- family$tau.linkfun(tau)    
                    u.tau <- tau.object$dldp(tau=tau)
                   u2.tau <- tau.object$d2ldp2(tau=tau)
                u2.mu.tau <- family$d2ldmdt(tau=tau)  
             u2.sigma.tau <- family$d2ldddt(tau=tau)  
                u2.nu.tau <- family$d2ldvdt(tau=tau)  
                   dr.tau <- family$tau.dr(eta.tau)
                   dr.tau <- 1/dr.tau
                  who.tau <- tau.object$who
         smooth.frame.tau <- tau.object$smooth.frame
                    s.tau <- if(first.iter) tau.object$smooth else s.tau       
                    w.tau <- -u2.tau/(dr.tau*dr.tau)
                 w.mu.tau <- -u2.mu.tau/(dr.mu*dr.tau)
              w.sigma.tau <- -u2.sigma.tau/(dr.sigma*dr.tau)
                 w.nu.tau <- -u2.nu.tau/(dr.nu*dr.tau)
                    z.tau <- (eta.old.tau-tau.offset)+tau.step*u.tau/
        ## initial G. devinace for the inner iteration
             G.dev.in <- G.dev+1
              i.G.dev <- G.dev
           first.iter <- FALSE   
 ## the inner iteration starts here
           while ( abs(G.dev.in -i.G.dev) > i.c.crit && i.iter < i.n.cyc )
            if ("mu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                if  (family$parameter$mu==TRUE & mu.fix==FALSE) 
                 adj.mu <- -(w.mu.sigma*(eta.sigma-eta.old.sigma)+
                 wv.mu  <- z.mu+adj.mu
                 if(length(who.mu) > 0) 
                   mu.fit <<- additive.fit(x = mu.X, y = wv.mu, w = w.mu*w,s  = s.mu, 
                                 who = who.mu, smooth.frame = smooth.frame.mu, maxit = 1, 
                                 tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace)
                 mu.fit$eta <<- eta.mu <- mu.fit$fitted.values+mu.offset
                  mu.fit$fv <<-  mu <<- mu.object$linkinv(eta.mu)
                    s.mu.old <- s.mu
                        s.mu <- mu.fit$smooth 
                 mu.fit$pen <<- sum(eta.mu*w.mu*(wv.mu-eta.mu))
                  mu.fit$wv <<- wv.mu
                  mu.fit$wt <<- w.mu
                  mu.fit$os <<- mu.offset
                     mu.fit <<- lm.wfit(x=mu.X,y=wv.mu,w=w.mu*w,method="qr") 
                 mu.fit$eta <<- eta.mu <- mu.fit$fitted.values+mu.offset
                  mu.fit$fv <<-   mu <<- mu.object$linkinv(eta.mu)
                  mu.fit$wv <<- wv.mu
                  mu.fit$wt <<- w.mu
                  mu.fit$os <<- mu.offset      
             ##fit sigma 
            if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters))
             if  (family$parameter$sigma==TRUE & sigma.fix==FALSE) 
                adj.sigma <- -(w.mu.sigma*(eta.mu-eta.old.mu)+
                wv.sigma  <- z.sigma+adj.sigma
                if(length(who.sigma) > 0) 
                   sigma.fit <<- additive.fit(x = sigma.X, y = wv.sigma, 
                                              w = w.sigma*w,s = s.sigma,
                                              who = who.sigma, 
                                              smooth.frame = smooth.frame.sigma, 
                                              maxit = 1,
                                              tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace)
                  sigma.fit$eta <<- eta.sigma <- sigma.fit$fitted.values+sigma.offset
                   sigma.fit$fv <<- sigma <<- sigma.object$linkinv(eta.sigma) 
                     s.sigma.old <- s.sigma
                         s.sigma <- sigma.fit$smooth
                  sigma.fit$pen <<- sum(eta.sigma*w.sigma*(wv.sigma-eta.sigma))
                   sigma.fit$wv <<- wv.sigma
                   sigma.fit$wt <<- w.sigma
                   sigma.fit$os <<- sigma.offset 
                  sigma.fit <<- lm.wfit(x=sigma.X,y=wv.sigma,w=w.sigma*w,method="qr") 
              sigma.fit$eta <<- eta.sigma <- sigma.fit$fitted.values+sigma.offset
               sigma.fit$fv <<- sigma    <<- sigma.object$linkinv(eta.sigma) 
               sigma.fit$wv <<- wv.sigma
               sigma.fit$wt <<- w.sigma 
               sigma.fit$os <<- sigma.offset   
             ##fit nu 
            if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters))
             if  (family$parameter$nu==TRUE & nu.fix==FALSE) 
                adj.nu <- -(w.mu.nu*(eta.mu-eta.old.mu)+
                wv.nu  <- z.nu+adj.nu
                if(length(who.nu) > 0) 
                  nu.fit <<- additive.fit(x = nu.X,y = wv.nu, w = w.nu*w,s = s.nu, 
                                         who = who.nu, smooth.frame = smooth.frame.nu, 
                                         maxit = 1,
