
Defines functions plotNumCol

plotNumCol <- function(tCol, tab, vpTitle, vpGraph, vpLegend, showNumAxes, relative=FALSE, numMode=TRUE){
	## checks if device is Cario {cairoDevice}
	# drawContours <- TRUE
	if (relative && "marks.x.rel" %in% names(tCol)) {
		tCol[c("brokenX", "mean.diff.coor", "marks.labels", "marks.x", "xline", "widths", "x1", "x2")] <-
			tCol[c("brokenX.rel", "mean.diff.coor.rel", "marks.labels.rel", "marks.x.rel", "xline.rel", "widths.rel", "x1.rel", "x2.rel")]
	lgrey <- "#F0F0F0"	#brewer.pal(9,"Greys")[2]
	lred <- "#FEE0D2"	#brewer.pal(9,"Reds")[2]
	colorNA_num <- tCol$colorNA

	sign <- substr(tCol$paletname, 1, 1)=="-"
	palName <- ifelse(sign, substr(tCol$paletname, 2, nchar(tCol$paletname)), tCol$paletname)
	numpal <- tabplotPalettes$div[[palName]]
	if (sign) numpal <- rev(numpal)
	colors <- c(colorRampPalette(numpal[1:5],space="rgb")(100),
				NA, colorRampPalette(numpal[7:11],space="rgb")(100))
	cellplot(2,1,vpGraph, {		
		grid.rect(gp = gpar(col=lgrey,fill = lgrey))
		## bins with all missings
		missings <- which(tCol$compl==0)
		isNeg <- tCol$widths<0
		isNeg[is.na(isNeg)] <- FALSE
		ids <- tCol$compl * ifelse(isNeg, -1, 1) + 101
# 		## when cairoDevice is enabled, not only fill the bins with colors, but also color the contours
# 		if (drawContours) {
# 			cols <- colors[ids]
# 		} else {
# 			cols <- NA
# 		}
# 		if (drawContours) {
# 			cols <- colorNA_num
# 		} else {
# 			cols <- NA
# 		}
		sdb <- function() {
			#if (tCol$type=="compare") return(NULL)
			grid.rect( x = tCol$x1
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = tCol$x2 - tCol$x1
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[151], fill = colors[151], linejoin="mitre", lwd=0.01)
		sdl <- function() {
			#if (tCol$type=="compare") return(NULL)
			grid.rect( x = tCol$x1
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = 0
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[201], fill = NA))			
			grid.rect( x = tCol$x2
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = 0
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[201], fill = NA))			
		ml <- function() {
			grid.rect( x = rep(tCol$xline,tab$nBins)+tCol$widths
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = 0
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[201], fill = NA)
		MB <- function() {
			grid.rect( x = rep(tCol$xline,tab$nBins)
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = tCol$widths
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[ids], fill = colors[ids], linejoin="mitre", lwd=0.01))
		mb <- function() {
			grid.rect( x = rep(tCol$xline,tab$nBins)
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = tCol$widths
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[110], fill = colors[110], linejoin="mitre", lwd=0.01)
		ML <- function() {
			grid.rect( x = rep(tCol$xline,tab$nBins)+tCol$widths
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = 0
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[ifelse(isNeg, 1, 201)], fill = NA)
		ml <- function() {
			grid.rect( x = rep(tCol$xline,tab$nBins)+tCol$widths
					   , y = tab$rows$y
					   , width = 0
					   , height = tab$rows$heights
					   , just=c("left","bottom")
					   , gp = gpar(col=colors[201], fill = NA))
		lapply(numMode, do.call, args=list(), envir=environment())
		## plot bins with all missings as light red
		if (length(missings>0)) {
			grid.rect( x = rep(0, length(missings))
					 , y = tab$rows$y[missings]
					 , width =  rep(1, length(missings))
					 , height = tab$rows$heights[missings]
					 , just=c("left","bottom")
					 , gp = gpar(fill = colorNA_num, col=colorNA_num, linejoin="mitre", lwd=0.01)

		## plot grid lines
		if (showNumAxes && length(tCol$marks.x)) 
					  gp=gpar(col="black", alpha=0.1))
		## plot broken x-axis
		if (tCol$brokenX != 0) {
			blX <- ifelse(tCol$brokenX==1, 0.15, 0.85)
			blW <- 0.05
			grid.rect(x=blX, width=blW, gp = gpar(col=NA,fill = lgrey))
			grid.polyline( x= blX + rep(c(-.5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01), .5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01)), 2)
						 , y = c(rep(c(-0.01, 0.01), 2), rep(c(0.99, 1.01), 2))
						 , id = rep(1:4,each=2), gp=gpar(col="white", lwd=3))
			grid.polyline(x= blX + rep(c(-.5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01), .5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01)), 2),
				y = c(rep(c(-0.01, 0.01), 2), rep(c(0.99, 1.01), 2)), 
				id = rep(1:4,each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=1))
	if (showNumAxes && length(tCol$marks.x)) cellplot(3,1,vpLegend, {
		brokenX <- tCol$brokenX
		marks <- tCol$marks.labels
		marks.x <- tCol$marks.x
		marksLab <- markLabels(marks, brokenX=brokenX)
		markLabels <- marksLab$markLabels
		stepLabel <- marksLab$stepLabel
		interceptLabel <- marksLab$interceptLabel
		showLabels <- marksLab$showLabels
		## plot broken x-axis
		if (brokenX != 0) {
			blX <- ifelse(brokenX==1, 0.15, 0.85)
			blW <- 0.05
			grid.polyline(x= blX + c(-.5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01), .5 * blW + c(-0.01, 0.01)), 
						  y = rep(c(0.97, 1.03), 2), 
						  id = rep(1:2,each=2), gp=gpar(lwd=1))
			grid.polyline(x=c(0, ifelse(brokenX==1, 0.125, 0.825),
							  ifelse(brokenX==1, 0.175, 0.875), 1), 
		} else {
			grid.lines(y=c(1, 1))

		grid.text(markLabels[showLabels],x=marks.x[showLabels], y=0.93, 
		add <- paste(stepLabel, interceptLabel, 
					 sep=ifelse(stepLabel=="" || 
					 		   	interceptLabel=="","", "\n"))
		grid.text(add,x=0.5, y=0.83, 
				  just=c("center", "top"),
mtennekes/tabplot documentation built on March 8, 2021, 6:11 p.m.