#' Beautify R comments
#' This function beautifys multi-line R comments to fit the 80 column margin
#' perfectly without the need of tedious manual formatting.
#' @import stringr
#' @param inputstring Character vector of length 1 containing R code.
#' @export
beautifyComment <- function(inputstring){
lines <- unlist(str_split(inputstring, "\n"))
lines_orig <- lines # save for updating after changes have been made
lines_comment <- which(str_detect(lines, "^#'?"))
# groups of consecutive multi-line comments
groups <- split(lines_comment, cumsum(c(1, diff(lines_comment) != 1)))
lines_aligned <- lapply(groups, function(x) {
# get current group of lines
lines_tmp <- lines[x]
# extract the comment char used (# or #')
comment_char <- str_extract(lines_tmp[1], "^#'?")
# remove all comment chars
lines_tmp_uncommented <- str_replace(lines_tmp, "^#'? ?", "")
# handle inline-code elements see https://github.com/mwip/beautifyR/issues/10
# split the lines in all the words into a stack
stck <- unlist(str_split(lines_tmp_uncommented, "\\s+"))
stck_specials_fixed <- NULL
# iterate over stack in order to catch some special cases for which the words will be reunited
while (length(stck) > 0) {
# pop current next word
tmp_word <- stck[1]
stck <- tail(stck, length(stck) - 1) # constantly overwriting is slow but does the trick...
# check for the beginning of inline-code elements
if (
str_detect(tmp_word, "^`\\w*") &
!str_detect(tmp_word, "\\S+`") # \S referring to non-whitespace characters
) {
# add "words" to the current word until the next backtick is hit
while (length(stck) > 0) {
# get the next word
tmp_word_2 <- stck[1]
stck <- tail(stck, length(stck) - 1) # constantly overwriting ... dito
# add to current word
tmp_word<- str_c(tmp_word, tmp_word_2, sep = " ")
# break if ending backtick is found
if (str_detect(tmp_word_2, "\\S+`$")) {
stck_specials_fixed <- c(stck_specials_fixed, tmp_word)
# possibly add more special cases in the future
words <- stck_specials_fixed
# drop empty entries
words <- words[nchar(words) > 0]
# count the number of characters per word
words_charcount <- nchar(words)
# create a table for easy crossreferencing
charcount_df <- data.frame(idx = 1:length(words_charcount),
charcount = words_charcount)
# create a list to store the index vectors of the new lines.
new_line_word_idx <- list()
# add words to new lines and remove them from the remaining candidates until
# no words are left
while (nrow(charcount_df) > 0) {
# get the cumulative sum of the chars (+ 1 to account for spaces)
charcount_df$cumsum <- cumsum(charcount_df$charcount + 1)
# create index for subsetting
# TODO remove hardcoded 80 column and get it dynamically based on margin
words_to_add <- charcount_df$cumsum < (80 - (nchar(comment_char) + 1))
# add at least one word if it is too long
if (sum(words_to_add) == 0) {
words_to_add[1] <- TRUE
# identify words that can be added to the new line
new_line_word_idx[[length(new_line_word_idx) + 1]] <-
# remove words from the data frame
charcount_df <- charcount_df[!words_to_add, ]
new_lines <- lapply(new_line_word_idx, function(x) {
paste(c(comment_char, words[x]), collapse = " ")
# get groups of lines without comments
lines_no_comment <- which(!str_detect(lines, "^#'?"))
groups_no_comment <- split(lines_no_comment,
cumsum(c(1, diff(lines_no_comment) != 1)))
# accumulate the final lines
lines_out <- lapply(1:max(length(groups), length(groups_no_comment)),
function(x) {
# catch "subscript out of bounds" error
if (x > length(groups)) {
if (x > length(groups_no_comment)) {
# combine lines according to their indexes
if (min(groups[[x]]) < suppressWarnings(min(groups_no_comment[[x]]))) {
} else {
paste(unlist(lines_out), collapse = "\n")
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