                                         tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace)
               nu.fit$eta <<- eta.nu <- nu.fit$fitted.values+nu.offset
                nu.fit$fv <<-    nu <<- nu.object$linkinv(eta.nu) 
                  s.nu.old <- s.nu
                      s.nu <- nu.fit$smooth 
               nu.fit$pen <<- sum(eta.nu*w.nu*(wv.nu-eta.nu)) 
                nu.fit$wv <<- wv.nu
                nu.fit$wt <<- w.nu 
                nu.fit$os <<- nu.offset  
                  nu.fit <<- lm.wfit(x=nu.X,y=wv.nu,w=w.nu*w,method="qr") 
              nu.fit$eta <<- eta.nu <- nu.fit$fitted.values+nu.offset
               nu.fit$fv <<-    nu <<- nu.object$linkinv(eta.nu) 
               nu.fit$wv <<- wv.nu
               nu.fit$wt <<- w.nu 
               nu.fit$os <<- nu.offset      
                ##fit tau
           if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters))
             if  (family$parameter$tau==TRUE & tau.fix==FALSE) 
                adj.tau <- -(w.mu.tau*(eta.mu-eta.old.mu)+
                wv.tau  <- z.tau+adj.tau
                if(length(who.tau) > 0) 
                   tau.fit <<- additive.fit(x = tau.X,y = wv.tau, w = w.tau*w,s = s.tau, 
                                           who = who.tau, smooth.frame = smooth.frame.tau, 
                                           maxit = 1,
                                           tol = bf.tol, trace = bf.trace)
               tau.fit$eta <<- eta.tau <- tau.fit$fitted.values+tau.offset
                tau.fit$fv <<-    tau <<- tau.object$linkinv(eta.tau)
                  s.tau.old <- s.tau
                      s.tau <- tau.fit$smooth 
               tau.fit$pen <<- sum(eta.tau*w.tau*(wv.tau-eta.tau)) 
                tau.fit$wv <<- wv.tau
                tau.fit$wt <<- w.tau 
                tau.fit$os <<- tau.offset  
                   tau.fit <<- lm.wfit(x=tau.X,y=wv.tau,w=w.tau*w,method="qr") 
               tau.fit$eta <<- eta.tau <- tau.fit$fitted.values+tau.offset
                tau.fit$fv <<-    tau <<- tau.object$linkinv(eta.tau)
                tau.fit$wv <<- wv.tau
                tau.fit$wt <<- w.tau
                tau.fit$os <<- tau.offset        
                   G.dev.in <- i.G.dev
                 G.dev.incr <- eval(G.dev.expr)   
                    i.G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
                     i.iter <- i.iter+1     
                 cat("CG inner iteration ", iter, ": Global Deviance = ",
                     format(round(i.G.dev, 4)), " \n", sep = "")           
              if (i.G.dev > (G.dev.in+gd.tol) && iter >1 )  
                stop(paste("The global deviance is increasing in the inner CG loop", "\n", 
               "Try different steps for the parameters or the model maybe inappropriate"))  
 ## the inner iteration finish here 
            G.dev.old <- G.dev
           G.dev.incr <- eval(G.dev.expr)   
               G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
              # autostep<-FALSE
    ## new for automatic steps MS BR Friday, April 15, 2005 at 18:50
            if (G.dev > G.dev.old && iter >= 2 && autostep == TRUE) # && itn >= 2 ) 
              for(i in 1:5)             
                 if ("mu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                  eta.mu <- (eta.mu+eta.old.mu)/2
                      mu <<- mu.object$linkinv(eta.mu) 
                   if(length(who.mu) > 0) s.mu <- (s.mu+s.mu.old)/2 
                 if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters))
               eta.sigma <- (eta.sigma+eta.old.sigma)/2
                   sigma <<- sigma.object$linkinv(eta.sigma)
                   if(length(who.sigma) > 0) s.sigma <- (s.sigma+s.sigma.old)/2  
                if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters))
                  eta.nu <- (eta.nu+eta.old.nu)/2
                      nu <<- nu.object$linkinv(eta.nu) 
                   if(length(who.nu) > 0) s.nu <- (s.nu+s.nu.old)/2 
                if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters))
                 eta.tau <- (eta.tau+eta.old.tau)/2
                     tau <<- tau.object$linkinv(eta.tau)
                  if(length(who.tau) > 0) s.tau <- (s.tau+s.tau.old)/2  
          G.dev.incr <- eval(G.dev.expr)   
               G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
              # cat("helow there \n")
              #  if(length(who) > 0) s <- (s+sold)/2  
                 if (G.dev < G.dev.old) break
                iter <- iter+1  
