
Defines functions .data_n_elts .abbreviate_names colTibble rowTibble constant brief

Documented in brief colTibble constant rowTibble

.data_n_elts <-
    vapply(x, function(column) length(unique(column)), integer(1))

#' @importFrom utils head tail
.abbreviate_names <-
    function(x, map = FALSE)

    nms <- names(x)
    ## allow for trailing punctation -- only split if the next
    ## charcter is not from punct other than at end of line
    elts <- strsplit(nms, "[[:punct:]]+(?=[^[:punct:]])", perl = TRUE)
    seps <- regmatches(nms, gregexpr("[[:punct:]]+(?=[^$])", nms, perl=TRUE))

    repeat {
        lens <- lengths(elts)
        if (all(lens == 1L))
        abbrev <- lapply(elts, tail, 1)
        tbl <- table(unlist(abbrev))
        unique <- unlist(abbrev) %in% names(tbl)[tbl == 1L] |
            lengths(seps) == 0L
        elts[unique] <- abbrev[unique]
        elts[!unique] <- Map(function(elt, sep) {
            c(head(elt, -2), paste0(tail(elt, 2), collapse=sep))
        }, elts[!unique], lapply(seps[!unique], tail, 1))
        seps <- lapply(seps, head, -1L)

    elts <- as.character(unlist(elts)) # as.character for length(x) == 0
    if (map) {
        tibble(name = nms, abbrev = elts)
    } else elts

#' Helper functions for simplifying colData
#' @rdname tbl_utilities
#' @description `colTibble()` creates a tibble from `colData()`
#' @param sce a `SummarizedExperiment` or derived object, e.g., a
#'     `SingleCellExperiment`.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `as_tibble()`, e.g., to
#'     map rownames to a column.
#' @return `colTibble()` returns a tibble representation of
#'     `colData()`.
#' @export
colTibble <-
    function(sce, ...)
    stopifnot(is(sce, "SummarizedExperiment"))

    as_tibble(colData(sce), ...)

#' @rdname tbl_utilities
#' @return `rowTibble() returns a tibble representation of
#'     `rowData()`.
#' @export
rowTibble <-
    function(sce, ...)
    stopifnot(is(sce, "SummarizedExperiment"))

    as_tibble(rowData(sce), ...)

#' @rdname tbl_utilities
#' @description `constant()` scans `colData()` columns to
#'     identify those with a single distinct value.
#' @param .data A `data.frame()` or `tibble()`.
#' @return `constant()` returns a two-column tibble. The first column,
#'     `key` corresponds to `colData()` column names for which only a
#'     single distinct value is present. The second column `value` is
#'     the unique value.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment rowData colData
#' @export
constant <-

    n <- .data_n_elts(.data)
    .data <- .data[n == 1L]
    value <- sapply(.data, unique)
    column <- names(.data)
    tibble(column, value)

#' @rdname tbl_utilities
#' @description `brief()` produces a subset of `colData()`
#'     columns which contain more than one distinct value.
#' @param abbreviate_names logical(1) when `TRUE`, abbreviate column
#'     names to the shortests common 'word' (using `[[:punct:]]+` as
#'     separators) suffixes. E.g., column names `"a.b.c"` and `d.e.c`
#'     would abbreviate to `b.c` and `e.c`.
#' @return `brief()` returns a tibble containing only those
#'     `colData()` columns with more than one value, and with (by
#'     default) column names abbreviated to the shortests common
#'     'word' (using `[[:punct:]]+` as separators) suffixes.
#' @export
brief <-
    function(.data, abbreviate_names = TRUE)

    n <- .data_n_elts(.data)
    tbl <- as_tibble(.data[, n != 1L, drop = FALSE])
    if (abbreviate_names)
        names(tbl) <- .abbreviate_names(tbl)

mtmorgan/HCAmtxzip documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 12:26 p.m.