
Defines functions set_fs_subj_dir fs_subj_dir fs_imgext get_fs_output have_fs fs_dir freesurfer_dir freesurferdir get_fs

Documented in freesurferdir freesurfer_dir fs_dir fs_imgext fs_subj_dir get_fs get_fs_output have_fs set_fs_subj_dir

#' @title Create command declaring FREESURFER_HOME
#' @description Finds the Freesurfer from system environment or \code{getOption("freesurfer.path")}
#' for location of Freesurfer functions
#' @param bin_app Should \code{bin} be added to the freesurfer path? 
#' All executables are assumed to be in \code{FREESURFER_HOME/bin/}.  If not, and 
#' \code{bin_app = ""}, they will be assumed to be in \code{FREESURFER_HOME/}.
#' @note This will use \code{Sys.getenv("FREESURFER_HOME")} before \code{getOption("freesurfer.path")}.
#' If the directory is not found for Freesurfer in \code{Sys.getenv("FreesurferDIR")} and 
#' \code{getOption("freesurfer.path")}, it will try the default directory \code{/usr/local/freesurfer}.
#' @return NULL if Freesurfer in path, or bash code for setting up Freesurfer DIR
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (have_fs()) {
#' get_fs()
#' }
get_fs = function(bin_app = c("bin", "mni/bin", "")) {
  cmd = NULL
  freesurferdir = Sys.getenv("FREESURFER_HOME")
  if (!is.null(freesurferdir) && 
      !file.exists(freesurferdir) &&
      !freesurferdir %in% "") {
    warning("FREESURFER_HOME is set but it does not exist!")
  if (is.null(freesurferdir)) {
    freesurferdir = ""
  add_home = FALSE
  if (freesurferdir == "") {
    add_home = TRUE
    bin_app = match.arg(bin_app)
    freesurferdir = getOption("freesurfer.path")
    ## Will try a default directory (/usr/local/freesurfer) if nothing else
    if (is.null(freesurferdir)) {
      #### adding in "/usr/share/freesurfer/5.0" for NeuroDeb
      def_paths = c("/usr/local/freesurfer", "/Applications/freesurfer",
      for (def_path in def_paths) {
        if (file.exists(def_path)) {
          warning(paste0("Setting freesurfer.path to ", def_path))
          options(freesurfer.path = def_path)
          freesurferdir = def_path
    # bin = "bin"
    bin_app = paste0(bin_app, "/")
    # if (!add_bin) {
    #   bin_app = bin = ""
    # }
    freesurferout = get_fs_output()
    # lic_file = file.path(freesurferdir, "license.txt")
    # if (!file.exists(lic_file)) {
    #   try_lic_file = file.path(freesurferdir, "LICENSE")
    #   if (file.exists(try_lic_file)) {
    #     file.copy(from = try_lic_file, to = lic_file, overwrite = FALSE)
    #   }
    # }
    cmd = NULL
    # Need to fix PERL startup 
    if (grepl("mni", bin_app)) {
      mni_dir = file.path(freesurferdir, "mni")
      start_up = list.files(pattern = "MNI[.]pm", 
                            path = mni_dir, 
                            full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
      if (length(start_up) > 1) {
        start_up = start_up[1]
        warning("First MNI.pm file found used");
      if (length(start_up) == 0) {
        warning("MNI startup file not found, trying MNI function anyway ")
        cmd = NULL
      } else {
        start_up = dirname(start_up)
        cmd = paste0("export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:", start_up, " ; ")
  shfile = file.path(freesurferdir, "FreeSurferEnv.sh")
  sourcer = getOption("freesurfer_source_function")
  if (is.null(sourcer) || sourcer %in% "") {
    # Tries to 
    # fix https://github.com/muschellij2/freesurfer/issues/9
    try_sourcer = function(sourcer) {
      sh_file_cmd = ifelse(
        paste0(sourcer, " ", shQuote(shfile), 
               ifelse(grepl('"', sourcer), '"', ""), 
               "; "), "") 
      source_test = paste0(
        "export FREESURFER_HOME=", shQuote(freesurferdir), "; ", 
      res = suppressWarnings({
        system(source_test, intern = FALSE, 
               ignore.stdout = FALSE, 
               ignore.stderr = TRUE)
    sourcer_options = c("source", "bash -c \"source", ".")
    sourcer_results = sapply(sourcer_options, try_sourcer) == 0
    if (!any(sourcer_results)) {
        "No sourcing seems to work for Freesurfer, using",
        " source"))
      sourcer = "bash -c \"source"
    } else {
      sourcer = names(sourcer_results)[sourcer_results][1]
    options(freesurfer_source_function = sourcer)
  # if (add_home && !grepl("reesurfer", Sys.getenv("PATH"))) {
  sh_file_cmd = ifelse(
    paste0(sourcer, " ", shQuote(shfile), 
           ifelse(grepl('"', sourcer), '"', ""), 
           " || true ; "), 
  sourcer_test = paste0(
           paste0("export FREESURFER_HOME=", shQuote(freesurferdir), "; "), 
  res = suppressWarnings({
    system(sourcer_test, intern = FALSE, 
           ignore.stdout = FALSE, 
           ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  if (res != 0) {
    sh_file_cmd = ""
  # } else {
  #   sh_file_cmd = ""
  # }
  cmd <- paste0(
           paste0("export FREESURFER_HOME=", shQuote(freesurferdir), "; "), 
  if (add_home) {
    freesurferout = get_fs_output()
    cmd = paste0(
      "FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT=", freesurferout, "; ", 
      "export FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT; ", 
      paste0("${FREESURFER_HOME}/", bin_app)
  if (!is.null(cmd)) {
    if (cmd == "") {
      cmd = NULL
  if (is.null(freesurferdir)) stop("Can't find Freesurfer")
  if (freesurferdir %in% "") stop("Can't find Freesurfer")
  if (!is.null(freesurferdir) && !file.exists(freesurferdir)) {
    stop("Can't find Freesurfer")
  fs_license = file.path(freesurferdir, "license.txt")
  if (!file.exists(fs_license)) {
    warning("Freesurfer is found, but no license!")