                 fiter <<-iter  
                 cat("GAMLSS-CG iteration ", iter, ": Global Deviance = ",
                     format(round(G.dev, 4)), " \n", sep = "")
              if (G.dev > (G.dev.old+gd.tol) && iter >1 )  
                    stop(paste("The global deviance is increasing in CG-algorithm ", "\n", 
               "Try different steps for the parameters or the model maybe inappropriate"))  
      if ( abs(G.dev.old-G.dev) < c.crit ) conv <- TRUE else FALSE # MS June 11, 2003
      if (!conv)   warning("Algorithm CG has not yet converged")
##the outer iteration finish here 
## the end of CG        

## this function is used in for outputing the parameters
parameterOut <- function(what="mu", save)
  out <- list()
  if(family$parameter[[what]]==TRUE && eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fix",sep="")))==FALSE)
                out$fv <- eval(parse(text=what))
                out$lp <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$eta", sep=""))))
                out$wv <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$wv", sep=""))))
                out$wt <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$wt", sep=""))))
              out$link <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".object$link", sep=""))))
             out$terms <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".terms", sep=""))))
                 out$x <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".X", sep=""))))
                out$qr <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$qr", sep="")))) 
      out$coefficients <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$coefficients", sep="")))) 
            out$offset <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".fit$os",           sep="")))) 
          out$xlevels  <- .getXlevels( eval(parse(text=paste(what,".terms",sep="")))
                                       , eval(parse(text=paste(what,".frame",sep="")))) 
                                              # ms Sunday, June 13 2004  
           out$formula <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".formula",sep="")))
            if(length(eval(parse(text=paste(what,".smoothers",sep="")))) > 0) 
              { out$df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$nl.df",sep="")))+
             out$nl.df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$nl.df",sep="")))
                out$s  <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$smooth",sep=""))) 
               out$var <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$var",sep="")))  
           out$coefSmo <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$coefSmo",sep=""))) 
            out$lambda <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$lambda",sep="")))
               out$pen <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$pen",sep="")))            
              { out$df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$rank",sep=""))) 
             out$nl.df <- 0
             out$pen  <- 0 #ms May 13, 2004 
     {         out$fix <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fix",sep="")))
                out$df <- 0
                out$fv <- eval(parse(text=what))
  } # if(save== not TRUE) 
   if(family$parameter[[what]]==TRUE && eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fix",sep="")))==FALSE)
            if(length(eval(parse(text=paste(what,".smoothers",sep="")))) > 0) 
              { out$df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$nl.df",sep="")))+
             out$nl.df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$nl.df",sep="")))
             out$terms <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".terms", sep=""))))
           out$formula <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".formula",sep="")))
                out$df <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".fit$rank",sep=""))) 
             out$nl.df <- 0
             out$terms <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".terms", sep=""))))
           out$formula <- eval(parse(text=paste(what,".formula",sep="")))
              out$df <- 0
## this function is used to extract the formula for the parameters other than mu
  other.formula <- function(form)
      dform <- formula(form)
      if (length(dform)==2)
            dform[3] <- dform[2]      # taking 1 in position [3]
            dform[2] <- if (is(formula, "terms") )formula[[2]] else formula[2] # ms 31-12-08   # put y in position 2 
## this function is getting the smoothers at each parameter
get.smoothers <- function(term)
