#' @rdname check_convergence
#' @param target_stats,stats_statmat See [ergmito_formulae].
#' @param threshold Numeric scalar. Confidence range for flagging an observed
#' statistic as potentially near the boundary.
#' @param warn logical scalar.
check_support <- function(
threshold = .8,
warn = TRUE
) {
res <- structure(
names = colnames(target_stats)
# In the case of failing to converge, this tells what should be
# the best guess for the sign of Inf.
possible_sign <- double(ncol(target_stats))
for (k in 1L:ncol(target_stats)) {
# Looking for not in the interior at the k-th parameter
stat_range <- lapply(stats_statmat, "[", i=, j = k, drop = TRUE)
stat_range <- lapply(stat_range, range)
stat_range <- do.call(rbind, stat_range)
res[k] <- mean(
(target_stats[, k] - stat_range[,1L])/
(stat_range[, 2L] - stat_range[, 1L] + 1e-20)
# If on average is less than .5, then is negative, otherwise
# is positive.
possible_sign[k] <- ifelse(res[k] < .5, -1, 1)
attr(res, "threshold") <- threshold
test <- which((res >= threshold) | (res <= threshold))
if (length(test)) {
if (warn)
warning_ergmito("The observed statistics (target.statistics) are near or at the ",
"boundary of its support, i.e. the Maximum Likelihood Estimates may",
"not exist or be hard to be estimated. In particular,",
" the statistic(s) \"", paste(names(res)[test], collapse="\", \""),
"\".", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
attr(res, "interior") <- FALSE
attr(res, "which") <- test
attr(res, "sign") <- possible_sign
} else {
attr(res, "interior") <- TRUE
attr(res, "which") <- NULL
attr(res, "sign") <- possible_sign
#' This is used to generate notes
#' @noRd
`00` = NULL,
`01` = "optim converged, but the Hessian is not p.s.d.",
`10` = "optim did not converged, but the estimates look OK.",
`11` = "optim did not converged, and the Hessian is not p.s.d.",
`20` = "A subset of the parameters estimates was replaced with +/-Inf.",
`21` = paste(
"A subset of the parameters estimates was replaced with +/-Inf, ",
"and the Hessian matrix is not p.s.d."
`30` = "All parameters went to +/-Inf suggesting that the MLE may not exists.",
`31` = "All parameters went to +/-Inf suggesting that the MLE may not exists. Also, the Hessian is not p.s.d."
map_convergence_message <- function(x) {
CONVERGENCE_DICTIONARY[[sprintf("%02d", x)]]
#' Check the convergence of ergmito estimates
#' This is an internal function used to check the convergence of the optim function.
#' @param optim_output A list output from the [stats::optim] function.
#' @param model An object of class [ergmito_loglik].
#' @param support As returned by `check_support`.
#' @param crit Numeric scalar. Level at which a parameter estimate
#' will be questioned.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' - `par` Updated set of parameters
#' - `vcov` Updated variance-covariance matrix
#' - `valid` Vector of integers with the parameters that are marked as OK.
#' - `status` Return code of the analysis. See details.
#' - `note` A note describing the status.
#' @section Return codes:
#' The function makes an analysis of the outcome of the model and makes the corresponding
#' adjustments when required. In particular, we check:
#' 1. Whether the optimization algorithm converged or not
#' 2. If the obtained estimates maximize the function. If this is not the case,
#' the function checks whether the MLE may not exist. This usually happens
#' when the log-likelihood function can improve by making increments to parameters
#' that are already tagged as large. If the ll improves, then the value is
#' replaced with `Inf` (+- depending on the sign of the parameter).
#' 3. If the Hessian is semi-positive-definite, i.e. if it is invertible. If it
#' is not, it usually means that the function did not converged, in which
#' case we will use [MASS::ginv] instead.
#' The return codes are composed of two numbers, the first number gives information
#' regarding of the parameter estimates, while the second number give information
#' about the variance-covariance matrix.
#' Column 1:
#' - 0: Converged and estimates at the max.
#' - 1: It did not converged, but I see no issue in the max.
#' - 2: One or more estimates went to +/-Inf
#' - 3: All went to hell. All estimates went to +/-Inf
#' Column 2:
#' - 0: Hessian is p.s.d.