#' @title Get Freesurfer's Directory 
#' @description Finds the FREESURFER_HOME from system environment or 
#' \code{getOption("freesurfer.path")}
#' for location of Freesurfer functions and returns it
#' @return Character path
#' @aliases freesurfer_dir
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (have_fs()) {
#'  freesurferdir()
#'  freesurfer_dir()
#'  fs_dir()
#' }
freesurferdir = function(){
  freesurferdir = Sys.getenv("FREESURFER_HOME")
  if (freesurferdir == "") {
    x = get_fs()
    freesurferdir = getOption("freesurfer.path")

#' @rdname freesurferdir
#' @export
freesurfer_dir = function(){

#' @rdname freesurferdir
#' @export
fs_dir = function(){

#' @title Logical check if Freesurfer is accessible
#' @description Uses \code{get_fs} to check if FreesurferDIR is accessible or the option
#' \code{freesurfer.path} is set and returns logical
#' @param ... options to pass to \code{\link{get_fs}}
#' @param check_license Should a license file be checked to exist?
#' @return Logical TRUE is Freesurfer is accessible, FALSE if not
#' @export
#' @examples
#' have_fs()
have_fs = function(..., check_license = FALSE){
  freesurferdir = suppressWarnings(try(fs_dir(...), silent = TRUE))
  if (inherits(freesurferdir, "try-error")) {
  if (!file.exists(freesurferdir)) {
  if (check_license) {
    fs_license = file.path(freesurferdir, "license.txt")
    if (!file.exists(fs_license)) {

#' @title Determine Freesurfer output type
#' @description Finds the FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT from system environment or 
#' \code{getOption("fs.outputtype")} for output type (nii.gz, nii, ANALYZE,etc) 
#' @return FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT, such as nii.gz  If none found, uses nii.gz as default
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_fs_output()
get_fs_output = function(){
  fs_out = Sys.getenv("FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT")
  if (fs_out == "") {
    fs_out = getOption("fs.outputtype")
  if (is.null(fs_out)) {
    warning("Can't find FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT, setting to nii.gz")
    fs_out = "nii.gz"
    options(fs.outputtype = fs_out)
  if (fs_out == "") {
    warning("Can't find FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT, setting to nii.gz")
    fs_out = "nii.gz"
    options(fs.outputtype = "nii.gz")

#' @title Determine extension of image based on FSLOUTPUTTYPE
#' @description Runs \code{get_fs_output()} to extract FSLOUTPUTTYPE and then 
#' gets corresponding extension (such as .nii.gz)
#' @return Extension for output type
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fs_imgext()
fs_imgext = function(){
  fs_out = get_fs_output()
  ext = switch(fs_out, 
               "hdr" = ".hdr", 
               "nii.gz" = ".nii.gz", 
               "nii" = ".nii")

#' @title Determine Freesurfer Subjects Directory
#' @description Finds the SUBJECTS_DIR from system environment or 
#' \code{getOption("fs.subj_dir")} for subjects dir
#' @return SUBJECTS_DIR, such as \code{${FREESURFER_HOME}/subjects}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (have_fs()) {
#'    fs_subj_dir()
#' }
fs_subj_dir  = function(){
  fs_out = Sys.getenv("SUBJECTS_DIR")
  if (fs_out == "") {
    fs_out = getOption("fs.subj_dir")
  if (is.null(fs_out)) {
    warning("SUBJECTS_DIR not set, setting to ", 
            paste0("file.path(set_fs_subj_dir(), 'subjects')"))
    res = suppressWarnings(try(
      silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
      fs_out = NA
    } else {
      fs_out = res
    # fs_out = file.path(fs_dir(), "subjects")
  if (!is.na(fs_out)) {
    if (fs_out == "") {
      fs_out = NA

#' @title Set Freesurfer Subjects Directory
#' @description Sets the SUBJECTS_DIR variable in the system environment or 
#' \code{options("fs.subj_dir" = x)} 
#' @param x path to SUBJECTS_DIR defaults to \code{file.path(fs_dir(), "subjects")}
#' @return NULL
#' @export
set_fs_subj_dir  = function(x = file.path(fs_dir(), "subjects")){
  if (!file.exists(x)) {
    stop("Path to set subj_dir does not exist, erroring out!")
  options("fs.subj_dir" = x)
  Sys.setenv("SUBJECTS_DIR" = x)
muschellij2/freesurfer documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 4:45 a.m.