  a <- attributes(term)   #
  smoothers <- a$specials #S convert variable pointers to term pointers
  if(length(smoothers) > 0)
    smoothers <- smoothers[sapply(smoothers, length) > 0]
    # smoothersR <-smoothers 
    for(i in seq(along = smoothers))
      tt <- smoothers[[i]]
      ff <- apply(a$factors[tt,  , drop = FALSE], 2, any)
      smoothers[[i]] <- if(any(ff)) seq(along = ff)[a$order == 1 & ff]
      else NULL
## this function creates the parameter objects
get.object <- function(what)
      link <- eval(parse(text=(paste("family$",what,".link", sep=""))))
   linkfun <- eval(parse(text=(paste("family$",what,".linkfun", sep="")))) 
   linkinv <- eval(parse(text=(paste("family$",what,".linkinv", sep="")))) 
        dr <- eval(parse(text=(paste("family$",what,".dr", sep=""))))
      dldp <- switch( what,
                 "mu" = family$dldm,
              "sigma" = family$dldd,
                 "nu" = family$dldv,
                "tau" = family$dldt
    d2ldp2 <- switch( what,
                 "mu" = family$d2ldm2,
              "sigma" = family$d2ldd2,
                 "nu" = family$d2ldv2,
                "tau" = family$d2ldt2
      G.di <- family$G.dev.incr            
     valid <- eval(parse(text=(paste("family$",what,".valid", sep=""))))               
    object <- list(link = link, linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv, dr = dr,
               dldp = dldp,  d2ldp2 = d2ldp2,     G.di = G.di, valid = valid)          
       if(length(eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".smoothers", sep=""))))) > 0) 
        {        #only if smoothing 
        parAttrTermlevels  <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".a$term.labels", sep=""))))
                       boo <- unlist(eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".smoothers", sep="")))))
                       who <- parAttrTermlevels[boo[ order(boo)]]
              smooth.frame <- eval(parse(text=(paste(what,".frame", sep="")))) 
                         s <- matrix(0, N, length(who))
               dimnames(s) <- list(names(y), who)
             object$smooth <- s
                object$who <- who 
       object$smooth.frame <- smooth.frame
## here is where the proper gamlss function starts
##       Save call for future reference
gamlsscall <- match.call()  #   the function call
## checking for NA in the data 
    if  (any(is.na(data)))   
    stop("The data contains NA's, use data = na.omit(mydata)")
##       Evaluate the model frame
    mnames <- c("", "formula", "data", "weights" ) #  "subset"  "na.action"
    cnames <- names(gamlsscall)  # get the names of the arguments of the call
    cnames <- cnames[match(mnames,cnames,0)] # keep only the ones that match with mnames
     mcall <- gamlsscall[cnames] # get in mcall all the relevant information but remember
                                 # that the first elenent will be NULL
mcall[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") # replace NULL with model.frame
##        Specials for smoothing
mcall$formula <- if(missing(data)) terms(formula, specials = .gamlss.sm.list) 
                 else terms(formula, specials = .gamlss.sm.list, data = data)    
    mu.frame <- eval(mcall, sys.parent())  # evalute the data.frame at the model.frame
## This part deals with the family 
    family <- as.gamlss.family(family)        # bring first the gamlss family
G.dev.expr <- body(family$G.dev.inc)          #MS Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 10:34 
  #  nopar <- family$nopar # the number of parameters for the family  
## Now extract the model components using model.extra and model.matrix
## This part deals with the response variable 
         Y <- model.extract(mu.frame, "response") #extracting the y variable from the formula
    if(is.null(dim(Y)))                       # if y not matrix
         N <- length(Y) else N <- dim(Y)[1]   # calculate the dimension for y  
# .gamlss.bi.list <-  if (exists("gamlss.bi.list",envir=.GlobalEnv)) 
#                         get("gamlss.bi.list", envir=.GlobalEnv) else .gamlss.bi.list
## extracting now the y and the binomial denominator in case we use BI or BB
       if (NCOL(Y) == 1) 
            y <- if (is.factor(Y))  Y != levels(Y)[1] else Y
            bd <- rep(1, N)
            if (any(y < 0 | y > 1)) stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1")
       else if (NCOL(Y) == 2) 
            if (any(abs(Y - round(Y)) > 0.001)) {
            warning("non-integer counts in a binomial GAMLSS!")