#' - 1: Hessian is not not p.s.d.
#' Possible codes and corresponding messages:
#' - 00 All OK (no message).
#' - 01 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(01)}.
#' - 10 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(10)}.
#' - 11 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(11)}.
#' - 20 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(20)}.
#' - 21 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(21)}.
#' - 30 \Sexpr{ergmito:::map_convergence_message(30)}.
#' @keywords Internal
check_convergence <- function(
crit = 5.0
) {
# Baseline check... we are passing the right type.
if (!inherits(model, "ergmito_loglik"))
"`model` has to be an object of class \"ergmito_loglik\". This is an ",
"internal function, are you sure you want to use this directly?.",
call. = TRUE
# Checking values of the convergence
to_check <- c(
which(abs(optim_output$par) > crit),
attr(support, "which")
to_check <- sort(unique(to_check))
k <- length(optim_output$par)
estimates <- list(
par = structure(optim_output$par, names = model$term_names),
vcov = matrix(
0.0, nrow = k, ncol = k,
dimnames = with(model, list(term_names, term_names))
valid = 1L:k,
status = ifelse(optim_output$convergence == 0L, 0L, 1L),
note = NULL,
ll = optim_output$value
# We will update this later
# estimates$vcov[] <- optim_output$hessian
estimates$vcov[] <- model$hess(optim_output$par)
# Step 1: Checking parameter estimates ---------------------------------------
if (length(to_check)) {
# Should we replace with Inf?
newpars <- optim_output$par
modified <- NULL
for (i in to_check) {
# Near to 0/1 should always be set as infinite
if ((support[i] <= 1e-10) | (support[i] >= (1 - 1e-10))) {
newpars[i] <- attr(support, "sign")[i] *Inf
modified <- c(modified, i)
# Updating parameters, if needed
estimates$par[] <- newpars
estimates$valid <- setdiff(estimates$valid, modified)
if (length(modified)) {
# Updating the hessian matrix. We cannot use infite values for this step
# since optimHess will return with an error. That's why we just use a
# very large value instead
newpars <- estimates$par
newpars[!is.finite(newpars)] <- sign(newpars[!is.finite(newpars)]) * 100
estimates$vcov[] <- model$hess(newpars)
estimates$vcov[!is.finite(estimates$par),] <- 0
estimates$vcov[,!is.finite(estimates$par)] <- 0
# The observed likelihood will change as well, it may be the case that it
# becomes undefined b/c of the fact that 0 * Inf = NaN, yet the right
# value is well defined
estimates$ll <- model$loglik(newpars)
# Are we in hell?
if (!length(estimates$valid)) {
"All parameters went to +-Inf. This suggests the MLE may not exist.",
call. = FALSE
estimates$status <- 30L
} else if (length(modified)) {
estimates$status <- 20L
# Step 2: Checking variance cov-matrix ---------------------------------------
# Trying to compute the variance co-variance matrix, on the right ones.
vcov. <- tryCatch(solve(-estimates$vcov), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(vcov., "error")) {
# Trying to estimate using the Generalized Inverse
vcov. <- tryCatch(MASS::ginv(-estimates$vcov), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(vcov., "error"))
estimates$vcov[] <- NA
estimates$vcov[] <- vcov.
# Wasn't able to fully estimate it...
estimates$status <- estimates$status + 1L
} else {
estimates$vcov[] <- vcov.
# Returning, asis
estimates$note <- map_convergence_message(estimates$status)
#' Possible problems:
#' - The sufficient statistics lay too proximate to the boundaries of its
#' support. For example a triadic term has been included in a model in which
#' the observed graph has either zero or the max number of possible triads.
#' If this happens, it a lot of times it could be that the MLE does not exists.
#' - A multi-modal distribution: This makes the maximization problem hard in
#' terms of finding a global maximum.
#' Flags:
#' - Not semi-positive definite Hessian: The global has not been found. Most of
#' the cases it could be related to a model with a set of sufficient statistics
#' near the boundary
#' - Parameters estimate too big. Anything outside of 5 is a candidate for a
#' problem in the function.
#' - Maximum number of iterations reached: This is related to the previous
#' situation. If the sufficient statistics are near the boundary of the
#' support, then in many cases the theoretical optimum lies at +/-Infinite.
#' @noRd
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