aregreys = function(x) {
all(get_hcl_matrix(x)[,2] < 1)
# ensure the diagonal are pure greys
convert2grey = function(x) {
greys = rowSums(attr(colorspace::hex2RGB(x), "coords")) / 3
rgb(greys, greys, greys)
create_biv_palette = function(palette, biv.method) {
if (!(biv.method %in% c("div2seqseq", "div2catseq", "seq2uncseq", "byrow", "bycol"))) {
# test 2 digits
n = suppressWarnings(as.integer(substr(biv.method, nchar(biv.method)-1, nchar(biv.method))))
if ( {
n = as.integer(substr(biv.method, nchar(biv.method), nchar(biv.method)))
biv.method = substr(biv.method, 1, nchar(biv.method) - 1)
} else {
biv.method = substr(biv.method, 1, nchar(biv.method) - 2)
if (!(biv.method %in% c("div2seqseq", "byrow", "bycol"))) stop("Invalid biv.method", call. = FALSE)
} else {
np = length(palette)
if (biv.method == "div2seqseq") {
if ((np %% 2) != 1) stop("n is even but should be odd", call. = FALSE)
n = (np - 1L)/2 + 1L
m = n
} else if (biv.method == "div2catseq") {
if ((np %% 2) != 1) stop("n is even but should be odd", call. = FALSE)
n = (np - 1L)/2 + 1L
m = n - 1L
} else if (biv.method == "seq2uncseq") {
n = np
m = 5
} else {
n = round(sqrt(length(palette)))
m = round(length(palette) / n)
if ((n * m) != length(palette)) stop("Please set the biv.method to \"", biv.method, "X\", where X is the number of columns", call. = FALSE)
if (biv.method == "div2seqseq") {
a = get_hcl_matrix(palette)
# hue matrix
h1 = matrix(a[n:1, 1], nrow = n, ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)
h2 = matrix(a[n:np, 1], nrow = n, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
h = matrix(a[n, 1], nrow = n, ncol = n)
h[lower.tri(h)] = h1[lower.tri(h)]
h[upper.tri(h)] = h2[upper.tri(h)]
# chroma matrix
cr1 = a[n:1, 2]
cr2 = a[n:np, 2]
cr = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 2:n) {
cr[i, 1:i] = seq(cr1[i], 0, length.out = i)
cr[1:i, i] = seq(cr2[i], 0, length.out = i)
# limunance matrix
la1 = a[n:1, 3]
la2 = a[n:np, 3]
la0 = (la1 + la2) / 2
la0b = local({
x = 1:n
y = la0
fit2 <- stats::lm(y~poly(x,2,raw=TRUE))
xx <- seq(1,n*sqrt(2),length.out=n)
stats::predict(fit2, data.frame(x=xx))
l = matrix(la0[1], nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 2:n) {
l[i, 1:i] = seq(la1[i], la0b[i], length.out = i)
l[1:i, i] = seq(la2[i], la0b[i], length.out = i)
l[l<0] = 0
l[l>100] = 100
# l = matrix(la0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
# l1 = t(mapply(seq, la1, la0, length.out = n))
# l2 = mapply(seq, la2, la0, length.out = n)
# l[lower.tri(l)] = l1[lower.tri(l1)]
# l[upper.tri(l)] = l2[upper.tri(l2)]
mat = t(matrix(, list(h = h, c = cr, l = l)), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE))
diag(mat) = convert2grey(diag(mat))
} else if (biv.method == "div2catseq") {
a = get_hcl_matrix(palette)
l1 = a[m:1, 3]
l2 = a[(m+2):np, 3]
l0 = (l1 + l2) / 2
h1 = a[m:1, 1]
h2 = a[(m+2):np, 1]
c1 = a[m:1, 2]
c2 = a[(m+2):np, 2]
h = matrix(c(h1, h1, h1, h2, h2), ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)
cr = matrix(c(c1, c1/2, rep(0,m), c2/2, c2), ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)
l = matrix(c(l1, (l1+l0)/2, l0, (l2+l0)/2, l2), ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)
mat = matrix(, list(h = h, c = cr, l = l)), ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)
# convert middle col to pure greys if they are
mid_col = mat[, (n+1)/2]
if (aregreys(mid_col)) {
mat[, (n+1)/2] = convert2grey(mid_col)
} else if (biv.method == "seq2uncseq") {
a = get_hcl_matrix(palette)
b = a
b[,2] = 0
pa = grDevices::hcl(h = a[,1], c = a[,2], l = a[,3])
pb = grDevices::hcl(h = b[,1], c = b[,2], l = b[,3])
pb = convert2grey(pb)
unname(, mapply(function(ca, cb) {
colorRampPalette(c(ca, cb))(m)
}, pa, pb, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
} else {
matrix(palette, ncol = n, byrow = biv.method == "byrow")
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