            bd <- Y[,1] + Y[,2]
            y <-  Y[,1]
             if (any(y < 0 | y > bd)) stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= N") # MS Monday, October 17, 2005 
       else stop(paste("For the binomial family, Y must be", 
            "a vector of 0 and 1's or a 2 column", "matrix where col 1 is no. successes", 
            "and col 2 is no. failures"))
     # multinomial checking
     else if(any(family$family%in%.gamlss.multin.list))
               y <- if(is.factor(Y))   unclass(Y)
                    else Y
## For censoring
    else if(is.Surv(Y))
    ## checking that the family is censored
      if (length(grep("censored",family$family[[2]]))==0) 
            stop(paste("the family in not a censored distribution, use cens()"))
    ## checking compatability of Surv object and censored distribution
       if (length(grep(attr(Y,"type"),family$family[[2]]))==0) 
            stop(paste("the Surv object and the censored distribution are not of the same type"))
       y <- Y
       #if (NCOL(Y) == 2)
       #   {
       #      #.event <- Y[,2]
       #      #    y  <- Y[,1]
       #      y <- Y
       #   } 
       #else if (NCOL(Y) == 2) 
       #stop("interval censored data are not implemented in gamlss yet")     
     else {y <- Y }
##checking the permissible y values      
   if (!family$y.valid(y)) # MS Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 16:30 
       stop( "response variable out of range")
## this part is used if start.from is used as argument
##------------start.from fitted model--------
   if (!is.gamlss(start.from))  
               stop(paste("The object in start.from is not a gamlss object", "\n", ""))
       mu.start <- NULL
    sigma.start <- NULL
       nu.start <- NULL
      tau.start <- NULL
    ##               location model
    if ("mu"%in%start.from$parameters)
         mu.start <- start.from$mu.fv
    ##               scale-dispersion submodel
    if ("sigma"%in%start.from$parameters) 
      sigma.start <- start.from$sigma.fv
    ##               nu submodel
    if ("nu"%in%start.from$parameters)
         nu.start <- start.from$nu.fv
    ##               tau submodel
    if ("tau"%in%start.from$parameters)
        tau.start <- start.from$tau.fv 
## checking the parameter.fix
if (!is.logical(mu.fix)) stop("mu.fix should be logical TRUE or FALSE")
if (!is.logical(sigma.fix)) stop("sigma.fix should be logical TRUE or FALSE")
if (!is.logical(nu.fix)) stop("nu.fix should be logical TRUE or FALSE")
if (!is.logical(tau.fix)) stop("tau.fix should be logical TRUE or FALSE")
## extract the weights
          w <- model.extract(mu.frame, weights) # weights for the likelihood
         if(is.null(w))   w <- rep(1, N)
         else if(any(w < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") #
      #   else if (!all(trunc(w)==w)) warning("weights should be integer values \n",
      #         " indicating number of observations with identical values \n") #
##  Set up location-mean submodel:
##             mu.X   design matrix
##        mu.offset   offset in linear predictor
##         mu.start   starting values for mu (optional)
        mu.fit <- list() # MS Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 14:46
    mu.formula <- formula # ms Wednesday, December 29, 2004 
      mu.terms <- attr(mu.frame, "terms") #   it peeks up the terms attribute 
  mu.smoothers <- get.smoothers(mu.terms)  
          mu.a <- attributes(mu.terms)   #  from the model.frame
          mu.X <- model.matrix(mu.terms, mu.frame, contrasts) # the mean model matrix
     mu.offset <- model.extract(mu.frame, offset) # the mean-location offset
      if(is.null(mu.offset))     mu.offset <- rep(0,N)
mu.object <- get.object("mu") 
     formals(mu.object$dldp, envir=new.env()) <- alist(mu = fv) # this is to get the right GLIM arguments 
   formals(mu.object$d2ldp2, envir=new.env()) <- alist(mu = fv) # 
     formals(mu.object$G.di, envir=new.env()) <- alist(mu = fv) #
    formals(mu.object$valid, envir=new.env()) <- alist(mu = fv) #
## initial values for mu
        { mu <- if(length(mu.start)>1) mu.start  else rep(mu.start,N)}
  else (eval(family$mu.initial)) #MS: Friday, March 29, 2002 at 11:27
##  Set up dispersion-scale submodel:
##           sigma.X   design matrix
##           sigma.offset   offset in linear predictor
##       sigma.start   starting values for sigma (optional)
if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters)) 
