create_image_set: Create a curve set of images

View source: R/image_set.r

create_image_setR Documentation

Create a curve set of images


Create a curve set consisting of a set of images, given a list containing the values of the 2d functions in the right form. Only 2d functions in a rectangular windows are supported; the values are provided in matrices (arrays). For more general 2d functions see create_curve_set.


create_image_set(image_set, ...)



A list containing elements r, obs, sim_m and theo. r, sim_m and theo are optional, obs needs to be provided always. If provided, r must be a list describing the argument values where the images have been observed (or simulated). It must consist of the following two or four components: a) "x" and "y" giving the equally spaced argument values for the x- and y-coordinates (first and second dimension of the 2d functions) where the data have been observed, b) "x", "y", "width" and "height", where the width and height give the width and height of the pixels placed at x and y, or c) "xmin", "xmax", "ymin" and "ymax" giving the corner coordinates of the pixels where the data have been observed. If not given, r is set to be a list of values from 1 to the number of first/second dimension of 2d functions in obs. obs must be either a 2d matrix (dimensions matching the lengths of r vectors) or 3d array containing the observed 2d functions (the third dimension matching the number of functions). If obs is a 3d array, then sim_m is ignored. If obs is a 2d array, then sim_m must be a 3d array containing the simulated images (2d functions) (the third dimension matching the number of functions). If included, theo corresponds to the theoretical function (e.g., under the null hypothesis) and its dimensions must either match the dimensions of 2d functions in obs or it must be a constant.


Do not use. (For internal use only.)


The given list as a curve_set.


a <- create_image_set(list(obs=array(runif(4*5*6), c(4,5,6))))
plot(a, idx=1:6)

a <- create_image_set(list(r=list(x=c(10,20,30,40), y=1:5*0.1),
                           obs=array(runif(4*5*6), c(4,5,6))))

a <- create_image_set(list(r=list(xmin=c(1, 2, 4, 7), xmax=c(2, 4, 7, 11),
                                  ymin=c(1,1.1,2,2.1,3), ymax=c(1.1,2,2.1,3,3.1)),
                           obs=array(runif(4*5*6), c(4,5,6))))
plot(a, idx=1:5)

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.