curve_set: Create a curve_set object

View source: R/curve-set.r

curve_setR Documentation

Create a curve_set object


Create a curve_set object out of data provided in the right form.


  sim = NULL,
  r = NULL,
  theo = NULL,
  allfinite = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE

create_curve_set(curve_set, allfinite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



The observed data. See details.


The simulated data. See details.


The argument values where the functions/vectors have been observed (or simulated). See details.


The theoretical function. See details.


Logical. TRUE requires that all values of the curves must be finite (not infinite and not missing, see is.finite). FALSE allows for infinite or missing values in the curves. These infinite and missing values can have consequences for the subsequent analyses. A warning is given if infinite or missing values exists (when verbose = TRUE).


Logical flag indicating whether to warn about the content.


A list containing the element obs, and optionally the elements r, sim_m (same as sim, but in matrix format only) and theo. See details.


The functions are used to clump together the functional data in the form that can be handled by the other GET functions (forder, central_region, global_envelope_test etc.). The functions take care of checking the content of the data, and save relevant information of the curves for global envelope methods to be used in particular for plotting the results with graphical interpretation.

obs must be either

  • a vector containing the data function/vector, or

  • a matrix containing the s data functions/vectors, in which case it is assumed that each column corresponds to a data function/vector, or

  • a list containing the s data functions/vectors.

If obs is a vector, sim must be either

  • a matrix containing the simulated functions/vectors, each column corresponding to a function/vector and the number of rows matching the length of obs, or

  • a list containing the simulated functions/vectors.

If obs is a matrix or a list, sim is ignored.

If given, r describes the 1- or 2-dimensional argument values where the functions/vectors have been observed (or simulated). It must be either

  • a vector,

  • a data.frame with columns "x", "y", "width" and "height", where the width and height give the width and height of the pixels placed at x and y, or

  • a data.frame with columns "xmin", "xmax", "ymin" and "ymax" giving the corner coordinates of the pixels where the data have been observed.

If obs is a vector, theo can be given and it should then correspond to a theoretical function (e.g., under the null hypothesis). If present, its length must match the length of obs.


An object of class curve_set containing the data. If the argument values are two-dimensional, then the curve_set is additionally a curve_set2d object.

See Also

plot.curve_set, plot.curve_set2d


# 1d
cset <- curve_set(r = 1:10, obs = matrix(runif(10*5), ncol=5))
# 2d
cset <- curve_set(r = data.frame(x=c(rep(1:3, 3), 4), y=c(rep(1:3, each=3), 1),
                                 width=1, height=1),
                  obs = matrix(runif(10*5), ncol=5))

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.