    orig.Envir  <- attr(mcall$formula, ".Environment")    # DS fix for Willem Thursday, March 18, 2010
      sigma.fit <- list() # MS Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 14:48    
     form.sigma <- other.formula(form = sigma.formula) 
    sigma.terms <- if(missing(data)) terms(form.sigma, specials = .gamlss.sm.list) 
                   else terms(form.sigma, specials = .gamlss.sm.list, data = data)       
  mcall$formula <- sigma.terms
  attr(mcall$formula, ".Environment") <- orig.Envir # DS fix for Willem Thursday, March 18, 2010
    sigma.frame <- eval(mcall,sys.parent())    
    sigma.terms <- attr(sigma.frame, "terms")  
sigma.smoothers <- get.smoothers(sigma.terms)  
        sigma.a <- attributes(sigma.terms)      
        sigma.X <- model.matrix(sigma.terms, sigma.frame, contrasts) 
   sigma.offset <- model.extract(sigma.frame, offset) 
     if(is.null(sigma.offset))   sigma.offset <- rep(0,N)
sigma.object <- get.object("sigma")      
     formals(sigma.object$dldp, envir=new.env()) <- alist(sigma = fv) # 
   formals(sigma.object$d2ldp2, envir=new.env()) <- alist(sigma = fv) # 
     formals(sigma.object$G.di, envir=new.env()) <- alist(sigma = fv) #
    formals(sigma.object$valid, envir=new.env()) <- alist(sigma = fv) #
        formals(family$d2ldmdd, envir=new.env()) <- alist(sigma=sigma)#  ?? I do not think is needed
## initial values for sigma
        sigma <- if(length(sigma.start)>1) sigma.start else rep(sigma.start,N)
   else eval(family$sigma.initial)  # 
##  Set up for the 3rd parameter submodel:
##            nu.X   design matrix
##       nu.offset   offset in linear predictor
##        nu.start   starting values for nu (optional)
if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters))
          nu.fit <- list() # MS Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 14:48    
         form.nu <- other.formula(form = nu.formula)  
        nu.terms <- if(missing(data)) terms(form.nu, specials = .gamlss.sm.list) 
                    else terms(form.nu, specials = .gamlss.sm.list, data = data)
   mcall$formula <- nu.terms
   attr(mcall$formula, ".Environment") <- orig.Envir # DS fix for Willem Thursday, March 18, 2010
        nu.frame <- eval(mcall,sys.parent()) # ms Saturday, April 6, 2002 at 10:23   
        nu.terms <- attr(nu.frame, "terms")  
            nu.a <- attributes(nu.terms)   
    nu.smoothers <- get.smoothers(nu.terms)  
            nu.X <- model.matrix(form.nu, nu.frame, contrasts) 
       nu.offset <- model.extract(nu.frame, offset)
       if(is.null(nu.offset))  nu.offset <- rep(0,N)
       nu.object <- get.object("nu")      
     formals(nu.object$dldp, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = fv) # this is to get the right GLIM argument
   formals(nu.object$d2ldp2, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = fv) #    
     formals(nu.object$G.di, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = fv) #
    formals(nu.object$valid, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = fv) # 
     formals(family$d2ldmdv, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = nu)
     formals(family$d2ldddv, envir=new.env()) <- alist(nu = nu) 
## initial values for nu 
        {nu <- if(length(nu.start)>1) nu.start  else rep(nu.start,N)}
     else { eval(family$nu.initial) } # 
##  Set up for the 4rd parameter submodel:
##            tau.X   design matrix
##       tau.offset   offset in linear predictor
##        tau.start   starting values for tau (optional)
if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters))  
       tau.fit <- list() # MS Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 14:48
      form.tau <- other.formula(form = tau.formula)  
     tau.terms <- if(missing(data)) terms(form.tau, specials = .gamlss.sm.list) 
                  else terms(form.tau, specials = .gamlss.sm.list, data = data)
 mcall$formula <- tau.terms
   attr(mcall$formula, ".Environment") <- orig.Envir # DS fix for Willem Thursday, March 18, 2010
     tau.frame <- eval(mcall,sys.parent())
     tau.terms <- attr(tau.frame, "terms") # 
         tau.a <- attributes(tau.terms)   #
 tau.smoothers <- get.smoothers(tau.terms)  
         tau.X <- model.matrix(form.tau, tau.frame, contrasts) 
    tau.offset <- model.extract(tau.frame, offset) 
      if(is.null(tau.offset))  tau.offset <- rep(0,N) 
    tau.object <- get.object("tau")      
     formals(tau.object$dldp, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = fv) # 
