GDPtax: GDP per capita with country groups and profit tax

GDPtaxR Documentation

GDP per capita with country groups and profit tax


GDP per capita with country groups and profit tax




A list of a three components. The first one (GDP) is a curve_set object with components r and obs containing the years of observations and the GDP curves, i.e. the observed values of GDP in those years. Each column of obs contains the GDP for the years for a particular country (seen as column names). The country grouping is given in the list component Group and the profit tax in Profittax.


The data includes the GDP per capita (current US$) for years 1980-2017 (World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files). The data have been downloaded from the webpage!ds=15c9!hd1&display=line, distributed under the CC-BY 4.0 ( From the same webpage the profit tax in 2010 (World Bank, Doing Business Project ( and Total tax rate ( were downloaded. Furthermore, different country groups were formed from countries for which the GDP was available for 1980-2017 and profit tax for 2010:

  • Group 1 (Major Advanced Economies (G7)): "Canada", "France", "Germany", "Italy", Japan"

  • Group 2 (Euro Area excluding G7): "Austria", "Belgium", "Cyprus", "Finland", "Greece", "Ireland", "Luxembourg", "Netherlands", "Portugal", "Spain"

  • Group 3 (Other Advanced Economies (Advanced Economies excluding G7 and Euro Area)): "Australia", "Denmark", "Iceland", "Norway", "Sweden", "Switzerland"

  • Group 4 (Emerging and Developing Asia): "Bangladesh", "Bhutan", "China", "Fiji", "India", "Indonesia", "Malaysia", "Nepal", "Philippines", "Thailand", "Vanuatu"


World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. URL: World Bank, Doing Business Project ( URL:

See Also



# Plot data in groups
for(i in 1:4)
  assign(paste0("p", i), plot(subset(GDPtax$GDP, GDPtax$Group == i)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title=paste("Group ", i, sep=""), y="GDP"))
if(require("patchwork", quietly=TRUE))
  p1 + p2 + p3 + p4

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