   formals(tau.object$d2ldp2, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = fv) # 
     formals(tau.object$G.di, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = fv) #
    formals(tau.object$valid, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = fv) #
      formals(family$d2ldmdt, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = tau)
      formals(family$d2ldddt, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = tau)  
      formals(family$d2ldvdt, envir=new.env()) <- alist(tau = tau) 
## initial values for tau
        {tau <- if(length(tau.start)>1)  tau.start  else rep(tau.start,N)}
  else { eval(family$tau.initial) } # 
##  Checking whether proper algorithm  (RS, CG or mixed) 
                name.method <- substitute(method)
                name.method <- deparse(name.method[1])
               list.methods <- c("RS()","CG()","mixed()")
                   i.method <- pmatch(name.method,list.methods,nomatch=0)
                if(!i.method) stop("Method must be RS(), CG() or mixed()")
## fitting the model
fiter <- 0
conv <- eval(substitute(method))
method <- substitute(method)
##  Getting the GAMLSS object out
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## first the general output 
## calculate the Global deviance again
      G.dev.incr  <- eval(G.dev.expr)
            G.dev <- sum(w*G.dev.incr)
              out <- list(family = family$family, parameters = names(family$parameters), 
                          call = gamlsscall, y = y, control = control, weights = w, 
                          G.deviance = G.dev, N = N, rqres = family$rqres, iter = fiter, 
                          type = family$type, method = method, contrasts = contrasts) 
                           #, na.action=na.act
    out$converged <- conv  
    out$residuals <- eval(family$rqres)
            noObs <- if(all(trunc(w)==w)) sum(w) else N 
        out$noObs <- noObs
## binomial denominator 
if(any(family$family%in%.gamlss.bi.list))  out$bd <- bd        
 saveParam <- control$save
##  Output for mean model: ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ("mu"%in%names(family$parameters))
           out <- c(out, mu = parameterOut(what="mu", save=saveParam))
                    out$mu.df <- 0
## define now the degrees of freedom for the fit and residuals
     out$df.fit <- out$mu.df
       out$pen <- out$mu.pen
out$df.residual <- noObs-out$mu.df
## Output for dispersion model: ----------------------------------------------------------
if ("sigma"%in%names(family$parameters))
            out <- c(out, sigma = parameterOut(what="sigma", save=saveParam) )  
     out$df.fit <- out$mu.df + out$sigma.df
        out$pen <- out$mu.pen + out$sigma.pen
out$df.residual <- noObs-out$mu.df-out$sigma.df
##  output for nu ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("nu"%in%names(family$parameters))
            out <- c(out, nu = parameterOut(what="nu", save=saveParam) ) 
     out$df.fit <- out$mu.df+out$sigma.df+out$nu.df
out$df.residual <- noObs-out$mu.df-out$sigma.df-out$nu.df
        out$pen <- out$mu.pen + out$sigma.pen + out$nu.pen
##  output for tau -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("tau"%in%names(family$parameters))
            out <- c(out, tau = parameterOut(what="tau", save=saveParam) )       
     out$df.fit <- out$mu.df+out$sigma.df+out$nu.df+out$tau.df
        out$pen <- out$mu.pen + out$sigma.pen + out$nu.pen + out$tau.pen
out$df.residual <- noObs-out$mu.df-out$sigma.df- out$nu.df -out$tau.df
          out$P.deviance <- out$G.deviance+out$pen # ms Thursday, May 13, 2004 
          out$aic <- G.dev+2*out$df.fit 
          out$sbc <- G.dev+log(noObs)*out$df.fit 
                                                   #MS Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 11:26
        #  if ((ls(1,pattern="fiter")=="fiter")) rm(fiter, envir = as.environment(1)) 
                                                  #MS Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 17:52
       class(out) <- c("gamlss","gam","glm","lm")
##                          the END of gamlss                                         

##                         control gamlss                                            
gamlss.control <- function(c.crit = 0.001, n.cyc = 20, mu.step = 1, sigma.step=1, 
                           nu.step=1, tau.step=1, gd.tol = Inf, iter=0, trace = TRUE, 
                           autostep = TRUE, save = TRUE,  ...)
##  Control iteration for GAMLSS
##  Mikis Stasinopoulos Monday, March 25, 2002 at 16:17
## last change Thursday, October 12, 2006 save is added
        if(c.crit <= 0) {
warning("the value of c.crit supplied is zero or negative the default value of 0.001 was used instead")
                c.crit <- 0.001}
        if(n.cyc < 1) {
warning("the value of no cycles supplied is zero or negative the default value of 20 was used instead")
                n.cyc <- 20}
        if(iter < 0) {
warning("the value of no iterations  supplied is  negative the default value of 0 was used instead")
                iter <- 0}
    if(mu.step > 1 | mu.step < 0) {
warning("the value of mu.step supplied is less than zero or more than one the default value of 1 was used instead")
                mu.step <- 1}
                    if(sigma.step > 1 | sigma.step < 0) {
warning("the value of sigma.step supplied is less than zero or more than one the default value of 1 was used instead")
                sigma.step <- 1}
                    if(nu.step > 1 | nu.step < 0) {
warning("the value of nu.step supplied is less than zero or more than one the default value of 1 was used instead")
                nu.step <- 1}
                    if(tau.step > 1 | tau.step < 0) {
warning("the value of tau.step supplied is less than zero or more than one the default value of 1 was used instead")
                tau.step <- 1} 
                    if(gd.tol < 0) {
warning("the value of gd.tol supplied is less than zero the default value of Inf was used instead")
                gd.tol <- Inf}                            
        list(c.crit = c.crit, n.cyc = n.cyc, mu.step = mu.step, sigma.step = sigma.step, nu.step=nu.step, 
             tau.step = tau.step, gd.tol = gd.tol, iter = iter, trace = as.logical(trace)[1],
              autostep = as.logical(autostep)[1], save = as.logical(save)[1] )

glim.control <- function(cc = 0.001, cyc = 50, glm.trace = FALSE,  bf.cyc = 30, #  step = 1,
                         bf.tol = 0.001, bf.trace = FALSE, ...)
##  Control iteration for GLIM
##  MS  Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 19:18
        if(cc <= 0) {
warning("the value of cc supplied is zero or negative the default value of 0.001 was used instead")
                cc <- 0.001}
        if(bf.tol <= 0) {
warning("the value of bf.tol supplied is zero or negative the default value of 0.001 was used instead")
                bf.tol <- 0.001}                
        if(cyc < 1) {
warning("the value of cyc supplied is zero or negative the default value of 20 was used instead")
                cyc <- 20}
        if(bf.cyc < 1) {
warning("the value of bf.cyc supplied is zero or negative the default value of 30 was used instead")
                bf.cyc <- 30}                
#        if(step > 1 | step < 0) {
# warning("the value of step supplied is less than zero or more than one the default value of 1 was used instead")
#                step <- 1}        
        list(cc = cc, cyc = cyc,  glm.trace = as.logical(glm.trace)[1], bf.cyc = bf.cyc, # step = step,
             bf.tol = bf.tol, bf.trace = as.logical(bf.trace)[1] )# MS Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 17:53
mstasinopoulos/GAMLSS-original documentation built on July 3, 2024, 9:43 p.m.